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Para ver
Webinar Internacional “Actualización en
Autismo” (3 h 37 min)
Noticia sobre Carly Fleischmann, demostrando que el autismo no
verbal no siempre significa discapacidad intelectual (8 mins)
Entrevista a Ian Moche, niño de 10 años
explicando el espectro (47 mins)

Para leer
El cerebro autista (2019) Temple Grandin y Richard Panek

Guía de Buenas Prácticas en Niñas, Adolescentes y

Mujeres dentro del Espectro Autista

Podcast “Autismo en Positivo”

Podcast “Mentescopia”.
Cap. 3: No hay un solo autismo
Para escuchar
Updates on Autism
It does not only occurs in boys. The prevalence is 1:36, that is, 1 autistic
person for every 36 people.
Theres is 1:1 ratio between boys and girls
(Not 4:1 as it was thought)

Asperger’s Syndrome is a part of the Autism and ADHD can be diagnosed

Autism Spectrum in DSM-V (2013) and in together, they are not mutually exclusive
CIE-11 (2022) as before

70% has at least one co-occurrence

not used
anymore 50% has 4 or more
Now it is Autism or Autism Spectrum OCD
Intellectual Disability

A good specialist can diagnose Autism as ADOS-2 has a gender bias and many girls
early as 18 months old and women can be undiagnosed because of
Autism doesn’t disappear in adulthood. It Autism has a high genetic component,
is a lifelong condition with 83% heritability. It runs in families.

It is not a disease, thus there is nothing

It is NOT caused by VACCINATION to cure

There is no such a thing as “less” or People with autism does not lack
“more” autistic. Autism is a spectrum, empathy, in many cases they can be
not a straight line. overemphatic.

It is expressed
differently than in
To watch
Temple Grandin “The Autistic Brain” (1 h 03 mins)

Carly Fleischmann, demonstrating that nonverbal autism does

not always mean intellectual disability (8 mins)

“Too much information and us” Series (6 short videos)

to read
Neurotribes: The Legacy of Autism and the Future of
Neurodiversity (2016) Steve Silberman

Autism in Heels: The Untold Story of a Female Life

on the Spectrum (2021) Jennifer Cook O’Toole

“The Neurodiversity”Podcast
Podcast “Inquiring Minds”.
Ep. 100: Steve Silberman - Remembering
Oliver Sacks / The Legacy of Autism
to listen

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