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3, MARCH 2020

Metantenna: When Metasurface

Meets Antenna Again
Jiafu Wang , Member, IEEE, Yue Li , Senior Member, IEEE, Zhi Hao Jiang , Member, IEEE,
Ting Shi, Student Member, IEEE, Ming-Chun Tang , Senior Member, IEEE, Ziheng Zhou,
Zhi Ning Chen , Fellow, IEEE, Cheng-Wei Qiu, Member, IEEE
(Invited Paper)

Abstract— Metasurfaces, composed of 2-D planar arrays of I. I NTRODUCTION

sub-wavelength metallic or dielectric scatterers, have provided
unprecedented freedoms in manipulating electromagnetic (EM)
waves upon interfaces. The development of metasurface has
always been closely related to antennas. On the one hand,
T HE advent of metamaterials at the end of the 20th century
has significantly added up to both the design concepts and
methodologies of materials, especially for artificial materials.
metasurface was developed from reflect arrays/transmit arrays One of the most important categories of metamaterials is the
that are used as reflectors/lens of antennas, and most funda- so-called electromagnetic (EM) metamaterials [1]– [6], which
mental theories of metasurfaces are directly borrowed from
are usually composed of sub-wavelength scatterers in 3-D
antenna array theories; on the other hand, the development
of antennas was flourished and expedited by progresses in space and possess unique EM properties that are impossible or
metasurfaces. Many emerging antenna configurations have been very hard to be achieved using naturally occurring materials.
constructed based on unique functional metasurfaces. In this The concept of EM metamaterials inspires us to reconsider the
article, we will review briefly the development roadmap of seemingly very common concept: what is smallness? Atoms,
both metasurfaces and metasurface-based antennas, including which were considered as the most basic particles of materials
antenna-inspired metasurfaces, metasurface-assisted antennas, in ancient Greek, are indeed small, with the order of magnitude
and metasurface antennas. In particular, the recent fusion of of nanometer. Nevertheless, atoms are so small that till now
metasurface and antenna as metantenna will bring significant humans cannot manipulate them freely, not to mention to
impacts on methodologies of functional metasurface, antenna change its interior structures. In fact, the concept of smallness
design, and radio-frequency device miniaturization.
can be relaxed when we cope with EM waves. When the size
Index Terms— Antenna, metamaterial, metasurface, spoof of a structure is reduced down by more than one order of mag-
surface plasmon polariton (SSPP). nitude compared with the operating wavelength λ, we can con-
sider this structure as small. Therefore, λ/10 is usually set as
a margin criterion of sub-wavelength in metamaterial design.
Manuscript received April 5, 2019; revised September 28, 2019; accepted
October 1, 2019. Date of publication January 30, 2020; date of cur- Since the dipole mode appears earliest in the scattering
rent version March 3, 2020. This work was supported in part by spectrum of a scatterer, the electrical size of a structure
the National Key Research and Development Program of China under under this mode is correspondingly the smallest compared
Grant No. SQ2017YFA0700201 and in part by the National Natural Science with other higher order modes. Therefore, dipole mode is the
Foundation of China under Grant No. 61971435. (Corresponding author:
Cheng-Wei Qiu.)
first candidate mode for designing the elementary particles of
Jiafu Wang is with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, metamaterials (meta-atom for short hereafter), so as to obtain
Faculty of Engineering, National University of Singapore, Singapore 117583, bizarre EM parameters such as extremely large, negative, near-
also with the Department of Basic Science, Air Force Engineering University, zero, 0–1 permittivity ε, or permeability μ. Although the
Xi’an 710051, China, and also with the School of Electronic and Informa- dipole mode is closest to the sub-wavelength criterion λ/10,
tion Engineering, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an 710049, China (e-mail: this most relaxed criterion cannot yet be satisfied using simple
Yue Li and Ziheng Zhou are with the Department of Electronic Engineering, geometries of natural materials such as cylinders, cubes, and
Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China (e-mail: spheres. Only when their sizes are as large as λ/2, they can
Zhi Hao Jiang is with the State Key Laboratory of Millimeter-Waves, achieve their dipole modes. Therefore, the first step toward
School of Information Science and Engineering, Southeast University,
Nanjing 210096, China (e-mail:
metamaterials is to make dipoles smaller enough. In antenna
Ting Shi is with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, theory, a metallic wire is called a dipole antenna, and is
Faculty of Engineering, National University of Singapore, Singapore 117583, always considered as an electric dipole [7]. Such metallic
and also with the College of Communication Engineering, Chongqing wires are usually about λ/2 long. Then, how can we make this
University, Chongqing 400044, China. “dipole” smaller to meet the sub-wavelength criterion? Since
Ming-Chun Tang is with the College of Communication Engineering,
Chongqing University, Chongqing 400044, China (e-mail: tangmingchun@ the EM response of a dipole can be described equivalently using an LC resonant circuit, the electric size can be reduced
Zhi Ning Chen and Cheng-Wei Qiu are with the Department of Electrical by increasing the capacitance or inductance. For example, from
and Computer Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, National University of the simple dipole antennas, sub-wavelength meta-atoms can
Singapore, Singapore 117583 (e-mail:
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this article are available
be obtained through increasing the effective capacitances by
online at enlarging the length or reducing the gap of parallel strips.
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TAP.2020.2969246 In this way, the initially λ/2 dipole is made smaller till reduced
0018-926X © 2020 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See for more information.

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Firstly, the element design becomes much more complicated

since a large number of different elements are usually needed
in the design of a metasurface. Secondly, the computation of
functional metasurfaces is much more time-consuming and
resource-consuming since nonuniform elements are usually
used in metasurfaces. To tackle these problems, one of the
most efficient methods is to develop fast design methods based
on genetic algorithm, machine learning, and so on [35], [36].
On the beginning of the metasurface concept, the func-
tions of metasurfaces are very similar to those of conven-
tional reflect-/transmit-array antennas [37], [38]. This is the
first intimate meeting between metasurfaces and antennas.
For conventional reflect arrays/transmit arrays, the λ/2 size
antenna radiators, such as metallic patches, are used as the
Fig. 1. Illustration of evolution from dipole antennas to meta-atoms. (a) From
an electric dipole antenna to sub-wavelength electric resonators. (b) From a basic elements [39]. By adding delay lines, lumped elements,
magnetic dipole antenna to sub-wavelength magnetic resonators. phase shifters, and so on [37], the λ/2 antenna radiators can
achieve different reflection or transmission phase profiles on
down to be sub-wavelength. In the way, the canonical electric 2-D planes, which will shape the wave fronts of reflected
resonator [8], [9] and split-ring resonator (SRR) [3] can be or transmitted waves upon planar configurations, rather than
obtained quite naturally, as illustrated in Fig. 1. A great parabolic reflectors or convex lenses. In contrast, for functional
many variations have been evolved from these two paradigms. metasurfaces, the sub-wavelength meta-atoms are used as the
Assemblies of such meta-atoms, termed as metamaterials, basic elements. The elements themselves provide spatial phase
can be described approximately as a homogenous bulky variations based on Lorentz resonances (resonance phase)
EM material using the effective medium theory [10], [11]. [13]–[17], orientation (Pancharatnam–Berry (P-B) phase) [12],
Metasurface is the 2-D extension of the metamater- [18], [20], or displacement (detour phase) [40], [41], with-
ial concept. Metasurfaces are 2-D planar arrays of uni- out the need of phase delay accessories. In this way,
form or nonuniform meta-atoms [12]–[24]. The naming of the wave fronts of reflected or transmitted waves can be
metasurface is from the perspective of its constituent ele- tailored with much more freedom and flexibility. In this
ments, which is different from conventional 2-D periodic stage, inspired by reflect arrays/transmit arrays, many meta-
structures. The latters are named from their specific func- surfaces were developed with unique properties such as anom-
tions or macroscopic performances, such as frequency selec- alous reflection/refraction (for beaming steering) [42]–[44]
tive surface (FSS) [25]–[27], high-impedance surface (HIS) and reflective/transmissive focusing (for high directivity)
[28], [29], and EM bandgap (EBG) structure [30], [31]. [45]–[49]. Moreover, using the active phase-shift configura-
In other words, metasurfaces and previous conventional tions of reflect-/transmit-array antennas, reconfigurable, pro-
2-D periodic structures are named from different levels, grammable, or reprogrammable metasurfaces were devised to
the former from material level while the latter from function achieve dynamically switchable functions [50], [51]. These
level. That is also why metasurfaces usually overlap many peculiar modulations on EM waves can be explained using
research areas of conventional 2-D periodic structures. For the phased array antenna theory. On the other hand, many
example, frequency selective performances can also be imple- antennas were proposed with the assistance of metasurfaces.
mented using but not necessarily metasurfaces. When placed above or below antennas, metasurfaces can help
The basic characteristics of metasurfaces include mainly to enhance antenna performances such as gain [43]–[48],
three aspects. bandwidth [52], [53], axial ratio (AR) [54], aperture effi-
1) The elements of metasurfaces can be uniform and ciency [55], and so on. For such configurations, metasurface
nonuniform, which is different from conventional 2-D and antenna are usually designed separately and then com-
periodic structures that are usually composed of identical bined. Metasurfaces are an accessory performance-enhancing
elements. component for the antenna. If the metasurface is detached,
2) The elements of metasurfaces must be sub-wavelength the antenna can still operate, but with worse performances.
or even deep sub-wavelength, falling within the long- Because of this, antennas with such configurations are in
wavelength limit. Due to the electrically small size nature metasurface-assisted antennas.
of array elements, metasurfaces can be described by With the rapid development of metasurfaces, the design
effective surface EM parameters such as electric sus- methodology of metasurfaces is gradually introduced into
ceptibility and magnetic susceptibility without spatial antenna design. Metasurfaces are directly used as the radiator
dispersion [32]–[34]. aperture of antennas [56]–[60], rather than only as auxiliary
3) Metasurfaces can achieve much more flexible EM func- substrates or superstrates. This enables the ultimate fusion
tions, including frequency selection, polarization con- of metasurfaces and antennas. In such a fused configura-
version, focusing, diffusion, vortex generation, beaming tion, meta-atoms of metasurfaces are used as the element
steering, and many others. radiator of array antennas and the metasurface acts as the
Therefore, the concept of metasurfaces has liberated the radiating aperture. Using metasurface as the radiating aper-
methodology of 2-D periodic structures, which enables ture, plus other EM functions of metasurfaces, many novel
unprecedented freedoms in manipulating EM waves upon 2-D metasurface antennas have been put forward, such as end-fire
artificial surfaces. However, a coin always has two sides. antenna, frequency-scanning antenna, low radar cross-section
Such liberation is also accompanied by many difficulties in (RCS) antenna, and so on. In this stage, metasurface and
practice compared with conventional 2-D periodic structures. antenna are designed as a whole, and they are undividable.

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Fig. 3. Illustration of a metasurface with an interfacial phase gradient that

produces anomalous reflection and refraction.
Fig. 2. Development from reflect-array antennas to metantenna falls into four
stages. In the first stage (breed), metasurfaces were nourished and developed
from the conventional reflect-array antennas that were usually used in satellite mirror symmetry about the surface normal with respect to the
communications. In the second stage (birth and growth), inspired by reflect incident angle [65]. When the surface is composed of nonuni-
arrays, metasurfaces have been growing rapidly in the last several years since form materials or structures with different reflection phases,
the first demonstration of anomalous reflection metasurfaces in 2011 [12], the conventional Snell’s law is broken, that is, anomalous
[13]. In the third stage (synergy), the development of metasurfaces feeds back
antennas and many high-performance antennas were implemented with the reflection can be achieved. Under such circumstances, the
assistance of functional metasurfaces. The fourth stage (fusion) witnessed direction of reflected waves can be controlled by engineering
the intimate fusion of metasurfaces and antennas, in which metasurfaces and the inhomogeneous reflection phase distribution of the surface.
antennas are considered as a unity [57] and therefore such antennas are termed By introducing an additional phase gradient on the inter-
as metantenna.
face, metasurfaces generalize the reflection laws. Generalized
Therefore, when metasurface and antenna meet again, they Snell’s law was first demonstrated by Yu et al. [12]. As shown
merge as a unity, that is, metantenna. in Fig. 3, for a metasurface with a gradient of phase jump
In this article, we briefly review the development of meta- d/dr , the generalized law of reflection dictates that [66]
surfaces and metasurface-based antennas. The contents are 1 dφ
organized as follows. In Section II, antenna-inspired meta- sin(θr ) − sin(θi ) = (1a)
surfaces are overviewed from the perspective of reflect-/ n 1 k0 d x
transmit-array antennas. In Section III, we summarize typical 1 dφ
cos(θr ) sin(θi ) = (1b)
configurations and operating principles of metasurface-assisted n 1 k0 d y
antennas. The recent fusion of metasurface and antenna as
metantenna is presented in Section IV. Finally, concluding where d/dx and d/dy are, respectively, the components
remarks are given in Section V. of the phase gradient parallel and perpendicular to the plane
of incidence, while n 1 is the refractive index of the medium
II. A NTENNA -I NSPIRED M ETASURFACES in the top half space and k0 is the free-space wave number.
The field of antenna theory and engineering has been evolv- Such a reflection phase gradient is realized by an array of sub-
ing for over a hundred years, providing a precious asset of wavelength meta-atoms with different structures, dimensions,
complete knowledge of the mechanism and properties of wave and/or rotation angles. When illuminated by an incident plane
radiation and propagation, as well as approaches of controlling wave, each cell serves as a receiving antenna and then behaves
and engineering wave behaviors [61]. In contrast, metasurface as a radiating antenna that emits the reflected wave with a
is a nascent field with interests concentrated on electrically thin preadjusted phase delay.
periodic and aperiodic structures composed of sub-wavelength Physically, this anomalous reflection metasurface concept
unit cells of meta-atoms [62]. From the point of view of anten- is equivalent to the reflect-array idea in the antenna commu-
nas, each unit cell of the metasurface is actually an electrically nity [67]. The concept of reflect-array antenna was introduced
small antenna that receives power from illuminated waves more than half of a century ago in 1963 where waveguide
and reemits waves to form reflected/transmitted wave fronts. elements were used [68]. The real interest in practical appli-
In terms of equivalent circuits, the well-developed analysis cations of reflect arrays came about until the late 1980s, when
methods for FSSs have been widely applied to facilitate the low-profile printed elements were employed [69]. The theory
design of metasurfaces [25]. The design of these unit cells, and techniques used in reflect-array designs have fostered the
including their anisotropy, dispersion, and chirality, enables development of metasurfaces for beam bending and wave-front
versatile control over the direction, polarization, absorption, shaping purposes.
and wave front of reflected or transmitted waves [63], [64]. In general, when these metasurfaces for anomalous
Thus, the mature theories developed in the field of antenna reflection are designed, a solid metallic ground plane is
engineering have inspired successful realizations of a plurality usually adopted, which prevents waves from transmitting
of metasurfaces with unconventional physical wave properties. through the structure, thereby ensuring a high reflectivity
In this section, different types of antenna-inspired metasur- provided that low absorption is assured. Similar to reflect
faces will be overviewed, including the anomalous reflection arrays, various metasurface meta-atoms evolved from patch
metasurfaces, anomalous refraction metasurfaces, polarization cavities and dipole resonators have been demonstrated, both
conversion metasurfaces, and absorbing metasurfaces. in microwave ranges and at optical wavelengths [13], [14],
[70]–[73], as shown in Fig. 4(a). These metasurfaces can
A. Anomalous Reflection Metasurface Reflect Arrays accomplish single-polarized anomalous reflection. In order
As dictated by Snell’s law, a uniform reflecting surface to achieve the same wave phenomenon for dual-linearly
always produces a reflected wave directing at an angle with polarized or circularly polarized incident waves, isotropic
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Fig. 5. (a) Single-layer transmissive gradient metasurface with V-shaped

antennas [12]. (b) Single-layer transmissive gradient metasurface with rotated
electric LC resonators [82]. (c) Single-polarized transmissive gradient meta-
Fig. 4. (a) Single-polarized reflective gradient metasurface with H-shaped surface with triple layers of dipoles [89]. (d) Dual-layer transmissive gradient
resonators [14]. (b) Dual-polarized reflective gradient metasurface with cross metasurface with V-shaped antennas [92]. (e) Transmissive gradient metasur-
dipoles [71]. (c) Dual-polarized reflective gradient metasurface with square face with dipole and ring resonator pairs [93].
patches [73]. (d) Geometric phase reflective gradient metasurface with rotated
rods [79]. where d/dx and d/dy are, respectively, the components of
the phase gradient parallel and perpendicular to the plane of
cells have been proposed, such as crossed dipoles [71],
incidence, while n 1 and n 2 are the refractive indices of the
square-shaped patches [72], [73], and so on, as displayed
media on the incident and transmission sides of the metasur-
in Fig. 4(b) and (c). The desirable phase delays provided
face, respectively. Similar to the reflective gradient metasur-
by these meta-atoms are called dynamic phases. Basically,
faces, the transmission phases of all the cells in a transmissive
by modifying the geometries and dimensions of meta-atoms,
metasurface need to be customized, while the transmission
the center frequency of the cell’s transfer function can be
magnitudes are required to be near unity for ensuring a high-
changed such that different reflection phases can be achieved
efficiency anomalous refraction. Thus, the main challenge is
while maintaining a high reflectivity. As the number of layer
to maintain impedance matching for all the cells.
increases, a wider bandwidth can be achieved [74]. It should
Early works on anomalous refraction metasurfaces employ
be noted that, these single- and dual-polarized metasurface
cells with only a single metallic pattern layer. As shown in
elements are almost all based on radiating antenna primitives,
Fig. 5(a), V-shaped antennas were used as the elementary
and the only difference is that the antennas are fed by
cells which provide dynamic phase gradient for cross-polarized
transmission lines while the metasurface elements are not.
transmitted waves when illuminated by a linearly polarized
On the other hand, another major path to reflection
incident wave [12]. In addition, single-layer anisotropic struc-
phase gradient is the geometric phase [75], also known as
tures with variable rotation angles have also been utilized to
P-B phase or Berry phase [76], [77]. It is associated with
achieve the geometric phase gradient for circularly polarized
identical anisotropic unit cells with spatially varying rotation
waves, as shown in Fig. 5(b) [82]. However, these single-layer
angles. When a circularly polarized wave is incident on the
metasurfaces can only offer 25% efficiency due to the fact that
geometric phase cells, the cells with different rotation angles
they only have electric resonances [83].
cause correspondingly different phase shifts on the reflected
Borrowing from the transmit-array concepts in antenna
copolarized circularly polarized waves, whereas they have no
engineering, a number of high-efficiency anomalous refraction
impact on reflection phase of orthogonally polarized circularly
metasurfaces have been proposed. The primary techniques rely
polarized waves. In the field of antennas, it is physically the
on the two methods inspired from the antenna community—
same as the phase shifts generated using the phase rotation
the multilayer FSSs [84] and the antenna-filter-antenna
technique, as proposed by Huang [78], where dual-polarized
configuration [85]. Based on the first technique, several single-
patch elements having two phase delay lines with a 90◦
and dual-polarized metasurfaces were designed and demon-
electrical length difference were used. Due to the pure
strated using multiple layers of loops [86], patches [87], [88],
geometric nature of such kind of phase shift, it is frequency-
and dipoles [89] with different dimensions on each layer
independent, and thus can achieve broadband response.
[see Fig. 5(c)]. By combining the transmissive and reflec-
Over the past few years, a number of geometric phase
tive metasurfaces into a single structure, multifunctional
cells have been designed based on anisotropic structures,
devices can be achieved that possess different wave behav-
as shown in Fig. 4(d), including rectangular rods [79],
iors for orthogonally polarized waves [90]. By using the
coupled dipoles [80], split rings [81], and so on.
antenna-filter-antenna configurations, highly efficient transmis-
B. Anomalous Refraction Metasurface Transmit Arrays sive metasurfaces have been reported where the receiving and
In addition to anomalous reflection, the generalized Snell’s transmitting antennas are realized by patches that are coupled
law also dictates that the direction of the refracted wave through a slot [91]. A third method is to use both magnetic
generated due to a phase gradient metasurface (PGM) can and electric resonators to form impedance-matched gradi-
also be controlled, that is, anomalous refraction. As shown ent transmission phase. By using closely coupled dual-layer
in Fig. 3, for metasurfaces with a gradient of interfacial phase V-shaped antennas [92] or dipole and ring resonator pairs [93],
jump d/dr , the generalized law of refraction ensures that [64] high-efficiency transmissive metasurfaces can be achieved
[see Fig. 5(d) and (e)].
1 dφ
n 2 sin(θr ) − n 1 sin(θi ) = (2a) C. Polarization Conversion Metasurfaces
k0 d x
1 dφ Polarization is one of the most fundamental and important
cos(θr ) sin(θr ) = (2b)
n 2 k0 d y properties of EM waves, and it can be manipulated for

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Fig. 7. (a) Perfect metamaterial absorber [106]. (b) Ultrawideband and

wide-angle absorber with 1:4.7 bandwidth under normal incidence [118].
(c) Broadband active non-Foster absorber with one-frequency decade band-
Fig. 6. (a) Wideband linear-to-circular polarization conversion metasur- width and a thickness of only 1/255 wavelength at the lowest operation
face at millimeter waves [94]. (b) Broadband and wide-angle linear-to- frequency [119]. (d) Absorption frequency continuously tunable absorber with
circular polarization conversion metasurface at optical wavelengths [95]. a relative bandwidth of 30% [121]. (e) Nonlinear metasurface for absorbing
(c) Reconfigurable linear-to-linear polarization conversion metasurface [98]. high-power surface waves [123].
(d) Ultrawideband linear-to-linear polarization conversion metasurface, which
is able to achieve cross-polarization conversion in 12.4–27.96 GHz with an
average PCR of 90% [99]. polarized reflected/transmitted waves, an arbitrary polarization
on a certain point of Poincare sphere can be achieved by
robust data transfer, interference reduction, increasing channel metasurface polarization converters [102], [103].
capacity, improving downlink/uplink isolation, and so on.
Conventional approaches for controlling the polarization rely D. Absorbing Metasurfaces
on polarizers and wave plates, which are bulky and hard to Total transmission or reflection is required in transmit array
be integrated into compact systems. One of the main capa- or reflect array and is substantially restricted by the intrinsic
bilities of polarization control is to convert between different losses of resonant unit cells. As the losses in a certain
states of polarizations. By leveraging the theory and design frequency range become controllable in both transmission and
methods of FSSs, various metasurfaces have been designed to reflection, the EM wave absorption is obtained. Meantime,
offer an electrically thin planar platform for high-efficiency inspired by the polarization conversion, absorption with
polarization conversion. polarization-selective performance is achievable. These
The first type achieves the conversion between two orthog- metasurface absorbers demonstrate wide application in
onal linear polarizations, that is, functionally equivalent to anechoic chamber, RCS reduction, solar cells scattering
a half wave plate, either in a reflective or transmissive control, and so on.
manner. Basically, this can be achieved by engineering the Early, classic paradigms of Dallenbach, Salisbury, and
anisotropy of the metasurface unit cells. This happens when Jaumann absorbers are designed with thicknesses about
the reflection or transmission phase difference between two one-quarter wavelength, narrow bandwidth, or multiple
orthogonal linearly polarized waves is 180◦ . The second type layers [104], [105]. As a type of advanced 2-D metamaterials,
accomplishes the conversion between a linearly polarized metasurface absorbers play important roles in satisfactory
wave and a circularly polarized wave, that is, equivalent to compromise between low profile, wide bandwidth, insensi-
a quarter wave plate. This requires that the reflection or tive polarization, and incident angles. Generally, metasurface
transmission phase difference between two orthogonal linearly absorbers are composed of metallic electric resonators (provid-
polarized waves be 90◦ . As shown in Fig. 6(a), a periodic array ing electric responses) and cut wires or metallic plate layers
of capacitively coupled short dipoles can achieve wideband (providing magnetic responses). By balancing the electric and
conversion from x-polarized incident waves into y-polarized magnetic responses to achieve the conditions of ε(ω) = μ(ω)
reflected waves [94], with a 3 dB AR bandwidth in excess and large loss tangents (tanδε and tanδμ ), these metasurface
of 60% over a wide angular bandwidth. This type of structure absorbers can perfectly match with free space and absorb the
has also been implemented at optical wavelengths for realizing incident EM waves with high efficiency.
broadband and wide-angle sub-wavelength metasurface half As shown in Fig. 7(a), by adjusting metallic electric
and quarter wave plates [95] [see Fig. 6(b)], with polarization resonator and cut wire magnetic resonator independently,
conversion ratios (PCRs) greater than 92% over a broad a so-called perfect absorber is realized by tailoring the per-
wavelength range from 640 to 1290 nm and a wide field-of- mittivity and permeability values [106]. This kind of perfect
view up to ±40◦. Various other shaped cell structures have metasurface absorber has a much thin thickness. And it
also been explored, which are evolved from the dipole or can provide a nearly 100% absorption in a narrow band-
patch antennas [96]–[100] [see Fig. 6(c) and (d)]. The antenna- width. More detailed reviews of thin perfect absorbers can
filter-antenna configuration has also been borrowed, where be found in [107] and [108]. As the magnetic responses
aperture-coupled patch radiators were used on the receiving are provided by metallic plates, metasurface absorbers can
and transmitting sides with phase delay lines located in the realize wideband performances by optimizing the electric
central layer. Furthermore, the polarization conversion can also resonators and increasing the distances between the electric
be achieved in a sub-wavelength dielectric waveguide struc- resonators and metallic plates. Many design methods, such as
ture, by exploiting both the anisotropy of cells and coupling analog analysis [109], capacitive circuit method [110], inter-
between adjacent cells [101]. The orthogonal linear polariza- ference theory [111], antenna reciprocity theory [112], Lorentz
tion conversion and linear-to-circular polarization conversion model [113], and global optimizations [114], are proposed to
are the two most typical cases. Apart from these, by controlling expand bandwidth or to increase the number of bands. The
the phase and amplitude differences between two orthogonally theoretical lower bounds for thickness-to-bandwidth ratio of

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passive metal-backed metasurface absorbers are always limited

by the Razanov limit [115]. In addition to the trade off between
thickness and bandwidth, the issues of angular bandwidth
and angular sensitivity are also challenging. The increased
thickness of the absorber effectively expands the absorption
bandwidth but also makes absorber more sensitive to inci-
dence angles. Narrow single/multibands and thin thicknesses Fig. 8. (a) Transmissive metasurface for gain enhancement [129]. (b) Phase
dominate the most wide-angle metasurface absorbers perfor- compensation metasurface mounted above a patch antenna [52].
mances [116], [117]. In Fig. 7(b), an impedance matching
layer is introduced between the metasurface and free space this kind of antenna is to excite a larger radiating aperture
to meet the requirements for ultrawideband and wide-angle with uniform distribution of phase and amplitude. In the
absorption. By such a design, the bandwidth of the absorber literature [127], a dipole antenna was inserted into a Fabry–
with reflection below −10 dB achieves 1:4.7 under normal Perot cavity, the upper surface of which was constructed by
incidence [118]. dielectric partially reflective resonators. As the Fabry–Perot
To overcome the intrinsic limitations of passive metasurface resonance is stimulated by the dipole antenna, a directive beam
absorbers, active electronics and magnetic materials provide is generated from the partially reflective surface of the cavity.
effective routes to ultrawideband absorption [119], [120], The latter work documented in [128] replaced the ground of
tunable bands [121], switchable absorption [122], nonlinear the Fabry–Perot cavity by artificial magnetic conductor (AMC)
responses [123], and so on. A more detailed review of active comprising sub-wavelength square patch elements. By virtue
metasurface absorbers can be found in [124]. Additionally, of AMC surface with near-zero reflection phase, the profile
as shown in Fig. 7(c), non-Foster technology, which is also of the cavity is reduced half compared with that backed by
applied in electrically small antenna for bandwidth expan- a metallic plate. Finally, a square micro-strip patch antenna
sion [125], [126], is introduced into metasurface absorber located at the center of the AMC surface excites an aperture
design to break the Rozanov limit [115]. By loading var- with a size of 7λ×7λ, and a broadside radiation with a realized
actor diodes between adjacent resonant units, the absorber, gain of 20.5 dBi can be obtained [128].
shown in Fig. 7(d), is realized with continuously tunable According to the generalized Snell’s law [12], PGMs with
absorption frequency by regulating the bias voltage on the anomalous refraction or reflection have aroused great interests.
varactor diodes [121]. Except absorbing the normally and As reported in [129], the elements comprising square ring and
obliquely incident space waves, in some applications, meta- circle patch are designed with different transmission phase,
surface absorbers can also be designed to absorb surface forming a transmissive PGM [as shown in Fig. 8(a)]. The
waves. As shown in Fig. 7(e), by loading nonlinear circuits, spherical-like wave fronts radiated from the source can be
the metasurface allows low-power surface waves to propagate transformed by the metasurface into planar ones. As a result,
but absorbs high-power surface waves [123]. the beam is focused with much higher directivity. Similar
function can be realized by the so-called phase compensation
III. M ETASURFACE -A SSISTED A NTENNAS metasurface [52] [as shown in Fig. 8(b)], which comprises
As an indispensable component in the front end of the radio- Huygens meta-atoms [93] for compensation of the out-of-
frequency system, antennas play a key role in the transforma- phase emission from a primary patch antenna. As demon-
tion between the radiating waves propagating in free space and strated in [52], by mounting the phase compensation meta-
guided waves in the circuits or the waveguides [61]. To this surface above the antenna, the realized gain of the patch
end, several properties are required for antennas including antenna is increased by approximately 3 dB in the operating
descent impedance match within the operating band, desired band. It is noteworthy that metasurface super-strates or lenses
radiating pattern determining the spatial distribution of the usually require relatively high transmission efficiency, so that
radiated power, and the same polarization of waves for both the negative impact on the impedance matching of the primary
transmitter and receiver, to name a few. The development radiating source can be largely avoided.
of metasurface creates new paradigms for the design of Another category of metasurface-assisted high-gain anten-
antennas with enhanced performance. In this section, recent nas is the aperture-coupled grid-slotted patch array [130],
progresses on metasurface-assisted antennas are reviewed, which can simultaneously support the fundamental mode
where metasurfaces are exploited to increase the directivity of and higher order Floquet modes to offer a wide operating
the antenna, reduce RCS, suppress the interference between band. The latest researches also combine metasurfaces with
radiating elements, or empower the antennas with appreciable other newly proposed structures, such as substrate-integrated
configurability. cavities [131] and substrate-integrated waveguide slots [132],
to provide more degrees of freedom in designing high-gain
A. High-Directivity Antennas antennas with compact architecture and polarization diversity.
The antennas with high directivity can concentrate most of
radiated power within the desired direction, which is preferred B. Low RCS Antennas
by long-distance wireless communication and target location The development of defense electronics has intrigued strong
with high resolution. Conventional methods of increasing the interests in low RCS antennas, which can be deployed for pre-
directivity of antennas include the usage of a back reflector venting the coupling from other radiating sources or fitting the
and the fabrication of antenna arrays. However, they may requirement for low-observable platforms. The typical solution
bring about the problems of bulky structures or complex is to employ radomes [133] that can pass the in-band signals
feeding networks. The emerging metasurface-based antennas from antennas while suppressing RCS for waves impinging
offer new opportunity to realization of directive radiation using from the outside detectors. For example, as demonstrated
compact planar structures. The essential design philosophy of in [134], FSS [135] comprising metallic Jerusalem cross

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Fig. 9. (a) Slot antenna array with polarization conversion metasurface

serving as the ground [136]. (b) Top view (in the first panel) and bottom Fig. 10. (a) EBG structure introduced between patch antennas to enhance
view (in the second panel) of the stack patch antenna assembled with lossy isolation [144]. (b) Different layers of the multilayer band-stop metasurface
metasurface [140]. for suppressing the mutual coupling [147].
patterns on the first layer and resistive square loop patterns on
pattern are almost unaffected [140]. Above all, the metasurface
the second layer was introduced to design a radome featuring
is competent in reducing RCS while preserving the overall
two functions: 1) small insertion loss for in-band transmitted
performances of antennas.
and received signals and 2) low reflection for out-of-band
incoming signals. The metasurface with flexibly designable
elements can provide new opportunity to reduce RCS and C. Mutual-Coupling Suppression of Antennas
meanwhile to maintain the performance of antennas. Two Assembling multiple antennas in a compact space is of
principles to annihilate RCS of antennas will be introduced in growing interest for modern wireless communication systems.
detail in this part, that is, power diffusion and absorption. The Among the many reasons is that people can harvest the
former is based on distributing the reflected power more evenly multipath resource to multiply the channel capacity. The chief
in the space, while the latter employs absorbing metasurfaces challenge to realize this, however, is the increasing mutual
to dissipate EM power. coupling among antennas, which can bring cross talk between
In [136], a polarization conversion metasurface composed different received signals and cause reduced gain of main beam
of fishbone-shaped unit cell was introduced to mount on for the scanning arrays. This part aims to explain the roles of
the slot array. The polarization conversion metasurface is metasurfaces in suppressing the mutual coupling between the
shown in Fig. 9(a). The fishbone-shaped element and its radiating elements and to review some representative designs.
mirror counterpart can realize a 180◦ phase difference for For the antenna array fabricated on a planar substrate,
the reflected wave, leading to destructive cancellation of the excitation of substrate mode is mainly responsible for the
the scattering along the backward direction. As a result, mutual coupling among neighboring antenna elements [141],
5 dB monostatic RCS reduction is realized in 6.0–18.0 GHz, [142], especially for the substrate with high permittivity [143].
while the performances of the slot array are not degraded In this article [144], the EBG structure with sub-wavelength
in terms of impedance matching, broadside radiation pattern, mushroom-like unit cells was mounted in between two patch
as well as the realized gain [136]. With the controllable antennas to suppress the mutual coupling, as photographed in
reflection phase, AMC is an alternative candidate for manip- Fig. 10(a). The EBG structure operates as a band-stop filter
ulating reflected waves. Tan et al. [137] proposed to assem- array at the resonance frequency, which can also be interpreted
ble a chessboard AMC surface in the planar ground of a as the bandgap in the Brillouin diagram, so that the surface
waveguide slot antenna for the sake of polarization-insensitive wave propagating within the substrate is effectively inhibited.
RCS reduction. In addition, the PGM was also applied in the The proposed EBG structure [145] can notably enhance the
design of low RCS antenna [138]. The operating mechanism isolation between the patch antennas by up to 10 dB, and
is that the PGM can effectively redirect the incoming wave to meanwhile it does not alter the impedance matching and the
deviate from the path predicted by conventional reflection law, radiation pattern of the antenna. Similar functionality can be
minimizing the scattering toward a specific direction. Due to realized by AMC surface [145], since the surface wave mode
the low loss of the diffusion metasurfaces, they do not affect with normal electric field component is not allowed to prop-
the total efficiency of the antennas. However, the common agate over the AMC structure. It is interesting to discuss the
problem is that they just reform the scatting power distribution unit cell of the AMC surface in [145], which is a compact four
rather than dissipate the incident power. Therefore, they may arms spatial structure. Although the highly miniaturized AMC
be disadvantageous under the bistatic detections. elements incur high-quality factor and can be more susceptible
Next, we discuss RCS reduction of antennas by the mech- to the loss of the substrate, they are able to further shrink the
anism of absorption, which aims to dissipate EM power distance between the radiating elements and therefore save
impinging on the antennas so as to reduce RCS. As presented more space. Introducing compact isolation elements between
in [139], the metasurface ground fabricated by the resonant the radiators, or inserting decoupling networks behind the
element with lossy substrate diminished the scattering from radiators, lots of reported strategies of suppressing mutual
the antenna toward the whole upper space within a narrow couplings are effective in one specific direction or narrow
band. Wideband designs have also been validated, such as bandwidths. In [146], a hybrid meta-structure is proposed
in [140], where the meta-atom loaded with resistors is arranged for mutual-coupling reduction in high-density, dual-polarized,
around the patch antennas. Pictures of the top and bottom wideband array, so that the isolation levels are improved on
view of the proposed low RCS antenna in [140] are shown both the E- and H-planes.
in Fig. 9(b). The experiment result verified that the metasurface The work documented in [147] employed the multilayer
can reduce the mono-static RCS by 15 dB over a 76% metasurface comprising printed metal strip elements
fractional bandwidth (from 6.5 to 14.5 GHz). Although the to enhance the isolation of the dipole array, as shown
realized gain of the patch array is slightly reduced by 0.7 dB in Fig. 10(b). Different from [144] where the suppression
due to the lossy metasurface ground, the other aspects of of surface wave is concerned, the proposed scheme in [147]
the antenna in terms of impedance matching and radiation mainly addressed the coupling through the free space,

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including H-plane coupling and E-plane coupling. Since a

group of closely packed dipole antennas in [147] operate with
the same polarization at the same frequency, the radiation
from one dipole antenna can be received by another, leading
to a strong interference. After placing the metasurface with
band-stop property on the top of the array, the isolation is
enhanced substantially covering a band from 9.0 to 11.5 GHz.
Moreover, since the strip element structure directs the radiated
power to the bore-sight direction, the directivity of the dipole
array in presence of the metasurface superstrate is improved
by about 4 dB.
Fig. 11. (a) Metasurface superstrate for reconfiguring polarization of
Recently, Yakovlev’s group [148] transplanted the concept the slot antenna [152]. (b) Radiation pattern-reconfigurable horn antenna
of cloaking metasurface into the design of low-coupling realized by loading a mechanically tunable Huygens metasurface [155].
dipole array. In their design, the confocal elliptical metasur- (c) Field-programmable beam-reconfigurable antenna based on coding meta-
face was applied to shield the dipole antennas, which can surface [50]. (d) Reconfigurable antenna using programmable metasurface
reflector with dynamic polarization, scattering, and focusing control [156].
create antiphase currents so as to counteract the dominant
scattering mode from the antenna within the metasurface. efficient, the electronic tuning based on the nonlinear effective
With the reduced overall bistatic RCS, the shielded dipole of the active components is also a convenient method, which
antenna becomes invisible for the wave radiating from other has found applications in many reconfigurable designs. The
dipole antennas located in close proximity. In this manner, work in [153] proposed an electronically polarization recon-
the couplings among the antennas are effectively suppressed figurable antenna assembled with an intertwined AMC surface.
over the operating band of cloaking metasurface [148]. Such The AMC surface beneath the tunable crossed end-loaded
a metasurface cloaking method for antennas can also be dipoles can significantly reduce the lateral dimension of the
effective for multiband operation [149], [150]. It should be total structure to λ/75. Furthermore, the frequency for zero
noted here, since many classes of metasurfaces, such as EBG reflection phase can be tuned by applying different dc bias
and AMC surfaces, work based on resonances and feature voltages to the varactor armed on the AMC surface. The input
the dispersive property, the wideband decorrelation of closely- reactance of each end-loaded dipole is also allowed to be
placed radiating elements is still not a facile task. altered individually by applying various bias voltages to the
load, thus the whole array can offer tunable polarization state
D. Reconfigurable Antennas from linear polarization to circular polarization [153].
The ever increasing demands for capacity, rate, and robust- The radiation pattern of the antenna can also be dynamically
ness of wireless communications have boosted the devel- reconfigured with the help of metasurfaces [50], [154]–[156].
opment reconfigurable antennas, which can be adapted to A pattern reconfigurable patch antenna is proposed in [154],
different application scenarios due to their tunable operating where a semicircular transmissive metasurface composed of
frequency, radiation pattern, or polarization. Several methods rectangular patch elements is placed atop of a planar circular
have been presented for the realization of reconfigurability, patch antenna. In absence of the metasurface, the circular patch
which can be classified into mechanical tuning and electronic antenna fed from the center offers a conical radiation pattern;
tuning. With the capacity of flexibly manipulating EM waves, when the metasurface is loaded, the radiation pattern of the
the versatile metasurfaces can suggest new pathways to recon- antenna is redirected to a specific direction with a large half
figuring the performances of antennas at will. power beamwidth. The metasurface is designed with gear tooth
A frequency-reconfigurable slot array was proposed at the edge, so that the metasurface can be rotated under the
in [151], where the anisotropic metasurface super-strate com- control of an electric motor. In this manner, the tilted beam can
posed of periodically arranged I-shaped metallic inclusions can be rotated around the center axis of the metasurface. In [155],
be mechanically tuned to offer various effective permittivity. a Huygens metasurface is armed on the radiating aperture of
Then by rotating the metasurface to make different angles of a horn antenna for pattern- and polarization-reconfigurable
the I-shaped element with respect to the slot, the inductive or purpose. The photograph of the whole structure is shown
capacitive coupling between the antenna and the metasurface in Fig. 11(b). The metasurface is constructed by the meta-atom
super-strate can be flexibly adjusted. This is equivalent to that with a cross I-shaped pattern, which can offer isotropic surface
the slot is surrounded by the dielectric materials with different impedance for the incident wave with different polarizations.
permittivity. As a result, the central frequency of impedance Via a proper design of the surface impedance distribution,
matching band of the antenna is tuned over a fractional the metasurface can offer the required phase compensation
bandwidth of 28% [151], with very little adverse effects on to flexibly redirect the main beam. It is also demonstrated
the radiation properties of the antenna. In [152], a type of that, through rotating the metasurface, the orientation of
antenna with polarization agility is proposed. In this design, the radiation can be manipulated from the bore side to a
a transmissive metasurface consisting of truncated patch unit tilted angle. The beam, polarization, scattering, and focusing
cells is placed right above a slot antenna. The photograph can be controlled electronically using programmable metasur-
of the metasurface is shown in Fig. 11(a). By rotating the faces [156]. Without complex and expensive feeding networks,
metasurface with respect to the center, the phases of two the metasurface-assisted pattern-reconfigurable antenna may
orthogonal components of the electric field radiated from the offer a new platform for realizing phased arrays.
slot can be tailored differently, so as to offer different polar-
ization states including linear polarization, right-handed cir- E. Other Topics on Metasurface-Assisted Antennas
cular polarization, and left-handed circular polarization [152]. Recently, there is a huge interest in metamaterials with
Although the mechanical tuning is straightforward and more extreme constitutive parameter: near-zero-index material, due

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to its exotic wave phenomenon. The near-zero-index material

includes the epsilon-near-zero (ENZ) material [157], [158]
with the permittivity close to zero, and the epsilon-and-
mu-zero material [159] with both the permittivity and the
permeability close to zero. The intriguing property of the
near-zero-index material arises from the infinity wavelength
and phase velocity, as a result, the electrically large space
is equivalent to single point which gives rise to the spatially
static while temporarily dynamic wave phenomenon. With the
property unavailable from the natural EM materials, the near-
zero-index material can lead to the inventions with uncon-
ventional functionalities. Here we introduce an application
of a near-zero-index metasurface, a thin layer of near-zero-
index material, in the antenna deign. A three-layer near-
zero-index metasurface composed of periodically arranged
electric field resonators is proposed in [160]. At the resonance, Fig. 12. Frequency scanning metantennas. (a) Configuration and (b) radiation
gain pattern of waveguide-fed reflective PGM metantenna in [59]. (c) Configu-
the unit cell provides a near zero permittivity. By placing ration and (d) scanning angle of waveguide-fed transmissive PGM metantenna
this near-zero-index metasurface above a patch antenna as a in [58]. (e) Configuration and (f) scanning angle of SSPP-decoupling PGM
superstrate, a radiation with aperture efficiency higher than metantenna in [57].
80% is obtained owing to the homogenous phase distribution
within the ENZ material [160]. waves. Incident waves will be coupled as spoof surface
As demonstrated in this section, the rise of metasurface plasmon polaritons (SSPPs, a kind of surface waves akin
offers exciting opportunities to the design of antenna with new to SPPs at optical frequencies) via reflective or transmissive
functionalities and enhanced performances. The development PGMs [58], [59], and the latter will then propagate along
of the metasurface-assisted antennas in turn enriches the the metasurface and finally concentrate into the feed [see
theory as well as the applications of EM metamaterials and Fig. 12(a)–(d)]. Vice versa, for the radiation process, surface
metasurfaces. EM waves from the feed will be decoupled as propagation
waves in free space [60], due to the antiparallel phase gradients
IV. M ETASURFACE A NTENNAS of the metasurface [see Fig. 12(e) and (f)]. Since the phase
gradient provided by the metasurface is dispersive, the main
The metasurface antenna consists of an array of meta-atoms
lobe direction varies as the operating frequency changes.
distributed over an electrically large structure, each element
sub-wavelength in size and with sub-wavelength separation
from its neighbors [61]. Metasurface antenna usually consists B. Low-Profile High-Gain Metantennas
of one or more feeds and one metasurface, where metasurface Metasurfaces are 2-D planar arrays of a large number
is an indispensable component acing as the antenna aperture of sub-wavelength scatters, usually with ultrathin thickness.
and the feed is usually placed at one end or in the center When used as the radiation aperture of antennas, the profile
of the metasurface. Metasurface and antenna are integrated of the antenna can be ultralow due to the small thickness of
as a unity. Because of this, metasurface antennas are fused metasurfaces. In addition, since the large number of scatters
and hence are termed as metantenna for short. In such on the metasurface serves as the radiation element, the gain
an antenna configuration, the metasurface is used as the of metantenna is expected to be quite high. When the con-
antenna aperture, which radiates (receives) EM waves from stituent sub-wavelength scatters are totally identical and are
(into) the feed. Since metasurfaces usually possess different fed with the same amplitude and phase [56], as shown in
functions in different bands and for difference polarized Fig. 13(a) and (b), the metasurface unit cell actually serves
waves, in addition to EM wave radiation/reception, other as the array element of array antennas with sub-wavelength
functions can be integrated into the antenna as well, such interelement spacings. Due to the large planar size of the
as frequency scanning, low RCS, isolation enhancement, metasurface aperture, high-gain antennas can be realized using
bandwidth expansion, and others. In this section, we briefly such a configuration. Another low-profile high-gain antenna
review on recent development of the metantenna. configuration is the in-plane feed configuration [59], where
only one feed is used at one end of the metasurface. The
A. Frequency Scanning Metantenna metasurface provide a phase gradient that is with exactly the
PGM is one of the earliest and most important metasurfaces same magnitude but opposite direction as the wave-vector
that can provide in-plane phase gradients for reflected or of EM waves emitted from the feed. In this way, surface
transmitted waves [12]–[15]. Such phase gradient can be mode waves can be decoupled as propagating waves into
equivalent to wave-vectors along the metasurface plane and free space [see Fig. 13(c) and (d)]. Metantennas with such
can deflect the main lobe direction of antennas. Since such a configuration is usually narrowband. Using a feed placed
phase gradients, whether produced by resonance phases or in the center of a circular radially modulated anisotropic
P-B phases, are usually dispersive (frequency-dependent), the metasurface [162]–[165], low-profile high-gain dual circu-
main lobe direction of antennas will be deflected toward differ- larly polarized metantennas can also be implemented, which
ent directions at different frequencies, resulting in frequency converts cylindrical surface waves into directive radiated
scanning. One of the most typical configurations of such waves at the broadside, as shown in Fig. 13(e) and (f). Using
metantennas is the so-called in-plane feed planar antennas, the center-fed-metasurface configurations, other low-profile
as illustrated in [161]. The phase gradient along the meta- antennas like shared-aperture antennas and low-sidelobe anten-
surface aperture is larger than the wave-vector of free-space nas can also be implemented [166], [167].
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Fig. 13. Low-profile metantennas. (a) Configuration and (b) radiation gain
pattern of meta-atom element array metantenna in [56]. (c) Configuration and
(d) realized gain of in-plane feed metantenna in [60]. (e) Configuration and
(f) radiation directivity pattern of center-feed metantenna in [163].

Fig. 15. Low RCS metantennas. (a) Meta-atom surrounded slot array
and (b) RCS reduction performance for the metantenna in [183]. (c) Patch
elements with varied orientations and (d) RCS reduction performance for the
metantenna in [186]. (e) Metasurface-on-top patch and (f) RCS reduction
performance for the metantenna in [188].

For example, with 1-D and 2-D 0–1 chessboard coding

sequences, planar metantennas with two and four beams can
be implemented, respectively. By focusing surface waves from
multifeeds onto metasurfaces, multibeam planar antennas can
be realized since the metasurface can decouple surface waves
into radiated waves [174], as shown in Fig. 14(e) and (f).
D. Low RCS Metantennas
By properly arranging reflection phase distributions on
the 2-D plane of metasurfaces, the monostatic RCS can be
reduced significantly under plane wave illumination via mech-
anisms such as polarization conversion, scattering cancelling,
beam deflection, beam splitting, and broadband absorption
of reflected waves [175]–[182]. Therefore, the RCS of pla-
Fig. 14. Multibeam metantennas. (a) Configuration and (b) radiation pattern nar antenna apertures will be reduced when RCS reduction
of single-feed metantenna in [169]. (c) Configuration and (d) radiation pattern metasurfaces are placed nearby the antenna element. The
of single center-feed metantenna in [73]. (e) Configuration and (f) radiation meta-atoms of metasurfaces exhibit different responses for
pattern of four-feed metantenna in [174].
reflected and transmitted waves, since reflected and transmitted
waves experience single- and double-patch interactions with
C. MultiBeam Metantennas the meta-atom, respectively. This enables significant RCS
By arranging nonuniform meta-atoms on a 2-D plane, phase reduction for scattered waves whereas unaffected radiation
gradients oriented toward different azimuthal directions can performance for emitted waves simultaneously. Because of
be formed on the plane of metasurface, which will decouple this, a common configuration of low RCS metantennas com-
surface-mode EM waves from the feed into propagation waves prises antenna radiator surrounded by meta-atoms [183]–[185],
toward different directions in free space. This enables the as shown in Fig. 15(a) and (b). Another important method is
design of multibeam metantennas. There are two typical to arrange antenna elements in the manner similar to meta-
configurations [73], [168]–[172]. In the first configuration, atoms of RCS-reduction metasurfaces [186], as shown in
as shown in Fig. 14(a)–(d), the metasurface aperture is divided Fig. 15(c) and (d). In such a configuration, each antenna
into several angular sectors, each of which is devoted to the element is fed the same way as conventional antenna array. The
formation of a beam in a given direction. In the second con- difference lies in that the elements take different orientations
figuration, the metasurface aperture carries the superposition on the 2-D plane, like meta-atoms on RCS-reduction meta-
of many phase modulations that correspond to beams in the surfaces. For example, the circularly polarized patches take
desired directions. Since the full metasurface plane area is random orientations on the 2-D plane, which exerts different
used, the gain of the second configuration is higher than that of P-B phases for scattered and emitted waves. By properly using
the first. By coding the feeding phases for the antenna elements such a difference, high-gain low RCS planar array antennas
in patch antenna arrays, multibeam metantennas can also be can be implemented. Moreover, by combining meta-atom
implemented [173]. In such a configuration, all the patches antenna elements operating at different frequencies, multi-
are fed by a feeding network with the same magnitude but band low RCS planar array antennas can also be realized,
coded phases. Through a particular coding sequence, multiple despite with low aperture efficiency [187]. For antenna radiator
radiated beams can be directed toward different directions. with large metallic areas such as rectangular patch antenna,

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structures, the metasurface antennas have created much more

additional functions and/or much better performance than the
original conventional antennas. Metasurfaces are not merely
auxiliary components for antennas. They couple, transmit, and
decouple EM waves from the feed, which enables much more
integrated configuration of antennas, that is, the metantennas.
Due to free manipulations on EM waves, the integra-
tion of metasurface concept into antenna design has cre-
ated the new technical competence in commercial microwave
market such as the up-coming 5G wireless communication
network, RFID, WLAN/WiFi access points, sensing/imaging
systems, and satellite communications. It is definite that the
metamaterial-based methodology will continuously provide
rich possibilities for novel antennas.
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Authorized licensed use limited to: University of Glasgow. Downloaded on April 04,2024 at 14:22:18 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

[162] A. Tellechea et al., “Experimental validation of a Ku-band dual circu- [187] S.-M. Wang et al., “Design of multi-band metasurface antenna array
larly polarized metasurface antenna,” IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., with low RCS performance,” Chin. Phys. B, vol. 27, no. 10, Oct. 2018,
vol. 66, no. 3, pp. 1153–1159, Mar. 2018. Art. no. 104102.
[163] A. Tellechea et al., “Dual circularly-polarized broadside beam meta- [188] W. Xu, J. Wang, M. Chen, Z. Zhang, and Z. Li, “A novel microstrip
surface antenna,” IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., vol. 64, no. 7, antenna with composite patch structure for reduction of in-band RCS,”
pp. 2944–2953, Jul. 2016. IEEE Antennas Wireless Propag. Lett., vol. 14, pp. 139–142, 2015.
[164] G. Minatti, E. Martini, and S. Maci, “Efficiency of metasurface anten- [189] Y. Han et al., “Multibeam antennas based on spoof surface plasmon
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Apr. 2017. no. 3, pp. 1187–1192, Mar. 2017.
[165] G. Minatti, M. Faenzi, M. Sabbadini, and S. Maci, “Bandwidth of gain [190] T. Li and Z. N. Chen, “Wideband substrate-integrated waveguide-fed
in metasurface antennas,” IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., vol. 65, no. 6, endfire metasurface antenna array,” IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag.,
pp. 2836–2842, Jun. 2017. vol. 66, no. 12, pp. 7032–7040, Dec. 2018.
[166] D. Gonzalez-Ovejero, G. Chattopadhyay, and S. Maci, “Multiple beam [191] X. Wan, W. Xiang Jiang, H. Feng Ma, and T. Jun Cui, “A broadband
shared aperture modulated metasurface antennas,” in Proc. IEEE AP-S transformation-optics metasurface lens,” Appl. Phys. Lett., vol. 104,
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[167] A. H. Dorrah and G. V. Eleftheriades, “Two-dimensional center-fed [192] X. Wan, X. Shen, Y. Luo, and T. J. Cui, “Planar bifunctional Luneburg-
transmission-line-grid antenna for highly efficient broadside radiation,” fisheye lens made of an anisotropic metasurface,” Laser Photon. Rev.,
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[168] D. Gonzalez-Ovejero, G. Minatti, G. Chattopadhyay, and S. Maci, [193] A. Dhouibi, S. N. Burokur, and A. De Lustrac, “Planar metamaterial-
“Multibeam by metasurface antennas,” IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., based beam-scanning broadband microwave antenna,” J. Appl. Phys.,
vol. 65, no. 6, pp. 2923–2930, Jun. 2017. vol. 115, no. 19, May 2014, Art. no. 194901.
[169] O. Yurduseven and D. R. Smith, “Dual-polarization printed holographic [194] M. Bosiljevac, M. Casaletti, F. Caminita, Z. Sipus, and S. Maci,
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[170] X. Wan et al., “Manipulations of dual beams with dual polariza- Jiafu Wang (Member, IEEE) received the Ph.D.
tions by full-tensor metasurfaces,” Adv. Opt. Mater., vol. 4, no. 10, degree from Air Force Engineering University,
pp. 1567–1572, Oct. 2016. Xi’an, China, in 2010.
[171] X. Wan, B. G. Cai, Y. B. Li, and T. J. Cui, “Dual-channel near-field He is currently a Visiting Scholar with the Depart-
control by polarizations using isotropic and inhomogeneous metasur- ment of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Fac-
face,” Sci. Rep., vol. 5, Nov. 2015, Art. no. 15853. ulty of Engineering, National University of Sin-
[172] Y. B. Li, R. Y. Wu, W. Wu, C. B. Shi, Q. Cheng, and T. J. Cui, gapore, Singapore. He has authored or coauthored
“Dual-physics manipulation of electromagnetic waves by system-level more than 220 SCI journal articles and published
design of metasurfaces to reach extreme control of radiation beams,” one monograph on electromagnetic metamaterials.
Adv. Mater. Technol., vol. 2, no. 1, Jan. 2017, Art. no. 1600196. He is the Principal Investigator (PI) of more than ten
[173] X. G. Zhang, W. X. Jiang, H. W. Tian, and T. J. Cui, “Con- scientific research projects, including three granted
trolling radiation beams by low-profile planar antenna arrays with by the Natural Science Foundation of China. His research interests include
coding elements,” ACS Omega, vol. 3, no. 9, pp. 10601–10611, electromagnetic metamaterials, metasurfaces, spoof surface plasmon polari-
Sep. 2018. tons, radar absorbing materials, antennas, and microwave components.
[174] Z. L. Ma and C. H. Chan, “A novel surface-wave-based high-impedance Dr. Wang was honored as the Outstanding New Sci&Tech Star of Shaanxi
surface multibeam antenna with full azimuth coverage,” IEEE Trans. Province in 2015 and 2019, respectively; and he is also the grantee of the
Antennas Propag., vol. 65, no. 4, pp. 1579–1588, Apr. 2017. Sanqin Talent Subsidy of Shaanxi Province. His doctoral dissertation won
[175] X. Fu et al., “Merging bands of polarization convertors by suppressing the nomination of National Excellent Doctoral Dissertation in 2012. He was
Fano resonance,” Appl. Phys. Lett., vol. 113, no. 10, Sep. 2018, awarded the First Prize of Excellent Achievement in Natural Science by the
Art. no. 101901. Ministry of Education (ranked fourth) in 2012.
[176] Y. Li et al., “Ultra-wide-band microwave composite absorbers based
on phase gradient metasurfaces,” Prog. Electromagn. Res, vol. 40, Yue Li (Senior Member, IEEE) received the B.S.
pp. 9–18, Nov. 2014. degree in telecommunication engineering from Zhe-
[177] H. Chen et al., “Ultra-wideband polarization conversion metasurfaces jiang University, Zhejiang, China, in 2007, and
based on multiple plasmon resonances,” J. Appl. Phys., vol. 115, no. 15, the Ph.D. degree in electronic engineering from
Apr. 2014, Art. no. 154504. Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, in 2012.
[178] M. Feng et al., “Two-dimensional coding phase gradient metasurface He is currently an Associate Professor with the
for RCS reduction,” J. Phys. D, Appl. Phys., vol. 51, no. 37, Sep. 2018, Department of Electronic Engineering, Tsinghua
Art. no. 375103. University. In June 2012, he was a Post-Doctoral
[179] S. Sui et al., “Absorptive coding metasurface for further radar cross Fellow with the Department of Electronic Engineer-
section reduction,” J. Phys. D, Appl. Phys., vol. 51, no. 6, Feb. 2018, ing, Tsinghua University. In December 2013, he was
Art. no. 065603. a Research Scholar with the Department of Electrical
[180] S. Sui et al., “Synthetic design for a microwave absorber and antire- and Systems Engineering, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA.
flection to achieve wideband scattering reduction,” J. Phys. D, Appl. He was also a Visiting Scholar with the Institute for Infocomm Research
Phys., vol. 52, no. 3, Jan. 2019, Art. no. 035103. (I2R), A∗STAR, Singapore, in 2010, and the Hawaii Center of Advanced
[181] Q. Zheng et al., “Wideband coding metasurfaces based on Communication (HCAC), University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu, HI, USA,
low Q resonators,” Opt. Commun., vol. 430, pp. 189–194, in 2012. Since January 2016, he has been with Tsinghua University, where
Jan. 2019. he is currently an Assistant Professor. He has authored or coauthored over
[182] Y. Fan, J. Wang, Y. Li, J. Zhang, Y. Han, and S. Qu, “Low- 130 journal articles and 45 international conference papers, and he holds
RCS and High-gain circularly polarized metasurface antenna,” IEEE 18 granted Chinese patents. His current research interests include metamateri-
Trans. Antennas Propag., vol. 67, no. 12, pp. 7197–7203, Dec. 2019, als, plasmonics, electromagnetics, nanocircuits, mobile and handset antennas,
doi: 10.1109/tap.2019.2920355. MIMO and diversity antennas, and millimeter-wave antennas and arrays.
[183] Y. Zhao et al., “In-band RCS reduction of waveguide slot array using Dr. Li was a recipient of the Issac Koga Gold Medal from the URSI General
metasurface bars,” IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., vol. 65, no. 2, Assembly in 2017; the Second Prize of Science and Technology Award of
pp. 943–947, Feb. 2017. the China Institute of Communications in 2017; the Young Scientist Awards
[184] Y. Zhao, X. Cao, J. Gao, L. Xu, X. Liu, and L. Cong, “Broadband from the conferences of EMTS 2019, ACES 2018, AT-RASC 2018, AP-RASC
low-RCS circularly polarized array using metasurface-based element,” 2016, EMTS 2016, and URSI GASS 2014; the Best Paper Awards from the
IEEE Antennas Wireless Propag. Lett., vol. 16, pp. 1836–1839, 2017. conferences of NCANT 2019 and 2017, CSQRWC 2018, NCMMW 2018 and
[185] W.-H. Li et al., “Radar cross section reduction of microstrip antenna 2017, APCAP 2017, ISAPE 2016, and ICMMT 2016; the Outstanding
based on wide-band metamaterial absorber,” Acta Phys. Sinica, vol. 64, Doctoral Dissertation of Beijing Municipality in 2013, and the Principal
no. 8, 2015, Art. no. 084101. Scholarship of Tsinghua University in 2011. He is serving as an Associate
[186] P. Yang, F. Yan, F. Yang, and T. Dong, “Microstrip phased-array Editor of the IEEE T RANSACTIONS ON A NTENNAS AND P ROPAGATION,
In-band RCS reduction with a random element rotation technique,” the IEEE A NTENNAS AND W IRELESS P ROPAGATION L ETTERS , Microwave
IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., vol. 64, no. 6, pp. 2513–2518, and Optical Technology Letters, and Computer Applications in Engineering
Jun. 2016. Education and also as an Editorial Board Member of Scientific Report.
Authorized licensed use limited to: University of Glasgow. Downloaded on April 04,2024 at 14:22:18 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

Zhi Hao Jiang (Member, IEEE) was born in Ziheng Zhou received the B.S. degree in physics
Nanjing, China, in 1986. He received the B.S. degree from Nanjing University, Nanjing, China, in 2017.
in radio engineering from Southeast University, Nan- He is currently pursuing the Ph.D. degree in electri-
jing, in 2008, and the Ph.D. degree in electrical cal engineering with Tsinghua University, Beijing,
engineering from The Pennsylvania State University, China.
University Park, State College, PA, USA, in 2013. His research interests include metamaterial, meta-
From 2013 to 2016, he was a Post-Doctoral Fel- surface, wideband electromagnetic absorbers, elec-
low with the Computational Electromagnetics and tromagnetic sensors, circularly polarized antennas,
Antennas Research Laboratory, Department of Elec- simultaneous transmitting and receiving antennas,
trical Engineering, The Pennsylvania State Univer- and metamaterial-assisted antennas.
sity. He is currently a Professor with the State Key Mr. Zhou serves as a Reviewer for the IEEE
Laboratory of Millimeter Waves, School of Information Science and Engineer- T RANSACTIONS ON A NTENNAS AND P ROPAGATION and the IEEE A NTEN -
ing, Southeast University. He has authored or coauthored about 70 articles in NAS AND W IRELESS P ROPAGATION L ETTERS .
peer-reviewed journals, over 60 articles in conference proceedings, as well
as eight book chapters. He has also coedited one book: Electromagnetics of Zhi Ning Chen (Fellow, IEEE) received the B.Eng.,
Body-Area Networks: Antennas, Propagation, and RF Systems (Wiley/IEEE M.Eng., and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering
Press, 2016). He holds seven granted U.S. patents and one granted from the Institute of Communications Engineering
Chinese patent. His current research interests include microwave/millimeter- (ICE), Nanjing, China, in 1985, 1988, and 1993,
wave antennas and circuits, millimeter-wave systems, impedance surfaces, repectively, and the second Ph.D. degree from the
metamaterials, and analytical methods. University of Tsukuba, Tsukuba, Japan, in 2003.
Dr. Jiang was a recipient of the Young Scientist Award at the 2019 ACES- From 1988 to 1995, he was a Lecturer and later a
China Conference, the High-Level Innovative and Entrepreneurial Talent Professor with ICE as well as a Post-Doctoral Fellow
presented by Jiangsu Province, China, in 2017, the Thousands of Young and later an Associate Professor with Southeast
Talents presented by China Government in 2016, the Honorable Mention in University, Nanjing. From 1995 to 1997, he was
the 2013 IEEE AP-S International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation with the City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong,
Student Paper Contest, and the 2012 A. J. Ferraro Outstanding Doctoral as a Research Assistant and later a Research Fellow. In 1997, he was
Research Award in Electromagnetics. He has served as the TPC co-chair or a awarded the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) Fellowship
TPC member for multiple international conferences. He serves as an Associate to conduct his research at the University of Tsukuba. In 2001 and 2004,
Editor for the IET Communications, was a Guest Editor of the International he visited the University of Tsukuba twice under the JSPS Fellowship
Journal of RF and Microwave Computer-Aided Engineering, and also serves Program (Senior Fellow). In 2004, he was an Academic Visitor with the
as a reviewer for more than 40 journals. IBM T. J. Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights, NY, USA. In 2013,
he visited the Laboratoire des SignauxetSystèmes, UMR8506 CNRS-Supelec-
Ting Shi (Student Member, IEEE) received the B.S. University Paris Sud, Gif-sur-Yvette, France, as a Senior DIGITEO Guest
degree from the University of Electronic Science Scientist. In 2015, he visited the Center for Northeast Asian Studies, Tohoku
and Technology of China, Chengdu, China, in 2014, University, Sendai, Japan, as a Senior Visiting Professor. From 1999 to
and the M.S. degree from Chongqing University, 2016, he was with the Institute for Infocomm Research (I2R) as a Principal
Chongqing, China, in 2017, where she is currently Scientist, the Head/Manager for the RF and Optical Department, and a
pursuing the Ph.D. degree in electronics and com- Technical Advisor. In 2012, he joined the Department of Electrical and
munication engineering with the College of Com- Computer Engineering, National University of Singapore, Singapore, as a
munication Engineering. tenured Full Professor, where he is currently the Program Director (Industry).
From 2018 to 2019, she was a Visiting He is holding/held the concurrent guest professorships at Southeast University
Graduate with the Department of Electrical and (Changjiang Chair Professor), Nanjing, Nanjing University, Nanjing, Tsinghua
Computer Engineering, National University of University, Beijing, China, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China,
Singapore, Singapore. Her current research interests include microwave elec- Tongji University, Shanghai, the University of Science and Technology of
trically small antennas and metasurfaces. China, Hefei, China, Fudan University, Shanghai, Dalian Maritime University,
Dalian, China, Chiba University, Chiba, Japan, National Taiwan University of
Ming-Chun Tang (Senior Member, IEEE) received Science and Technology, Taipei, Taiwan, South China University of Technol-
the B.S. degree in physics from Neijiang Normal ogy, Guangzhou, China, Shanghai University, Shanghai, Beijing University
University, Neijiang, China, in 2005, and the Ph.D. of Posts and Telecommunications, Beijing, Yunnan University, Kunming,
degree in radio physics from the University of Elec- China, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing, and the City University of
tronic Science and Technology of China (UESTC), Hong Kong. He is currently serving as a member of the State Key Laboratory
Chengdu, China, in 2013. of Millimeter-Waves, Southeast University, and the State Key Laboratory of
From August 2011 to August 2012, he was also Tera-Hertz and Millimeter-Waves, City University of Hong Kong. Also, he
with the Department of Electrical and Computer has served as a reviewer of local and overseas governmental/provide research
Engineering, The University of Arizona, Tucson, foundations/organizations, including Canada, Finland, Sweden, Chile, China,
AZ, USA, as a Visiting Scholar. He is currently a Hong Kong, and U.K.
Full Professor with the School of Microelectronics
and Communication Engineering, Chongqing University, Chongqing, China. Cheng-Wei Qiu (Member, IEEE) received the
His research interests include electrically small antennas, RF circuits, meta- B.Eng. degree from the University of Science and
material designs, and their applications. Technology of China, Hefei, China, in 2003, and
Dr. Tang is a Senior Member of the Chinese Institute of Electronics. He was the Ph.D. degree from the National University of
a recipient of the National Science Fund for Excellent Young Scholars in 2019. Singapore (NUS), Singapore, in 2007.
He was a recipient of the Best Student Paper Award in the 2010 Interna- He was a Post-Doctoral Fellow with the Physics
tional Symposium on Signals, Systems and Electronics (ISSSE2010) held Department, MIT, Cambridge, MA, USA, till the end
in Nanjing, China. His Ph.D. students received Best Student Paper Awards of 2009. Since December 2009, he has been with
from the IEEE 7th Asia–Pacific Conference on Antennas and Propagation NUS, as an Assistant Professor and was promoted
(2018 IEEE APCAP) held in Auckland, New Zealand, the 2019 IEEE to Associate Professor with tenure in January 2017.
International Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society (ACES) Sym- In January 2018, he was promoted to Dean’s Chair
posium, Nanjing, the 2019 IEEE International Workshop on Electromagnetics: Professor with the Faculty of Engineering, NUS.
Applications and Student Innovation Competition, Qiangdao, China, and the Dr. Qiu was a recipient of the SUMMA Graduate Fellowship in Advanced
2019 Cross Strait Quad-Regional Radio Science and Wireless Technology Electromagnetics in 2005, the IEEE AP-S Graduate Research Award in 2006,
Conference, Taiyuan, China. He has also served on the review boards of the URSI Young Scientist Award in 2008, the NUS Young Investigator Award
various technical journals and many international conferences as the general in 2011, the MIT TR35@Singapore Award in 2012, the Young Scientist
chair, a TPC member, a session organizer, and the session chair. He is Award by the Singapore National Academy of Science in 2013, the Faculty
the Founding Chair of the IEEE AP-S/MTT-S Joint Chongqing Chapter. Young Research Award in NUS 2013, and the Young Engineering Research
He serves on the Editorial Board of several journals, including IEEE ACCESS , Award 2018 in NUS. His research is known for the structured light for beam
Electronics Letters, and the IET Microwaves, Antennas and Propagation. manipulation and structured metasurfaces.

Authorized licensed use limited to: University of Glasgow. Downloaded on April 04,2024 at 14:22:18 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

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