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4B04 November 25, l%1 NATURE 733

tion than that resulting from the continuous system. can be interpreted to mean that certain patho-
Further, all y-globulin bands obtained by the dis- logical y-globulins are synthesized in such a way
continuous system were located closer to the albumin that they carry relatively unlike electrostatic net
zone as noted previously13 • Nevertheless, certain charges.
pathological y-globulins (lb, c, d) still migrated This work was supported by grants from the
toward<;~ the cathode. Lilly Research Laboratories, Eli Lilly and Co., and
Paper electrophoresis at pH 8·6 in citrate barbitur. from the National Institutes of Health [A-3456(01)],
ate buffer of the sera investigated demonstrated in United States Public Health Service.
each case a significant increase of the proteins which Note added in proof. After this communication
migrated with mobilities corresponding to those of had been submitted, an article by Owen, Got and
the y-globulins. The increase over the normal value Silberman (Olin. Chim. Acta, 3, 605; 1958) came to
was 23-34 relative per cent. As judged by ultra- our attention, in which the heterogeneity of the
centrifugal analysis the 78-globulins of the same sera y-globulins of patients with myeloma is described.
varied between 30 and 40 per cent. The l9S-com-
'Porter, R. R., in The Plasma Proteim, edit. by Putnam , F. W.
ponent appeared approximately normal in concentra- (Acad. Press, New York, 1960).
tion. Abnormal plasma. proteins with sedimentation 'Gitlin, D., Gross, P. A. M., and Janeway, C. A., New England J.
coefficients of 10 and 148, respectively, were observed Med., 260, 21, 72 (1959).
in one case (le) only. 'Isliker, H. 0., Adv. Protein Chem.,l2, 388 (1957).
' Heremans, J., Les Globulines Siriques du Systtme Gamma (Masson,
The present starch-gel electrophoretic investigation Paris, 1960).
on pathological y-globulins demonstrates that this 'Cann, J. R., Brown, R. A., and Kirkwood, J. G., J. Biol. Chem.,
181, 161 (1949).
procedure offers an advantage over paper electro- ' Fahey, J. L., and Horbett, A. P ., J. Biol. Chem. , 234, 2645 (1959)-
phoresis in that certain abnormal y-globulins can be , Dray, S., Seience, 132, 1313 (1960).
resolved into several bands. This resolution seems ' Smithies, 0., .Adv. Protein Chem., 14, 65 (1959).
to indicate that these pathological y-globulins 'Poullk, M. D., Nature, ISO, 1477 (1957).
display a discontinuous spectrum with respect to 10
Poulik, M. D., and Smithies, 0., Biochem. J., 68, 636 (1958).
apparent mobility in contrast to the continuous
Marnay, A., Moretti, J., and Jayle, M. F., Rev. Franc. et Olin. Biol.,
4. 366 (1959).
spectrum of the normal y-globulins. If the mobility "Biserte, G., Havez, R., and Laturaze, J., C.R. Soc. Biol., 154, 132
of the 78-y-globulins may be related to the net (1960).
charge of these molecules, then this observation " Poulik , M. D. , Zuelzer, W . W. , and Meyer, R. , CVature, 184, 1800


Department of Immunology, St. Mary's Hospital Medical School, London, W.2


Medical Research Council Laboratories, The Gambia, West Africa

M ALARIAL infection is followed by the develop-

ment of immunity which is specific for the
homologous parasite, but ineffective against hetero-
Passive Transfer of Human Malarial Immunity
In this investigation the role of circulating antibody
logous strains and species 1 -•. The epidemiological in malarial immunity has been studied in subjects
effects of acquired immunity in man are seen among living in The Gambia which is a hyperendemic area
the inhabitants of hyperendemic malarious regions of West Africa. The therapeutic effect of y-globulin
who show a consistent pattern of susceptibility to prepared from the serum of apparently immune
infection. Infants born in such regions are relatively adults has been tested in young Mrican children
resistant during the first three months of life and suffering from severe clinical malaria with dense
thereafter all children suffer severe and recurrent pa.rasitremia. They-globulin prepared by chromato-
attacks of the disease. Clinical malaria becomes graphy on columns of diethylaminoethyl cellulose••
comparatively infrequent in later childhood and was homogeneous on electrophoresis and in the
among adults is rarely seen in acute form 5 • 6 • ultracentrifuge appeared as a main peak with a sedi-
The response of phagocytic cells in malarial infec- mentation coefficient (S 0 20 ,w) = 6·78; an additional
tion was shown in early histological work 1 , and for heavier component (lOS) comprised less than 5 per
many years resistance to the disease was considered cent of the total protein . The remainder of the
to be exclusively cellular in nature. In 1937, Cogge - protein eluted from the columns (referred to here
shall and Kumm• demonstrated the passive transfer as y-free serum) was shown by serological tests to
of malarial immunity in rhesus monkeys and so contain about 70 mgrn. 7S y-globulin and 20 mgm.
established the presence of protective antibodies. 19S y-globulin/gm. total protein.
However, the therapeutic effect of large doses of Twelve children aged 4 rnonths-2! years (weight
immune serum was evident only against minimal 5·4-12·6 kgm.) admitted with a. clinical diagnosis of
numbers of parasites and has not been demonstrated malignant tertian malaria and an initial parasitremia
convincingly in man. The belief is therefore still of 10,000- 230,000/ received y-globulin by
prevalent that circulating antibodies play a relatively intramuscular injection at intervals of 8- 24 hr. for
unimportant part in acquired malarial immunity• . 3 days. The total dose was 1·2-2·5 grn.fchild which

© 1961 Nature Publishing Group

734 NATURE November 25, 1961 VOL. 192

da.y (Fig. 1). No alterat~ons in parasite morphology

have been observed durmg treatment· however in
ma.lignant tertia~ infec~ions only immature pa.ra~ites
are det~ctable m per1pheral blood. The immune
y-globulm appears to be effective both against
Plasmodium falciparum and P. malariae (Fig. 2),
10' but probably has no action against gametocytes
(Fig. 3).
T:v~ ch!ldren aged 2-3 years failed to respond to
the InJection of 1·2 grn. y-globulin. They had been
admitted with pneumonia and measles respectively,

10' • 12

s " 0

to• :e 40 8
~ 6

& ~
.Q .Q
30 6

e"" .t""

E-o I P. falciparum 0
= 20 4


!! I ..
. Jl' ... ~ ·~
:§' .. I .!i
P. malarial' 2
.;:. 10 1
p.. ~


2 4 6 8 10
ttlt Days
y-Giobulln therapy
Fig. 2. 'frophozoite counts of Plasmodium falciparum and P.
malariae In a child with a mixed infection treated with immune
y-globulin; arrows show times of administration of y-globulin by
intra-muscular Injection

10 ()'- ~

1 4 6 8 10
Days 8
First y-glo bulin

Fig. 1. Trophozoite counts (mean and ran11e shown on a logarith- "

mic scnle) and average maximum daily temperatures in 12 children 6
with acute Plasmodium fa/.r.iparum malaria treated with immune
y-glohulln. The time-ecale refers to days after the first y-globulin
8 ~
Injection. Vertical lines below Indicate approximate times of
expected schizogony ~01 I
' ,,,

::s I

4 I \
was equivalent to 10-20 per cent of the recipient's "
own y-globulin. ~ I
The infections were predominantly synchronous :;;"' I

and y-globulin therapy was usually started when the I>< I

peripheral blood contained a high density of young ~
ring formR. Blood examinations were made at 12- /

hourly intervals and the course of parasitremia is Trophozoitn

shown in Fig. I. By the fourth day after the incep-
tion of treatment parasite counts were always less than 0
1 per cent of the initial values; by the ninth day 2 4 6 8 10
trophozoites were not detectable in 8 out of 12 cases ttt Days
and the maximum count was 80/ (Fig. 1). The y-Oiobulin (intra-mus. lnj.)
fall in parasitromia was accompanied by progressive Fig. 3. Trophozoite and gametocyte counts in a child with acute
alleviation of clinical illness although temperatures Plaomodium fakiparum malarl9 treated with Immune y-globulln.
Arrows show time of administration of y-globulin by intra-
did not usually return to normal before the seventh muscular injecti<•n

© 1961 Nature Publishing Group

No. 4804 November 25, 1961 NATURE 735

Unprotected G3



8 Gomma Globulin

" 10'
10' Gamma

4 8 12 16 20
Fig. 5. Plasma elimination of "'!-albumin and 1161-y-globulin in
an unprotected adult Gambian and in a similar subject who had
received 'Pyrimethamine' (25 mgm./week) for 6 years

comparable weight (10-12 kgm.) responded to the

Gambian injection of 1·8-2·5 gm. y-globulin.
Gamma Globulin In further experiments, 7 children with acute
P. jalciparum malaria received they-free fraction of
Gambian serum (0·8-1·4 gm.). A single batch was
2 4 6 8 used in all experiments and no child has developed
Days signs of serum hepatitis. In addition, 4 children
Fig. 4. Mean trophozoite counts (logarithmic scale) in four groups received y-globulin prepared from the sera of blood
of children with acute Pla1modium falciparum malaria. The donors in Great Britain (Lister Institute, Elstree,
treated children received either (i) y-globulin prepared from blood
donors in Great Britain, or (li) serum prepared from Gambian Herts.) and 2 were kept under observation without
adults and containing 7 per cent 78 y-globulin and 2 per cent 198 anti-malarial therapy. Trophozoite counts usually
y-globulin, or (iii) y-globulin prepared from Gambian adults
decreased in all these children. However. the response
and in both P. falciparum parasitremia. of relatively was irregular, and between the fourth and tenth days
low clensity (8,000 and 16,000/ was an the mean trophozoite counts were considerably greater
incidental finding. Failure in these cases was prob- than those observed after treatment with adult
ably due to inadequate dosage since 3 children of African y-globulin (Fig. 4).
I I Intra- Turnover-rate
Total gm. vascular Distribution
Subjects No. I protein (per cent) pool ratio Per cent I-V
I I Albumin
{gm.) pool/d. gm./d. mgm./kgm./d.

Unprotected Gambians 4 8·1 3·6 86 1·3 10·8 9·1 170

{7·6-8·7) {3·1-4·2) {61-110) {1·2-1-4) {8·6-12·3) (6·8-12·0) {150-222)
Protected Gambians 5 8·3 4·1 Ill 1·2 10·5 9·4 176
{7·8-8·6) {3·8-4·3) {86-102) {1·1-1-5) {7-1-14·3) (6·7-12·3) {124-241}
W. Africans in Great 4 8·6 4·6 113 1·3 10·4 11·7 159
Britain (8·4-8·7) {4·2-4·9) (108-115) {1·1-1-5) (9·9-11-0) (11·4-12·2) {149-177)
European• in Great 11 7·8 4·5 123 1·4 10·4 12·7 185
Britain (ref. 12) (7·2-8·4) {4-1-5·8) (95-145) (1·1-1-2) (9-1-12-1) {10·5-17-1) (136-257)
Unprotected Gambians 5 8·6 2·7 66 0·8 13·5 8·8 169
(8·3-9·2) (2·2-2·9) (57-82) {0·7-1·0) (11·8-15·7) (7·9-9·7) (139-203)
Pregnant unprotected
Gambians 1 7·6
I 1·8
Protected Gambians 5 !)8

W. Africans in Great 4
I (1·5-2·4)
Europeans in Great 5 1·1 37 0·8 5·1 2·1 23
Britain (ref. 11)
I (1·0-1·1) (28-44) {0·6-0·9) {4·Q-5·7) {1·5-2·4) (18-28)

D1stnbut10n ratw = ratw extra- to mtra-vascular protem mass

© 1961 Nature Publishing Group

736 NATURE November 25, 1961 VOL. 192

ALBUMIN SYNTHESIS cannot be attributed to the selective catabolism of

i~otopically labelled malarial antibody since y-globu-
250 hns prepared from European and adult Gambian
donors have identical elimination-rates (Fig. 7).
Considerably less y-globulin was synthesized by an
..::: unprotected subject who was three months pregnant
on 200 at the time of study (Table l); this finding is of interest
in relation to the increased susceptibility to malarial
infection described in pregnant women living in
.0 hyperendemic areasu,ts .
8 West Africans resident for some years in the
United Kingdom synthesized less y-globulin than
Gambian subjects maintained on anti-malarial
-;;; therapy (Fig. 6); this difference must be attributed to
~ environmental factors other than malarial infection.
After several years in Great Britain, West Afrif'ans
s continue to synthesize y-globulin at almost twice the
::;::"" 50 rate observed in healthy Europeans; this may be
due to environmental influences of early life or to
genetically determined differences in y-globulin
Mechanism of Acquired Malarial Immunity
GAMMA- GLOBULIN SYNTHESIS The preparation of y-globulin from pooled sera of
apparently hyperimmune donors and the use of
susceptible children as recipients likely to have been
3 exposed to homologous parasite strains, have pro-

.. 150
vided optimum conditions for demonstrating the
potency of naturally occurring malarial antibodies
active against Plasmodium falciparum and probably
0 also against P. malariae. The results show that the
mechanism of acquired malarial immunity is basically
j 100 similar to that observed with many other infections,
being primarily dependent on the presence of pro-
1 tective antibodies which are associated with 78
1 y-globulin. The response to immune y-globulin
z~ 50

Unprotected Protected W. Africans Europeans 50

Gambians Gambians in London
Fig. 6. Comparison of the average rates (and range) of albumin
and y-globulin synthesis in malarious and non-Infected Africans
and in healthy Europeans living In Great Britain ~
y-Giobulin Synthesis in Relation to Malarial

The distribution and turnover of separate plasma
protein fractions can be measured simultaneously by
using two isotopes of iodine (iodine-131 and iodine-
8"' 100
125) having different y-emission spectra 11 • Using .s
this method, rates of albumin andy-globulin synthesis ~
have been measured in apparently healthy Gambian 8p.
adults exposed to malarial infection but not showing 3 50
detectable parasitoomia. Similar studies were carried .8
out on 5 Gambian adults who had received an anti- s
malarial prophylactic weekly for 4-5 years (Fig. 5) ""
and also on 4 West African medical students who had 0
suffered from malaria in childhood, but had been "-
resident in England for 3-10 years. The experimental 20
procedure has previously been described 11 • 12 ; results
were analysed according to the method ofMatthews 13 •
The rate of albumin synthesis was similar in the
three groups of Africans and within the range for
healthy Europeans. On the other hand, the rate of
y-globulin synthesis in unprotected Gambians was 4 8 12 16 20 24 28
about 7 times that observed in Europeans; protection Days
by anti-malarial therapy considerably reduced the Fig. 7. Comparison in two unprotected African adults of the plas!lla
rate ofy-globulin synthesis (Table land Fig. 6). The elimination of y-globulin prepared from European and Gambtan
donors and labelled with iodjne-125 and lodlne-131 respectively.
rapid turnover of y-globulin in unprotected adults e, European y-globulin; Q, Gambian y-globulln

© 1961 Nature Publishing Group

No. 4804 November 25, 1961 NATURE 737
considered in relationship to the cycle of parasite neit~er of which is species specific, it is likely that a
development as well as the absence of morphological considerable part of the y-globulin synthesized in
changes i;n the parasit~s of peripheral blood, suggest response. to malaria is not protective antibody.
that antibody acts either on mature intracellular . We Wish to thank Sir Charles Harington, whose
forms or on merozoites liberated from red blood mterest led to the initiation of this work, and Prof.
cells. Protection is of limited duration and a treated R. R. Porter for much helpful discussion. We are
subject was again susceptible three months after gra~eful to Dr. D. ~arling for clinical supervision of
receiving y-globulin. Other fractions of immune patients, Dr. W. d A. Maycock for supplies of U.K.
serum including 19S y-globulin did not appear to have y-g!obu~in and Miss Margaret Polley for serological
a protective effect nor did they-globulin of European ~stima~wns of 198_ y-globulin. One of us (S.C.) is
blood donors. m receipt of a Medrcal Research Council grant.
These findings support the hypothesis that the
relative resistance of infants born in hyperendemic 1
Coggeshall, L. T., Medicine, 22, 87 (1943).
areas is due to passive transfer of protective anti- 'Talia_ferro, W. H., Immunity to the Malarial Injections (Malariology),
edit. by M. F. Boyd, 935 (W. B. Saunders Co., Philadelphia and
bodies from the mother. This process may, however, London).
be rendered relatively ineffective by partial loss of " Ciuci!., M., Cheli!.rescu, M., Sofletea, A., Constantinescu, P., Teri-
malarial immunity during pregnancy"·", which teanu, ~-· Cortez, P., Balanovschi, G., and Kies, M., Bul. sti.
Sect. St•. Med. (Bucuresti), 7, 61 (1965).
appears to be associated with a reduction in the rate 'Sergent, E., Arch. Inst. Pasteur d'Algerie, 37, 1 (1959).
of y-globulin synthesis. Other factors, such as 5
Wils~m, D. B., Garnham, P. C. C., and Swelleugrebel, N. H., Tr&p.
selective vector biting 16 , deficiency of p-amino- D.s. Bull., 47, 677 (1950).
• McGregor, I. A., W. African Med. J., 6, 260 (1960).
benzoic acid in milk-fed infantsl?,lB and the presence 'Golgi, C., Zentrabl. Baltt., 54 (orig.), 236 (1886).
of a high proportion of fcetal hremoglobin in circulat- 'Coggeshall, L. T., and Kumm, H. W., J. Exp. Med., 66, 177 (1937).
ing red cells 19 may contribute to the suppression of 'Sergent, E., and Sergent, E., Ind. J. Malariology, 10, 53 (1956).
malarial infection during early life. "Sober, H. A., and Peterson, E. A., Fed. Proc., 17, 1116 (1958).
In areas of hyperendemic malaria, immunity is "Cohen, S., and Freeman, T., Biochem. J., 76, 475 (1960).
"Cohen, S., Freeman, T., and McFarlane, A. S., Olin. Sci., 20, 161
established only after long exposure to intense infec- (1961).
tion. This slow response is probably attributable 13
Matthews, C. M. E., Phys. Med. Biol., 2, 36 (1957).
both to the inherently poor antigenicity of the "Bruce-Chwatt, L. J., Ann. Trop. Med. Parasit., 48, 173 (1952).
parasite and to the serological diversity of naturally "McGregor, I. A., and Smith, D. A., Trans, Roy. Soc. Tr&p. Med. Hyg.,
46, 403 (1952).
occurring plasmodia. Acquired immunity is associ- "Muirhead·Thompson, R. C., Brit. Med. J., i, 1114 (1951).
ated with hyperga.mmaglobulinremia•o,n and with a "Maegralth, B. G., Deegan, T., and Sherwood Jones, E., Brit. Med. J.,
striking increase in the rate of y-globulin synthesis. ii, 1382 (1952).
Protection of Gambian adults against malaria over a
Hawking, F., Brit. Med. J., I, 1201 (1953}.
"Allison, A. C., Brit. Med. J., I, 290 (1954).
period of several years reduced the average daily 20
Gilles, H. M., and McGregor, I. A., Ann. Tr&p. Med. Parasit., 53,
synthesis of y-globulin by 3·5 gm., which is more than 492 (1959).
the total daily production in healthy Europeans. 21
McGregor, I. A., and Gilles, H. M., Ann. Trop. Med. Parasit., 54,
275 (1960).
Since plasmodial infection leads to the production of "Eaton, M.D., and Coggeshall, L. T., J. Exp. Med., 70, Hl (1939).
complement-fixing antibodies 22 and precipitins•s, "Pewny, W., Wien. klin. Wochschr., 31, 205 (1918).


Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization, Division of Building Research, Victoria, Australia

I N carrying out a detailed study of the moisture

expansion characteristics of a clay containing 30
per cent kaolinite (poorly organized), 30 per cent
about 1,000° C. all have a maximum in expansion.
If, however, autoclave expansion is plotted diiectly
against natural expansion (Fig. l ), non-linear relation-
hydrous mica (poorly organized) of the following ships exist over the firing range 960-1,200° C. for all
approximate composition: periods of autoclaving, and the points below and
[Si 0 • 81 A1 1 • 20 ] [Al 2 • 42Fe 1 • 16Mg 0 • 04 ] above 1,000° C. separate into two curves for 30 and
[Ca 0 • 30K 0 • 25Na 0 - 15H 3 0 1 • 42 ] 0 20 (0H) 4 200 hr. of autoclaving. (Linear relationships exist
if autoclave expansion is plotted against the log of
35 per cent quartz, 2 per cent hrematite, and l per natural expansion.) The non-linear relationship
cent anatase, I have established relationships that expresses the fact that for this clay the ratio of auto-
might be found useful in interpreting the results clave expansion to natural expansion varies widely
from other clays and clay products. with firing temperature, and implies that there must
The curves of moisture expansion versus firing be several reactive components produced over the
temperature for specimens exposed to air for 90 days, range of firing temperature covered by the specimens.
and for specimens autoclaved at 220 lb./sq. in. for Mineralogical analysis has established that these
2, 8, 30 and 200 hr. (measurements beginning from reactive components are amorphous matter, glass,
the same datum; specimens removed from the and anhydrous clay minerals. Amorphous matter,
muffle at 300° C. and cooled for 2 hr. in a dry desic- which is responsible for the coincident moisture
cator before initial measurement) show that the expansion peak at about 1,000° C. in autoclaved and
autoclave expansion curves parallel the natural naturally exposed specimens, is equally reactive to
expansion curve and that at a firing temperature of water vapour in the air or to steam under pressure,

© 1961 Nature Publishing Group

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