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This is the basic template for the 15 DU including all items mentioned in O.89/2014

These lexical fields must be accompanied by the necessary set of vocabulary needed for everyday


Basic lexical fields as derived from our official syllabus O.89/2014 C of Madrid

It is a good idea to brainstorm and make “excessive”, “overabundant” lists. This allows us to pick and choose. I

can easily help you sequence whatever you produce as I am very familiar whether something is taught in the

FIRST, SECOND, THIRD, FOURTH grades. So to start with, the more the better (within reason)

We will classify vocabulary in REVIEW (this is indispensable if we want the “seed” planted to take root and

become part of our students’ working vocabulary) NEW (8to10 new lexical items) EXTENSION (that MANY

of our students will learn in whole or in part. We mustn’t underestimate our students natural ability for language

acquisition) An interesting category is MOTIVATING words, words that students like because of how they

sound, the connotations they may have or for multiple other reasons.

This vocabulary deals with a child’s life and his near environment. They refer to things he is familiar with. We

must present them in motivating settings, as the MOTIVATING potential of the word SOCK may be high in a

two year old, but not to 6-12 yr. old children. This is where creativity comes in.

In the meantime make a lexicon of vocabulary. Don’t be frightened of making overly long lists as long as they

don’t include excessively “grown up” words.

You can divide words in “thing” words “feeling” words, “action” words, “descriptive” words, etc. Small

children use these expressions to refer to the language they use. They will learn the technical terms in due


The 15 lexical fields that can serve as the pivot for the 15 didactic unit are on page 2

Words can be present in other contexts, and it is extremely useful for this to happen. Learning vocabulary is an

incremental process and we don’t want our students’ progress to go to waste.

This is the basic list of 15 theme based Didactic Units, each of which has its own lexical field

Daily routines



FALL, Thanksgiving, Halloween




WINTER Christmas

Town, neighbourhood

Sports, hobbies

SPRING Easter, Groundhog Day

Farm animals and pets

Wild animals

SUMMER Holidays

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