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 sound financial management = a concept which includes the principles of economy,

efficiency and effectiveness

 the ordinary legislative procedure = the main legislative procedure by which directives and
regulations are adopted
 the Official Journal = there are published the text of legislation and other official acts of the
European Union
 the unanimity = agreement by all member states involved, consensus
 legal aid (právní pomoc) = free legal service to persons unable to pay for a lawyer
 supranational – when is something (for example some institution) supranational, it involves
more than one country; or having power or authority that is greater than that of single
 legal personality = when someone has a legal personality, he can sign contracts and
constitute a party in court proceedings, he can have rights and obligation
 the College of Commissioners = this college is composed of commissioners from 27 EU
countries, they are together a Commission´s political leadership
 Directorates-General (DGs) = policy departmens of the Commission, which are responsible
for different policy areas ; departments with specific zones of responsibility
 maladministration - it is corrupt or incompetent administration, mismanagement
 the European ombudsman = EU body which investigates complaints from individuals,
businesses and organisations about maladministration by the institutions, bodies of the
European Union?
 Court of Auditors = EU body which investigates fraud against the EU budget, corruption and
serious misconduct within the European institutions; the main body responsible for
implementing the EU budget
 a conciliation committee (dohodovací výbor) = it is set up where necessary, to reach an
agreement on proposed legislation between the European Parliament and the Council
 a motion of censure = a draft (of vote) of no confidence
 subsidies = a sum of money granted by the state or a public body to help someone
 the European Commission = is a EU body, which has a right of initiative (can submit a
legislative proposal to the Council and the European Parliament), is the only EU institution
which has a right of initiative
 the Council and the European Parliament = EU institutions that adopt legislative acts
 regulation = type of EU legislative act, which is adopted by the Council and the European
Parliament and is binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states
 directive = type of EU legislative act, which is adopted by the Council and the European
Parliament; binding, in terms of the result to be achieved, may be addressed to all or only
some member states, and member states are free to chose the form and methods to
implement the directive
 decision = binding in its entirety for those to whom it is addressed
 the Court of Justice of the EU = is the highest court of the European Union and includes two
judicial bodies, the Court of Justice and the General Court
 disqualification (zákaz činnosti) = it is a penalty which deprives someone from a
position (working), qualification, or aktivity etc.

 Explain the difference between words sentence and conviction:

- sentence (rozsudek) = is the assessed penalty you must pay (or time you must serve) for
committing that crime; decision about punishment
- conviction (odstouzení) = generally means you have been found guilty of committing a
criminal offense
 custodial sentence = imprisonment, incarceration, a prison sentence
 community sentence =non-custodial sentence; means that a convict will serve all or part of his
sentence in the community for a specified period of time, usually under supervision of a
probation officer
 house arrest = the state of being kept as a prisoner in one's own house, rather than in a prison,
it is an alternative penalty to prison
- also referred to as 'electronic monitoring,' is done by the use of an electronic
monitoring device that is placed directly on the offender
 forfeiture of property (propadnutí majetku) = the loss of any property without compensation
as a penalty for illegal conduct
 a licence (podmíněné propuštění z výkonu trestu odnětí svobody) = probation (zkušební
 misdemeanors (přestupky) = a non-indictable offence, they are less serious than a felony
 felony = a crime which carries higher penalties than misdemaneanors , more serious crimes than
misdemeanors; indictable offence
 retribution (zasloužený trest) = punishment
 rehabilitation = the action of restoring someone to health or normal life after imprisonment
 deterrence = the action or the fact of discouragement people from doing something
 incapacitation = the act of making an individual “incapable” of committing a crime (for
example by execution or long period of imprisonment)
 reparation = the action of making amends for a wrong one has done, by providing payment or
other assistance to those who have been wronged; = damage (payment for harm etc.)
 death row (cela smrti) = a prison block or section for those sentenced to death
 mitigating factors (přilehčující okol.) = extenuating circumstance, for example: mental illness,
young age, first offender….; they make a bad action easier to understand and excuse, and
may result in the person responsible being punished less severe
 aggravating factors (přitěžující okolnosti) = any facts increasing the seriousness of any criminal
activity and they can make the punishment more severe; for example: premeditation, repeat
 suspended sententence (podmíněné odsouzení, odklad výkonu trestu) = a legal arrangement in
which a person who has been found guilty of a crime is not sentenced to jail but may be
sentenced for that crime at a future time if he or she commits another crime during a
specified period
 penalty = punishment
 concurrent sentence = a type of sentence judges are able to give defendants convicted of more
than one crime; If your sentences are concurrent, it means you will serve them at the same time.
For example, if you get one 6-month sentence and one 3-month sentence, the total sentence will
be 6 months
 consecutive sentence = a type of sentence judges are able to give defendants convicted of more
than one crime. If your sentences are consecutive, it means you will serve them one after the other.
For example, if you get one 6-month sentence and one 3-month sentence, the total sentence will
be 9 months
 mandatory minimum sentences = it means that judges can impose a prison sentence of at least the
period/time specified in a Criminal Code (defined for a specific crime)
 a maximum sentence of = is the most severe sentence that a court can give for an offence (for
a specific crime)
 a disproportionate sentence = punishment which is out of proportion
 co-defendant = a defendant in the same lawsuit or criminal prosecution as another defendant
or group of defendants
- a defendant who has been joined together with one or more other defendants in a
single action
 accessory (účastník) = someone who gives assistance to the perpetrator of a crime without
taking part in it
- accessory after the fact = someone who assists someone who has committed a crime
- accessory before the fact = someone who helps to commit a crime
 actus reus (objektivní stránka TČ) = physical elements
 mens rea = mental elements
 recklessness (bezohlednost) = dangerous behaviour that shows that you are not thinking about
the risks and possible results of your actions
 duress = threats used to force a person to do something
 indictment (obžaloba) = the act of formally accusing someone of a serious crime
 insanity =
 necessity =
 repeat offender =

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