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(5/AUG/2022 Chittagong to Sri Pundarika dhama)

Today is the Deity installation day. Last evening Guru Maharaja did the Netronmilan for the
Deities. And today morning the priests started the 'Nyasa-homa' and other yajnas, preparing for
abhiseka, etc. Guru Maharaja was supposed to be there around 9am. But the arrangement for
the Abhiseka got delayed by 1:30hrs. So, Guru Maharaja was waiting for their call from the
temple. Meanwhile, Guru Maharaja was selecting names for the two Nitai Gaura Deities from
the suggestions that last night was made.

Around 10:45am we left from Guru Maharaja’s residence, while leaving from there, the owner of
the residence asked Guru Maharaja to bless his niece in the UK, who is a sheltered disciple and
she was just ready, waiting online for hours - to get a chance to offer arati to Guru Maharaja. He
connected her over video call, and Guru Maharaja accepted her offerings and Arati.
Paramananda Nitai Dāsa gave a donation to Guru Maharaja as today is his birthday, and Guru
Maharaja asked him, do you have my books? And Guru Maharaja took ₹1000 from that
daksina, and asked Deva Gauranga Prabhu to get books from me and give them to
Paramananda Nitai Prabhu. And also one set to the house owner.

Guru Maharaja reached the temple and offered his respects to Lord Siva, and touched bilva
leaf, milk, and arati. Then offered his arati to Hanuman and Garuda and entered the temple.
There usually, we carry Guru Maharaja along his wheelchair in the staircases, but here they
prepared a kind of palanquin to carry Guru Maharaja in stainless steel. And Guru Maharaja
agreed to go in that. But of course, many devotees have to lift, and for Guru Maharaja there is
no scarcity of disciples. So all the servants and disciples with so much joy, carried Guru
Maharaja to the Temple floor. Guru Maharaja looked very royal in that palanquin.

Guru Maharaja offered his respects to Srila Prabhupada and entered the Deity abhiseka area
for pratistha ceremony. Madhava Kanta Prabhu asked me to type the pratistha mantras so that
Guru Maharaja could read it easy in bigger fonts. We did, but we couldn’t print it. Then we
showed the mantras on the laptop, in bigger font size. During the Prana-pratistha, Gaura Nitai
Deities were touched by Kusa gras, and the Lord was invited to be present as Arca-alAvatara.
The prana-pratistha is very important, so they very much wanted Guru Maharaja to be on time.
It is like only Acaryas can request the Lord to descend. Like Advaita Acarya, because of His
calling Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu appeared. A pure devotee’s call has its own potency, and the
Lord very mercifully accepts their requests. So here, Guru Maharaja was calling the Lord
through this Prana-pratistha ceremony. And he touched the heart, and other limbs of the Deity,
and this comprises the installation. Sitalanga Prabhu, placed Gauranga and Nityananda Deities
on Guru Maharaja’s head, and then to Guru Maharaja’s heart! You can see those in the photos,
it is as if the Lord is hugging His dear devotee.

After prana-pratistha, Guru Maharaja announced the names of the Nitai Gaura Deities for the
pleasure of the assembled devotees. Guru Maharaja gave the name Nimai Gaurahari because
the Lord visited East Bengal when He was Nimai Pandita. So, in every thing we see that Guru
Maharaja gets into a deeper meaning and meditation. The Abhiseka began and Guru Maharaja
was touching the Abhiseka pots, different ingredients and devotees were doing abhiseka for Sri
Sri Nityananda Raya Nimai Gaurahari, Sri Sri Radha Kunjabihari Lalita Visakha, and Sri Sri
Jagannatha Baladeva Subhadra. In this way the festival was jubilantly celebrated.

Guru Maharaja went to his room and started his Gayathri. His Holiness Bhakti Purusottama
Swami Maharaja and Vanamali Prabhu from Bhubaneswar came and presented the new project
in Bhubaneswar - which is 25 acres of land for future developments. Guru Maharaja was asking
many details about it. Then Guru Maharaja started his lunch Prasadam. After that, Guru
Maharaja blessed some devotees and had a rest for one hour.

As many public and devotees didn’t get darsana of Guru Maharaja, they were standing in the
same place for almost 4 - 5 hours, just to have a glimse darsana of Guru Maharaja. And they
were in thousands- young, old, kids, mothers with babies, they were waiting and waiting with lot
of eagerness. So, it was a plan that we will leave Pravartaka and go to Nandan Kanan and then
to Pundarika dhama. But, because so many are waiting, Naru Gopala Prabhu suggested, it will
give happiness to devotees, if Guru Maharaja could come to stage for ten mins. Practically, no
one could say a no to this. As we see all of them standing on top of the building, staircase,
gates, everywhere. So Maha Varaha Prabhu said “Yes!”

When Guru Maharaja was resting, the Kirtana and the famous baul Kirtana sound was so high.
And Maha Varaha Prabhu asked to turn of the speakers. Immediately the devotees went and
turned off, and they maintained silence, as much as possible, not to disturb Guru Maharaja’s
As Guru Maharaja woke up from his nap, he freshened up and cut a birthday cake of
Paramananda Nitai Prabhu, who took care of all the devotees accommodation and Prasadam,
transport. Then Guru Maharaja blessed a guest. The MP also met Guru Maharaja and took his
blessings. Guru Maharaja came out and the crowd made such a vibration of ulu-dvani,
jaya-dvani, Hari-dvani… it just gives a goosebumps on your body, and your eyes will certainly
become wet. So much devotion exhibited congregationally, and the waves of that vibration pass
through you, meaning to say , it is something that cannot be explained by words. Guru Maharaja
was entering through these waves. The moment they saw Guru Maharaja , just to see him
more, they just jump, climb on the back of other devotees, etc., 10,000+ devotees and public,
every single person’s focus is on Guru Maharaja. And this time, Pravartaka temple made a nice
arrangement of LED screens - so everyone could see Guru Maharaja and his classes very
easily. Guru Maharaja gave a short address, and departed from there.

We started around 6:30pm and went to the ISKCON Nandan Kanan temple. This new temple
was constructed recently, and they worship Nitai Gaura Deities. It is a narrow street, so only one
car could go. So, Guru Maharaja’s car alone went inside and we all got down and followed by
walking. There were hundreds of devotees assembled to receive Guru Maharaja. This temple is
doing lot of preaching in Bangladesh, especially Youth Preaching. They have 80 Brahmacaris.
Guru Maharaja went and opened the new seven floor building. On the first floor, the temple is
situated. Guru Maharaja offered arati and flowers to the Deities. Then prepared to give a short
class. Before that, Jagatguru Jayadeva Prabhu made an announcement about a new book
compiled by ISKCON Nandan Kanan devotees on Guru Maharaja’s pastimes with Srila
Prabhupada. And Guru Maharaja launched that book. In his class, Guru Maharaja appreciated
the temple and said that as the Deities are not installed officially, on the next visit the Deities can
be installed and then, he appreciated the lift (elevator) it was big and very good. Even
Pravartaka temple does not have an elevator. In this way, He encouraged them a lot. Guru
Maharaja said, "I used to see only Deities in the temple during Zoom session on Saturdays. But
I see a lot of devotees, when I come physically. " Then we left that temple. But by that time it
started to rain. Guru Maharaja came to his car and even though devotees were holding
umbrellas, Guru Maharaja’s dhoti and dress got wet.

Acarya Ratna Prabhu and I were next to the car. Guru Maharaja came near the car and before
seating him in to the car, one devotee from the crowd dropped a mobile on Guru Maharaja, and
it hit Guru Maharaja's head! It immediately made him bleed (like one drop). Despite having
bamboo barriers, a devotee from the crowd extended his mobile to give to another devotee to
take picture!! When we saw this, Acarya Ratna Prabhu immediately took a tissue, and I held it
on Guru Maharaja head. He somehow stopped the bleeding. Subhanga Govinda Prabhu gave a
band-aid. The crowd turned toward that devotee, and started to shout at him and push him out,
and Madhava Kanta Prabhu got so angry and started to push the crowd more and more. This
made everyone upset. The president was standing in shock and asking forgiveness to Guru
Maharaja. Then Guru Maharaja got into the car to Pundarika dhama.

When I said to Maha Varaha Prabhu, he said, we should ban all these mobiles, nowadays
people are very much addicted to mobile, and everyone wants to take pictures, and videos live.
He was expressing to Caru Candra Prabhu and Jagatguru Gauranga Prabhu. Guru Maharaja
went to the old temple, which was the first temple in Bangladesh, and offered arati
Radha-Madhava from the car. In this temple, Guru Maharaja used to stay in the 80s and go
around Bangladesh and preach. So this is a historical place.

We started at 8:45pm to Pundarika dhama and it was raining continuously. We were travelling in
four different cars and police was giving escort. But unfortunately, the police vehicle could only
go like 40kms speed, so we were practically going slow, and many devotees were coming in
motor bike, and going around Guru Maharaja’s car, this made our travel much slower. Then
Caru Candra Prabhu and Maha Varaha Prabhu stopped the car, and asked all the motor bikes
come behind all the cars. The we continued the journey. It will 1:30hrs to reach Pundarika
Dhama. When we entered there was an elephant welcoming, and band music. Matajis with
lamps, flower showering, etc. So in this way in a grand procession, Guru Maharaja got

Cinmaya Krishna Prabhu, arranged more aratis, and welcoming until Guru Maharaja’s room.
And, we took Guru Maharaja by his wheelchair, everywhere with devotees. And it is very
colourfully decorated, with lights, kirtan, music, and a grand welcome. In this way, we reached
safely to Pundarika Dhama. Maha Varaha Prabhu, very strictly said, no programs, Guru
Maharaja will go and take rest. From tomorrow next four days here going to be a mela, initiation
mela. Everyday will be 600+ initiation.
Of course, Guru Maharaja will forgive that devotee who dropped mobile, but I was thinking, how
much it will be for that disciple, he caused this to Guru Maharaja, even though it is unintentional,
still he won’t forgive himself for his own action. We need to be extremely careful. So, when I was
helping Guru Maharaja to get into the car, especially in Bangladesh, we five of them lifted Guru
Maharaja from his wheelchair, and made him sit inside the car. It is not easy, I was scared, even
one slight mistake will give pain to Guru Maharaja. By Krishna’s mercy, so far we are doing
good. Krishna is protecting Guru Maharaja. We need to be super careful. I am just saying all
these things for my own self (Personal Diary - Shyama Rasika dasa)

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