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Teacher: Ms. B.


Subject: English Language

Grade: 9

Date: March 16-25, 2024

Topic: Tenses

Sub- Topic: Past, present and future tenses

General Objectives: By teaching the topic verb tenses; students will take the initiative to grasp

and understand the use of each specific tenses being taught, as well as to appropriately

use each tense as they focused on their sentence structure and grammar competence.

Specific Objectives:

By the end of this lesson students should be able to:

1. State the three major groups of tenses

2. Differentiate distinctively between each type of tenses
3. Use the three different types of using body gestures or action as examples.
4. Create sentences of their own using the different types of tenses.
5. Recall information about tenses in their own words

Methodology: Brainstorming, questioning and discussion, KWL, Handout.

Instructional material: Whiteboard, markers, speakers, audio clip, projector, laptop, textbook

and videos



Tenses are words that refer to time and one's state of being whether it may be the past present or
future. These are shown by the types of verbs being used.
Past Present Future
Beat Beat Beaten

Can Could Could

Began Begin Begun

Good Good Good

Think Thought Thought

Open Opened Will Open

Become Became Will become

Walk Walked Will Walk

Engage: The teacher will start the class off with a video. In this video, students will be given a

very short but accurate definition of what tenses are, along with multiple examples. After

showing the video to students. Based on what they have observed the teacher will ask her

students to recall a few key information about tenses, the different types of tenses, the definition

of tenses and why humanbeings use tenses.

Explore: After discussing the video being displayed the teacher will then place a formal

definition of tenses of the topic on the board. After writing the definition she will then ask her

students to give examples using the three different types of tenses shown in the video. Students

examples will then be written on the board, after which the teacher will ask her, students to copy

each example given in their notebooks.

Explain: Students will also be asked to direct their undivided attention to the whiteboard for the

viewing of another video on tenses. This is done to reinforce the information they have received

earlier on tenses. However, the teacher will ask students after showing the video how the human

beings use tenses that refer to the state of being. Students will also be asked to give examples of

their own or make reference to the examples presented to them, in the animation.

Elaborate: After showing the students another animation on tenses rather than to give students

the hard copy of a worksheetshow will present her students with different activities on tenses in

the form of a powerpoint presentation. In the first activity, students will be asked to identify what

is wrong with each of the sentences listed below. Students will also be asked to make the

necessary corrections and to state the type of tense that was used.

After completing the first activity the teacher will discuss clear up all misconceptions about

tenses by discussing the answers to the activity, after which she will provide students with an

evaluation activity to complement the lesson taught as well as the activities given.

Evaluation 1: Another activity on tenses will be projected on the whiteboard for students to

complete. For this activity, students will be used to state the tense being uses as well as to make

five sentences of their own using the three types of tenses they have learned in today's class.
Evaluation 2:





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