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Reading Text

Elena from London

Hi Anna!
Hello from London! I hope you are well in Rome! I am writing to tell you about my life as an au pair
The family is very nice: Julie is the mum and Steve is the dad and they have two girls, Amy and
Sarah. They live in the south of London.
My daily routine is different here in London. I always wake up and get up at seven o’clock in the
morning and have a shower. Then I get dressed, have breakfast, usually coffee and toast, and then
cycle to International School where I have my English classes. We have class from 9:30 till 12:30
every day from Monday to Friday. I love my classes: there are students from many different
countries but we all speak English together. After class we have lunch in the school cafeteria – in
England people have lunch very early.
In the afternoon I go home and then do my English homework online. Sarah and Amy finish school
at four o’clock and get home at half past four. I help them with their homework. Sarah speaks some
Italian but Amy only speaks English so I hardly ever speak Italian with them.
In the evening, we have dinner at six o’clock (very early for me! I never have dinner at that time in
Italy.) Steve likes cooking but I sometimes make dinner: the family loves my Italian cooking. After
dinner we relax and watch TV together.
The girls often have a bath and then go to bed at 9 o’clock and I go to bed early too.
At the weekend we don’t have classes. On Friday evening I go out with my family to a restaurant –
the girls love pizza and there is a good restaurant near the house. Saturday is a family day: we go
shopping and go to the park to do exercise: the girls cycle with me. And Sunday is a day for
relaxing: I meet my friends for a drink in the centre of London.
I am happy here. My salary is not very good but I live with the family and my working hours are also
good. I have time to learn English and also study some of my university subjects online.
Take care and see you soon,


A1 English Course: Unit 2 Reading Text

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