Procurement COC

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PROCUREMENT CODE OF CONDUCT EE eM ean T=] omceg et Leds ese} Pe ueeae eee oRN te emer nents Tei enn lee creer Gctivities in all Counif@s"th which It or is subsiciories Cer eer] Cc re Ceca) Cee Maemo ho teonr ambec ae Rene cet ec e Pee cate nme ues anne Ren ac oer eure Teed oct n BS Fa G g fe) ce) lo) = Kg ee Glossary Preamble Breach of Code Principles of the Code Application of the Code eo Auntie sePtsenranves oF 18 Iho Frocuroment Deparment: ert Auc Deaereen: fal ‘in Coreen! orl Soca Oapermen z Money, al fovour or crise f0 pene In pallon 0} isl, to intuance judgment ar eenduct (tones as detred by the Ankiomuption Act 1997 CCONAUCTS OF INTEREST Refer oasiuafen when cnindividvel has competing profesional persenalobigatons er personal ornoncialinlerasis tra! wet mace 1 Efe oe he nv 4 Full hor er ite fay birecrons Board of Drecers of Soares ond Jin -venture Campones emnorees [AI TRO's employees including TN® porscnnel that ars seconded & fssanedite other comparios er orgerisations EMPLOYEES SECONDED TO TNB Petionnel Hon cher organisations secondedtto TNS Somatina rely ranslered by one peson fo another ‘oratury ‘Something van vauntaly er beyond abigation ual in relen for ‘or nontiioaton of sorte service JOINT-VENTURE COMPANIES JAI jpitvarlire compari, which are, checty or idtosty, [ejeriy-owned by Yencas Nasional Berhad ICKBACK/CoMMSHION Fayment in cach arin end received inretum for infvence or conto! ‘overa buses ranvacton naonm-ownen ‘Oune mere than S08 of voting took Tre Ani Compton Agency. the Police and the Companies Commision of Neloyo Total procurement processes inctng proauet pronnng,recusitcn, :ippleroleston, corel management ardatpoter evalucion Sussonnes [Al companies which are. Greely ndkecti aorhy owned by ‘enagaNotional Berhad surenvaine omricer tod of Oona of Deparment or any selected ond elected tmporee y the HoadolDeparmenfoprovige caries on malo batainng fhe Code i SUPTUEKS/CONTRACTORS Ents nat have provides or potently wil provide good or services (roduct) tots mo Tenaga Notional Berhad. is Substaies onde doin Venture Companies Ze [4 S000 caxpacte govemarce & being iniosuced thvoughou! the ‘nord cx Fatinessmperoiveofting comostive acvontogs. At Tne, eur sokehotdos, Crectots and Employees peter fo do busteess ‘th entorises at uphold the incples ef good coporaie govemarce, namely negity, transparency, Incapenaerce, Secourtebilly, fines. and social vespensily. inthis respect, procuroment i cill aH plays an iraortant ro in ‘ourbusnes:. An fective procurement furcion enables IN trovide hich quay arodvcts ond services o our customer: Be responsive Io our customers rods fe cast effective ond alert h aur oneratons ‘ok more prodtiely wilh our Supphon Oonbctos: id Presowve IRS's goed! name ard rerUiaton. Fer THB prccement function to be etfacve, we kelve tht ll paricponts in cur rocirement Frocases need! To engage In re bate pincer of Ws. honesty elmes ard Hanspetert Sehaviot yin mis Coos, we Rope 0 Ces erairsttutoncisa: net Is conscbred 10 be acceptable business behaviour andl by ‘mpicaton wha! behavicu iro loieatod by NG: -valobse charnak fo commurica'e o fepert unethical behaviour Ihsimplectors of ron-comptance tothe Code. he Code Is intended for oll hese invoted la the Procurement [Al Employees and Employeas Sacendect to INS: AL ailsing and potential Suppiasiconiocios incudng me iacton ene aplovaee beech Of The Cede by Employers isuches ofthe Cote maaan cviahtMlae abetig Maes ‘gait the Employees. concerned In acordance to ‘Provera Tooter THB" or any disipinary rocedas Fal te eurerty toes. reaches of the Code by Fmplovees Seconded 10 TNE fromthe Beng ivaled ageial ha sacar! armenia in oree er In ies ares procedures of et respeciive arpotes, becen oF The Code by Dect: Fer DIecos, tule 1 ceclare Conte of nieest may Fes conract he wory/somlces ‘hoy salt maircin tne highest slanaaes oF ntegsty and quotty of wore oto ies, 1: tee Suppion/Conracton a coroaries wy Sars sa, thsupphon/coniolo unsere n the mei (at 'eas 31) of snarehbktg/aquty aro seriputere; - the mdiriy (et oa: of thar omployeos cre tumeviCGs: - Koy rositonsin Fe suppton'/Coniracter axgarizaton, suches he Chet Becvve Oficer the Chief Qvetaing Otcer, hie Menoo na ‘oar suen pason resgorsbe for rence ote nels by Bumpytera: cor Al ber pibieins hol defocine 6 Cornea enetE Sumiputer satvccre compted wth. dIONI8d yy fe} Ean ODE Employess Employecs Seconded fo NB, Diactors and pepe ales Soppitenioen SypplersiContocis including the emoloyees ord drecters, shat oe age ) ‘achere fo he Code of alfimes [Al cuneat end potential Suppter/Ceniachars mid there le the pfinbies and polcies prescrived' In te Code. In Tull these ‘espera supplox/cenuacter, Ibereniloyses one ‘opcoveictives rust ae rex Requrements From Employees, Employees Seconded fo TNE And te Ney ONE Ch [Al Emelajoar, Empioyooe Seconded fo INE ond Dioston oo ee er ee et o) Zz Le} z Es ‘acecuntable ond esponsbisincomplyinawih ie detol andspit ot ‘the Code. fufling these rxpanebiies each Employee, Employee Seconded te INB arddDrector mst Read, undestarc and iterate he Code: Paffzipate in tang and ectcational progammar/everte equres te hye ob; ‘Obtain quidanco fer roseling a buna practice or complence ‘concomifhefsho suncerain cbout hew to xoceedin astusten: oper posible vicotone of ho Code: = Conperce Huy in any investgaton wich may be concuctod by "W's Procurement Deparrren.ntoral Avalt Dapertment.ntrral ‘AMfais Dopestmeré andi Securty Desariment ares Make a commitment to conduct TNB's buna wih intogay, in ‘comptance wan me Coda as wel asappisctie company pels, vs ond reguisory equlomerts. Compl wih he Code | Roper! porstie wolatons of the Coge by Informng Aunotsed Roprerontatwoe of NB: and Coopeccto tury in cry investasion or ove! by Authonses Represenlahves of 196 wih egrds fo compfonce fo ib Code. {Ne wal ory Geol wi Supptes/convracton wn aGopt end dahere to the Code andor any other poicy ot cade of conduct at ams to promote enor piece! os he Code. In Pik fespect. INS wll moot the peformance oth Supeliea/Conlractan ane wi ate necenary ston wien there § noncomplence of bleaches af the Cod Te onto the complies of he Code, Supplios/Conhoctrs ut mania al! accwate ond complete cocumenictons to suppor Somplance:| Provide Authorsec Recresontaives of INS yilh compete and Unretfcted access fo relevant reser yponTNO's ea¥ ‘low Avlherkos Representatives at TN ta. corekct content Inieews wan ther moragement, diectos ord employees incite « Alow Autrotked Representatives of INS Yo condi se vss fo me Supplies /Conlacton' locations iy mane ond = Rowsora promptly to Ries trom Authorsed Repleserttives of We togering implementation ofthe Coe GOO 3H.

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