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MODULE NO: 1 Teacher: Paulina Ampadu

Woodrose Class: Grade 5

Subject: Mathematics DATE: 23-27
International School
Parent’s Signature: _________ Marks: ____/20




● Separate Numbers into groups of 3 Digits (it is usually done using commas (,) and is
grouped from right to left.
Example: 3,245; 1,690,000

● We have the following group names for number.

1 - Ones/Units

10 - Tens ((T) Ten times larger than a unit)

100 - Hundreds ((H) Ten times larger than Tens)

1,000 - Thousands ((Th) Ten times Larger than hundreds)

10,000 - Ten Thousands ((T-Th) Ten times larger than thousands)

100,000 - Hundred Thousands ((H-Th) Ten times larger than Ten thousands)

● Read the digits from Left to Right using the appropriate units/tens followed by its group

● Numbers can be written in word form or Figures


Word Form Number Form

Ten thousand three hundred and fifty 10,350

Five hundred and sixty thousand two 560,211

hundred and eleven

Place Value:

● The value of a number decided by its position

Digit: 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 are all digits

Expanded Form: 4,567 = 4000

+ 500

+ 60

+ 7

Partitioning: Breaking up a number into its parts

Example: In 830, the 3 has a value of 3 tens (30)


1. Write each red number in Figures, words and expanded form

1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000

100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800

10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80

2. Write each number in words

(a) 2,345 (b) 3030 (C) 2901 (d) 7777 (e) 2816 (f) 9109

3. Write these numbers in figures.

(a) Nine thousand and nine
(b) Four thousand and forty

4. What is the value of 4 in these numbers?

(a) 6423 (b) 4623 (c) 3409 (d) 9040 (e) 1234 (f) 4321

5. Which value is equal to 3900?

39 hundreds 390 tens 39 tens

6. What is the largest possible number you can write with

3, 6, 3 and 4?

Numbers can be ordered in different ways. Ascending order (smallest to biggest), Descending
order (biggest to smallest)


Ascending: The “A” points upward

Descending is Down-Sending

NB. Rounding numbers makes them easier to use

To round a number to the nearest 10, look at the one/unit digit and if it is

● < 5 round down ⇩

● >5 round up ⇧
For example:

48: 48, 8 is greater than 5 so round up to the nearest ten. 48 becomes 50

To round to the nearest hundred, the same rule is applied. However instead of looking at the
one/unit digit look at the tens digit

For example:

830: 830, 3 is less than 5 so round down to the nearest hundred. 830 becomes 800

To round to the nearest thousand, the same rule is applied. But this time we will look at the
hundreds digit.

For example:

1689: 1689, 6 is greater than 5 so round up to the nearest thousand. 1689 becomes


1. Write these numbers in order of size starting with the smallest

(a) 1066 1606 1660 1060 1666
(b) 9080 8990 9009 9090 8999

2. Skip counting, Fill in the boxes

Example: Count by Three from 15 to 42

15 18 21 24 27 30 33 36 39 42

Count by 8 from 4

4 8
Count by 7 from 25

25 32

Count by 5 from 60

5 10 15

2. Round to the nearest 100

(a) 1060 (b) 7225 (c) 4680 (d) 1007 (e) 885

3. Use the signs < and > to make these statements true
(a) 505 550 (b) 660 606 (c) 989 899

(d) 1234 4321 (e) 1009 1010 (f) 1001 ? 989

4. What number is halfway between 158 and 172?

5. Find the numbers halfway between these pairs.

(a) 498 and 604 (b) 337 and 451 (c) 559 and 997

6. Here are Five digits

Choose three of these digits to make the total as close as possible to 1000.

7. Which of these numbers is about the same size as the correct answer
To 480 + 490?
100 500 400
1000 700 2000

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