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CIE 120: Principles of Reinforced/Prestressed Concrete

Module #16 Student Activity Sheet

Name: _______________________________________________________________________ Class number: ______________

Section: ____________ Schedule: ____________________________________________ Date: _________________________


TIED AND SPIRAL COLUMNS Textbook, Notebook, Pen, Calculator

Lesson Objectives: References:

Main Textbook: Design of Reinforced Concrete by
At the end of this module, you should be able to: Jack C. McCormac and James K. Nelson (https://
1. Design the size of tied and spiral columns and the
spacing of its ties/ spirals. d/1FfpLHv3hVs85pzFB_faI6-YL3IaUtnNG/view?
2. Investigate the ultimate load capacity of axially usp=sharing)
loaded tied and spiral columns. Main Reviewbook: Design of Reinforced Concrete
by Gillesania 😄

Productivity Tip:

EASIER”. - Unknown
They say that a lazy person will find a way to make it work by finding the easiest
approach to solve a problem. Maybe that’s right. It’s not difficult, you just haven’t
found an easier way to do it! Now, in order to do that, when you’re lost, ask your
teacher. When you’re about to take a quiz, get problems from multiple sources.
When you’re tired, take a rest because there’s always a new day to recover 😀

Hi class! In this module, we will be talking about the design and investigation of tied and spiral columns. Tied
Columns have a series of confining reinforcement called ties or hoops. Spiral Columns have continuous

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CIE 120: Principles of Reinforced/Prestressed Concrete
Module #16 Student Activity Sheet

Name: _______________________________________________________________________ Class number: ______________

Section: ____________ Schedule: ____________________________________________ Date: _________________________

Content Notes

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CIE 120: Principles of Reinforced/Prestressed Concrete
Module #16 Student Activity Sheet

Name: _______________________________________________________________________ Class number: ______________

Section: ____________ Schedule: ____________________________________________ Date: _________________________


A square tied column 450 mm on each side is reinforced with 8-25 mm bars with fy = 415 MPa. Determine the
safe service axial live load if the axial dead load on the column is 820 kN. Use f’c = 21 MPa.

Ag = 450x450 = 202500 mm2
Steel Area, Ast = 8[(p/4)(25)2] = 3927 mm2

Nominal Axial Capacity:

Pn = 0.80[0.85f’c(Ag-Ast) + fyAst]
Pn = 0.80[0.85(21)(202500-3927) + 415(3927)]
Pn = 4139.38 kN

FPn = 0.65(4139.38) = 2690.60 kN

FPn = Pu = 1.2PD+1.6PL
2690.60 = 1.2(820) +1.6PL
PL = 1066.63 kN


Design a square tied column to support an axial dead load of 575 kN and an axial live load of 770 kN. f’c = 27.6
MPa, fy = 414 MPa. Use 28 mm main bars and 10 mm ties.


We follow the special provision on seismic. We assume a steel ratio between 0.01 to 0.06. If we assume 0.01,
the column would be bigger and the steel area would be smaller. If we assume 0.06, the column would be
smaller and the steel area would be bigger. We assume somewhere in between. I will tell the value in your
evaluation. For this problem, we use Ast = 0.02Ag or r = 0.02.

We first solve for Ag.

Pu = 1.2PD+1.6PL = 1.2(575) + 1.6(770) = 1922 kN

Pu = FPn = F0.80[0.85f’c(Ag-Ast) + fyAst]
1922000 N = 0.65(0.80)[0.85(27.6)(Ag-0.02Ag) + 414(0.02Ag)]
Ag = 118198 mm2
b2 = Ag (square column) = 118198
b = 343.8 mm round up say 345 mm
Ast = 0.02(345)2 = 2381 mm2

Number of 28 mm bars = Ast/ Ab

Number of 28 mm bars = 2381/(p/4)(28)2
Number of 28 mm bars = 3.87, use 4 bars! (minimum) USE 345 x 345 mm
column with 4-28
Spacing of Ties: mm bars with 10
a. 16db = 16(28) = 448 mm
b. 48 x tie diameter = 48(10) = 480 mm USE SMALLEST! s = 345 mm mm ties spaced at
c. Least dimension of column = 345 mm 345 mm!

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CIE 120: Principles of Reinforced/Prestressed Concrete
Module #16 Student Activity Sheet

Name: _______________________________________________________________________ Class number: ______________

Section: ____________ Schedule: ____________________________________________ Date: _________________________

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CIE 120: Principles of Reinforced/Prestressed Concrete
Module #16 Student Activity Sheet

Name: _______________________________________________________________________ Class number: ______________

Section: ____________ Schedule: ____________________________________________ Date: _________________________


A round spiral column having a diameter of 450 mm is reinforced with 6-25 mm bars having fy = 345 MPa. The
service axial dead load is 900 kN, determine the service axial live load of the column if f’c = 34 MPa.

Ag = (p/4)(450)2 = 159043 mm2
Steel Area, Ast = 6[(p/4)(25)2] = 2945 mm2

Nominal Axial Capacity:

Pn = 0.85[0.85f’c(Ag-Ast) + fyAst]
Pn = 0.80[0.85(34)(159043-2945) + 345(2945)]
Pn = 4698.24 kN

FPn = 0.75(4698.24) = 3523.68 kN

FPn = Pu = 1.2PD+1.6PL
3523.68 = 1.2(900) +1.6PL
PL = 1527.3 kN


Design a round spiral column to support an axial dead load of 900 kN and an axial live load of 1300 kN.
Assume that 3% longitudinal steel is desired. f’c = 27.6 MPa, fy = 414 MPa. Use 25-mm main reinforcements
and determine the minimum spacing of 10-mm spirals (fyh = 275 MPa) with 30 mm steel covering.

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CIE 120: Principles of Reinforced/Prestressed Concrete
Module #16 Student Activity Sheet

Name: _______________________________________________________________________ Class number: ______________

Section: ____________ Schedule: ____________________________________________ Date: _________________________

Ast = 0.03Ag

Pu = 1.2PD+1.6PL = 1.2(900) + 1.6(1300) = 3160 kN

Pu = FPn = F0.85[0.85f’c(Ag-Ast) + fyAst]
3160000 N = 0.75(0.85)[0.85(27.6)(Ag-0.03Ag) + 414(0.03Ag)] Ag
= 140915 mm2
(p/4)d2 = Ag (circular column) = 140915
d = 423.6 mm round up say 425 mm
Ast = 0.03(p/4)(425)2 = 4256 mm2

Number of 25 mm bars = Ast/ Ab

Number of 25 mm bars = 4256/(p/4)(25)2
Number of 25 mm bars = 8.7, use 9 bars! (minimum is 6!)

Minimum spiral (the continuous reinforcement in a spiral column):

Core diameter, Dc = D - 2cover = 425 - 2(30) = 365 mm

Area of core = (p/4)(365)2 = 104635 mm2
Ag = (p/4)(425)2 = 141863 mm2
Area of spiral bar = (p/4)(10)2 = 78.54 mm2

Minimum spiral ratio:

( 104635 ) 275
Ag f′c
( Ac ) fyh
141863 27.6
! smin = 0.45 −1 = 0.45 −1

rsmin = 0.01607

Combining the equation of the volume of spiral and the volume of core
into one equation, we have:

4as(Dc − ds )
ρs = (10 mm is dt)
sDc 2
s is spacing, so solving for s:

4(78.54)(365 − 10)
s= = 52.1 mm

Dc/6 = 365/6 = 60.83 mm

75 + 10 = 85 mm
52.1 less than those two values!
Use s = 52 mm say 50 mm!

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CIE 120: Principles of Reinforced/Prestressed Concrete
Module #16 Student Activity Sheet

Name: _______________________________________________________________________ Class number: ______________

Section: ____________ Schedule: ____________________________________________ Date: _________________________

Check clear distance!

50 - 10 = 40 mm > 35 mm!

USE 425 mm dia column with 9-25 mm bars with 10 mm spirals spaced at 50 mm!

ACTIVITY 1 Skill-Building Activities

Now, you will be presented with a brief activity that contains both objective and problem-solving type questions.
You can check your answers against the Key to Corrections found at the end of this module. But as much as
possible, don’t peek if you still haven’t tried answering the questions. Write your score on the space provided.
Good Luck! Have fun answering!

Activity 1 Questions YOUR

1 Design a square tied column of smallest cross-section to carry an axial dead load of 655 kN and an axial
live load of 540 kN. Assume f’c = 20.7 MPa and fy = 276 MPa. Use 22 mm main bars.

ACTIVITY 2 Check for Understanding
In this activity, answer the following questions filling out the “What I Learned” column. I’m sure that you have
learned enough after going through the Main Lesson and answering the questions from Activity 1.


How do you get the diameter of the core of a

spiral column?

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CIE 120: Principles of Reinforced/Prestressed Concrete
Module #16 Student Activity Sheet

! Name: _______________________________________________________________________ Class number: ______________

Section: ____________ Schedule: ____________________________________________ Date: _________________________

What is the range of value of steel ratio for a tied

column when designing?

What is the minimum steel ratio for a spiral


ACTIVITY 3 Thinking About Learning

You are done with the lesson! Let’s track your progress!
Period 1 Period 2 Period 3

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

ACTIVITY 4 Unanswered Questions

In this activity, I’m asking you to write your questions that are still unanswered at this time of reading. If there’s
anything that still confuses you, don’t hesitate to write them down below. Make sure though that these questions
are not included in the FAQs section written below/ on the next page. So I suggest you to read the FAQs first
before proceeding to this activity 😊
________________________________________________________________________________________ _________
________________________________________________________________________________________ _________
________________________________________________________________________________________ _________


QUESTION How do we round values of dimensions, spacings, etc?

ANSWER Dimensions are to be rounded up while spacings are to be rounded down to increments of 5
mm. When you obtained a dimension of 612 mm, make it 615 mm. When you obtained a
spacing of 47 mm, round it down to 45 mm.
QUESTION What is the condition of spacing that involves maximum aggregate?

ANSWER Usually the aggregate size limits the spacing of ties and spirals in columns. But for this subject,
we are not going to take the aggregate size into consideration.

See Answer Key from ACTIVITY 1 Skill-Building Activities
1. b = 310 mm (10 points), # of bars = 16 bars (10 points).

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CIE 120: Principles of Reinforced/Prestressed Concrete
Module #17 Student Activity Sheet

! Name: _______________________________________________________________________ Class number: ______________

Section: ____________ Schedule: ____________________________________________ Date: _________________________


COLUMN Textbook, Notebook, Pen, Calculator

Lesson Objectives: References:

Main Textbook: Design of Reinforced Concrete by
At the end of this module, you should be able to: Jack C. McCormac and James K. Nelson (https://
1. Solve for the nominal balanced load capacity of a
column with eccentricity. YL3IaUtnNG/view?usp=sharing)
Main Reviewbook: Design of Reinforced Concrete
by Gillesania
You can copy the link and open them on Google to
obtain a softcopy of the file. You can place it on your
phone for easy access wherever you are 😄

Productivity Tip:


Obviously, everybody wants to do well in school. There is absolutely nothing wrong
with putting your time and effort into your academics. That being said, remember
that you are a human being before you are anything else. Do not push yourself over
the edge just for the grade!

In the previous module, I have mentioned that there is no column that was designed to just perfectly resist an
axial load because in the real world, horizontal forces such as wind loads can hit columns and these forces
cause bending moments and when moments are translated to an equivalent force in the column, it’s located at
a distance ‘e’ from the plastic centroid of the column. This ‘e’ is called eccentricity and in this module, we are
going to design columns with eccentricities. Now, turn to the next page! 😎

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CIE 120: Principles of Reinforced/Prestressed Concrete
Module #17 Student Activity Sheet

! Name: _______________________________________________________________________ Class number: ______________

Section: ____________ Schedule: ____________________________________________ Date: _________________________

Content Notes

All columns are subject to axial forces as well as some bending. The load capacity are only applicable of an
eccentricity of 0.10h for tied columns and 0.05h for spiral columns. The following failures are possible under
the combined axial and bending loads.

1. Large axial load with negligible moment - failure under this condition occur by crushing of concrete with all
reinforcing bars in the column having reached their yield stress in compression.

2. Large axial load and small moment with the entire cross-section in compression - failure occurs by crushing
of concrete will all bars in compression.

3. Large axial load with moment larger than in the second type of failure - bars in far side in tension but have
not yielded. Failure occurs by crushing of concrete.

4. Balanced loading condition - bars on tensile side yield at the same time concrete on compression side
crushes at 0.85f’c.

5. Large moment, relatively small axial load - failure initiated by yielding of tensile bars.

6. Large bending moment - failure occurs like a beam.

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CIE 120: Principles of Reinforced/Prestressed Concrete
Module #17 Student Activity Sheet

! Name: _______________________________________________________________________ Class number: ______________

Section: ____________ Schedule: ____________________________________________ Date: _________________________


The following procedure and formulas may be applied on determining the value of Pn for columns with four
rows of reinforcement perpendicular to the axis of bending (along side h).

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Module #17 Student Activity Sheet

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Section: ____________ Schedule: ____________________________________________ Date: _________________________


If there are only two rows of reinforcements, this procedure can also be used with, As2 = As3 = 0. The
following formulas can be applied for columns with two rows of reinforcements.

For column with large eccentricity and when all steel has yielded:

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CIE 120: Principles of Reinforced/Prestressed Concrete
Module #17 Student Activity Sheet

! Name: _______________________________________________________________________ Class number: ______________

Section: ____________ Schedule: ____________________________________________ Date: _________________________


Columns normally fail by either tension or compression. In between the two lies the so-called balanced load
condition where failure may be of either type.

Balanced loading occurd when the tension steel just reached its yield strain fy/Es and the concrete is strained to
0.003. For every column, there is always a balanced loading situation where an ultimate load Pbn placed at an
eccentricity eb will produce a moment Mbn. If the eccentricity of a column is less than its balanced eccentricity
eb (e < eb), the column fails in compression (compression controls, fs1 < fy), otherwise tension controls (fs1 = fy).

In computing the balanced loading, the procedure presented in the fourth page is applied with fs1 = fy and
solving for c.


The secton of a reinforced concrete column is shown below. The column is reinforced with 6-32 mm dia. bars.
f’c = 21 MPa, fy = 414 MPa. Determine the nominal balanced load and the balanced eccentricity.

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CIE 120: Principles of Reinforced/Prestressed Concrete
Module #17 Student Activity Sheet

! Name: _______________________________________________________________________ Class number: ______________

Section: ____________ Schedule: ____________________________________________ Date: _________________________


b1 = 0.85
As1 = As2 = 3(p/4)(32)2 = 2413 mm2

c! b = = 316.57 mm
600 + 414
a = b1c = 269.1 mm

Stress in compression steel:

f′s = (c − d′) = 476.8 > fy, f’s = fy.
Compressive force in concrete:

Cc = 0.85f’cab = 0.85(21)(269.1)(450)
Cc = 2161.408 kN

Tensile Force in Steel

Ts = As1fy
Ts = 2413x414 = 998.876 kN

Compressive force in steel

C’s = Ts = 998.876 kN

Balanced Load;

EFv = 0; Pbn + Ts = Cc + C’s

Pbn = 2161.408 kN

Balanced Eccentricity:

EMo = 0;
Pbn(235+eb) = Cc(d-a/2) + C’s(470)
2161.408(235+eb) = 2161.408(535-269.1/2) + 998.876(470)
eb = 382.7 mm

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CIE 120: Principles of Reinforced/Prestressed Concrete
Module #17 Student Activity Sheet

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Section: ____________ Schedule: ____________________________________________ Date: _________________________


A square concrete column 450 mm x 450 mm is reinforced with eight 28-mm diameter bars spaced evenly on
all sides. Concrete protective cover is 40 mm, stirrups used are 12 mm in diameter. Determine the nominal
balanced load and moment of the column. Use f’c = 20.7 MPa, and fy = 415 MPa.


Ab = (p/4)(28)2 = 615.75 mm2

d’ = 40+12+(28/2) = 66 mm
d = 450 - d’ = 384 mm
b1 = 0.85

!cb = = 227 mm
600 + 415
a = b1c = 193 mm

Cc = 0.85f’cab = 0.85(20.7)(193)(450)
Cc = 1527.7 kN

f′s1 = (227 − 66) = 425.5 MPa > fy, f’s1 = fy.
Cs1 = fy x 3Ab = 415(3)(615.75)
Cs1 = 766.61 kN

! s2 = (227 − 225) = 5.27 MPa
Cs2 = fs2 x 3Ab = (5.27)(2)(615.75)
Cs2 = 6.494 kN

T = fy x 3Ab
T = 415(3)(615.75)
T = 766.61 kN

EFv = 0:
Pbn + T = Cc + Cs1 + Cs2
Pbn = 1527.7 + 766.61 + 6.494 - 766.61
Pbn = 1534.2 kN

EM0 = 0: Pbn(x) = Cc (d-a/2) + Cs1(d-d’) + Cs2(x1); 1532(x) = 1527.7(384-193/2) + 766.61(384-66) + 6.494(159);

x = 445.9 mm

eb = x - 159 = 286.9 mm, and so: Mbn = Pbn x eb = 1534.4(286.9) = 440.13 kN-m

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CIE 120: Principles of Reinforced/Prestressed Concrete
Module #17 Student Activity Sheet

! Name: _______________________________________________________________________ Class number: ______________

Section: ____________ Schedule: ____________________________________________ Date: _________________________

ACTIVITY 1 Skill-Building Activities

Now, you will be presented with a brief activity that contains both objective and problem-solving type questions.
You can check your answers against the Key to Corrections found at the end of this module. But as much as
possible, don’t peek if you still haven’t tried answering the questions. Write your score on the space provided.
Good Luck! Have fun answering!

Activity 1 Questions YOUR

Design a round spiral column to support an axial dead load of 950 kN and an axial live load of 1210 kN.
1 Use fy = 414 MPa, and f’c = 21 MPa. Assume 2% steel ratio and use 28 mm main bars and 10 mm
spirals. Use 30 mm steel. cover. Give the diameter of the spiral column and the area of main

ACTIVITY 2 Check for Understanding
In this activity, answer the following questions filling out the “What I Learned” column. I’m sure that you have
learned enough after going through the Main Lesson and answering the questions from Activity 1.


What is the formula for nominal balanced


2 How do you get the balanced eccentricity?

What stress will you use if the stress in a certain

row of bars exceeds fy?

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CIE 120: Principles of Reinforced/Prestressed Concrete
Module #17 Student Activity Sheet

! Name: _______________________________________________________________________ Class number: ______________

Section: ____________ Schedule: ____________________________________________ Date: _________________________

ACTIVITY 3 Thinking About Learning

You are done with the lesson! Let’s track your progress!
Period 1 Period 2 Period 3

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

ACTIVITY 4 Unanswered Questions

In this activity, I’m asking you to write your questions that are still unanswered at this time of reading. If there’s
anything that still confuses you, don’t hesitate to write them down below. Make sure though that these questions
are not included in the FAQs section written below/ on the next page. So I suggest you to read the FAQs first
before proceeding to this activity 😊


QUESTION Do we always have to take moment at a point where the balanced load is to get the
ANSWER No. You can always take a moment at any point but that is the easiest and the shortest way to
get the eccentricity.

See Answer Key from ACTIVITY 1 Skill-Building Activities
1. D = 490 mm (10 points), Ast = 3770 mm2 (10 points).

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CIE 120: Principles of Reinforced/Prestressed Concrete
Module #18 Student Activity Sheet

! Name: _______________________________________________________________________ Class number: ______________

Section: ____________ Schedule: ____________________________________________ Date: _________________________


AND PROBLEM SET Textbook, Notebook, Pen, Calculator

Lesson Objectives: References:

Main Textbook: Design of Reinforced Concrete by
At the end of this module, you should be able to: Jack C. McCormac and James K. Nelson (https://
1. Solve for the nominal load Pn with a given
eccentricity in tied columns. YL3IaUtnNG/view?usp=sharing)
Main Reviewbook: Design of Reinforced Concrete
by Gillesania
You can copy the link and open them on Google to
obtain a softcopy of the file. You can place it on your
phone for easy access wherever you are 😄

Productivity Tip:

When you have a dream or an ambition and it's so far away, and
it's so high up, it can be overwhelming. But when you look at it
one step at a time, one day you'll look up at your feet and you'll be
in your destination. - Catriona Gray

Always take time to learn each step! Don’t rush. You’ll have your time soon 😀

In the previous module, we focused on getting the nominal balanced load and the balanced eccentricity of tied
columns. We need those values to solve for the nominal and ultimate load capacity of tied columns with any
given eccentricity. If the given eccentricity is less than the balanced eccentricity, then the tension steel will not
yield but the compression steel may or may not. However, if the given eccentricity is greater than the balanced
eccentricity, then the tension steel will yield but the compression steel may or may not. Just the same thing
from the last, we sum the vertical forces to obtain the nominal load and sum moments about the nominal load
to solve for either the eccentricity or ‘c’. Now, let’s turn to the next page! 😍

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CIE 120: Principles of Reinforced/Prestressed Concrete
Module #18 Student Activity Sheet

! Name: _______________________________________________________________________ Class number: ______________

Section: ____________ Schedule: ____________________________________________ Date: _________________________

Content Notes


The column shown below is reinforced with 6-25 mm diameter steel bars with fy = 415 MPa. Concrete strength
f’c = 27 MPa.
a. Determine the nominal load Pn when e = 200 mm.
b. Determine the nominal load Pn when e = 350 mm.


First, we solve for the balanced eccentricity for

this type of problem:

As1 = 3(p/4)(25)2 = 1472.6 mm2

!cb = = 198.03 mm
600 + 415
a = b1c = 168.33 mm

Stress in compression steel:

f′s = (c − d′) = 403.06 MPa < fy, f’s =
403.06 MPa.

Compressive force in concrete:

Cc = 0.85f’cab = 0.85(27)(168.33)(250)
Cc = 965.765 kN

Tensile Force in Steel

Ts = As1fy
Ts = 1472.6x415 = 611.138 kN

Compressive force in steel

C’s = As1f’s = 1472.6(403.06) = 593.554 kN

Balanced Load;

EFv = 0; Pbn + Ts = Cc + C’s

Pbn = 948.18 kN

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Module #18 Student Activity Sheet

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Balanced Eccentricity:

EMo = 0;
Pbn(135+eb) = Cc(335-a/2) + C’s(270)
948.18(135+eb) = 965.765(335-168.33/2) + 593.554(270)
eb = 289.51 mm

a. When e = 200 mm

e < eb. The tension steel will not yield but the compression steel may or may not.

Assume compression steel will yield:

f’s = 415 MPa

f!s = (335 − c)
Cs = As1f’s = 611.138 kN

T = As1fs = 883573.2( (335 − c))
Cc = 0.85f’cab = 0.85(27)(0.85c)(250) = 4876.875c

EFv = 0; Pn + Ts = Cc + C’s

Pn = 4876.875c + 611.138 - (335 − c)
EM0 = 0; Pn(135+e) = Cc(335-a/2) + C’s(270)

[4876.875c + 611.138 kN - ! (335 − c)](135+200) = 4876.875c[335-0.85c/2] + 611138(270)
c = 225 mm

Check if compression steel yields:

!f′s = (c − 65) = 426.7 MPa > 415. Okay!!
Pn = 4876.875(225) + 611.138 - (335 − 225) = 1,277 kN

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Module #18 Student Activity Sheet

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Section: ____________ Schedule: ____________________________________________ Date: _________________________

b. When e = 350 mm
e > eb. The tension steel will yield but the compression steel may or may not.

Assume compression steel does not yield.

!f′s = (c − 65)
600 883560
Cs = As1f’s = 1472.6 x (c − 65) = (c − 65)
c c
T = As1fy = 1472.6(415) = 611.138 kN

Cc = 0.85f’cab = 0.85(27)(0.85c)(250) = 4876.875c

EFv = 0; Pn + Ts = Cc + C’s

Pn = 4876.875c - 611.138 + (c − 65)
EM0 = 0; Pn(135+e) = Cc(335-a/2) + C’s(270)

883560 883560
[4876.875c - 611.138 + ! (c − 65)](135+350) = 4876.875c[335-0.85c/2] +! (c − 65)(270)
c c
c = 167.22 mm

Check if compression steel does not yield:

! s= (c − 65) = 366.8 MPa < 415. Okay!!
Pn = 4876.875(167.22) - 611.138 + (167.22 − 65) = 744.46 kN

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CIE 120: Principles of Reinforced/Prestressed Concrete
Module #18 Student Activity Sheet

! Name: _______________________________________________________________________ Class number: ______________

Section: ____________ Schedule: ____________________________________________ Date: _________________________

ACTIVITY 1 Skill-Building Activities

Now, you will be presented with a problem set that you will be submitting on our next face-to-face meeting.
The format is as follows:

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CIE 120: Principles of Reinforced/Prestressed Concrete
Module #18 Student Activity Sheet

! Name: _______________________________________________________________________ Class number: ______________

Section: ____________ Schedule: ____________________________________________ Date: _________________________

Activity 1 Problem Set Questions

The column is reinforced with 10 32-mm bars distributed around the perimeter. Load Pn will be applied
with eccentricity e about the strong axis. Material strengths are f’c = 34 MPa and fy = 415 MPa. The
neutral axis c = 360 mm from extreme concrete in compression. Determine the nominal column load and
its eccentricity. Find also the ultimate column strength FPn.

ACTIVITY 2 Check for Understanding
In this activity, answer the following questions filling out the “What I Learned” column. I’m sure that you have
learned enough after going through the Main Lesson and answering the questions from Activity 1.


What is the formula for the strength reduction

factor of a member in transition?

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CIE 120: Principles of Reinforced/Prestressed Concrete
Module #18 Student Activity Sheet

! Name: _______________________________________________________________________ Class number: ______________

Section: ____________ Schedule: ____________________________________________ Date: _________________________

Will tension yield when the given eccentricity is

greater than the balanced eccentricity?

Will tension yield when the given eccentricity is

less than the balanced eccentricity?

ACTIVITY 3 Thinking About Learning

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ACTIVITY 4 Unanswered Questions

In this activity, I’m asking you to write your questions that are still unanswered at this time of reading. If there’s
anything that still confuses you, don’t hesitate to write them down below. Make sure though that these questions
are not included in the FAQs section written below/ on the next page. So I suggest you to read the FAQs first
before proceeding to this activity 😊


QUESTION What if we had the wrong assumption?

ANSWER Just like before, when you end up with a wrong assumption, change the assumption and
repeat the calculation and check it again to ensure you did it right the second time around.
QUESTION How do we get the strength reduction factor?

ANSWER Always check the maximum tensile stress in the steel reinforcements. If fs > 1000 MPa, then it
is tension controlled, use F = 0.9. When it is less than 1000 but greater than fy, then it is in
transition zone, use the formula. If it is less than fy, then it is compression controlled, use F =

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CIE 120: Principles of Reinforced/Prestressed Concrete
Module #19 Student Activity Sheet

Name: _______________________________________________________________________ Class number: ______________

Section: ____________ Schedule: ____________________________________________ Date: _________________________

L E S S O N T I T L E : I N T R O D U C T I O N T O Materials:
PRESTRESSED CONCRETE Textbook, Notebook, Pen, Calculator

Lesson Objectives: References:

Main Textbook: Design of Reinforced Concrete by
At the end of this module, you should be able to: Jack C. McCormac and James K. Nelson (https://
1. Discuss the concept of prestressed concrete.
2. Identify the two methods of prestressing. d/1FfpLHv3hVs85pzFB_faI6-YL3IaUtnNG/view?
Main Reviewbook: Design of Reinforced Concrete
by Gillesania

Productivity Tip:


This is true! You should always make time for your studies. Make sure you have a plan
and finish that plan accordingly. Remember that you always are a step closer to your
goal everyday and that’s only possible if you work today. So stop procrastinating, there’s no
perfect time for everything. Just do it! 😀

Now we’re done with the Design of Reinforced Concrete. Now, we move on to Prestressed Concrete and how
is this different from the former? Prestressed Concrete is also a form of concrete used in construction. It is
prestressed (compressed) during construction, in a manner that it strengthens the concrete even more against
tensile forces which will exist when it is loaded. This compression is produced by the tensioning of high-
strength "tendons" located within or adjacent to the concrete and is done to improve the performance of the
concrete in service. Tendons may consist of single wires, multi-wire strands or threaded bars that are most
commonly made from high-tensile steels, carbon fiber or aramid fiber. The essence of prestressed concrete is
that once the initial compression has been applied, the resulting material has the characteristics of high-
strength concrete when subject to any subsequent compression forces and of ductile high-strength steel when
subject to tension forces. This can result in improved structural capacity and/or serviceability compared with
conventionally reinforced concrete in many situations. In a prestressed concrete member, the internal stresses
are introduced in a planned manner so that the stresses resulting from the superimposed loads are
counteracted to the desired degree. - Wikipedia.

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CIE 120: Principles of Reinforced/Prestressed Concrete
Module #19 Student Activity Sheet

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Section: ____________ Schedule: ____________________________________________ Date: _________________________

Content Notes

Usually prestressing forces cause

compressive forces below the neutral axis so
that when servcie loads are applied which are
typically causing tensile forces below the
neutral axis, the two would just cancel out
and so stresses would be zero.
The earliest use of prestressing are
concretized by the staves you see on the
right. Staves are used as tanks to hold water
and we all know that water creates pressure
and so to help in reducing the stresses,
hoops are also placed in the staves. The
horizontal strips of wood you see are called
hoops and they avoid the failure of these
staves once they reached maximum

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Module #19 Student Activity Sheet

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1. Prestressed members are crack-free under working loads and, as a result, look better and are more
watertight, providing better corrosion protection for the steel.
2. They require less maintenance and last longer than cracked reinforced concrete members.
3. It provides the lowest first-cost solution.
4. The negative moments caused by prestressing produce camber in the members, thus reducing total
5. Prestressed members are crack-free under working loads and, as a result, look better and are more

1. Closer quality control required in manufacture.
2. Losses in the initial prestressing forces.
3. Additional stress conditions must be checked in design - before and after prestress losses.
4. Cost of end anchorage devices and end-beam plates that may be required.

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CIE 120: Principles of Reinforced/Prestressed Concrete
Module #19 Student Activity Sheet

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Section: ____________ Schedule: ____________________________________________ Date: _________________________

Two General Methods of Prestressing:

1. Pretensioning
2. Posttensioning

Pretensioning - Prestress tendons were tensioned before the concrete was placed. Prestress tendons were
tensioned before concrete was placed. After the concrete had hardened sufficiently, the tendons were cut
and the prestress force was transmitted to the concrete by bond. This method is well suited for mass
production because the casting beds (one shown below) can be constructed several hundred feet long.

Posttensioning - Prestress tendons were tensioned after the concrete was placed and has gained the
desired strength. Plastic or metal tubes, conduits or similar devices with unstressed tendons inside are
located in the form and the concrete is placed. After the concrete has sufficiently hardened, the tendons are
stretched and mechanically attached to end anchorage devices to keep the tensons in their stretched
positions. thus by posttensioning, the prestress forces are transferred to the concrete not by bond, but by
end bearing.

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Module #19 Student Activity Sheet

Name: _______________________________________________________________________ Class number: ______________

Section: ____________ Schedule: ____________________________________________ Date: _________________________

ACTIVITY 1 Skill-Building Activities

Now, you will be presented with a brief activity that contains both objective and problem-solving type questions.
You can check your answers against the Key to Corrections found at the end of this module. But as much as
possible, don’t peek if you still haven’t tried answering the questions. Write your score on the space provided.
Good Luck! Have fun answering!

Activity 1 Questions YOUR

1 Detail the steps in prestressing.

ACTIVITY 2 Check for Understanding
In this activity, answer the following questions filling out the “What I Learned” column. I’m sure that you have
learned enough after going through the Main Lesson and answering the questions from Activity 1.


1 Differentiate pretensioning from posttensioning.

Which require closer quality control? Reinforced

or Prestressed Concrete?

Which are more watertight? Reinforced or

Prestressed Concrete?

ACTIVITY 3 Thinking About Learning

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CIE 120: Principles of Reinforced/Prestressed Concrete
Module #19 Student Activity Sheet

Name: _______________________________________________________________________ Class number: ______________

Section: ____________ Schedule: ____________________________________________ Date: _________________________

ACTIVITY 4 Unanswered Questions

In this activity, I’m asking you to write your questions that are still unanswered at this time of reading. If there’s
anything that still confuses you, don’t hesitate to write them down below. Make sure though that these questions
are not included in the FAQs section written below/ on the next page. So I suggest you to read the FAQs first
before proceeding to this activity 😊


QUESTION What are tendons made of?

ANSWER Tendons are made of steel strands shown below and are sometimes placed in conduits to
prevent corrosion.

QUESTION When is pretensioning used? Posttensioning?

ANSWER Pre-tensioning is preferred when the structural element is small and easy to transport. Post-
tensioning is preferred when the structural element is heavy.

See Answer Key from ACTIVITY 1 Skill-Building Activities
1. Double check against Content Notes 😊

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CIE 120: Principles of Reinforced/Prestressed Concrete
Module #20 Student Activity Sheet

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Section: ____________ Schedule: ____________________________________________ Date: _________________________


Textbook, Notebook, Pen, Calculator
Lesson Objectives:
At the end of this module, you should be able to: Main Textbook: Design of Reinforced Concrete by
1. Sketch the stress diagram of a prestressed beam. Jack C. McCormac and James K. Nelson (https://
2. Calculate the resulting stresses of a prestressed
beam. YL3IaUtnNG/view?usp=sharing)
Main Reviewbook: Design of Reinforced Concrete
by Gillesania
You can copy the link and open them on Google to
obtain a softcopy of the file. You can place it on your
phone for easy access wherever you are 😄

Productivity Tip:


If you always dream of something, you’ll always be dreaming of it unless you do

something about it. That’s the problem with most people. They dream about what
they want to do instead of really doing it. Be different. Stand up. Do it now.
Make mistakes. Learn from experiences as much as you can and seize every
moment! 😀

Hello there! Now, we are going to analyze the stresses that can occur in a beam with prestressed tendons. We
go back to sketching the stress diagrams just like what we did in your Mechanics of Deformable Bodies. Since
a tendon is placed below the neutral axis to counteract the effects of bending from service loads, the
corresponding stresses above and below the neutral axis of the beam are tensile and compressive in nature
respectively. The stresses from the service loads are the opposite. Also, a constant stress diagram brought
about by the compressive force of the prestressing tendon is also taken into consideration. Mostly, we’ll have
to deal with three stress diagrams if the tendon is placed below the neutral axis. Now, let’s get into it. Turn to
the next page! 😍

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CIE 120: Principles of Reinforced/Prestressed Concrete
Module #20 Student Activity Sheet

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Section: ____________ Schedule: ____________________________________________ Date: _________________________

Content Notes
The tendons are assumed to be located an eccentric distance e below the centroidal axis of the beam. As a
result, the beam is subjected to a combination of direct compression and a moment due to the eccentricity
of the prestress.
In addition there will be a moment due to the external load, including the beam’s own weight. The resulting
stress at any point in the beam caused by these three factors can be written as follows where P is the
prestressing force:

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CIE 120: Principles of Reinforced/Prestressed Concrete
Module #20 Student Activity Sheet

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Section: ____________ Schedule: ____________________________________________ Date: _________________________


Calculate the stresses in the top and bottom fibers at the centerline and ends of the beam shown below.


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CIE 120: Principles of Reinforced/Prestressed Concrete
Module #20 Student Activity Sheet

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Section: ____________ Schedule: ____________________________________________ Date: _________________________


In the previous example, it was shown that when the prestress tendons are straight, the tensile stress at the
top of the beam at the ends will be quite high. If however, the tendons are draped, just like the one shown
below, it is possible to reduce or even eliminate the tensile stresses. Out in the span, the centroid of the
strands may be below the lower kern point (kern point or kern of a section is the region where loads must be
placed so to avoid any tensile stresses), but if at the ends of the beam, where there is no stress due to dead
load moment, it is below the kern point, tensile stresses in the top will be the result. If the tendons are draped
so that at the ends they are located at or above this point, tension will not occur in the top of the beam.

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CIE 120: Principles of Reinforced/Prestressed Concrete
Module #20 Student Activity Sheet

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Section: ____________ Schedule: ____________________________________________ Date: _________________________


Determine the location of the lower kern point at the ends of the beam of the previous example. Calculate the
stresses at the top and bottom of the beam ends, assuming the tendons are placed at the kern point.


To get the eccentricity, the stress at the top of the beam should be equal to zero.

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Module #20 Student Activity Sheet

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Prestressing tendons may either be straight, draped, or even parabolic in nature.

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CIE 120: Principles of Reinforced/Prestressed Concrete
Module #20 Student Activity Sheet

! Name: _______________________________________________________________________ Class number: ______________

Section: ____________ Schedule: ____________________________________________ Date: _________________________

ACTIVITY 1 Skill-Building Activities

Now, you will be presented with a brief activity that contains both objective and problem-solving type questions.
You can check your answers against the Key to Corrections found at the end of this module. But as much as
possible, don’t peek if you still haven’t tried answering the questions. Write your score on the space provided.
Good Luck! Have fun answering!

Activity 1 Questions YOUR

A simply supported prestressed concrete beam 9 meters long carries a uniform load of 58 kN/m including
its own weight and two equal concentrated loads of 110 kN at third points. The size of the beam is 460
mm x 920 mm. If an effective prestress (total prestress force after losses - losses occur in prestressing
tendons due to several factors such as friction, creep, shortening, etc.) of 1250 kN is produced on a
1 tendon located 0.15 m from the bottom of the beam,
a. What is the stress at the bottom due to the dead and live loads only?
b. What is the stress at the top due to the prestressing force of 1250 kN?
c. What is the total stress at the bottom of the beam?
Note: Consider most critical section at midspan.

ACTIVITY 2 Check for Understanding
In this activity, answer the following questions filling out the “What I Learned” column. I’m sure that you have
learned enough after going through the Main Lesson and answering the questions from Activity 1.


What are the three common types of tendon


Give the formula for the stress at any point along

a prestressed beam section.

3 Define the kern of a section.

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CIE 120: Principles of Reinforced/Prestressed Concrete
Module #20 Student Activity Sheet

! Name: _______________________________________________________________________ Class number: ______________

Section: ____________ Schedule: ____________________________________________ Date: _________________________

ACTIVITY 3 Thinking About Learning

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

ACTIVITY 4 Unanswered Questions

In this activity, I’m asking you to write your questions that are still unanswered at this time of reading. If there’s
anything that still confuses you, don’t hesitate to write them down below. Make sure though that these questions
are not included in the FAQs section written below/ on the next page. So I suggest you to read the FAQs first
before proceeding to this activity 😊


QUESTION How are parabolic tendons different from draped tendons in terms of use?

ANSWER A parabolic strand shape is most efficient because it can apply a prestressing force distribution
to exactly counteract stress distributions (see moment diagram of a uniformly loaded beam)
due to typical bridge forces. Parabolic profiles are typically used in post-tensioned members
because it is relatively easy to create a parabolic hollow duct and push strands through the
duct after the beam is cured.

See Answer Key from ACTIVITY 1 Skill-Building Activities
1. a. -14.14 MPa (10 points), b. -3.02 MPa (10 points), c. -5.21 MPa (10 points).

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CIE 120: Principles of Reinforced/Prestressed Concrete
Module #21 Student Activity Sheet

! Name: _______________________________________________________________________ Class number: ______________

Section: ____________ Schedule: ____________________________________________ Date: _________________________

L E S S O N T I T L E : D E F L E C T I O N S O F Materials:
PRESTRESSED SECTIONS Textbook, Notebook, Pen, Calculator

Lesson Objectives: References:

Main Textbook: Design of Reinforced Concrete by
At the end of this module, you should be able to: Jack C. McCormac and James K. Nelson (https://
1. Calculate the deflections of prestressed sections
with straight, trapezoidal, and parabolic tendon YL3IaUtnNG/view?usp=sharing)
profiles. Main Reviewbook: Design of Reinforced Concrete
by Gillesania
You can copy the link and open them on Google to
obtain a softcopy of the file. You can place it on your
phone for easy access wherever you are 😄

Productivity Tip:


DREAM HOUSE. - Unknown

Learn from the past. Live in the present and work hard in the moment and live your life
as a successful engineer in the future. You should have a goal! That’s what’s gonna
push you further. You need to stick to it and work your way up. I’m telling you, you
will thank yourself in the future! 😀

This is a continuation of our discussion of prestressed sections. In the last module, we have computed
stresses and a prestressed beam commonly has three stress diagrams - one contributed by the tendon’s
eccentricity, the second contributed by the tendon’s prestressing force, and the third contributed by the service
loads (dead and live loads). The final stress at any point along the prestressed beam is the net sum of all these
three stresses (if the tendon has an ecentricity at that fiber in question). In this module, we are going to talk
about deflections of the three cable profiles that were also introduced in the last module - namely the straight,
trapezoidal, and parabolic profiles. The formulas are already given. You just have to make sure that your units
are consistent. Now, let’s begin! This is just short so turn to the next page! 😍

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CIE 120: Principles of Reinforced/Prestressed Concrete
Module #21 Student Activity Sheet

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Section: ____________ Schedule: ____________________________________________ Date: _________________________

Content Notes


The deflections of prestressed concrete beams must be calculated very carefully. Some members that are
completely satisfactory in all other respects are unsatisfactory for practical use because of the magnitudes
of their deflections.
The formulas for deflections of simply supported beams are presented below:

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Module #21 Student Activity Sheet

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CIE 120: Principles of Reinforced/Prestressed Concrete
Module #21 Student Activity Sheet

! Name: _______________________________________________________________________ Class number: ______________

Section: ____________ Schedule: ____________________________________________ Date: _________________________

For a simply supported beam with a uniform load throughout the span, the deflection is given by:


The pretensioned rectangular beam shown has straight cables with initial stresses of 175 ksi and final stresses
after losses of 140 ksi. Determine the deflection of the beam immediately after the cables are cut. E = 4x 106

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Module #21 Student Activity Sheet

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From the preceding example, it can be seen that, not counting external loads, the beam is initially cambered
upward by 0.496 in., as time goes by, this camber increases due to creep in the concrete. Such a camber is
often advantageous in offsetting deflections caused by the superimposed loads. In some members, however,
the camber can be quite large, particularly for long spans and where lightweight aggregates are used. If this
camber is too large, the results can be quite detrimental to the structure (warping of floors, damage to roofing,
cracking and warping of partitions, and so on).

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CIE 120: Principles of Reinforced/Prestressed Concrete
Module #21 Student Activity Sheet

! Name: _______________________________________________________________________ Class number: ______________

Section: ____________ Schedule: ____________________________________________ Date: _________________________

ACTIVITY 1 Skill-Building Activities

Now, you will be presented with a brief activity that contains both objective and problem-solving type questions.
You can check your answers against the Key to Corrections found at the end of this module. But as much as
possible, don’t peek if you still haven’t tried answering the questions. Write your score on the space provided.
Good Luck! Have fun answering!

Activity 1 Questions YOUR

Calculate the deflection of the simply supported beam from the previous example if it was installed with
parabolic tendons that falls from centroid at the ends to 6” at midspan. Calculate the final deflection after

ACTIVITY 2 Check for Understanding
In this activity, answer the following questions filling out the “What I Learned” column. I’m sure that you have
learned enough after going through the Main Lesson and answering the questions from Activity 1.


What is the deflection of a prestressed beam with

straight tendons? (in terms of EI)

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Module #21 Student Activity Sheet

! Name: _______________________________________________________________________ Class number: ______________

Section: ____________ Schedule: ____________________________________________ Date: _________________________

What is the deflection of a prestressed beam with

trapezoidal tendons? (in terms of EI)

What is the deflection of a prestressed beam with

parabolic tendons? (in terms of EI)

ACTIVITY 3 Thinking About Learning

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ACTIVITY 4 Unanswered Questions

In this activity, I’m asking you to write your questions that are still unanswered at this time of reading. If there’s
anything that still confuses you, don’t hesitate to write them down below. Make sure though that these questions
are not included in the FAQs section written below/ on the next page. So I suggest you to read the FAQs first
before proceeding to this activity 😊
________________________________________________________________________________________ _________

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Module #21 Student Activity Sheet

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Section: ____________ Schedule: ____________________________________________ Date: _________________________


QUESTION What is camber?

ANSWER Camber is the upward deflection created by the prestressed forces in the strands located
below the center of gravity. This is required to resist design loads and it compresses the bottom
more than the top.

QUESTION What is creep in concrete?

ANSWER Creep is the time-dependent deformation due to sustained load. Creep is indicated when strain
in a solid increases with time while the stress producing the strain is kept constant.

See Answer Key from ACTIVITY 1 Skill-Building Activities
1. D = __________.

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Module #22 Student Activity Sheet

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Section: ____________ Schedule: ____________________________________________ Date: _________________________


SECTIONS Textbook, Notebook, Pen, Calculator

Lesson Objectives: References:

Main Textbook: Design of Reinforced Concrete by
At the end of this module, you should be able to: Jack C. McCormac and James K. Nelson (https://
1. Calculate the shear capacity of a prestressed
section using the Simple Calculation. YL3IaUtnNG/view?usp=sharing)
2. Calculate the shear capacity of a prestressed Main Reviewbook: Design of Reinforced Concrete
section using the Detailed Calculation. by Gillesania
You can copy the link and open them on Google to
obtain a softcopy of the file. You can place it on your
phone for easy access wherever you are 😄

Productivity Tip:

- Theodore Roosevelt

We may be limited with what we have today but that’s no problem. The less we have,
the more resourceful and creative we have to be and so I want you to remember that
wherever you may be, whatever you have, there’s always something you can do and
succeed at. You just need to open your imagination and give it your all! 😀

We’re down to one of our last topics in Design of Reinforced and Prestressed Concrete. In this module, I will
show you how to calculate the shear capacity of a prestressed section. This is different from the calculations of
shear in a reinforced concrete. We have two methods to get the shear capacity - the Simple Calculation and
the Detailed Calculation. The formulas of the Detailed Calculation are much longer but don’t fret! I will walk you
through the entire process slowly so you can solve any problem regarding shear. Shall we go? Let’s go! Turn to
the next page!

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CIE 120: Principles of Reinforced/Prestressed Concrete
Module #22 Student Activity Sheet

Name: _______________________________________________________________________ Class number: ______________

Section: ____________ Schedule: ____________________________________________ Date: _________________________

Content Notes
The Code provides two methods for estimating the shear strength that the concrete of a prestressed
section can resist. There is an approximate method, which can be used only when the effective prestress
force is equl to at least 40% of the tensile strength of the flexural reinforcement fpu, and a more detailed
analysis, which can be used regardless of the magnitude of the effective prestress force. These methods
are discusses in the paragraphs to follow.



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Module #22 Student Activity Sheet

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Section: ____________ Schedule: ____________________________________________ Date: _________________________


Calculate the shearing strength of the section show below at 4 ft from the supports, using both the approximate
method and the more detailed method allowed by the Code. Assume that the area of the prestressing steel is
1.0 in.2, the effective prestress force is 250 kips, and f’c = 4000 psi.


Approximate Method

The main formula that we’re going to use is this:

We compute for V u which is a

function of wu (the ultimate load).
Then we get Vu by getting the shear
at the point being considered.
We also get the moment Mu at that
We ensure that the value of Vud/Mu is
less than 1.0. The effective depth
should be the effective depth at the
point being considered. Use ratio and
proportion for this.
Then put everything in the formula
and check the minimum and
maximum values.

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Detailed Method

We will compute for two values Vci

and Vcw and we will get the smaller
of these two.
First, Vci.
We need to compute for I, yt, fpe, Md,
fd, Mcr, wu, Mmax, Vi, and Vd.
I is the moment of inertia.
yt is the distance of the extreme
fiber in tension from the neutral axis.

The cracking moment is

computed from these
Then wu without the
beam weight so that is
subtracted is
calculated. This is
From this, we compute
for Mmax.
With this, we can also
compute for Vi.
And Vd corresponds to
the shear from dead
load only.
Vci is computed from
these values but should
be greater than the
minimum value.

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Module #22 Student Activity Sheet

Name: _______________________________________________________________________ Class number: ______________

Section: ____________ Schedule: ____________________________________________ Date: _________________________

For Vcw, we compute for fpe which is simply P/A then Vp is the vertical component of the prestressing force
at the section being considered.

250000 (inclined)


That is simply by using Pythagorean Theorem and converting all units to inches.
Vcw can now be computed.
The smaller of Vci and Vcw is the shear strength of the concrete using the Detailed Method.

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CIE 120: Principles of Reinforced/Prestressed Concrete
Module #22 Student Activity Sheet

Name: _______________________________________________________________________ Class number: ______________

Section: ____________ Schedule: ____________________________________________ Date: _________________________

ACTIVITY 1 Skill-Building Activities

Now, you will be presented with a brief activity that contains both objective and problem-solving type questions.
You can check your answers against the Key to Corrections found at the end of this module. But as much as
possible, don’t peek if you still haven’t tried answering the questions. Write your score on the space provided.
Good Luck! Have fun answering!

Activity 1 Questions YOUR

A 20’ simply supported beam is prestressed with a straight tendon (effective P = 200 kips) located 3”
1 above the bottom of a 12” x 24” rectangular beam. If f’c = 4000 psi, rconc = 150 pcf, WD = 1.2 k/ft
(including beam weight), WL = 2 k/ft, what is the shearing strength of the beam 2’ from the supports? Use
the detailed method.

ACTIVITY 2 Check for Understanding
In this activity, answer the following questions filling out the “What I Learned” column. I’m sure that you have
learned enough after going through the Main Lesson and answering the questions from Activity 1.


1 What is fd and how do you compute for fd?

2 What is the minimum value of Vc?

3 What is yt?

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CIE 120: Principles of Reinforced/Prestressed Concrete
Module #22 Student Activity Sheet

Name: _______________________________________________________________________ Class number: ______________

Section: ____________ Schedule: ____________________________________________ Date: _________________________

ACTIVITY 3 Thinking About Learning

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Period 1 Period 2 Period 3

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ACTIVITY 4 Unanswered Questions

In this activity, I’m asking you to write your questions that are still unanswered at this time of reading. If there’s
anything that still confuses you, don’t hesitate to write them down below. Make sure though that these questions
are not included in the FAQs section written below/ on the next page. So I suggest you to read the FAQs first
before proceeding to this activity 😊


QUESTION How to compute for Vp if the prestressed section has a straight/ parabolic tendon?

ANSWER For a prestressed section, Vp is zero. For a parabolic tendon, at the cut section, the tangent to
the curve is broken down into components. First, get the slope by getting the derivative of the
parabolic curve (if equation is not given, use squared property of parabola) and setting the x
value to the x value of the point being considered (x-values start at the lowest point) and
equate it to tan θ and this angle θ is the angle you’ll be using to break it into components.

See Answer Key from ACTIVITY 1 Skill-Building Activities
1. fpe = 40625/18 lb/in2 (10 points), fd = 225 lb/in2 (10 points), Mcr = 2777953.264 lb-in. (10 points), Vci =
122049.8856 lbs (10 points), Vcw = 108282.5779 lbs (10 points), Vc = Vcw (10 points).

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CIE 120: Principles of Reinforced/Prestressed Concrete
Module #23 Student Activity Sheet

Name: _______________________________________________________________________ Class number: ______________

Section: ____________ Schedule: ____________________________________________ Date: _________________________

L E S S O N T I T L E : I N T R O D U C T I O N T O Materials:
FOUNDATIONS Textbook, Notebook, Pen, Calculator

Lesson Objectives: References:

Main Textbook: Design of Reinforced Concrete by
At the end of this module, you should be able to: Jack C. McCormac and James K. Nelson (https://
1. Identify the difference of shallow and deep
foundations. YL3IaUtnNG/view?usp=sharing)
2. Discuss the different types of shallow and Main Reviewbook: Design of Reinforced Concrete
deep foundations. by Gillesania
You can copy the link and open them on Google to
obtain a softcopy of the file. You can place it on your
phone for easy access wherever you are 😄

Productivity Tip:

The dictionary is the only place that success comes before work.
Work is the key to success, and hard work can help you
accomplish anything. - Vince Lombardi

Winners embrace hard work. They love the discipline of it, the trade-off they’re
making to win. Losers, on the other hand, see it as punishment. And that’s
the difference. So before you think it’s hard, see it as a
problem you’ll be able to overcome again! 😀

Our last topic is all about Foundations. Here, I’ll introduce to you the types of foundations and we go into the
design of footings in the last module. Footing is part of the entire foundation. Footings are structural members
used to support columns or walls and transmit their load to the underlying soils. Reinforced concrete is the
most suited material for footing for reinforced concrete and structural steel buildings, walls, towers, bridges,
and other structures. Since the bearing capacity of soils is normally low (usually less than 400 kPa), and the
load from a column or wall is large (usually greater than 1000 kPa), the footing spreads the column or wall
pressure to the soil by providing bigger bearing area, thus reducing the bearing pressure within permissible
values. Let’s learn more about that in the next page! 😄

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CIE 120: Principles of Reinforced/Prestressed Concrete
Module #23 Student Activity Sheet

Name: _______________________________________________________________________ Class number: ______________

Section: ____________ Schedule: ____________________________________________ Date: _________________________

Content Notes

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CIE 120: Principles of Reinforced/Prestressed Concrete
Module #23 Student Activity Sheet

Name: _______________________________________________________________________ Class number: ______________

Section: ____________ Schedule: ____________________________________________ Date: _________________________

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CIE 120: Principles of Reinforced/Prestressed Concrete
Module #23 Student Activity Sheet

Name: _______________________________________________________________________ Class number: ______________

Section: ____________ Schedule: ____________________________________________ Date: _________________________


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CIE 120: Principles of Reinforced/Prestressed Concrete
Module #23 Student Activity Sheet

Name: _______________________________________________________________________ Class number: ______________

Section: ____________ Schedule: ____________________________________________ Date: _________________________

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CIE 120: Principles of Reinforced/Prestressed Concrete
Module #23 Student Activity Sheet

Name: _______________________________________________________________________ Class number: ______________

Section: ____________ Schedule: ____________________________________________ Date: _________________________

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CIE 120: Principles of Reinforced/Prestressed Concrete
Module #23 Student Activity Sheet

Name: _______________________________________________________________________ Class number: ______________

Section: ____________ Schedule: ____________________________________________ Date: _________________________


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CIE 120: Principles of Reinforced/Prestressed Concrete
Module #23 Student Activity Sheet

Name: _______________________________________________________________________ Class number: ______________

Section: ____________ Schedule: ____________________________________________ Date: _________________________

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CIE 120: Principles of Reinforced/Prestressed Concrete
Module #23 Student Activity Sheet

Name: _______________________________________________________________________ Class number: ______________

Section: ____________ Schedule: ____________________________________________ Date: _________________________

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CIE 120: Principles of Reinforced/Prestressed Concrete
Module #23 Student Activity Sheet

Name: _______________________________________________________________________ Class number: ______________

Section: ____________ Schedule: ____________________________________________ Date: _________________________

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CIE 120: Principles of Reinforced/Prestressed Concrete
Module #23 Student Activity Sheet

Name: _______________________________________________________________________ Class number: ______________

Section: ____________ Schedule: ____________________________________________ Date: _________________________

ACTIVITY 1 Skill-Building Activities

Now, you will be presented with a brief activity that contains both objective and problem-solving type questions.
You can check your answers against the Key to Corrections found at the end of this module. But as much as
possible, don’t peek if you still haven’t tried answering the questions. Write your score on the space provided.
Good Luck! Have fun answering!

Activity 1 Questions YOUR

It is a longer rectangular slab strip that supports two or more individual columns.
a. Isolated Footing
1 b. Mat Foundation
c. Combined Footing
d. Wall Footing
It is a continuous strip of concrete that supports a bearing wall.
a. Isolated Footing
2 b. Mat Foundation
c. Combined Footing
d. Wall Footing
It maybe a square, rectangular, or circular slab of concrete that supports an individual column.
a. Isolated Footing
3 b. Mat Foundation
c. Combined Footing
d. Wall Footing
It is a single thick mat or slab that supports the entire structure.
a. Isolated Footing
4 b. Mat Foundation
c. Combined Footing
d. Wall Footing
These are constructed within deep excavationssupported by lining.
a. Pile Foundations
5 b. Drilled Shaft Foundation
c. Caissons
d. Buoyancy Rafts

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CIE 120: Principles of Reinforced/Prestressed Concrete
Module #23 Student Activity Sheet

Name: _______________________________________________________________________ Class number: ______________

Section: ____________ Schedule: ____________________________________________ Date: _________________________

ACTIVITY 2 Check for Understanding
In this activity, answer the following questions filling out the “What I Learned” column. I’m sure that you have
learned enough after going through the Main Lesson and answering the questions from Activity 1.


Give at least three differences of shallow and

deep foundations.

2 What are the types of shallow foundations?

3 What are the types of deep foundations?

ACTIVITY 3 Thinking About Learning

You are done with the lesson! Let’s track your progress!
Period 1 Period 2 Period 3

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

ACTIVITY 4 Unanswered Questions

In this activity, I’m asking you to write your questions that are still unanswered at this time of reading. If there’s
anything that still confuses you, don’t hesitate to write them down below. Make sure though that these questions
are not included in the FAQs section written below/ on the next page. So I suggest you to read the FAQs first
before proceeding to this activity 😊

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CIE 120: Principles of Reinforced/Prestressed Concrete
Module #23 Student Activity Sheet

Name: _______________________________________________________________________ Class number: ______________

Section: ____________ Schedule: ____________________________________________ Date: _________________________


QUESTION What structures use shallow/ deep foundations?

ANSWER Shallow foundations are usually employed in midrise buildings (6 storeys below) while deep
foundations are used in high rise buildings.

See Answer Key from ACTIVITY 1 Skill-Building Activities
1. C (10 points)
2. D (10 points)
3. A (10 points)
4. B (10 points)
5. B (10 points)

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CIE 120: Principles of Reinforced/Prestressed Concrete
Module #24 Student Activity Sheet

Name: _______________________________________________________________________ Class number: ______________

Section: ____________ Schedule: ____________________________________________ Date: _________________________

L E S S O N T I T L E : D E S I G N O F I S O L AT E D Materials:
FOOTINGS Textbook, Notebook, Pen, Calculator

Lesson Objectives: References:

Main Textbook: Design of Reinforced Concrete by
At the end of this module, you should be able to: Jack C. McCormac and James K. Nelson (https://
1. Design a square footing by getting the area of
steel reinforcement. YL3IaUtnNG/view?usp=sharing)
2. Design a rectangular footing by getting the area Main Reviewbook: Design of Reinforced Concrete
of steel reinforcement. by Gillesania
You can copy the link and open them on Google to
obtain a softcopy of the file. You can place it on your
phone for easy access wherever you are 😄

Productivity Tip:


“WHAT ARE WE BUSY ABOUT?”. - Henry David Thoreau
This is true! So before you think it’s complicated, see the simplicity in it. If you have
questions, raise your hands. Don’t be shy. It’s better to admit that you didn’t
understand something rather than pretending you did. Now, let’s begin and remain
calm and relaxed while you listen! 😀

Here we are at our very last topic in this subject! Phew! That was too long! And we cap it off with the design of
isolated footings - the square footing and the rectangular footing! This is the longest module ever in this subject
because we are merging past principles with new ones. In this module, we are going to get the area of steel
reinforcements for both square and rectangular footings.

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CIE 120: Principles of Reinforced/Prestressed Concrete
Module #24 Student Activity Sheet

Name: _______________________________________________________________________ Class number: ______________

Section: ____________ Schedule: ____________________________________________ Date: _________________________

Content Notes
A square column footing is to support a 500-mm square tied column that carries a service dead load of 1200
kN and a service live load of 1120 kN. The column is reinforced with eight 25-mm diameter bars. The base of
the footing is 1.50 m below the natural grade where the allowable soil pressure is 310 kPa. The soil above the
footing has a unit weight of 15.6 kN/m3. Assume fy = 275 MPa, f’c = 27.5 MPa, and unit weight of concrete is
23.50 kN/m3. Design the footing. Use 25 mm main bars and 75 mm clear cover.

Detailed Solution:
We first assume a conservative thickness of footing which is usually hc = 0.8 m. This value is important
because it reduces the effective bearing capacity of the soil.
So we assume that hc = 0.8 m first.
Then, we compute for the effective soil bearing capacity.
The formula for the effective soil bearing capacity is qe = qa - Σyh
The allowable soil pressure, qa, is given which is 310 kPa then we subtract the pressures from concrete
and soil.
qe = qa - Σyh = 310 - concrete - soil.
From concrete = hc(gc) = 0.8(23.5) = 18.8 kPa
From soil = hs(gs). To get hs, we know that the base of the footing is 1.5 m from ground so if we assume a
value of hc = 0.8 m, we can subtract 0.8 from 1.5 to get hs. hs(gs) = 0.7(15.6) = 10.92 kPa
qe = qa - Σyh = 310 - 18.8 - 10.92 = 280.28 kPa

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CIE 120: Principles of Reinforced/Prestressed Concrete
Module #24 Student Activity Sheet

Name: _______________________________________________________________________ Class number: ______________

Section: ____________ Schedule: ____________________________________________ Date: _________________________

Next is we get the size of the footing by using the equation:

!qe =

Since it is a square footing, Aftg = L2, with L being the length of one side.

1200 + 1120
!280.28 = ; L = 2.88 m, say 2.90 m.
Next is we get the effective depth of the footing and we consider two possible conditions - wide-beam shear
and punching shear.
But first, we get the ultimate load: PU = 1.2PD + 1.6PL = 1.2(1200) + 1.6(1120) = 3232 kN.
From this, we can get the ultimate pressure from:

!qu = = 3232/2.9(2.9) = 384.3 kPa or 0.3843 MPa

500 + d/2 + d/2 = 500 + d

We have what we call critical sections. This is what we are going to analyze. For wide-beam shear the
footing’s critical section is located at a distance d (effective depth of the footing) from the column while the
critical section considering punching shear is d/2 around the column.

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CIE 120: Principles of Reinforced/Prestressed Concrete
Module #24 Student Activity Sheet

Name: _______________________________________________________________________ Class number: ______________

Section: ____________ Schedule: ____________________________________________ Date: _________________________

We will be getting the depth from two conditions and choose whichever is bigger.

Wide-Beam Shear Punching Shear

Get Vu first from: The width that we’re going to use in the equation
Vc = λ f′c bw d is bo which is equal to the
[ 2 ]
L −l 3
Vu = qu L − d where l is the dimension of perimeter of the edges of the critical section which is
the column in this case equal to 4(500+d).

The quantity (L-l)/2 = 1200 We get Vu from:

Vu = 0.3843(2900)(1200-d) - make sure you are Vu = qu[L2 - (l+d)2] = 0.3843[29002 - (500+d)2]

consistent with your units
1 1
!Vc = λ f′c bo d = ! (1) 27.5(4)(500 + d )d
Vu = 1114.5(1200-d) N 3 3
Vc = 6.992(500+d)d
Get Vc (simple calculation)
Vu = FVc
!Vc = 0.17λ f′c bw d = 2585.31d N 0.3843[29002 - (500+d)2] =
! (1) 27.5(4)(500 + d )d
Vu = FVc 3
d = 526 mm
1114.5(1200-d) = 0.75(2585.31d)
d = 438 mm

d = 526 mm governs

Next is we compute for the moment.

As you can see there is reinforcement in two directions. We will
use the effective depth of the bottom bars to compute for the
ultimate moemnt and that is d+1.5db = 526 +1.5(25) = 563.5 mm
Check if d + 1.5db + 75 is less than the assumption. If it is less
than, use that. If not, assume a greater value of hc.
It turns out that d + 1.5db + 75 = 638.5 mm so yes, we have
assumed a good value of hc.

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CIE 120: Principles of Reinforced/Prestressed Concrete
Module #24 Student Activity Sheet

Name: _______________________________________________________________________ Class number: ______________

Section: ____________ Schedule: ____________________________________________ Date: _________________________

The formula for ultimate moment is: Mu = qu x L x (x2/2) where x equals (L-l)/2 which is what we got earlier
at 1200 mm.
Mu = 384.3(2.9)(1.22)/2 = 802.43 kN-m.
Equate Mu = FMn.
Mu = FRnbd2, 802.43 x 106 = 0.90(Rn)(2900)(563.5)2, Rn = 0.968 MPa
0.85f′c 2Rn
Then !ρ = 1− 1− = 0.0036
fy 0.85f′c
Double check against minimum values:
rmin = if f′c > 31.36 MPa, other wise use
4fy fy

rmin = 1.4/27.5 = 0.00509. We use this!

We now get the steel area!
As = rbwd = 0.00509(2900)(563.5) = 8318 mm2.
As 8318
Number of bars: !N = = π = 16.9 say 17 bars!
Ab 4
(25) 2

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CIE 120: Principles of Reinforced/Prestressed Concrete
Module #24 Student Activity Sheet

Name: _______________________________________________________________________ Class number: ______________

Section: ____________ Schedule: ____________________________________________ Date: _________________________

Use 2.9 m x 2.9 m footing with an effective depth to top bars of 526 mm (total depth = 639 mm) with 17 pcs 25-
mm diameter bars on each side of the footing.

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CIE 120: Principles of Reinforced/Prestressed Concrete
Module #24 Student Activity Sheet

Name: _______________________________________________________________________ Class number: ______________

Section: ____________ Schedule: ____________________________________________ Date: _________________________



Given the following:
Column: 600 mm x 600 mm
Axial Dead Load = 1680 kN
Axial Live Load = 1350 kN
Depth of Footing, Df = 1.8 m
Allowable Soil Pressure, qa = 230 kPa
Unit weight of soil above footing, gs = 16 kN/m3
Unit weight of concrete, gc = 24 kN/m3
Concrete compressive strength, f’c = 28 MPa
Steel yield strength, fy = 345 MPa
Design the footing if its width is limited to 3.2 m. Use 25 mm bars and 75 mm clear concrete cover.

Try hc = 0.8 m
hs = 1.8 - 0.8 = 1 m

Size of footing:
qe = qa - gchc - gshs = 230 - 24(0.8) - 16(1) = 194.8 kPa
Aftg = [PD+PL)/ qe = 3.2(L) = [1680+1350]/ 194.8 = 4.86 m, say 4.9 m

Thickness of footing:
PU = 1.2PD + 1.6PL = 1.2(1680) + 1.6(1350) = 4176 kN

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CIE 120: Principles of Reinforced/Prestressed Concrete
Module #24 Student Activity Sheet

Name: _______________________________________________________________________ Class number: ______________

Section: ____________ Schedule: ____________________________________________ Date: _________________________

The Ultimate Pressure:

qu = PU/ BL = 4176/4.9(3.2) = 266.33 kPa or 0.26633 MPa

The conditions for one-way shear and two-way shear have been combined into one figure. For one-way
shear, we always consider the shorter side, in this case, the 3.2 m. This is bw.

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CIE 120: Principles of Reinforced/Prestressed Concrete
Module #24 Student Activity Sheet

Name: _______________________________________________________________________ Class number: ______________

Section: ____________ Schedule: ____________________________________________ Date: _________________________

Wide-Beam Shear Punching Shear

Get Vu first from: The width that we’re going to use in the equation
Vc = λ f′c bw d is bo which is equal to the
[ 2 ]
L −l 3
Vu = qu L − d where l is the dimension of perimeter of the edges of the critical section which is
the column in this case equal to 4(600+d).

The quantity (L-l)/2 = 2150 We get Vu from:

Vu = 0.26633(3200)(2150-d) - make sure you are Vu = qu[BL- (l+d)2] = 0.26633[3200(4900) - (600+d)2]

consistent with your units
1 1
Vu = 852.26(2150-d) N
! c= λ f′c bo d = ! (1) 28(4)(600 + d )d
3 3
Vc = 7.055(600+d)d
Get Vc (simple calculation)
Vu = FVc
!Vc = 0.17λ f′c bw d = 2879d N 0.26633[3200(4900) - (600+d)2]
=! (1) 28(4)(600 + d )d
Vu = FVc 3
d = 598.3 mm
852.26(2150-d) = 0.75(2879d)
d = 608.5 mm

d = 608.5 mm say 609 mm governs

Check the total thickness of footing:

Total thickness of footing, hc = d + 1.5db + cover = 609 + 1.5(25) +75 = 721.5 mm < 800 mm (OKAY!)
For the steel requirements:

There would be two steel requirements: one in the long direction and one in the short direction. In a square
footing, we only have one since the other direction is proportional to the other but in the case of a
rectangular footing, we have two. We will have two computations this time.

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CIE 120: Principles of Reinforced/Prestressed Concrete
Module #24 Student Activity Sheet

Name: _______________________________________________________________________ Class number: ______________

Section: ____________ Schedule: ____________________________________________ Date: _________________________

For the long direction:

d = 609+1.5(25) = 646.5 mm
b = 3200 mm

Ultimate Moment:
Mu = 266.33(3.2)(2.152)/2 = 1969.8 kN-m.
Equate Mu = FMn.
Mu = FRnbd2, 1969.8 x 106 = 0.90(Rn)(3200)(646.5)2, Rn = 1.636 MPa
0.85f′c 2Rn
Then !ρ = 1− 1− = 0.004918
fy 0.85f′c
Double check against minimum values:
rmin = if f′c > 31.36 MPa, other wise use
4fy fy

rmin = 1.4/345 = 0.00406. We use our computed steel ratio which is 0.004918.
We now get the steel area!
As = rbwd = 0.004918(3200)(646.5) = 10175 mm2.
As 10175
Number of bars: !N = = π = 20.7 say 21 bars!
Ab 4
(25) 2

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Module #24 Student Activity Sheet

Name: _______________________________________________________________________ Class number: ______________

Section: ____________ Schedule: ____________________________________________ Date: _________________________

For the short direction:

d = 609 mm (top bars)

b = 4900 mm

Ultimate Moment:
Mu = 266.33(4.9)(1.32)/2 = 1102.73 kN-m.
Equate Mu = FMn.
Mu = FRnbd2, 1102.73 x 106 = 0.90(Rn)(4900)(609)2, Rn = 0.674 MPa
0.85f′c 2Rn
Then !ρ = 1− 1− = 0.001983
fy 0.85f′c
Double check against minimum values:
rmin = if f′c > 31.36 MPa, other wise use
4fy fy

rmin = 1.4/345 = 0.00406. We use this!

We now get the steel area!
As = rbwd = 0.00406(4900)(609) = 12115 mm2.

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CIE 120: Principles of Reinforced/Prestressed Concrete
Module #24 Student Activity Sheet

Name: _______________________________________________________________________ Class number: ______________

Section: ____________ Schedule: ____________________________________________ Date: _________________________

As for the number of bars, the distribution of main reinforcement in the short direction is explained:
For the reinforcement in the short direction, a portion of the total reinforcement gsAs shall be distributed
uniformly over a bandwidth (with center on centerline of column) equal to the length of the short side of
footing. The rest of the reinforcement may be distributed uniformly outside the center bandwidth of footing,
(1-gs)As. As is the total reinforcement in the short direction.

γ! s =
β +1
long side
! =
sh or t side

So for this we consider the center bandwidth first and get B = 4.9/3.2 = 1.531. gs = 2/1.531+1 = 0.79. So
this means 79% of As will be in the center band. And 0.79As = 9571 mm2.
As 9571
Number of bars: !N = = π = 19.5 say 20 bars!
Ab 4
(25) 2

Next for the outside center band width. (1-gs) = 0.21. Obviously, the remaining As is for the outside center
band width is 12115 - 9571 = 2544 mm2 but it is in two sides so each side gets 1272 mm2.
As 1272
Number of bars: !N = = π = 2.5 say 3 bars!
Ab 4
(25) 2

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CIE 120: Principles of Reinforced/Prestressed Concrete
Module #24 Student Activity Sheet

Name: _______________________________________________________________________ Class number: ______________

Section: ____________ Schedule: ____________________________________________ Date: _________________________


Use 4.9 m x 3.2 m footing with an effective depth to top bars of 609 (total depth = 721.5 mm) with 21 pcs 25-
mm diameter bars on the long side and on the short side, 20 pcs 25-mm diameter bars on center bandwidth
and 3 pcs 25-mm diameter bars on the outer band widths.

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CIE 120: Principles of Reinforced/Prestressed Concrete
Module #24 Student Activity Sheet

Name: _______________________________________________________________________ Class number: ______________

Section: ____________ Schedule: ____________________________________________ Date: _________________________

ACTIVITY 1 Skill-Building Activities

Now, you will be presented with a brief activity that contains both objective and problem-solving type questions.
You can check your answers against the Key to Corrections found at the end of this module. But as much as
possible, don’t peek if you still haven’t tried answering the questions. Write your score on the space provided.
Good Luck! Have fun answering!

Activity 1 Questions YOUR

A square column footing is to support a 400-mm square tied column that carries a service dead load of
850 kN and a service live load of 960 kN. The base of the footing is 1.60 m below the natural grade
1 where the allowable soil pressure is 280 kPa. The soil above the footing has a unit weight of 17.5 kN/m3.
Assume fy = 275 MPa, f’c = 23 MPa, and unit weight of concrete is 23.5 kN/m3. Design the footing. Use
20 mm main bars and 75 mm clear cover.
Given the following:
Column: 500 mm x 500 mm
Axial Dead Load = 850 kN
Axial Live Load = 750 kN
Depth of Footing, Df = 1.5 m
2 Allowable Soil Pressure, qa = 320 kPa
Unit weight of soil above footing, gs = 18 kN/m3
Unit weight of concrete, gc = 23.5 kN/m3
Concrete compressive strength, f’c = 25 MPa
Steel yield strength, fy = 345 MPa
Design the footing if its width is limited to 1.8 m. Use 20 mm bars and 75 mm clear concrete cover.

ACTIVITY 2 Check for Understanding
In this activity, answer the following questions filling out the “What I Learned” column. I’m sure that you have
learned enough after going through the Main Lesson and answering the questions from Activity 1.


How do you obtain the number of bars in the short

direction of a rectangular footing?

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CIE 120: Principles of Reinforced/Prestressed Concrete
Module #24 Student Activity Sheet

Name: _______________________________________________________________________ Class number: ______________

Section: ____________ Schedule: ____________________________________________ Date: _________________________

How do you obtain the number of bars in the long

direction of a rectangular footing?

3 What is the formula for effective pressure?

ACTIVITY 3 Thinking About Learning

You are done with the lesson! Let’s track your progress!
Period 1 Period 2 Period 3

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

ACTIVITY 4 Unanswered Questions

In this activity, I’m asking you to write your questions that are still unanswered at this time of reading. If there’s
anything that still confuses you, don’t hesitate to write them down below. Make sure though that these questions
are not included in the FAQs section written below/ on the next page. So I suggest you to read the FAQs first
before proceeding to this activity 😊
________________________________________________________________________________________ _________


QUESTION What is the length of the center band width region?

ANSWER The length of the center band width region is the same as the dimension of the short side of
the rectangular footing.
QUESTION How is the allowable soil pressure obtained?

ANSWER The allowable soil pressure/ soil bearing capacity qa is obtained by soil tests that can be
derived on the basis of test borings, and other experimental investigation.

See Answer Key from ACTIVITY 1 Skill-Building Activities
1. Size of footing = 2.2 m x 2.2 m (10 points), thickness = 580 mm (10 points), main bars = 18-20 mm bars in
each direction (20 points).
2. Size of footing = 1.8 m x 3.1 m (10 points), thickness = 605 mm (10 points), long direction = 13-20 mm bars
(20 points), short direction = 16-20 mm bars at center band and 3-20 mm bars at each outer band (40

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