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Examination for Grade 8 End of Term I


Paper 2
MARCH 2023

Marks: 40
TIME: 1 Hour 30 Minutes

Instructions to candidates

1. Write the centre number and your name on the top right of this paper, and on any separate answer booklet/paper
2. There are TWO (2) sections in this paper. Answer all the questions.
3. Write your answers in the spaces provided on the question.
4. Do not start writing until you are told to do so.

Information for Candidates

1. Dictionaries and other reference materials are not allowed in the examination room.
2. Cell phones other electronics devices are not allowed in the examination room.


Section A Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Section B


©GVA/2023/EOT This question paper consist of 8 printed papers


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Part 1: Contextual Communication (10 Marks)

Read the following questions and circle the letter of your choice.

1. You have not heard clearly what your friend has just said and you would like to say something to
indicate this. What would you say? [1]
A. Excuse.
B. Excuse me.
C. Pardon.
D. Repeat it.
2. Your teacher tells you to write answers to an exercise in your exercise books and you seem to have
missed the instruction. This is what you would say… [1]
A. Explain again.
B. Please, sir.
C. Sir, explain again.
D. Would you please explain again?
3. While you are in your room, your friend from the next room knocks. What would you say? [1]
A. Please enter.
B. Come in.
C. Enter.
D. In.
4. You are playing netball and, in the process, you hurt your friend who seems to be offended. How would
you sound apologetic? [1]
A. Forgive me please.
B. Forgive me.
C. I am wrong.
D. Please my friend.
5. Your mother gives you pineapples but you seem to like sweet potatoes instead. What would you say to
your mother to indicate that you enjoy sweet potatoes more than pineapples? [1]
A. I prefer sweet potatoes to pineapples.
B. I prefer sweet potatoes to than pineapples.
C. I prefer sweet potatoes much than pineapples.
D. I prefer sweet potatoes very much than pineapples.

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6. You are feeling a headache and you would like to bring this to the attention of your friend. What would
you say? [1]
A. I am not feeling well.
B. I am down.
C. I am completely down.
D. I am very down.
7. You are in the post office and you would like to post a letter to your father in the village. Before that,
you want to purchase a stamp. What would you say to the post master? [1]
A. I wish to have a stamp.
B. I want one stamp.
C. May I have a stamp?
D. One stamp, sir.
8. Your father enters the head teacher’s office with a view of looking for a school place for your young
brother. The head teacher says this. [1]
A. Anything for me?
B. Do you need help?
C. How can I help you?
D. What do you want?
9. A caller from the post office: ‘We have a registered letter for you. We request you to come and pick it.’
What would be your response? [1]
A. Thank you so much. Could I come for it tomorrow?
B. Thank you so much. You would come for it tomorrow.
C. Thank you so much. I could not come tomorrow.
D. Thank you so much.
10. Your friend says to you: ‘How do you do?’ What would be your response? [1]
A. Fine, thanks.
B. Fine, thank you.
C. How do you do?
D. How do you do sir/madam?

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Part 2: Tense Recognition (5 Marks)

In the following sentences, some of the words have been put in brackets. Write the correct form of
the words in the spaces provided.

Example: Nancy _______ in class every day. (to sleep)

Answer: Nancy slept in class every day.
1. Rose _________________ her brother to her friends last week. (to introduce) [½]
2. Last year Mary ________________ how to greet people in Icibemba. (to learn) [½]
3. Mwale ______________ to church every Sunday. (to go) [½]
4. Ms Nyangu ___________ when she saw how the children helped Mwale. (to smile) [½]
5. When they ____________at the stadium, the match had already started. (to arrive) [½]
6. Mwale was too slow so the children _______________ him behind. (to leave) [½]
7. We ________________the table tennis team from Kasama last night. (to greet) [½]
8. Mulenga and Kamizhi _____________to the village two weeks ago. (to drive) [½]
9. Katele _____________ to help his brother Mwale. (to want) [½]
10. The clinic sister ________________ all the people in the village. (to immunise) [½]

Part 3: Rewrites (5 Marks)

Rewrite each of the following sentences according to the instructions given.
Do not change the meaning of the sentences. Write your answers in the spaces provided.

Example: You should put more time for studies. That way you will not have any problems.
Begin: As long as you put more time for studies, you will not have any problems.

1. No guitarist is as good as Matthews in the band.

Begin: Mathews _______________________________________________________ [1]
2. I am short. My mother is tall.
Begin: My mother _____________________________________________________ [1]
3. Chileshe is the cleverest pupil in grade 8 at Grandview Academy.
Begin: No pupil _______________________________________________________
_____________________________________________________________________ [1]
4. Since she was not feeling well, she didn’t write the test.
Begin: Because _______________________________________________________
5. The teacher was experienced in teaching. Everyone passed the final exams.
Begin: Since _________________________________________________________ [1]

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Part 4: Close Passage (10 Marks)

Read the following passage and in each blank space write the word that best completes the sentence.
You must write ONLY ONE word in each space. For example, in the first blank space the best word
is and.

The United Nations Development Programme and (example: and ) National Technology Business Centre
(NBTC) (1) _____________ signed a memorandum of understanding (2) ________________ at
promoting innovative initiatives across (3) ____________ country. UNDP Resident Representative,
Lionel Laurens said the MoU will (4) __________________collaborative engagements and
implementation of the national innovation initiative. Mr Laurens explained (5) _____________ the
national innovation initiative aims to identify inclusive innovative ideas, technology-based start-ups and
creative innovations that solve most societal and economic challenges including those related to the corona
(6) _________________.

(7) __________________added that the programme will (8) _________________ knowledge and skills,
especially among the youths and women inclusive of rural areas, on innovation and entrepreneurship and
(9) _________________capacity of innovators to position them (10) _______________ investment and


Read the story below and answer questions that follow.

1. Our teacher talked about children’s rights to us. On this day, he had invited ambassadors of
children’s rights to share their story with us. Alisha and her friend Poonam, both from India, were
to talk to us. They had travelled for many hours to get to our school, along with nine other girls.
2. When Poonam began telling her story, the whole class fell totally silent. ‘When I was 14 years old,
I was a poor orphan. An older boy from my village said that he loved me, and said we should get
married and have a good, safe life together in the Indian city of Mumbai. I was alone, and I was
desperate to belong to a family, so I decided to go with him. But he tricked me. Instead of taking
care of me, he sold me to a brothel. When I refused to let the men at the brothel exploit me, they
held me, beat me up with electrical cables and burned me with cigarettes until I was too exhausted
to stand up to them any more’.
3. Poonam was sexually molested by up to fifteen men every day for almost a year. But eventually
she was rescued and gained protection from an organisation in Maiti Nepal.

4. “Now I am a member of the World’s Children’s Prize International Child Jury. I represent and
fight for girls who have been subjected to child sex trade, slavery and abuse," said Poonam.

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5. Alisha grew up in an extremely poor family in Kathmandu. Her parents took temporary jobs on
different building sites, but never earned enough for Alisha and her little sister to go to school or
eat to their fill.

6. ‘Also, my mother and father had drinking problems. Money that should have gone into education
for my sister and I went to feed their habit instead. They often came home drunk, and that almost
always ended in fighting. My father would beat my mother, and when I screamed at him to stop
and tried to get in between them, he would beat me too’.

7. Instead of going to school like other children in her neighbourhood, Alisha was forced to take care
of the household and her little sister all day long. She cooked the food (if there was any), and did
the laundry and cleaning.

8. ‘I became a ‘mother’ even though I was just a child of six. When no one was watching, I cried.
One evening my mother didn’t come home from work. For two weeks, my father, sister and I
searched for her, but we didn’t find her. I was worried and couldn’t understand what had happened.
Was she dead? Or had she abandoned us? Before I fell asleep at night I would lie and look at a
picture of her, and fell both lonely and sad.’

9. After her mother’s disappearance, Alisha’s father drank so much that he was no longer able to take
care of his daughters.

10. ‘I had to start working as a maid for the man who owned our house so that my sister and I could
survive. I worked from six cleaning and cooking. If I made the slightest mistake, like dropping a
plate, the man would get so angry. He would shout at me, saying my father was a drunkard, and I
was such a bad person that even my mother abandoned me. One day I couldn’t face it anymore,
and I ran away.

11. For a long time, Alisha wandered in the streets of Kathmandu, alone and in despair, trying to find
a better life for herself and her sister. Eventually, when she had almost given up, someone showed
her the way to Maiti Nepal and their home for girls.

12. It was fantastic to come to Maiti! My sister and I got a home, friends, food and safety, and we
could finally start school.’ All the students stood up and clapped emotionally, tears brimming in
their eyes.

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1. How many children’s rights ambassadors had the narrator’s school according to the first paragraph?
A. Many.
B. Two
C. Three.
D. Four.
2. What name is given to the people who take advantage of others’ circumstances to exploit them?
A. Police.
B. Soldier.
C. Abusers.
D. Drunkards.
3. Who promised to love and marry Poonam? [2]
A. Fifteen men.
B. The man she worked for.
C. The owner of the organization in Maiti Nepal.
D. The Indian boy.

4. According to paragraph 3, how were the rights of Poonam violated? [2]

A. She was sexually molested by up to fifteen men every day for almost a year.
B. She started working as a maid and working from six in the morning to until late night.
C. An older boy promised to love and marry her and disappointed her.
D. Both parents starved the children to an extent where the mother ran away.

5. Beating of a wife as done to Alisha’s mother can also be called wife _______________ [2]

6. How did Alisha and her sister survive after their mother abandoned them? [2]
A. Alisha worked as a maid for the man who owned their house.
B. She went into the streets.
C. She started prostitution at the brothel.
D. She went into business.

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7. How did Alisha and her sister get back to school according to paragraph 12? [2]
A. She raised money while she was working as a maid.
B. Well-wishers came through to send her back to school.
C. When someone showed her the way to Maiti Nepal and their home for girls.
D. The parents reconciled and sent them back to school.

8. True or false? Poonam became a mother after being sexually molested. ______________ [2]

9. Do you think Alisha’s parents were responsible? Give reasons for your answer. [3]

Answer: _______________________________________________________________


10. In your own words, how can you help those whose rights have been violated? [3]
Answer: _______________________________________________________________
11. Find words from the passage that are similar in meaning to the following phrases: Select from the
underlined words.
(a) The process of imparting knowledge. ____________________ [2]
(b) A thing that you do often. ____________________________ [2]
(c) Left and no longer wanted. ___________________________ [2]
(d) To treat a person as an opportunity to gain advantage. ___________________ [2]

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