Padurariu 2010

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PHYSICAL REVIEW B 81, 144519 共2010兲

Theoretical proposal for superconducting spin qubits

C. Padurariu and Yu. V. Nazarov

Kavli Institute of NanoScience, Delft University of Technology, Lorentzweg 1, 2628 CJ Delft, The Netherlands
共Received 20 December 2009; revised manuscript received 5 April 2010; published 29 April 2010兲
We propose and theoretically investigate superconducting spin qubits. Superconducting spin qubit consists
of a single spin confined in a Josephson junction. We show that owing to spin-orbit interaction, superconduct-
ing phase difference across the junction can polarize this spin. We demonstrate that this enables single-qubit
operations and more complicated quantum gates, where spins of different qubits interact via a mutual induc-
tance of the superconducting loop where the junctions are embedded. Recent experimental realizations of
Josephson junctions made of semiconductor quantum dots in contact with superconducting leads have shown
that the number of electrons in the quantum dot can be tuned by a gate voltage. Superconducting spin qubit is
realized when the number of electrons is odd. We discuss the qubit properties at phenomenological level. We
present a microscopic theory that enables us to make accurate estimations of the qubit parameters by evaluating
the spin-dependent Josephson energy in the framework of fourth-order perturbation theory.

DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.81.144519 PACS number共s兲: 74.50.⫹r, 73.63.Kv, 85.25.Cp, 03.67.Lx

I. INTRODUCTION We detail the operation of a single qubit and the design of

Potential benefits of a quantum computer: secure commu- qubit-qubit interaction that allows to make quantum logic
nication, fast database searching, and efficient prime gates. In particular, we emphasize the prospect of all electri-
factorization1–3 have inspired significant research efforts. cal manipulation of the qubit state and qubit-qubit coupling,
Building a quantum computer requires the realization of qu- an important advantage of superconducting spin qubits over
bits as its elementary units. Useful qubits should satisfy two other spin qubits. We discuss relaxation and decoherence of
conditions: they can be manipulated and read before the superconducting spin qubits, in comparison with other super-
quantum information stored in their state is lost, and they conducting qubits. We predict that superconducting spin qu-
allow for engineering of a controllable interaction between bits have relatively longer decoherence time and thus, are
them. Designing and realizing such qubits defines the focus better suited for use in a quantum computer. To prove feasi-
of most research in the field. bility of the qubit design proposed, we present microscopic
Since the electron spin provides the simplest example of a calculations and numerical estimates of the spin- and gate-
coherent two-level system, that is, a qubit, spin-based qubits voltage-dependent Josephson energy.
very soon became a subject of intense theoretical4 and ex- Quantum dot connected to superconducting leads is an
perimental research. Experiments proved relatively long T1 essential element of our design. Superconducting quantum
and T2 times for single-electron spins trapped in quantum dots have received theoretical attention rather early.26,27
dots,5–9 diamond,10–13 and other materials. Good isolation About 10 years later, experimental breakthrough has been
from the environment protects from decoherence at cost of achieved by making good contacts between semiconducting
hampering qubit control and readout. While current research nanowires and superconducting leads.28,29 Gate electrodes
successfully addresses these shortcomings,14–17 the realiza- put close to the nanowire can be used to create potential
tion of controllable interaction between pairs of spin qubits barriers in the nanowire, thereby defining a quantum dot. The
has been so far obstructed by numerous practical problems.18 quantum dot is in the Coulomb-blockade regime, that is, the
Superconducting qubits do better in this respect. Quantum number of electrons is tunable. It has been proven that such
logic gates involving the controllable interaction of two qu- a dot can be included into a superconducting circuit as a
bits have been demonstrated in a variety of setups.19–23 Su- Josephson junction carrying a supercurrent.29 The idea of our
perconducting qubits exploit Josephson effect and Coulomb proposal is to use this setup by keeping odd number of elec-
blockade, both immediately related to electric variables of trons in the dot. In this case, the ground state of the resulting
flux and charge. This allows for easy integration of qubits
into electric circuits and is the reason of the better perfor- a) b)
mance. At the same time, this forms the stumbling block on
the way to a superconducting quantum computer: the sensi-
tivity to noise of the electric variables22,24,25 results in rela-
tively short decoherence times. sup. sup.

In this paper, we propose a design of superconducting

spin qubit and discuss its feasibility and advantages. A spin is
trapped in a quantum dot connected to superconducting
leads, thereby forming a Josephson junction, see Fig. 1. Ow- FIG. 1. 共Color online兲 Superconducting spin qubit. 共a兲 Quantum
ing to spin-orbit interaction, the superconducting phase dif- dot with odd number of electrons is connected to superconducting
ference polarizes the spin. This provides means to read and leads 共L and R兲 biased at phase difference ␸. 共b兲 Energy levels in
manipulate its quantum state. quantum dot and the leads.

1098-0121/2010/81共14兲/144519共12兲 144519-1 ©2010 The American Physical Society


Josephson junction is a spin doublet. This is advantageous in a) b)

comparison to an earlier proposal concerning Andreev quan-
tum dot,30 where the spin doublet corresponds to an excited
state of the system. Spin-orbit effects in quantum constric-
tions and dots have been discussed in Refs. 31 and 32.
The structure of the paper is as follows. In Sec. II, we
describe the qubit phenomenologically, discussing single-
qubit manipulation, design of qubit-qubit interaction, and re-
laxation and decoherence of the qubit states. Section III fo- FIG. 2. 共Color online兲 Two states of a simple superconducting
cuses on the microscopic description of the Josephson circuit 关Fig. 3共a兲兴 containing the qubit junction. 共a兲 Energy as a
junction with a single spin, leading to expressions of the function of phase drop over the qubit junction ␸. 共b兲 Loop current
spin-dependent and spin-independent parts of the Josephson
energy in terms of the junction parameters. Section IV dis-
cusses different parameter regimes, providing order of mag- of this point, ⑀ជ so may be bigger than E j. However, we do not
nitude estimations of the Josephson energy. Section V pre- concentrate on this case.
sents numerical calculations of the relevant quantities. The junction forms a qubit: it may be found in two spin
Section VI concludes. states, 兩 ↑ 典 and 兩 ↓ 典, that differ in spin projection along the
polarization axis ⑀ជ so. At fixed phase, the energy spacing,
⌬E = 2兩⑀ជ so兩兩sin共␸兲兩, leads to a measurable difference in super-
II. PHENOMENOLOGICAL DESCRIPTION conducting current 共Fig. 2兲,
We proceed with the phenomenological description of the
qubit, postponing for now microscopic analysis. An impor- ⌬I = ⫾ 共2e/ប兲兩⑀ជ so兩兩cos共␸兲兩. 共2兲
tant feature is that the superconducting current flowing
through the Josephson junction is determined by the state of
the spin enclosed. This can be understood as follows. Junc- The sign is determined by the direction of the spin along ⑀ជ so.
tion current is the result of transfer of Cooper pairs between This provides the means to read the qubit state.
the leads via coherent tunneling events. Conventionally, tun- To illustrate, consider a simple superconducting circuit
neling events are spin conserving. However, strong spin-orbit consisting of a loop interrupted by the qubit junction and a
coupling mixes the spin states of electrons as they tunnel conventional Josephson junction, see Fig. 3共a兲. We apply
between orbitals in the superconductor and orbitals in the magnetic flux through the loop ␾loop. When the Josephson
dot.33 The resulting nonspin-conserving tunneling amplitudes energy of the conventional junction is much larger than the
depend strongly on the wave function of the levels involved. Josephson energy of the qubit E j2 Ⰷ E j1, the phase induced
When a Cooper pair tunnels via two different levels in the by the magnetic flux is acquired mainly by the qubit junction
dot, the initial spin-singlet configuration acquires complex ␸2 ⬇ 0. The phase difference over the qubit junction can be
spin structure, due to the different spin-dependent tunneling fixed by fixing the magnetic flux ␸1 ⬇ 2␲␾loop / ␾0, ␾0
amplitudes. If one of the two levels involved is occupied by = ␲ប / e being the magnetic-flux quantum. The current
a single electron, its spin restricts the pathways of Cooper- through the loop is plotted as a function of phase for each of
pair tunneling, due to Pauli exclusion. This directly couples the two states of the qubit 共see Fig. 2兲. The magnetic flux
current to spin, lifting the degeneracy between spin-up and generated by this current can be measured by a nearby su-
spin-down states. perconducting quantum interference device loop, not shown
in Fig. 3. This is a common technique used to measure the
state of superconducting qubits.24
A. Effective Hamiltonian
We describe the spin-polarization effect by the following a) b)
junction Hamiltonian:
H = E j cos共␸兲 + 共⑀ជ so · ␴
ជ 兲sin共␸兲, 共1兲
where ␴ ជ is the spin operator. The pseudovector ⑀ជ so defines
the polarization axis in three dimensions. Its magnitude and
direction depends on the spin-dependent tunneling ampli-
tudes as well as on the positions of the levels in the quantum FIG. 3. 共Color online兲 Two simple superconducting circuits. 共a兲
dot. As a result, ⑀ជ so is independent of the superconducting Superconducting loop interrupted by qubit junction 共characterized
phase difference ␸ but does depend on gate voltage, as the by E j1 and ⑀ជ so兲 and conventional Josephson junction 共characterized
gate electric field modifies quantum-dot wave functions and by E j2兲. The phase of the two junctions are modulated by the mag-
levels. netic flux, ␸1 + ␸2 = 2␲␾loop / ␾0. 共b兲 Two superconducting loops are
We will present estimations of E j and ⑀ជ so in Sec. IV. For presented, each interrupted by a qubit junction. The loops have a
present purposes, it is enough to assume that typical values common side that is interrupted by a conventional Josephson junc-
of ⑀ជ so are somewhat smaller than E j. Actually, E j can be tion E j3. Magnetic flux flowing through the loops is represented by
made zero by a certain choice of gate voltages. In the vicinity ␾loop1 and ␾loop2.


a) b) magnetic field component perpendicular to the loop contrib-

utes to the total magnetic flux, changing the properties of the
qubit at the same time as the manipulation is performed.
Fortunately, magnetic field is not needed. Rabi oscilla-
tions can also be induced electrically via the gate electrodes.
We remind that the direction of ⑀ជ so depends on the position
of levels in the dot. Therefore, shifting the gate voltage
would also rotate ⑀ជ so. To illustrate, let us assume that a
change in the gate voltage leads to a corresponding change in
FIG. 4. 共Color online兲 Superconducting loop without magnetic polarization pseudovector ⑀ជ so → ⑀ជ so + ␦⑀ជ so. We describe the ef-
flux. The dependence of energy on phase shows that the minimum fect of a resonant gate-voltage pulse by the time-dependent
energy is achieved at nonvanishing phase ⫾␸0. The sign of the
qubit Hamiltonian,
equilibrium phase depends on the orientation of the spin in the qubit
junction. H共t兲 = 关兩⑀ជ so兩␴z + ␦⑀ជ so · ␴
ជ cos共␻t兲兴sin共␸兲, 共3兲
where the z axis is chosen along ⑀ជ so. Assuming 兩␦⑀ជ so兩 Ⰶ 兩⑀ជ so兩,
The maximum value of the induced flux is achieved when
the dynamics of the qubit is described by Rabi oscillations
E j1 ⬇ E j2 ⬇ 兩⑀ជ so兩 and is on the order of the magnetic-flux
with frequency,
quantum ␾0. It is interesting to compare the induced flux,
with the flux generated by the magnetic dipole moment of ប⍀R = 冑共␦⑀so,x兲2 + 共␦⑀so,y兲2兩sin共␸兲兩.
the electron spin confined in the quantum dot. Considering
an area element perpendicular to the dipole moment and situ- We stress that if the change ␦⑀ជ so is parallel to the initial
ated at the distance r from it, the flux flowing through the direction of ⑀ជ so, Rabi oscillations do not occur. In this case,
area scales with the distance as ␾ ⬀ r−1. We find the distance the qubit retains its initial state. Thus, change in ␦⑀ជ so in the
r0 where the magnetic field of a single electron produces a perpendicular direction is essential for qubit manipulation.
quantum of magnetic flux via the relation e2 / 共4␲⑀0r0兲 Since electric fields are easier to localize in space than
⬇ mec2. This distance is well into the subatomic region, on magnetic fields, electrical manipulation is advantageous in
the order of r0 ⬇ 10−15 m. view of controlling qubits individually.

B. Spontaneous currents D. Design of qubit-qubit interaction

Let us consider another regime, which is useless for qubit Further, let us focus on qubit-qubit interaction. Two qubits
applications but interesting from the point of view of general can be included in a superconducting circuit, such that the
physics. Let us consider vanishing flux through the loop and spin-dependent supercurrents flowing through the two qubits
assume formula E j1 , E j2 Ⰶ 兩⑀ជ so兩. In this case, the phase depen- interact magnetically. The interaction does not modify the
dent energy Eq. 共1兲 can be expanded at small ␸, polarization pseudovectors. As a result, the qubit-qubit inter-
action is of the Ising type,
E共␸兲 = 共E j1 + E j2兲␸2/2 ⫾ 兩⑀ជ so兩␸
H = H1␴z1 + H2␴z2 + H12␴z1␴z2 , 共4兲
with opposite signs corresponding to opposite spin orienta-
tions. choosing the z axis along ⑀ជ so for each qubit. The Ising-type
We see 共Fig. 4兲 that the equilibrium superconducting interaction is sufficient to perform the CNOT operation,
phase is nonzero. It takes opposite values depending on spin which, in combination with single-qubit operations, enables
orientation. The current flowing through the junction is also universal quantum computations.34
nonzero I = E j2␸0. We stress that at zero flux applied, the The CNOT gate is an operation on two qubits which has
system is time reversible. The situation just described can be the effect of changing the state of one 共target兲 qubit, only
envisaged as spontaneous breaking of time reversibility. In- when the other 共control兲 qubit is in the excited state. We
deed, the energies of the states with opposite spins are pre- propose a realization of CNOT gate using nonoscillating
cisely the same. We will present detailed description of the pulses of H12 / ប of length ␶. The pulse shifts the relative
situation elsewhere. phase between two qubit states, as follows: states 兩↑↑典 and
兩↓↓典 gain phase factor exp共iH12␶ / ប兲 while states 兩↑↓典 and
C. Single-qubit manipulation 兩↓↑典 gain phase factor exp共−iH12␶ / ប兲. Tuning the length of
the pulse such that H12␶ / ប = ␲ / 4, one obtains a phase-shift
Let us turn our attention to manipulation of the qubit gate Gphase that can be combined with Bloch sphere rotations
state. It is common to use pulses of an ac field of resonant by ␲ / 2 of the control and target qubit around the coordinate
frequency ␻ = 2兩⑀ជ so兩兩sin共␸兲兩 / ប. Magnetic fields perpendicular axes Rx,y,z共␲ / 2兲, to achieve the controlled NOT gate,
to the loop plane induce modulations of superconducting
phase but do not allow resonant manipulation as this does CNOT = ei␲/4Rz共1兲共␲/2兲Rz共2兲共− ␲/2兲R共2兲 共2兲
x 共␲/2兲GphaseR y 共␲/2兲,
not change ⑀ជ so.
In-plane magnetic fields can polarize qubit spin, deflect-
ing it from the direction of ⑀ជ so. However, this approach is where the superscripts 共1兲 and 共2兲 imply that the operation is
difficult to realize experimentally due to misalignment. The performed on the control and target qubit, respectively.


We have the opportunity to tune the interaction and also and relaxation, respectively. Since flux modulations do not
to switch it on and off. To give an example, consider the modify the direction of ⑀ជ so, they contribute only to the diag-
following circuit: two qubits with their superconducting onal component ⑀储. In contrast, voltage modulations contrib-
loops connected in parallel 关Fig. 3共b兲兴. The interaction en- ute both to ⑀储 and ⑀⬜.
ergy can be tuned by the following parameters: the magnetic We estimate the frequency-dependent noises using the
flux flowing through the superconducting loops 共␾loop1 and fluctuation-dissipation theorem. Not all types of noises can
␾loop2兲 and the Josephson energy of the conventional Joseph- be estimated in this way. For instance, 1 / f noise of flux may
son junction E j3. To lowest order in the polarization present a problem. Nevertheless, these noises can be quanti-
pseudovectors 兩⑀ជ so1,2兩, the interaction takes the form, fied experimentally.35 For illustration of the use of the
fluctuation-dissipation theorem, we refer to the circuit in Fig.
兩⑀ជ so1兩兩⑀ជ so2兩 3共a兲 共E j1 Ⰷ E j2兲. However, the following discussion is not
H12 = − cos共␸˜E + ␸1兲cos共␸˜E + ␸2兲, 共6兲
兩Ẽ兩 restricted to this specific circuit.
The flux response function to external driving is deter-
where the complex-valued energy Ẽ denotes Ẽ = E j1ei␸1 mined by modeling the qubit as a parallel RL circuit. L de-
+ E j2ei␸2 + E j3, and ␸˜E denotes its complex argument ␸˜E notes the Josephson inductance of the circuit. In the case of
= tan−1关Im Ẽ / Re Ẽ兴. The angles ␸1,2 are proportional to the Fig. 3共a兲, with E j1 Ⰷ E j2 and L = 共␾0 / 2␲兲关ប / 2eE j1 cos共␸兲兴. R
magnetic fluxes ␸1,2 = 2␲共␾loop1,2 / ␾0兲, with ␾0 the magnetic describes energy dissipation to the environment. One usually
flux quantum. Setting ␸1 = ␸2 = ␲ / 2, it is possible to tune the assumes R to be in the same order of magnitude as the
interaction simply by controlling E j3. For E j3 Ⰷ 共E j1 + E j2兲, vacuum impedance Z0 = ␮0c ⬇ 377 ⍀, describing loss of en-
the interaction is turned off H12 → 0 while in the opposite ergy by radiation.
limit E j3 Ⰶ 共E j1 + E j2兲, the interaction achieves a maximum The gate-voltage response function is determined by mod-
eling the qubit tunnel junction as an RC circuit connected in
H12 = −兩⑀ជ so1兩兩⑀ជ so2兩 / 兩Ẽ兩. Such control of the conventional Jo-
series. Here, C is not the capacitance formed between the
sephson energy can be achieved using exclusively electrical
gate electrode and the quantum dot. We recognize that the
means, as was demonstrated in Ref. 29.
response of gate voltage is dominated by the much larger
capacitance formed between the gate electrode and the su-
E. Relaxation and decoherence perconducting leads. The typical charging time associated to
Successful manipulation of the qubit quantum states can this capacitance is long compared to the time scale of the
only be achieved at time scales shorter than the coherence qubit dynamics, RC Ⰷ ប / 兩⑀ជ so兩 , ប / kBT.
time. This motivates us to discuss the mechanisms of relax- We make the following assumptions regarding the time
ation and decoherence. scale of relaxation and decoherence. The relaxation time ␶R
In the case of superconducting qubits, the main mecha- is typically much longer than the time scale of the qubit
nisms leading to loss of coherence are well known. Coher- dynamics ␶R Ⰷ ប / 兩⑀ជ so兩 , ប / kBT. The decoherence time can be
ence is lost due to coupling of the qubit dynamics to noises shorter ␶D ⬍ ␶R but is commonly assumed to be much longer
in magnetic flux and in the gate-induced charge of the Jo- than ប / kBT. This sets the relevant frequency of noise ␻
sephson junction.35 The same noises appear to be relevant for ⬍ kBT / ប, i.e., low-frequency classical noise.
spin superconducting qubits. In this case, small deviations of We estimate the magnetic-flux noise,
flux modify the phase difference over the qubit junction
while deviations of the gate voltage modify the modulus and
direction of the polarization vector ⑀ជ so. The phase difference
S␾ = 冉 冊
冉 ប
8␲RGQ E j1 cos共␸兲
冊 2
k BT

, 共8兲

and the modulus of ⑀ជ so are directly related to the qubit-level where GQ = e2 / 共␲ប兲 ⬇ 7.75⫻ 10−5 ⍀−1 is the quantum of
spacing ⌬E = 2兩⑀ជ so兩兩sin共␸兲兩. Their deviations lead to decoher- conductance.
ence. The direction of ⑀ជ so determines the orientation of the The low-frequency gate voltage noise is given by
electron spin. Its deviation mixes the spin-qubit states, lead-
ing to energy relaxation. SVg = 2RkBT. 共9兲
We describe the effect of small deviations of flux ␦␾共t兲
and gate voltage ␦Vg共t兲 by the following Hamiltonian: Since we have neglected charging effects related to the large
capacitance C, the remaining contribution to gate-voltage
H = 关兩⑀ជ so兩sin共␸兲 + ⑀储兴␴z + ⑀⬜␴x , noise is the Ohmic response of the resistance R.
We estimate the decoherence time ␶D using the following
⑀储 = 兩⑀ជ so兩cos共␸兲共2␲/␾0兲␦␾共t兲 + ⑀⬘储 sin共␸兲e␦Vg共t兲, expression:

⬘ sin共␸兲e␦Vg共t兲,
⑀⬜ = ⑀⬜ 共7兲
冉 冊 冉 冊

␶D Vg
where ⑀⬘ terms describe the coupling of ⑀ជ so to gate voltage,

冉 冊 冉 冊
d⑀ជ ⑀ជ d⑀ជ ⑀ជ
as follows: ⑀⬘储 = 兩 d共eVsog兲 · 兩⑀ជsoso兩 兩 and ⑀⬜
⬘ = 兩 d共eVsog兲 ⫻ 兩⑀ជsoso兩 兩.
1 2 1 兩⑀ជ so兩 2
k BT
We have separated the coupling to the voltage and flux = 关兩⑀ជ so兩cos共␸兲兴2S␾ = ,
fluctuations into diagonal ⑀储, and off-diagonal ⑀⬜ matrix el- ␶D ␾ ប2 4␲RGQ E j1 ប
ements. Therefore ⑀储 and ⑀⬜ are responsible for decoherence 共10兲


冉 冊
␶D Vg
共⑀⬘储 兲2sin2共␸兲SVg = ␲RGQ共⑀⬘储 兲2sin2共␸兲
k BT

ducting spin qubit. In conclusion, we predict that supercon-
ducting spin qubits have longer coherence times compared to
other superconducting qubits, an important advantage in
共11兲 view of performing a large number of coherent quantum op-
erations required by quantum computation schemes.
There are two contributions to decoherence: the first 共1 / ␶D兲␾, Further, let us focus on the relaxation time ␶R. In the limit
describes decoherence due to coupling to flux noise. The ⌬E ⬍ kBT, ␶R can be estimated as follows:
second 共1 / ␶D兲Vg, describes decoherence due to coupling to
1 e2 k T
gate-voltage noise. ⬘ 兲2sin2共␸兲SVg = ␲RGQ共⑀⬜
= 2 共⑀⬜ ⬘ 兲2sin2共␸兲 B . 共12兲
Let us focus on the coupling to flux noise. We recall our ␶R ប ប
initial assumption ␶D −1
Ⰶ kBT / ប , ⌬E / ប. This sets a lower In the opposite limit ⌬E ⬎ kBT, the relaxation time becomes
bound on E j1: E j1 Ⰷ 兩⑀ជ so兩2 / 4␲RGQ. The physical interpreta-

tion of this condition is as follows: the qubit junction must be 1 ⌬E

⬘ 兲2sin2共␸兲 .
= ␲RGQ共⑀⬜ 共13兲
shunted by a circuit element with sufficiently low inductance ␶R ប
共high Josephson energy兲 to reduce sensitivity to flux noise.
Otherwise, the high sensitivity to flux noise would prevent We can compare the relaxation and decoherence times. The
any coherent manipulation of the qubit state. The same re- typical case is when decoherence is dominated by flux noise,
quirement holds for other superconducting qubits,35 which i.e., E j1 ⬍ EC / RGQ. In this case, the decoherence time is al-
are designed to fulfill it. In this case, the sensitivity to ways much shorter than the relaxation time. In the opposite
magnetic-flux noise scales as 共E j2 / E j1兲2. Superconducting case, when E j1 ⬎ EC / RGQ, we find that ␶D / ␶R = 共⑀⬜ ⬘ / ⑀⬘储 兲2. The
spin qubits are significantly less sensitive to such noise. For ratio ⑀⬜⬘ / ⑀⬘储 depends on microscopic junction parameters and
the superconducting spin qubit, the scaling factor is is discussed in Sec. IV. Typically, ⑀⬜ ⬘ / ⑀⬘储 ⬇ ⌬ / EC ⱕ 1. In case
共兩⑀ជ so兩 / E j1兲2, smaller by a factor of the spin-orbit coupling ␶D ⬇ ␶R, the decoherence rate is determined by the relaxation
strength squared. Therefore, we predict significantly longer time.
coherence times for the superconducting spin qubit com-
pared to other superconducting qubits. The lower sensitivity III. MICROSCOPIC DESCRIPTION
to noise is a compensation for the relatively smaller readout
currents. A. Hamiltonian
We mention that the expressions in Eqs. 共10兲 and 共11兲 are The total Hamiltonian comprises terms describing leads
valid only for ␶D −1
Ⰶ R / L. This sets an upper bound on the 共left and right兲, quantum dot and tunneling between elec-
temperature in terms of the resistance R and E j1: tronic states in the leads and in the dot,
RGQE j1共E j1 / 兩⑀ជ so兩兲 Ⰷ kBT. The condition is easily achieved in
the typical temperature regime required to induce supercon- Ĥ = ĤL + ĤR + ĤQD + ĤT
Let us turn our attention to the coupling to gate-voltage
=Ĥ0 + ĤT . 共14兲
noise. The sensitivity to voltage fluctuations is described by
⑀⬘储 . As we show in Sec. IV, this parameter depends strongly The electronic states of the left lead are labeled by l and spin
on gate voltage and on the microscopic parameters describ- index ␴ and are affected by the superconducting order pa-
ing the qubit junction. It can be estimated to be ⑀⬘储 rameter ⌬ei␸L,
⬇ 兩⑀ជ so兩 / EC Ⰶ 1, where EC is the quantum dot charging energy.
ĤL = 兺 ␰lal†␴al␴ + 兺 ⌬ei␸Lg␴␴⬘al␴⬘al†␴ + g␴␴⬘⌬e−i␸Lal␴al␴⬘ ,

We can compare the coupling to flux noise with the cou-
pling to gate-voltage noise. The flux noise contribution l,␴ ␴⬘
dominates provided E j1 ⬍ EC / RGQ. The energy scale 共15兲
EC / RGQ is typically very high so that the condition E j1
⬍ EC / RGQ is satisfied. Therefore, we conclude that in typical where a 共a兲 denotes the creation 共annihilation兲 operators and

devices coupling to flux noise will be the dominating deco- ␰ denotes the energy of the levels in the normal-metal state,
herence mechanism. If E j1 is large enough such that the op- counted from the chemical potential of the lead. In the su-
posite limit holds E j1 ⬎ EC / RGQ, the coupling to gate- perconducting state, the energy of the levels is ⑀l = 冑␰2l + ⌬2.
voltage noise dominates and decoherence times are longer. The terms of ĤL that depend on ⌬ei␸L couple time-
Let us compare the inverse decoherence time with the reversed states. To underline this, we mention that the elec-
Rabi frequency. We can estimate the Rabi frequency to be on tronic states labeled by index l are not momentum eigen-
the order of ⍀R ⬇ 兩⑀ជ so兩 / ប, for sufficiently high driving ampli- states but rather the boxlike single-particle levels 共in normal
tudes. The decoherence time can be estimated as ␶D −1
state兲 that are superpositions of plane waves with opposite
⬇ 共兩⑀ជ so兩kBT / 4␲RGQE j1兲⍀R. We see that the number of coher-
momenta. The time-reversal operator does not change index
ent Rabi oscillations that can be realized ⍀R / ␶D −1
scales as l. Time-reversal changes the sign of the spin. We take this
E j1 / 兩⑀ជ so兩. This can be compared to the case of superconduct- into account by using the antisymmetric matrix g = i␴2. This
ing qubits, where ⍀R / ␶D −1
scales as E j2 / E j1, i.e., smaller by a ensures that the two electrons forming a Cooper pair in the
factor of the spin-orbit coupling strength. This is a conse- leads are a spin singlet. Similarly, electronic states in the
quence of the lower sensitivity to flux noise of the supercon- right lead are labeled by r and are affected by ⌬ei␸R.


The Hamiltonian of the quantum dot contains charging B. Josephson energy

energy term along with the terms describing noninteracting In the following, we provide a microscopic description of
electrons in levels labeled by m, 兺m␰mam

a m, the Josephson effect in the presence of spin-orbit coupling.
We treat Cooper-pair transport through a quantum dot in the
ĤQD = 兺 ␰mam

am + 共N̂ − N0兲2EC 共16兲 regime of Coulomb blockade, with no bias voltage and dis-
m regarding effects of thermal excitation. Within the Coulomb
diamonds, the only mechanism of transport is cotunneling.
with N̂ being the operator of the total number of electrons Four tunneling events are sufficient to transfer a Cooper pair
between the leads37 and these processes dominate for suffi-
N̂ = 兺mam

am. N0 = VgCg / e represents the effect of gate voltage
ciently small normal-state conductances GN Ⰶ GQ. We em-
which allows to tune the total number of electrons in the dot.
ploy fourth-order perturbation theory in the tunneling ampli-
Cg here is the capacitance to the gate. Since it only appears
tudes and find the Josephson energy as the perturbation
in combination with gate voltage, we find it convenient to
correction to the ground-state energy.
rescale the gate voltage VgCg / C → Vg, with C being the total
capacitance of the junction. In these units, N0 = eVg / EC. The ground state of the unperturbed Hamiltonian Ĥ0
We stress that all these terms are not affected by spin-orbit = ĤL + ĤR + ĤQD is degenerate with respect to the number of
coupling. The reason for this is that spin-orbit coupling re- Cooper pairs on the superconducting leads. The wave func-
tains the double degeneracy of the electronic states. Instead tion can be written as a direct product of three wave func-
of spin doublets, they become Kramers doublets so index ␴ tions: ␺共NL , NR兲 = ␺L共NL兲 丢 ␺QD 丢 ␺R共NL兲 corresponding to
in this case refers to the components of Kramers doublet, the two leads and the quantum dot. NL and NR represent the
rather than to the original spin state. The only place where number of electrons in the respective leads.
spin-orbit coupling plays a role is the tunneling part of the In the presence of tunneling, the degeneracy of the ground
Hamiltonian and can be included into spin-dependent tunnel- state is lifted and the energy splitting between states with
ing amplitudes,33 different number of Cooper pairs in the leads corresponds to
the Josephson energy,
ĤT = 兺
␳␴ †
Tlm ␳␴ †
am␴al␳ + Tmr ar␴am␳ + H.c., 共17兲
EJ共␸兲 = 具␺共− 2,2兲兩T̂共4兲兩␺共0,0兲典ei␸

+ 具␺共2,− 2兲兩T̂共4兲兩␺共0,0兲典e−i␸
where ␳ and ␴ are spin indexes.
As a result of time-reversal symmetry, we may write the = 2 Re兵具␺共− 2,2兲兩ĤT共4兲兩␺共0,0兲典ei␸其, 共19兲
tunneling matrices in spin space,
where NL and NR have been set to zero.
3 Here, operator T̂共4兲 represents the correction to the ampli-
Tlm 0
= Tlm ␦␳␴ + i 兺 tlm
, 共18兲 tude of the fourth order in tunneling Hamiltonian,
1 1 1
0 j
T̂共4兲 = ĤT ĤT ĤT ĤT . 共20兲
where Tlm and tlm are chosen to be real. The spin- E0 − Ĥ0 E0 − Ĥ0 E0 − Ĥ0
0 0
independent part is symmetric Tlm = Tml and spin-dependent
j j
part is antisymmetric tlm = −tml with respect to interchanging The structure of the fourth-order correction is as follows.
the state indices. Each tunneling operator ĤT describes the transition of one
In principle, the tunneling matrix elements can be evalu- electron between a state in the dot and a state in one of the
ated by computing overlap of spin-dependent wave functions superconducting leads. There are 24 distinct sequences re-
of corresponding components of Kramers doublets. It is sulting from the permutations of the four tunneling events
known that wave functions become random either because of considered. Each process involves three intermediary states.
scattering at defects in the leads and in the dot or because of The energies of the virtual states appear as the three denomi-
chaoticity of classical electron motion in the dot. If we con- nators of Eq. 共20兲. The three energy denominators unambigu-
sider extended system, the statistics of spin-dependent part of ously characterizes the sequence of tunneling events.
such overlaps is governed by length scale lsf that is a spin-flip In contrast, the spin structure does not depend on the or-
length, induced by spin-orbit scattering. At distances exceed- der of individual tunneling events. The spin structure of T̂共4兲
ing this scale, spin orientation of Kramers doublets becomes can be recovered from the product of four tunneling ampli-
completely random so that T0 is on the order of 兩tជ兩. The tudes describing hopping of the two electrons between the
length scale lsf corresponds to time scale ␶sf, spin-flip time. If leads and the quantum dot,
we apply this now to a quantum dot, the spin structure be-
comes random for each level in the dot, provided the mean- 兺 T
gTTlm T
gTlnTnrgTTmr g ␦ 共 ␰ L − ␰ l兲 ␦ 共 ␰ R − ␰ r兲
level spacing in the dot ␦S is comparable or smaller than l,r
ប / ␶sf. The ratio of the two defines the strength of spin-orbit
= 兺 TmlTlnTnrTrm␦共␰L − ␰l兲␦共␰R − ␰r兲 = Pmn
共 ␰ L, ␰ R兲
coupling. For our estimations, we assume ជt / T0 ⬇ 0.1 and ran- l,r
dom distribution of the direction. Preliminary experiments
with InAs nanowires36 confirm this by order of magnitude. ជ mn共␰L, ␰R兲 · ␴ជ ,
+ iP 共21兲


where m and n label states of the quantum dot. neighboring states. As a result, the sign of Pm,n⫽m0
共 ␰ L , ␰ R兲
Let us explain the properties of the two terms in Eq. alternates and the sum over all states in the quantum dot
共21兲. In the following, we neglect terms proportional to the averages out, 兺m,n⫽m Pmn 0
共␰L , ␰R兲 ⬇ 0.
square of the small term ជt / T0. Since the leads have continu- The contribution corresponding to the spin-dependent
ous spectra, it is convenient to introduce transport rates term in Eq. 共21兲 changes sign for different spin orientations.
which are continuous functions of energy, ⌫L共R兲,m共␰兲 Therefore, this term cancels out if the levels m and n are both
= 2␲ / ប兺l共r兲兩Tml共r兲
兩2␦共␰ − ␰l共r兲兲. The spin-independent term either empty or filled with electrons, as there is no asymme-
Pmn共␰L , ␰R兲, has different properties in the case m = n,
try between spin-up and spin-down terms. However, if either
compared to the case m ⫽ n. Terms diagonal in the state m or n is the state filled with a single electron, the
dot levels have the following simple form: Pmm 0
共 ␰ L , ␰ R兲 contribution is finite, giving rise to the spin-polarization ef-
= 共ប / 2␲兲 ⌫L,m共␰L兲⌫R,m共␰R兲. As a result, they are always posi-
tive. In contrast, the sign of Pmn 0
共␰L , ␰R兲 when m ⫽ n can be After calculating the energy denominators for each tun-
related to the parities of the wave functions of the two dot neling sequence and integrating over all states in the leads
states. In analogy to the case of a particle in a box, the parity and all pairs of states in the dot, we obtain the following
of wave functions in a quantum dot alternates between result for the spin-independent Josephson energy:38

Ej =
冕 冕 冋兺


⑀R M 1,M 2
1M 2
共␰L, ␰R兲Jee共␰L, ␰R, ␰ M 1, ␰ M 2兲 + 兺
共␰L, ␰R兲Jee共␰L, ␰R, ␰m1, ␰m2兲

− 2 兺 P0Mm共␰L, ␰R兲Jeh共␰L, ␰R, ␰ M , ␰m兲 + 兺 P0M0共␰L, ␰R兲共Jee共␰L, ␰R, ␰ M , ␰0兲 − Jeh共␰L, ␰R, ␰ M , ␰0兲兲 + 兺 P0m
共 ␰ L, ␰ R兲
M,m M m

⫻共Jhh共␰L, ␰R, ␰0, ␰m兲 − Jeh共␰L, ␰R, ␰0, ␰m兲兲 − 2P00

共␰L, ␰R兲Jeh共␰L, ␰R, ␰0, ␰0兲 册 共22兲

and for the polarization pseudovector,

⑀ជ so =
冕 冕 冋兺


⑀R M
ជ M0共␰L, ␰R兲共Jee共␰L, ␰R, ␰M , ␰0兲 + Jeh共␰L, ␰R, ␰M , ␰0兲兲 − 兺 P
P ជ 0m共␰L, ␰R兲共Jhh共␰L, ␰R, ␰0, ␰m兲

+ Jeh共␰L, ␰R, ␰0, ␰m兲兲 , 共23兲

where m, m1, and m2 label filled dot states, M, M 1, and M 2 empty dot states and 0 labels the half-filled state. We have used the
notation ⑀L,R = 冑⌬2 + ␰L,R
. The J functions contain the energy denominators and are different for processes where the Cooper
pair is transferred via two electrons, two holes or one electron, and one hole, respectively:
1 1 1 1 1 1
Jee共␰L, ␰R, ␰m, ␰n兲 = +
⑀L + ␰m + E共e兲 ⑀L + ⑀R ⑀R + ␰n + E共e兲 ⑀L + ␰n + E共e兲 ⑀L + ⑀R ⑀R + ␰m + E共e兲
1 1 1 1 1 1
+ +
⑀L + ␰m + E共e兲 ␰m + ␰n + E共2e兲 ⑀R + ␰m + E共e兲 ⑀L + ␰n + E共e兲 ␰m + ␰n + E共2e兲 ⑀R + ␰m + E共e兲
1 1 1 1 1 1
+ + ,
⑀L + ␰m + E共e兲 ␰m + ␰n + E共2e兲 ⑀R + ␰n + E共e兲 ⑀L + ␰n + E共e兲 ␰m + ␰n + E共2e兲 ⑀R + ␰n + E共e兲

1 1 1 1 1 1
Jhh共␰L, ␰R, ␰m, ␰n兲 = +
⑀L − ␰m + E共− e兲 ⑀L + ⑀R ⑀R − ␰n + E共− e兲 ⑀L − ␰n + E共− e兲 ⑀L + ⑀R ⑀R − ␰m + E共− e兲
1 1 1
⑀L − ␰m + E共− e兲 − ␰m − ␰n + E共− 2e兲 ⑀R − ␰m + E共− e兲
1 1 1
⑀L − ␰n + E共− e兲 − ␰m − ␰n + E共− 2e兲 ⑀R − ␰m + E共− e兲
1 1 1
⑀L − ␰m + E共− e兲 − ␰m − ␰n + E共− 2e兲 ⑀R − ␰n + E共− e兲
1 1 1
+ ,
⑀L − ␰n + E共− e兲 − ␰m − ␰n + E共− 2e兲 ⑀R − ␰n + E共− e兲


1 1 1 1 1 1
Jeh共␰L, ␰R, ␰m, ␰n兲 = +
⑀L + ␰m + E共e兲 ⑀L + ⑀R ⑀L − ␰n + E共− e兲 ⑀R + ␰m + E共e兲 ⑀L + ⑀R ⑀R − ␰n + E共− e兲
1 1 1 1 1 1
+ +
⑀L + ␰m + E共e兲 ␰m − ␰n + ⑀L + ⑀R ⑀R + ␰m + E共e兲 ⑀R − ␰n + E共− e兲 ␰m − ␰n + ⑀L + ⑀R ⑀R + ␰m + E共e兲
1 1 1 1 1 1
+ + .
⑀L + ␰m + E共e兲 ␰m − ␰n + ⑀L + ⑀R ⑀L − ␰n + E共− e兲 ⑀R − ␰n + E共− e兲 ␰m − ␰n + ⑀L + ⑀R ⑀L − ␰n + E共− e兲

The above expressions can be used to calculate the spin- count for this in our estimations, we introduce the minimal
independent and spin-dependent parts of the Josephson en- energy distance to the edge of Coulomb diamond E⫾
ergy. However, they require knowledge of all the energy lev- = 兩min关E共e兲 , E共−e兲兴兩 ⬎ ⌬. We envisage two separate situa-
els and corresponding tunneling amplitudes of the quantum tions: E⫾ ⬇ EC and E⫾ Ⰶ EC.
dot. Here, we do not intend to develop a model of the quan- The dominant contribution to the Josephson energy con-
tum dot and extract these parameters. Such a model would sists of the terms with smallest energy denominators. The
have to account for the unavoidable defects present in a typi- magnitude of the energy denominators depends on the en-
cal experimental device. Our intention is to use the above ergy of the dot levels involved in tunneling. We find that the
expressions as a useful starting point for estimations and for energy interval for quantum-dot levels involved in the domi-
distinguishing different parameter regimes. nating contribution has the width E⫾, even in the regime
Instead of using analytic or numerical calculations, the E⫾ Ⰷ ⌬. Let us define the number of levels within this inter-
polarization vector can be determined experimentally using val NS as the integer part of E⫾ / ␦S + 1. If ␦S ⱖ E⫾, the Jo-
spectroscopic techniques typical for superconducting sephson energy is dominated by the contribution of a single
qubits.24 From the absorption spectra of the qubit junction, level. If ␦S ⬍ E⫾, there are multiple levels participating in the
one determines the spacing between the qubit states ⌬E dominating contribution.
= 2兩⑀ជ so兩兩sin共␸兲兩, at a fixed superconducting phase difference. Using Eq. 共22兲, we find the following estimate for the
Therefore, one can find the modulus of the polarization vec- spin-independent Josephson energy:
We do not suggest a method to determine the orientation ⌫ L⌫ R ⌬ 2
E j ⬇ NS 2 .
in three-dimensional space of the polarization axis in an ex- ⌬ E⫾
periment. The precise orientation is of no relevance here.
Similarly, we can estimate the spin-dependent component us-
What is important is that the orientation of this axis can be
ing Eq. 共23兲,
modified by changing the gate voltage or by applying exter-
nal magnetic fields. In Sec. II, we have related rotations of ⌫ L⌫ R ⌬2 兩tជ兩
the polarization axis to manipulation of the qubit state. 兩⑀ជ so兩 ⬇ 冑NS .
⌬ E⫾关max共E⫾, ␦S兲兴 T0

IV. ESTIMATIONS In all parameter regimes considered, both E j as well as

兩⑀ជ so兩 increase as E⫾ / ⌬ decreases, i.e., as we approach the
Let us estimate the typical magnitude of ⑀ជ so and compare edges of the Coulomb diamond. We can explain this in terms
it to the magnitude of spin-independent Josephson energy. of the energy of the intermediary virtual states. In the middle
We will see that the relative magnitudes as well as its abso- of the Coulomb diamond, the energy cost of adding an elec-
lute value cannot be just estimated by the typical strength of tron to the quantum dot is maximum and the high energy of
spin-orbit coupling 兩tជ兩 / T0. The estimations depend on three the intermediary states reduces the probability of Cooper-
energy scales in the problem: ␦S, EC, and ⌬. Besides, it de- pair tunneling. Toward the edges of the diamond, tunneling
pends on the energy distance to the diamond edge. processes involving the state closest to resonance will have
It has been already shown in Ref. 37 that Josephson en- intermediary states that are lower in energy, resulting in the
ergy and critical current exhibit spectacular peculiarities at increase in Josephson coupling.
the diamond edge. These peculiarities are no singularities. Let us turn our attention to the multilevel regime, where
This is related to the diamond structure in the presence of Josephson tunneling is a result of the interference of tunnel-
superconductivity.37 There is a bistability region in interval ing processes that involve all pairs of the NS relevant states.
of width ⌬共eVg兲 = 2⌬ around each diamond edge. The singu- The spin-dependent and spin-independent terms do not scale
larities in denominators of perturbation theory occur at the in the same way with the number of levels involved. In the
edges of bistability region for the charged state of higher case of E j, the dominant contribution results from summation
energy. We always assume the dot to be in the lowest-energy of diagonal spin-independent elements Pmm 0
共␰L , ␰R兲. As a re-
state. This saves us from singularities. However, the proxim- sult, E j scales with the number of levels NS. In the case of
ity to the point of singularity gives a spectacular increase or ⑀ជ so, the result of summation over tunneling contributions is
decrease in Josephson energy at the diamond edge. To ac- equivalent to the distance traveled in a random walk in three


dimensions, after NS steps. The average result in this case a) b)

scales as 冑NS.
The ratio of spin-dependent to spin-independent contribu-
tions is

兩⑀ជ so兩 1 E⫾ 兩tជ兩

Ej 冑NS max共E⫾, ␦S兲 T0 . c) d)

Apart from the trivial dependence on spin-orbit coupling

strength, the ratio 兩⑀ជ so兩 / E j is further reduced by factors that
depend on the gate voltage. We distinguish two important
regimes: the single-level regime ␦S ⱖ EC, and the multilevel
regime ␦S Ⰶ EC, where multiple dot states contribute.
In the single-level regime, we find 兩⑀ជ so兩 / E j ⬇ E⫾ / ␦S. Thus,
it is large in the middle of the diamond, where it scales as
EC / ␦S, decreasing toward the edge, where it scales as ⌬ / ␦S. FIG. 5. 共Color online兲 Numerical results obtained for the re-
The behavior has a simple explanation in terms of energy of gime: EC / ⌬ = 10, ␦S / EC = 1.5. Six diamonds are presented: dia-
intermediary virtual states. The dominant contribution to E j monds with even number of electrons are represented by lighter
arises from processes involving tunneling of both Cooper- shading while darker shaded regions represent diamonds with odd
pair electrons through the dot level closest to resonance. number of electrons. For details regarding the quantities plotted, see
Sec. V.
Such processes do not contribute to the polarization effect; as
we have seen, only processes involving two different levels
contribute. Thus, the energy of intermediary states decreases The ratio between gate-voltage sensitivity of modulus and
faster as we approach the diamond edge for dominant pro- ⬘ / ⑀⬘储 ⬇ E⫾ / max共E⫾ , ␦S兲 ⱕ 1. The
direction of ⑀ជ so is given by ⑀⬜
cesses contributing to E j. ratio depends on gate voltage and is expected to be largest
We can also estimate the dependence of ⑀ជ so on gate volt- near the middle of the Coulomb diamonds.
age. Let us define the change in ⑀ជ so with gate voltage in the
parallel and perpendicular directions, as we did in Sec. II: V. NUMERICAL ANALYSIS
d⑀ជ ⑀ជ d⑀ជ ⑀ជ
⬘ = 兩 d共eVsog兲 ⫻ 兩⑀ជsoso兩 兩. We have shown that the
⑀⬘储 = 兩 d共eVsog兲 · 兩⑀ជsoso兩 兩 and ⑀⬜
We perform numerical calculations of the spin-
sensitivity of ⑀ជ so to gate voltage is an important mechanism
independent and spin-dependent parts of the Josephson en-
of relaxation and decoherence. Furthermore, we have shown
ergy, based on Eqs. 共22兲 and 共23兲. We are particularly inter-
in Sec. II that change in ⑀ជ so perpendicular to its initial direc-
ested in the ratio 兩⑀ជ so兩 / E j, relevant for experiments aiming to
tion is an essential ingredient for electrically driven Rabi
measure the separation between qubit states, and on the de-
pendence of the direction of ⑀ជ so on gate voltage, relevant for
We find the following estimates for the parallel and per-
experiments aiming to perform electrical manipulation of the
pendicular derivatives with respect to ⑀ជ so:

冏 冏
To set up the calculations, we assume that the tunneling
d⑀ជ so ⑀ជ so ⌫ L⌫ R ⌬2 兩tជ兩 amplitudes are independent of the lead states. We account for
· ⬇ ,
d共eVg兲 兩⑀ជ so兩 ⌬ E⫾ max共E⫾, ␦S兲 T0
the fact that experimental realization of quantum dots does
not permit control of the resulting localized states: we choose

冏 冏
random energy spacing between the dot states and random
d⑀ជ so ⑀ជ so ⌫ L⌫ R ⌬2 兩tជ兩 absolute value of tunneling amplitudes. The parities of the
⫻ ⬇ .
d共eVg兲 兩⑀ជ so兩 ⌬ E⫾关max共E⫾, ␦S兲兴 T0
localized wave functions are also chosen randomly, resulting
in a random sign associated to off-diagonal spin-independent
To understand why ⑀ជ so depends on gate voltage, we study the contributions Pm,n⫽m 0
共⑀L , ⑀R兲. The parameters characterizing
structure of Eq. 共23兲. We have mentioned that ⑀ជ so is the sum the dot levels are the average level spacing ␦S and average
of NS vectors characterizing spin-dependent tunneling via modulus of the spin-independent and spin-dependent tunnel-
two different states in the dot, one being the half-filled state. ing amplitudes, respectively, 具兩T0兩典 and 具兩tជ兩典. As estimated, the
The weight of each vector is determined by the energy de- ratio 兩⑀ជ so兩 / E j is proportional to 具兩tជ兩典 / 具兩T0兩典 and we include this
nominators and therefore, depends on gate voltage. ratio in the energy unit of the spin-dependent term.
If the quantum dot consists only of two levels, then Additional parameters in the calculation are the supercon-
change in gate voltage will modify only the modulus of ⑀ជ so, ducting energy gap 2⌬ and the charging energy EC. For the
i.e., the weight of the vector contribution but not the direc- numerical analysis, we need to consider a finite number of
tion. It is necessary to include the contributions of at least levels of the quantum dot. The results presented are obtained
three different levels, in order to estimate the change in the including a number of N = 20 quantum-dot levels.
⬘ is
orientation of ⑀ជ so. As a result, for large level spacing ⑀⬜ We vary the gate voltage over a large domain, permitting
reduced by a factor of 共⌬ / ␦S兲2. In contrast, ⑀⬘储 decreases observation of multiple Coulomb diamonds 共see Figs. 5–8兲.
slower for large level spacing, only as ⌬ / ␦S. The size of the diamonds observed is EC in the case of odd


a) b) a) b)

c) d)
c) d)

FIG. 6. 共Color online兲 The same as in Fig. 5, for the regime: FIG. 8. 共Color online兲 The same as in Fig. 5, for the regime:
EC / ⌬ = 10 and ␦S / EC = 0.1. EC / ⌬ = 1.5 and ␦S / EC = 0.1.

number of electrons and increases by the level spacing in the energy state of the bistable region E⫾ ⬍ ⌬, where E j would
case of diamonds with even number of electrons. change sign.
The units in Figs. 5–8 are chosen in accordance with the Let us focus on the spin-independent contribution to the
estimations presented in the section above, such that the Josephson energy, presented in panel 共a兲 of Figs. 5–8. In the
value of unity corresponds to the estimated value of the single-level regime, we expect E j to be positive for diamonds
quantity close to the edge, i.e., at E⫾ = ⌬. The results confirm with even number of electrons and negative for odd occu-
our estimations. pancy, as explained in Ref. 29. This behavior, observed in
We focus on four regimes differentiated by high charging Fig. 5共a兲 in the first two diamonds, would dominate for
effects EC / ⌬ = 10, see Figs. 5 and 6, and relatively low ␦S / EC Ⰷ 1. In the regimes presented, an interesting feature
charging effects EC / ⌬ = 1.5, see Figs. 7 and 8. We also com- occurs: there are regions of gate voltage where E j changes
pare large average level spacing ␦S / EC = 1.5, see Figs. 5 and sign within a single diamond 共point of supercurrent
7, to regimes where the level spacing is smaller ␦S / EC = 0.1, reversal29兲. As a result, E j is dramatically suppressed. In
see Figs. 6 and 8. these regions, 兩⑀ជ so兩 may provide the dominating contribution
A general feature of the results in Figs. 5–8 is that both to the total Josephson energy. This can be observed in panel
spin-independent and spin-dependent terms in the Josephson 共d兲 when 兩⑀ជ so兩 / 冑E2j + 兩⑀ជ so兩2 ⬇ 1, see Figs. 5 and 6. Comparing
energy increase as we approach edges of the diamond. Fur- the different regimes, we observe that regions where E j
thermore, comparing Fig. 7共a兲, where EC ⲏ ⌬, with Fig. 5共a兲, changes sign are more likely to appear if ␦S ⬇ EC. In addi-
where EC Ⰷ ⌬, we can conclude that for lower charging en- tion, the larger variations in the Josephson energy observed
ergies, the ratio between Josephson energy in the middle of for EC Ⰷ ⌬ compared to the regime EC ⲏ ⌬, further increase
diamond and energy at the edge is reduced, in agreement the probability of sign reversal.
with our estimations. In Figs. 7 and 8共a兲, E j is shown to Turning to the polarization vector ⑀ជ so, panels 共b兲 and 共c兲
decrease in modulus toward the edge. This an unusual be- of Figs. 5–8 present its modulus and the variation in its ori-
havior that can be explained if there is a point in the higher- entation as a function of gate voltage. The modulus 兩⑀ជ so兩 ex-
hibits similar behavior as the absolute value of the spin-
a) b) independent term E j. In contrast to E j, we do not observe
regions of gate voltage where 兩⑀ជ so兩 vanishes. It is not surpris-
ing: the probability that all three components of the polariza-
tion vector would vanish at the same value of gate voltage is
very small.
In panel 共d兲 of Figs. 5–8, we plot the normalized ratio
between the spin-dependent and spin-independent terms
兩⑀ជ so兩 / 冑E2j + 兩⑀ជ so兩2. We note that the ratio increases in the vicin-
c) d)

ity of regions where E j vanishes, as is the case in Figs. 7 and

8共d兲. These regions are exceptional. The common case is
represented by diamonds such as diamond 1 in Fig. 5共d兲,
where one observes a maximum of the ratio in the middle of
the Coulomb diamond and decrease toward the edges. This is
in agreement with our estimations, reflecting that E j diverges
faster than 兩⑀ជ so兩 as we approach the diamond edge.
FIG. 7. 共Color online兲 The same as in Fig. 5, for the regime: Let us focus on the direction of ⑀ជ so and its dependence on
EC / ⌬ = 1.5 and ␦S / EC = 1.5. gate voltage. We study the derivative with respect to gate


voltage, projected in the perpendicular direction to ⑀ជ so. We representation of two-level system in terms of electron spin
d⑀ជ ⑀ជ
use the same notation as previously ⑀⬜ ⬘ = 兩 d共eVsog兲 ⫻ 兩⑀ជsoso兩 兩. and advantages of superconducting qubits. Spin and super-
As a general feature, the derivative is significantly re- conducting qubits can be operated within the circuit, the flux
duced in the middle of the diamonds, as compared to the and spin degrees of freedom can be easily entangled. We
edge. It is interesting to note that the change in the perpen- have demonstrated feasibility of all electric manipulation of
dicular projection is not as smooth as the variation in ⑀ជ so with superconducting spin qubits and more complicated quantum
gate voltage. In the regime ⌬ ⬇ ␦S, see Figs. 5, 6, and 7共c兲, gates made of such qubits. Although this has been achieved
we find regions of gate voltage where the perpendicular de- previously for superconducting qubits,24 realizing the same
rivative either vanishes or abruptly changes its behavior. controllability for spin qubits is remarkable.
These features can be explained as follows. In this regime, We have discussed relaxation and decoherence of the qu-
NS ⬇ 1 near the edges, meaning that the direction of ⑀ជ so is bit. Our analysis shows that the dominating decoherence pro-
dominated by contributions of few levels. It is possible to cess is typically the coupling between qubit-level spacing
find regions of gate voltage where the weight of the domi- and magnetic-flux noise. We show that in comparison to
nating contribution vanishes, similar to the case already dis- other superconducting qubits, superconducting spin qubits
cussed for E j. In the vicinity of such points, the weight of the have lower sensitivity to flux noise and therefore longer de-
dominating contribution changes sign. This is represented by coherence times. This is an important advantage in view of
the sharp turning points observed in Figs. 5, 6, and 7共c兲. In realizing a large number of coherent quantum operations re-
comparison, the case ⌬ Ⰷ ␦S presented in Fig. 8共c兲 shows that
quired by quantum computation schemes.
the behavior is smooth. In this regime, the contribution is
The microscopic analysis presented shows that the spin-
dominated by terms of multiple levels, reducing the probabil-
dependent part of the Josephson energy can be made suffi-
ity to encounter values of the gate voltage where the domi-
ciently large, at least for semiconducting devices where spin-
nating contribution to the perpendicular derivative vanishes.
orbit interaction is intrinsically strong. We predict
We may also conclude that ⑀ជ so varies mainly laterally
spontaneous breaking of time-reversal symmetry in the loops
when the gate voltage is set to the middle of the diamond.
containing superconducting spin qubits.
Here, the variation in 兩⑀ជ so兩 vanishes. As the gate voltage is
tuned toward the diamond edges, the lateral variation is over-
come by the faster divergence of 兩⑀ជ so兩.
We acknowledge fruitful discussions with L. P. Kouwen-
In conclusion, we have outlined our proposal of supercon- hoven, H. Keijzers, and S. Frolov. This work is part of the
ducting spin qubit. Such a unit would combine the natural research program of the Stichting FOM.

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