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1.what are LLMs
2.what is RAG
3.comparision of RAG and GPT
4.whats is LLAMA index
5. how to get started with rag
6.applica and future aspects of RAG
8. bibliography


My goal is to tell you all the tricks and traps that lurk past the basics, but before we
get there, we have to cover the basic idea behind Retrieval Augmented Generation.
With RAG you supply an AI with relevant text just-in-time to help patch gaps in its
knowledge base. This is essential if you want a general purpose model like GPT-3.5
or GPT-4 to answer questions about your own data.

Choosing a Vector Database

RAG begins with a vector database, which will allow you to quickly search through
giant amounts of text for relevant information. The vector database that I see
recommended most often is ‘Pinecone,’ and it’s the one I chose.

Pinecone has a lot of powerful features that many vector databases don’t:

• it’s easy to use,

• it has strong metadata that you can use in queries,
• you can combine it with traditional keyword search.

However, Pinecone’s free tier is pretty limited and the paid tiers are all expensive.
There are strong open source alternatives like FAISS. I’d say Pinecone is a solid choice
but I wouldn’t call it a best practice. Choose the vector database that’s right for you.

Note - if you want to use and Pinecone, then you'll need to sign for API access.
It took me days to get access to both systems, so I recommend getting a head-start on

Adding Data to the Vector Database

Before you can use a vector database you need to ‘embed’ a text string, which means
you need to convert it into a very big array of floating point numbers. It’s important
to choose the embedding method that matches your AI, but creating an embedding
is extremely easy.

If you want to create a vector embedding for OpenAI you just call the text-
embedding-ada-002 model and you get back a 1536 dimension vector:

response = openai.Embedding.create(
input="Your text string goes here",

embeddings = response['data'][0]['embedding']

After that you store the embedding in your vector database. If you're using Pinecone
and, you'll store your vectors in an 'index'. Set up a cosine index with 1536 to
store your dimensions.
Not all Large Language Models use 1536 dimensions, so that will change if you use a
different LLM. However, every vector database I've encountered uses cosine as the
default method for measuring similarity.

When the user performs a search your vector database will find the most similar text
from the vector database - and it’ll do it very fast.

What is cool about this type of search is that it doesn’t require using the same words,
it works so long as the meaning is similar. That is why this is called ‘semantic search’.

How to Use the Vector DB Results

After you get back the vectors you have to associate it to your text so then you can
then pass it off to the AI. So how should you associate your vector with text?

I’ve seen many people storing the text as metadata directly on the vector, but I very
strongly recommend you store a related database index instead. Doing that will give
you far more flexibility and a great external backup to your vector database.

Finally, supply the text to the AI in a prompt, which can use the (hopefully) relevant
text to provide the user with a correct answer. Easy right?

Of course, you can probably guess that it’s not quite that simple in practice. I’ll cover
all the gotchas and problems you’ll face in future posts. Thanks for reading!

Seven Real-World Applications of Retrieval-Augmented
Generation (RAG) Models
Retrieval-augmented generation models have demonstrated versatility across
multiple domains. Some of the real-world applications of RAG models are:

1. Advanced question-answering systems

RAG models can power question-answering systems that retrieve and generate
accurate responses, enhancing information accessibility for individuals and
organizations. For example, a healthcare organization can use RAG models. They
can develop a system that answers medical queries by retrieving information from
medical literature and generating precise responses.

2. Content creation and summarization

RAG models not only streamline content creation by retrieving relevant

information from diverse sources, facilitating the development of high-quality
articles, reports, and summaries, but they also excel in generating coherent text
based on specific prompts or topics. These models prove valuable in text
summarization tasks, extracting relevant information from sources to produce
concise summaries. For example, a news agency can leverage RAG models. They
can utilize them for automatic generation of news articles or summarization of
lengthy reports, showcasing their versatility in aiding content creators and

3. Conversational agents and chatbots

RAG models enhance conversational agents, allowing them to fetch contextually

relevant information from external sources. This capability ensures that customer
service chatbots, virtual assistants, as well as other conversational interfaces
deliver accurate and informative responses during interactions. Ultimately, it
makes these AI systems more effective in assisting users.

4. Information retrieval

RAG models enhance information retrieval systems by improving the relevance

and accuracy of search results. Furthermore, by combining retrieval-based
methods with generative capabilities, RAG models enable search engines to
retrieve documents or web pages based on user queries. They can also generate
informative snippets that effectively represent the content.
5. Educational tools and resources

RAG models, embedded in educational tools, revolutionize learning with

personalized experiences. They adeptly retrieve and generate tailored
explanations, questions, and study materials, elevating the educational journey by
catering to individual needs.

6. Legal research and analysis

RAG models streamline legal research processes by retrieving relevant legal

information and aiding legal professionals in drafting documents, analyzing
cases, and formulating arguments with greater efficiency and accuracy.

7. Content recommendation systems

Power advanced content recommendation systems across digital platforms by

understanding user preferences, leveraging retrieval capabilities, and generating
personalized recommendations, enhancing user experience and content

The Impact of Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) on Society

Retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) models are poised to become a

transformative force in society, paving the way for applications that unlock our
collective potential. These tools go beyond traditional large language models by
accessing and integrating external knowledge, enabling them to revolutionize the
way we communicate and solve problems. Here’s how RAG models promise to
shape the future:

• Enhanced communication and understanding: Imagine language barriers

dissolving as RAG models translate seamlessly, incorporating cultural
nuances and real-time updates. Educational materials can be personalized
to individual learning styles, and complex scientific discoveries can be
communicated effectively to the public.
• Improved decision-making: Stuck on a creative block? RAG can
brainstorm solutions, drawing on vast external knowledge bases to suggest
innovative approaches and identify relevant experts. This empowers
individuals and organizations to tackle complex challenges with efficiency
and effectiveness.
• Personalized experiences: From healthcare to education, RAG models can
tailor information and recommendations to individual needs and
preferences. Imagine AI assistants suggesting the perfect medication
based on your medical history or crafting a personalized learning plan that
accelerates your understanding.
• As we navigate the future, RAG models stand as a testament to their
potential to reshape how we interact, learn, and create. While their
applications offer exciting possibilities, addressing ethical considerations
and overcoming challenges will be crucial in realizing their full potential in
a responsible manner.

• An article for a guide to retrieval-augmented generation language

models states: “Language models have shown impressive capabilities. But
that doesn’t mean they’re without faults, as anyone who has witnessed a
ChatGPT “hallucination” can attest. Retrieval-augmented generation (RAG)
is a framework designed to make language models more reliable by pulling
in relevant, up-to-date data directly related to a user’s query.”

For Any Website

First up: “Chatify” your website. With a setup time of just 30 minutes, SquirroGPT
empowers you to elevate your website's user experience, providing an interactive,
engaging, and responsive chat interface. Whether it's addressing user queries,
offering support, or facilitating seamless navigation, SquirroGPT is equipped to
handle it all, ensuring your visitors find exactly what they're looking for with ease and

For Your Company Data

In today's data-driven business environment, having seamless access to company

data is paramount. "Chatifying" your company data means integrating conversational
AI and chat functionalities into your data management systems, allowing users to
interact with, analyze, and understand complex data through simple conversational
queries. This not only democratizes data access across various departments but
also empowers team members to derive insights swiftly and make informed
decisions. By adopting a "chatified" approach to company data, businesses can
unlock unparalleled efficiencies, reduce the time spent on data analysis, and foster a
more informed and agile organizational culture.

Automate RFP/RFI Responses

Responding to Requests for Proposals (RFPs) or Requests for Information (RFI) can
be a daunting and time-consuming task, requiring meticulous attention to detail and
extensive knowledge of your company’s offerings. Enter SquirroGPT, designed to
revolutionize the way you handle RFPs/RFIs. SquirroGPT can quickly and accurately
generate comprehensive response sheets to even the most complex RFPs/RFIs,
ensuring your proposals are coherent, compelling, and to the point. By leveraging
SquirroGPT, companies can not only expedite the RFP/RFI answering process but
also significantly enhance the quality and precision of their responses, thereby
increasing the chances of securing valuable contracts.
GPT-Enabled Fashion Recommendations

Dive into the future of style with GPT-Enabled Fashion Recommendations, a

sophisticated blend of fashion sense, and SquirroGPT designed to change your
shopping experience. By interpreting user preferences, browsing history, and current
fashion trends, SquirroGPT generates personalized fashion advice and outfit
recommendations. Whether you're in search of a new look for a marriage in the
south of France or the perfect accessory to complete your ensemble, SquirroGPT
provides to-the-point recommendations directly linked to the relevant eCommerce

RAG (Retrieval-Augmented Generation) is a technique that combines large

language models (LLMs) with external knowledge bases to improve the quality
and accuracy of their outputs. Here's a breakdown of its applications and future

Applications of RAG

Enhanced Factual Accuracy: LLMs are notorious for generating creative text
formats, but factual accuracy can be a challenge. RAG overcomes this by
allowing the model to access trustworthy sources for factual grounding, making
responses more reliable.

Improved Response Coherence and Consistency: LLMs can sometimes produce

outputs that lack coherence or stray from the original topic. RAG helps the
model stay on track by referencing relevant information from the knowledge
base, resulting in more consistent and focused responses.

Generating Different Creative Text Formats: RAG can be used to create

different creative text formats by providing the LLM with relevant background
information. This can be useful for tasks like writing poems, scripts, or musical
pieces that are grounded in a specific context.

Question Answering: RAG can be employed in question-answering systems

where the LLM can access and process information from the knowledge base to
provide more comprehensive and informative answers.
Future Aspects of RAG

Integration with Advanced Knowledge Bases: As knowledge bases become

more sophisticated and comprehensive, RAG systems will be able to leverage
this richer data to generate even more informative and nuanced responses.

Fine-tuning for Specific Domains: RAG can be fine-tuned for specific domains
by incorporating domain-specific knowledge bases. This will allow for the
generation of highly specialized content tailored to a particular field.

Development of More Robust RAG Frameworks: Researchers are actively

developing more robust RAG frameworks that can better identify the most
relevant information from the knowledge base and integrate it seamlessly into
the LLM's generation process.

Explanation and Reasoning Capabilities: There's ongoing research in enabling

RAG models to explain their reasoning and how they arrived at a particular
response using information from the knowledge base. This transparency will be
crucial for building trust in RAG systems.

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