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Summer Research Fellowship Programme 2024 Guidelines for Online Application Process ‘Step 1 : Registration and Login Registration: 1. The candidate must register in order to fil the applieation frm 2. Torealster, choose a valid username. (The sytem will check for the aval. nt availble choose any other username) 3. Enter a password and confirm the password in the neti. (Make sure that you remember the ‘sername ad the password fr future use) 4 Enter a valid ermal addres and reenter the ema dn the net fll for carnation, (Make sure that your e-maladdessis correct, 35 this il be used for any future covespondence) 5. Enteran atternate e-mall address and confirm thin the nex fel (This not nendator) Choose a security question from the ist. 7. Enter a relevant answer to the securty question you have chosen (Remember the security question and enswer as this wil be useful incase, you forget the password) 1. Enter the Security Key shown below the textbox (This scat sensitive) 9. Clckon Register Me! to ester. (Yu wl be directed tothe Login page) Enter your username an password inthe st two fel 2. Enter the securty key. (hiss case sensitive) 3. Clekon Login, You wl be directed to the Online Application Frm. {tr case, you forget the password, cick on Forgot Password’ Yu wil be directed tos page where you are required to enter your username or the emilid given a the time of registration. You wil have to Selec the securty question and provide answer (case sensive) sven by you in theregstration deta. Youre also required to enter the security key given. Once you have entered this information correctly, click on ‘Gt Password” given on the bottom of the page. The password will be shown to you on the screen) ‘Step 2 : Online Application Form Personal information 1. Enter your full ame. (As registered at your home insttaton) 2._ Enter your Dte of Bith(MIM-D0-YYW} For accuracy, you may refer to the calendar ven.on the iat side ofthe fil 3,_ Pease select your gender (Male Female) ‘Malling information 4 Enter your vale postal adress 2. Enter you telephone number with STD code, (Thisis not mandatory) 3 Enter your mobile number. (hisis not mandatory) Educational Information 1. Select the name of your insttution rom the érop-down Ist. the name s notin the It, lease ‘select “Others rom the bottom and ener the Full name of yur Inston inthe textbox that appear. 2. Select the degre programme you are pursuing. f you degree programme isnot ited, please Select “Others” from the bottom and enter the programme name inthe textbox that appear. 3. Select the Distipine/Speialzation youare pursuing. your Dipline/ Specialisation ena ete, please selec “Others rom the bottom and enter the Dscitne/ Specialization name nthe text box that appr. ‘4. Enter your performance (Marks/CGPA) atthe end of 3%/5* Semester. Choose the grading type — Percentage or CGP Ifyou choose grading type as CGPA, please make sue that you choose the correct sie fe out of, out of 10 etc} 5. Ifyou choose percentage as grading type, pease enter your marks in percentage Upto 2 decimal 6. IF you choose CGPA as grading type, please enter CGPA on appropriate scale, upto 2 decimal 7. Pease enter the Rank positon) andthe class site (max no of students). The “ank should be in whole dscpineforanch nthe preceding yar/semester. Research interest 41 Mention broad Area of Interest (vi. Computer Science/Manotechnology/hctronics et) In ‘maximum 200 characters incusiveof spaces). 2. Enter the Statement of Interest to elaborate the research interest in maximum 2000 characters (inclusive of spaces). Other Academic Achievements 11. Mention the Academic Achievements such as Awards/ Medal/Competitions won ar any other achievement related to academics n maximum $00 characters inelusiv of spo) 2_After ing all the above information, please cick net (Tis wl take you to the page where You Uuplosd the photograph and the scanned copes ofthe documents require, Messe keep these ready.) Documents Upload 4. Select the photograph leo be uploaded. This should be in jpg format and maximum site alowed 50K, 2. Select the No Objection Certifate le. This should bein POF format and maximum site allowed e2Me, 43. Select the Rank Certieate fle. Ths should be in POF format and maximum steallowed is 2 MB. 4. Select the Marksheet/Gradeshoet ie. Tis shouldbe in POF format and maximum ie alowed ame, IF you wish to make any changes tothe previous information, click ‘Sack and make changes and click “next” to come back tothe upload page. Please crosscheck the selected les before uploading and make necessary changes if you want. f everyting in order, please clk on ‘Sub ofialy submit the form, Please note that once you submit the form, you will not be abe to make any changes inthe Information Also, f yu do not submit the form bythe lst date and time, your application will note submited in ‘the databace, ‘Once you submit the application, you wil be shown the information as apa page. Yau can save for future reference You need not submit the hard copy of the application (ote: Al fields tagged with * are mandatory) \

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