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VW Pacheco


PLC/HMI- Workshop for Electrical Equipment in

Body Shop- VASS V6
Part 03 – HMI





Continuous light

Conventions Visualization


Planejamento Elétrico Anchieta | G. Pavan de Brito


State active

Basic position

Request active
Manual selection
Working position
Software Workshop for Body Shop – VASS V6

VW Pacheco

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Source data
Block label
Call structure

Sets of rules

Planejamento Elétrico Anchieta | G. Pavan de Brito

Software Workshop for Body Shop – VASS V6

Basic Principle SiVArc (Siemens Visualization Architect)

WinCC Advanced

VW Pacheco

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Software Workshop for Body Shop – VASS V6 VW316

VW Pacheco
SiVArc 30.07.2018

Advantages SiVArc Screen Generator

The visualization objects are automatically supplied with the data from the associated functional units
and automatically placed using rules in the images.

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 Reduction of the effort during initial configuration and system changes

 Elements can be operated immediately with the programming

 Elimination of errors in the Visu connection

 Standardized user interface for maintenance and plant operators


4 Planejamento Elétrico Anchieta | G. Pavan de Brito

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VW Pacheco
SiVArc 30.07.2018

Requirements SiVArc Generator

Correct symbolic name entered in the symbol table and symbol comment of the structure FCs and the instance
DB to the FB module.
Exemplary the FB125 and the faceplate "Status_03" belonging to the FB125

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See caption rules
Configuration Guideline Appendix C!

5 Planejamento Elétrico Anchieta | G. Pavan de Brito

Software Workshop for Body Shop – VASS V6 VW316

VW Pacheco
Visualization 30.07.2018

Sequence Automatic Generation of the Visualization

Start Finished PLC project

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1 Generate the visualization I1 (SiVArc)

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Post processing of the operator pages I1 in WinCC according to the configuration
2 guideline

3 Completely translate HMI I1 software

4 Start HMI I1 simulation and check the runtime images


Finished overall project


6 Planejamento Elétrico Anchieta | G. Pavan de Brito



Storage Structure

Planejamento Elétrico Anchieta | G. Pavan de Brito

Software Workshop for Body Shop – VASS V6

VW Pacheco

are stored in folders in categories in WinCC RT

The images generated by the SiVArc generation

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VW Pacheco
Visualization 30.07.2018

Template (Original Image) and Template_Temp

Picture "Template" Image "Template_Temp“

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The "Template" image is available and used as a template for many images in the visualization.

Post processing:

Cut the image selection bar and the CPU connection state from the Template_Temp image and paste it into the
template image.

8 Planejamento Elétrico Anchieta | G. Pavan de Brito



Main Screen

Planejamento Elétrico Anchieta | G. Pavan de Brito

Software Workshop for Body Shop – VASS V6

Normally no
Post processing:
via the menu

menu navigation.

navigation via the

All other operating
VW Pacheco

pages can be called up

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VW Pacheco
Visualization 30.07.2018

Plant Overview

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Post processing:
All emergency stop pushbuttons, protective devices, stations and
robots are animated on the plant overview screen. The plant overview screen is to be arranged

You can switch to the corresponding page via the robot or station according to the layout of the plant. The
symbol. elements are provided in

10 Planejamento Elétrico Anchieta | G. Pavan de Brito

Software Workshop for Body Shop – VASS V6 VW316

VW Pacheco
Visualization 30.07.2018


There are protective circle-

related and general

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The protection circuit-
related pre-selections are

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passed on to the
subordinate insertion

Post processing:

If necessary, a meaningful
grouping of the individual
icons should be carried out

according to protection

11 Planejamento Elétrico Anchieta | G. Pavan de Brito



Operating Modes Overview

Planejamento Elétrico Anchieta | G. Pavan de Brito

Software Workshop for Body Shop – VASS V6

Normally no.
Post processing:
up separately.

insertion area, the

circuit and for each
For each protection
VW Pacheco

operating mode is set

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Hand Screen

Planejamento Elétrico Anchieta | G. Pavan de Brito

Software Workshop for Body Shop – VASS V6

Normally no.
Post processing:

mode to manually
possible in manual
The manual screen

the system and it is

of all movements of
VW Pacheco

operate all functional

displays the feedback

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Software Workshop for Body Shop – VASS V6 VW316

VW Pacheco
Visualization 30.07.2018

Tool Screen
As a tool image is usually a photo or
a CAD drawing.

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Uniform project definition
Photo or CAD required!

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All sub-controls and position
detectors are displayed in the correct
position and animated.

Post processing:

1 Insert suitable photo / CAD of the


2 Drag icons to their appropriate

place in the visualization.

14 Planejamento Elétrico Anchieta | G. Pavan de Brito

Software Workshop for Body Shop – VASS V6 VW316

VW Pacheco
Visualization 30.07.2018

Robot and Process Device Overviews

On the robot and process equipment

overviews all systems of the plant

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are shown collected.

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There are central area codes such. B.
Maintenance selection possible.

Post processing:

If several overview pages are

necessary due to the number of

systems, they should be divided

according to the protection circuit or
station reference to the pictures.

15 Planejamento Elétrico Anchieta | G. Pavan de Brito



Detail Screens

Planejamento Elétrico Anchieta | G. Pavan de Brito

Software Workshop for Body Shop – VASS V6

Normally no.
Post processing:
the interface
functions of the

The detail screens

show all operating
VW Pacheco

respective system with

information to the PLC.

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Technology Screen

Planejamento Elétrico Anchieta | G. Pavan de Brito

Software Workshop for Body Shop – VASS V6

Normally no.
Post processing:

systems, marking

technology pages
such as frequency
VW Pacheco

For technology units

systems, read / write

converters, measuring

stations, etc., there are

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Statistics Screen

Planejamento Elétrico Anchieta | G. Pavan de Brito

Software Workshop for Body Shop – VASS V6

Normally no.
Post processing:
integrated PDE
called up via an

such as quantities,

shift history can be

VW Pacheco

cycle times, degree of

Statistical information

utilization, availability,

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Interface Screen

Planejamento Elétrico Anchieta | G. Pavan de Brito

Software Workshop for Body Shop – VASS V6

Normally no.
Post processing:
and word.

PLCs are displayed on the

VW Pacheco

interface screens in bit, byte

The interfaces to the adjacent

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Factory Call

Planejamento Elétrico Anchieta | G. Pavan de Brito

Software Workshop for Body Shop – VASS V6

Normally no.
Post processing:
operator or missing

in case of faults the plant

VW Pacheco

components e. g. request to
In the picture, the worker can

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called up via an integrated diagnostics package.

Planejamento Elétrico Anchieta | G. Pavan de Brito

Information on the status of the individual PROFINET stations can be
Software Workshop for Body Shop – VASS V6

VW Pacheco

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FB Ventil

FB Motor
Module block 2
Module block n
Module block 1
Message Interface


Message System Interface to the HMI


Planejamento Elétrico Anchieta | G. Pavan de Brito

System message management

ProDiag DBs
Software Workshop for Body Shop – VASS V6


VW Pacheco

Message system

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Message Screens

Planejamento Elétrico Anchieta | G. Pavan de Brito

Software Workshop for Body Shop – VASS V6

Normally no.
Post processing:
pages Message view.

Archived messages are

VW Pacheco

displayed in the message

All pending messages are

the system messages and

displayed on the message

There are report pages for

for the system diagnostics

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Other Screens

Planejamento Elétrico Anchieta | G. Pavan de Brito

Projecting Guideline
Software Workshop for Body Shop – VASS V6

and their processing
The other operating pages

are described in the configuration


VW Pacheco

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Software Workshop for Body Shop – VASS V6 VW316

VW Pacheco
Visualization 30.07.2018

Navigation Structure

Main Screen Plant Overview

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Operating Modes

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Statistics Hand Screen 1 Hand Screen 2 Hand Screen n Robot Overview

Robot Overview Tool 1 Tool 2 Tool n Robot Detail

Process Devices



Diagnosis Alarm Display Alarm Log

25 Planejamento Elétrico Anchieta | G. Pavan de Brito


Employee information traffic lights

Signal States of the Displays

Cycle time OK

Workspace locked
Workspace released

Protective device OK
Employee Information Traffic Lights

Planejamento Elétrico Anchieta | G. Pavan de Brito


(3s before 100%)

Enter workspace
Workspace locked
Cycle time warning
Software Workshop for Body Shop – VASS V6



not released
Cycle time 100%

Protective device

VW Pacheco

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Software Workshop for Body Shop – VASS V6 VW316

VW Pacheco
Employee Information Traffic Lights 30.07.2018

Example for the Sequence of Signal States

Signal State Signal State Signal State
Employee information traffic lights

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Release protective
Workspace Enter back signal state
Protective device
locked workspace not released
• Plant works • Plant requires factory • Plant requires factory
• Protective device intervention intervention
active z. B. protective • Protective device • Protective device
gate closed deactivated, for deactivated, for
example: protective example: protective
• No worker
gate opened

gate opened
intervention required • Remove / insert parts • Release protective

27 Planejamento Elétrico Anchieta | G. Pavan de Brito

Software Workshop for Body Shop – VASS V6 VW316

VW Pacheco
Type Display 30.07.2018

Signal States of the Type Display

Types extension
Off Continuous Blinking
Max. 4 types Light 2Hz

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Not type 3 Type 3 available Requirement type 3
Type 3

Type 2 Not type 2 Type 2 available Requirement type 2

Type 1
Not type 1 Type 1 available Requirement type 1

Version with white display elements

28 Planejamento Elétrico Anchieta | G. Pavan de Brito

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VW Pacheco
Show Type and Jam at Loading Areas 30.07.2018

Signal states of the type with terminal indication

Types extension
Aus Continuous
Max. 3 types Blinking

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Not type 2 Type 2 available Requirement type 2
Type 2

Type 1 Not type 1 Type 1 available Requirement type 1

Jamming Without function No jamming Jamming possible


29 Planejamento Elétrico Anchieta | G. Pavan de Brito

Software Workshop for Body Shop – VASS V6 VW316

VW Pacheco
More Displays 30.07.2018

Display of stall quantity of process devices: (spot welding guns, bolt set heads, wire quantity)

Continuous Continuous Continuous

Off Light Light Light

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--- OK Stall quantity 90% Stall quantity 98%

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Visualization: empty containers - with automatic removal of the parts with robots

Continuous Blinking
Light 2Hz

Container change
--- ---

Container change
--- ---

30 Planejamento Elétrico Anchieta | G. Pavan de Brito

Software Workshop for Body Shop – VASS V6 VW316

VW Pacheco
Visual .: empty containers - with automatic removal 30.07.2018

Example of Signal Sequence During Container Change

1 Signal State 2 Signal State 3 Signal State

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Container change Container change Protective equipment
Protective device
blocked released release
not released
signal state

 Plant works  Plant requires worker

 Plant requires worker
 Protective device intervention
intervention 1
active  Guard disabled
 Guard disabled
 For example:  For example:
 For example:
protective gate closed protective gate
protective gate

 No worker opened
intervention  Release protective
 Change container
required device

31 Planejamento Elétrico Anchieta | G. Pavan de Brito

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VW Pacheco
Display Protection Circuit 30.07.2018

Signal States of the Protection Circuit Display

Off Blinking Light
No Collective Fault
Collective fault Present

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Emergency Stop Emergency Stop
OK Activated

Protection Circuit Protection Circuit


Automatic Mode Automatic Mode

Not Active Active

Note The protective circuit display is only used if there is no large screen display!

32 Planejamento Elétrico Anchieta | G. Pavan de Brito

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