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Leadership Skills and Mindset Reflection

Brianna Knox

College of Health Professions, Western Governors University

Debra Abee

July 6, 2023
C. Leadership and Management

C1. Roles of a Leader and a Manager

In nursing, a manager oversees the practical, day-to-day functions of a unit, such as
scheduling, budgeting, compliance with regulations, quality assurance, and acting as a liaison
between nursing staff and upper management. Their role is more administrative, focused on
maintaining smooth operations and delivering high-quality care within the healthcare setting.
Conversely, a nursing leader influences, guides, and inspires their colleagues. They act as
visionaries, change agents, advocates, mentors, and role models. A nursing leader creates a
compelling vision for the team, fosters development and mentorship among nurses, drives changes
within the organization, advocates for their team and patients, and sets high professional standards.

C2. Present Leadership and Management Skills

My leadership skills include visionary capabilities, empathetic understanding, and being an
effective change agent. I can identify areas for improvement, create compelling visions for change,
and motivate my team towards these goals. My empathetic understanding fosters trust and open
communication, while my skills as a change agent promote innovation and the adoption of improved
patient care strategies.
In terms of management, I offer cultural competency, effective problem-solving and
decision-making, and conflict resolution skills. I ensure culturally competent care for our diverse
patient population, apply critical thinking to swiftly solve high-pressure issues, and navigate
disagreements to maintain a positive work environment.

C2a. Leadership and Management Skills Used in Practice

My visionary leadership skills came to the fore when I identified a critical need for an
upgraded glidescope within the ED. The existing device had a small screen and suboptimal clarity,
which had the potential to compromise our efficiency and patient care. Conversely, the med-surg
floor had a state-of-the-art glidescope, demonstrating the clear benefits of an upgrade. Seeing this, I
advocated for a similar device for the ED, leveraging the superior equipment's existence in a
department with less frequent need for intubation as part of my argument. The initiative was
successful, and we now eagerly anticipate the arrival of our new glidescope. This experience
highlights my ability to foresee future needs, develop a compelling vision, and engage others in
pursuit of that vision to effect improvement.
Regarding empathy, I strive to understand each team member's perspective, particularly
during stressful situations. For instance, after a particularly difficult shift, I noticed one of my newer
nurses was visibly distressed. I took some time to talk with her, to understand her perspective and
offer support, showing her that her feelings were understood and valued. This not only helped her
regain her composure but also strengthened our overall team cohesion.
As a change agent, I'm currently leading my team through the transition to a new EMR
system, Epic. As a Super User for the program, I'm providing 'at-the-elbow' assistance to my
colleagues during the go-live phase, encouraging them to voice their concerns and reassuring them
about the benefits this change will bring.
My cultural competency skill is frequently exercised in our diverse ED environment,
particularly when caring for patients from various cultural backgrounds. For example, while treating
patients from the Amish community, I ensure my team respects these differences in our treatment
plans. This involves coordinating with doctors, nurses, and the patient's family to ensure culturally
appropriate care is provided.
My problem-solving and decision-making skills are tested daily in the ER. A key instance
was when we had multiple trauma patients arrive simultaneously, and I had to quickly decide how to
allocate our resources effectively to provide the best care possible.
Lastly, my conflict resolution skills have been vital in maintaining a harmonious work
environment. On one occasion, two of my nurses had a disagreement about a patient handoff. I
stepped in and facilitated a conversation between them, allowing each person to express their
concerns and working together to develop a solution that satisfied both parties.

C3. Absent Leadership and Management Skills

In the realm of leadership, I acknowledge areas where I aim to strengthen my capabilities.
First, fostering innovation is a skill I want to develop. Although I am open to change, I strive to
become better at inspiring my team to think creatively and suggest innovative solutions. Secondly,
resilience is another skill I seek to bolster. While I typically manage the stress and pressure of the ED
well, I understand that developing greater resilience can help me maintain my performance and
positivity, even during particularly challenging periods. Lastly, I aspire to refine my ability to
influence others. Although I am capable of expressing my thoughts and expectations, I strive to be
more effective in swaying the actions and opinions of others, especially when there are strong
differing viewpoints.
On the management side, there are several skills that I am focused on enhancing. First and
foremost is time management. The ED environment is dynamic and demands a delicate balance of
many responsibilities. While I manage my tasks reasonably well, I'm working towards better
allocation of my time to enhance productivity and reduce stress. Second, delegation is a skill I aim to
refine. While I am comfortable entrusting tasks to others, I sometimes find it difficult to let go of
certain responsibilities. My goal is to trust my team more and delegate tasks effectively to ensure a
fair distribution of workload and to foster growth within my team. Finally, an area that requires my
attention is providing constructive feedback. While I can address performance issues and give praise
where due, I want to provide feedback in a more empathetic and constructive way that promotes
growth in my team members.

C3a. Improvement of Absent Skills

To improve my ability to foster innovation, I plan to create an environment where every team
member feels that their ideas are valued. This will involve encouraging open communication,
creating opportunities for brainstorming, and recognizing and rewarding innovative ideas. I also aim
to be more resilient by adopting mindfulness and stress management techniques, like meditation and
yoga, and seeking support when needed. To refine my influencing skills, I intend to seek
opportunities for assertiveness and negotiation training, with a focus on enhancing my active
listening skills. To improve my time management skills, I plan to attend workshops and apply time
management techniques. To enhance my delegation skills, I aim to trust my team more and provide
them with opportunities to take on more responsibilities. Lastly, to become better at providing
constructive feedback, I intend to seek training on effective communication and practice empathetic
feedback techniques.

D. Leadership Mindset and Influence on Professional Practice

Developing a leadership mindset is of utmost importance as it will greatly influence my
personal and professional growth going forward. By cultivating this mindset, I will be empowered to
proactively anticipate challenges, inspire others, and drive positive change. It will enable me to take
on a more proactive role in shaping the future of healthcare, making a meaningful impact in patient
care and the overall healthcare environment. By embracing a leadership mindset, I will be better
equipped to navigate the complexities of the healthcare landscape and find innovative solutions to

D1. Long-term Personal Growth

Developing a leadership mindset will greatly contribute to my long-term personal growth. By
embracing this mindset, I will actively seek out opportunities for growth and engage in professional
development to enhance my leadership skills. For example, I can participate in leadership workshops,
attend conferences, or pursue advanced certifications that focus on leadership development. These
experiences will broaden my knowledge, sharpen my leadership abilities, and contribute to my
personal growth and fulfillment. Additionally, I will prioritize building resilience and emotional
intelligence by seeking out opportunities to challenge myself, such as taking on leadership roles in
interdisciplinary projects or volunteering for initiatives that require adaptability and problem-solving
skills. These experiences will strengthen my resilience and enhance my ability to navigate complex
situations effectively.

D2. Long-term Professional Growth

Developing a leadership mindset will have a profound impact on my long-term professional
growth. By cultivating this mindset, I will be prepared to take on leadership roles in healthcare
settings and drive positive change. For instance, I can actively seek opportunities to lead quality
improvement projects or initiatives that enhance patient outcomes and organizational efficiency.
These experiences will allow me to demonstrate my leadership capabilities, make tangible
improvements in healthcare delivery, and position myself for future professional growth.
Additionally, I can engage in mentorship and mentorship programs to further develop my leadership
skills and expand my professional network. By learning from experienced leaders and sharing my
knowledge and insights with others, I will contribute to the growth and development of the
healthcare profession as a whole.

E. Equity and Inclusion

As a leader in a healthcare environment, ensuring equity and inclusivity is crucial as it
promotes a fair and respectful work setting while positively impacting patient care quality and
outcomes. To cultivate these values, I prioritize education and awareness as essential factors,
facilitating ongoing training sessions on cultural competency, unconscious bias, and the value of
diversity. For instance, I would hold dedicated sessions discussing the unique health beliefs and
practices of our local Amish community, fostering respectful and culturally competent care. These
conversations aim to deepen understanding and respect for the diverse experiences within our team
and among our patients. Additionally, I would guarantee that all team members feel heard and valued
through open communication and feedback, potentially establishing regular team meetings where
everyone's ideas and concerns are welcome. For example, during our transition to the Epic EMR
system, open forums could be held to encourage team members to voice their concerns and
suggestions, fostering a culture of equity and inclusivity that recognizes the value of each person's
input. Furthermore, as a leader, I am committed to ensuring that opportunities for advancement and
professional development are accessible to all team members, regardless of their background. This
involves actively advocating for resources and considering diversity in decisions regarding
promotions or leadership roles.

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