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Academic Journal

Week 5
2. Reflect on the West Side Test Anxiety Scores. Discuss any test anxiety concerns.
After taking the West Side anxiety test, my scores suggest my texting anxiety level is
considered higher than average. Yet, I am not surprised. Having high testing anxiety is not
new. I have dealt with the symptoms since a young age. The diAerence lies in annexing a
score level to describe my feelings and comparing the score with my peers. I realized that
out of four classmates at the table, I had the highest score for anxiety. Interestingly, as all
the members of our table began to describe their anxiety presentation, I instantly
connected with them and felt as if my classmates were describing my symptoms. The
sweaty palms, shaking legs, the emptiness in the stomach, tunneled vision, the head
inside a bucket feeling, forgetting, and blanking out are all relevant to what I feel.

Disclosing testing anxiety tendencies is highly personal. However, I found that feeling is not
exclusive to me and that many of my classmates also feel stressed or experience anxiety to
a certain point. The diAerence, however, lies in the experience's intensity and duration.
During our group activity, we also focused on describing rituals or strategies that work to
help control test anxiety. Some classmates rely on spiritual, mindful, or guided meditation.
Others rely on mantras or soothing music to oAset negative thoughts.
In my case, I find it helpful to engage in deep breathing. Feeling the air flowing through my
body, in and out, brings me a sense of peacefulness and focus. The only problem is that I
forget to incorporate these techniques, and I neglect my ability to cope with the stressful
event, which leads to a higher-than-average anxiety level.

Seeing and comparing my numbers with my peers helped me realize I may need additional
resources besides testing accommodations. I might need to book an appointment with the
wellness center to help me incorporate these techniques as part of my routine to deal with
testing anxiety more eAectively.

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