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Just a few facts for you to know The average gas price has gone up over the last

t year from $2.799 a gallon to $3.426 a

gallon. An American that drives a minimum of twenty miles a day can spend around $55 a week, $220 a month, and about $2,640 a year on gas, not counting longer, unexpected trips. A person can only be on welfare if their total income is less than $1,526 a month. The average price to buy a home has risen from $112,000 to $129,907 (a difference of $17,907!) To be considered poverty level, a family must not have more than $2,000 value in all of their stuff (excluding their home). 1. If alternate methods of public transportation were made available for little to no costs to the user, would you use it?

What method of transportation would you prefer? (Please circle one) a.) Train c.) Subway b.)Bus d.) Other _____________

2. Would you prefer to a.) Spend money on gas and drive/be driven b.) Encourage people to carpool c.) Use an inexpensive public transport to/from your destination. d.) Wait for gas prices to level out before going to the destination. 3. How often do you visit other cities within Indiana? Why?

If an alternate, cheaper and faster form of getting to and from other cities in the area was provided, would you likely visit other cities more?

4. At a measure of one to ten, how concerned are you that rising gas prices will prevent you from being able to go out and do what you want (with one being not concerned at all, and 10 being very concerned)? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

5. If alternative methods of rapid transportation between states were created, would you more often visit out-of-state cities such as New York, Seattle, and Washington D.C.?

6. Would you be willing to accept a paid job from the government to help build or maintain a public service?

If no, then why not?

7. Do you think that the government providing jobs to support governmental projects will help stabilize the economy in Indiana?

8. Which of these public service projects would best allow people to provide for themselves and their families? a. Creation and maintenance of a intercity railway b. Social security technician c. Improving and creating roads d. All of the above 9. How effective on a scale of one to ten (with ten being most effective) do you think providing more jobs in the state of Indiana will be on helping to stabilize the economic crisis? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

10. Are you for or against the idea of providing more jobs to get people off the streets and into jobs where they can pull themselves out of monetary trouble? Why?

11. Do you think that welfare would be more efficient if it was handled instantly and electronically, rather than working through undesignated allowances of money?

12. Do you feel that a home should be covered in welfare costs, and should be provided by the government?

13. What do you think is the better use of money in a situation where you dont have a steady income? a.) Spending money on shelter, either a home or a small apartment b.) Spending money on travel costs c.) Spending money on entertainment

14. Are you concerned that the people on welfare might be abusing it to support bad habits such as drugs or alcoholism?

15. Do you think the government should provide more social services, which can in turn provide more jobs and provide the people with more luxury?

16. Do you believe that the rich elitists should be placed in a progressive tax bracket in an effort to help stop the recession?

17. Which group do you think should be taxed more? a.) Poor social workers b.) The rich elite c.) Urban middle class d.) Rural middle class

18. Do you feel that helping more people to get jobs and pull themselves out of debt will help stabilize the economy and solve the recession?

19. Is it the governments job to provide jobs for people through social services to allow them to pull themselves out of debt?

20. Do you think that lower income families should pay slightly less taxes so that they can maintain and improve their conditions?

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