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Nhàn: Good morning everyone!

Khoa: Hey over there! Any pranks planned for today?

Nhàn: Oh, you bet! I've been silent all week. I already have some jokes in mind.
Nhàn:Ha, simple but effective! Well, no matter what pranks we make, let's make
sure they're all funny.
Khoa: Haha, that sounds interesting! So what's your favorite prank you've ever
Nhàn: Oh, I must have replaced all the sugar with salt in the sugar shaker at the
coffee shop. People's faces when they take their first sip of coffee are priceless!
Khoa: How evil! But fun. I bet they weren't expecting that.
Nhàn: How about you?
Khoa: Maybe I'll put a whoopee cushion on my boss's chair or Make a cup of tea
mixed with soy sauce.
Nhàn: Well, I can't wait to see what you come up with this year. Just don't get
yourself into too much trouble!
N: But hey, it's all worth a laugh. Happy April Fools' Day, my friend!
N: Absolutely! April Fools' Day is the one day of the year where I can let my inner
mischievous nature shine. It's all about spreading laughter and joy, even if that
means a little mischief along the way
April Fools’ Day, in most countries the first day of April. It received its name
from the custom of playing practical jokes on this day—for example, telling
friends that their shoelaces are untied or sending them on so-called fools’
errands. Although the day has been observed for centuries, its true origins are
unknown and effectively unknowable. It resembles festivals such as
the Hilaria of ancient Rome, held on March 25, and the Holi celebration in
India, which ends on March 31.
In Scotland the day is Gowkie Day, for the gowk, or cuckoo, a symbol of the
fool and the cuckold, which suggests that it may have been associated at one
time with sexual license; on the following day signs reading “kick me” are
pinned to friends’ backs. In many countries newspapers and the other media
participate—for example, with false headlines or news stories.
NDT : Tuy April Fool Day là ngày mọi người chơi khăm nhau, tuy vậy không
phải trò đùa nào cũng phù hợp và vui vẻ.
NDT : Nhi, Nhan and Khoa are classmates. Today is April 1st . They were in class
and talking about going out to dinner that night (ảnh lớp).
Nhi: Are you free tonight, Nhan and Khoa?
Nhan & Khoa: Yes, I'm free tonight
Nhi: I just found a very delicious restaurant. I'm free tonight, do you want to go
with me? We will definitely take beautiful photos.
Nhan: Which restaurant is it? That sounds interesting
Nhi: Halal restaurant, have you heard of it?
Nhan: I've heard it before
Nhi: ok, okay, tonight at 6pm at the restaurant, see you tonight, dress beautifully.
Nhan, Khoa: sure!!

NDT: So they decided to meet for dinner that night. (ảnh nhà hàng )
Nhan: Hello, we're here, have you arrived yet?
Nhi: I'm on my way, I've already booked a table, you can order first, don't worry,
I'll be the one to pay today.
Nhan: OK, that’s perfect

CẢNH 3: NHÀN GỌI MÓN/ hào hứng

Nhan: Madam, Can I order ?
Uyen : OK
Nhan: I will have 5 most expensive dishes. ( DƠ TAY 5 NGÓN NÓI TO )
Uyen: yes. I will take your order, thank u.
Nhan: thank u


Uyên ra món : here u are , enjoy your meal.
Nhan: thank u
(giả vờ ăn một tí)
Nhan: Nhi, where are you? We're almost done eating.
Nhi: um… HAPPY APRIL FOOL'S DAY. Tắt máy luôn
Nhan: OH MY GODDDD!!! Are you kidding me???? Khoa, we have been fooled by
Nhi. ( mặt tức giận , đập bàn nhẹ)
(Vừa nói vừa sịt sịt giống khóc hoặc lấy tay vuốt nước mắt)
Nhan& khoa : We’re so sorry to say that we don't have enough money, what
should I do to pay for this meal, Madam?
Uyen : OMG. ARE U SERIOUS ?????Don't come here next time.!!!! Go wash the
dishes for me!!! Right now!!!( mở ảnh chén )
Nhàn Khoa lên xoa ảnh chén trên máy chiếu có hình chén tượng trưng cho rửa.

NDT: Well...
the practical joke: pulling away the chair from under the dignitary’s lowered
bottom. The victim is perceived first as a person of consequence, then suddenly
as an inert body subject to the laws of physics: authority is debunked by
gravity, mind by matter; man is degraded…
But When practical jokes cross the line. It will lead to serious consequences for
both the player and the target. Some consequences affect their mental health
and relationships. You should consider and choose appropriate jokes on this
day to make everyone happy.

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