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How scientific intentions can affect humanity? How can we stop that?

Humanity is in constant evolution and development. This is due to the fact that people are able to
use the mind for reason. The act of reasoning leads us to the possibility of invention. Human
beings are able to be creative and to invent all the necessary tools to keep evolving throughout the
years. The cost of such a move is what has not been thought through.

Computers and robots are extraordinary inventions and tools that have proved to be
irreplaceable. They can do their tasks faster than humans and they can be a hundred percent
effective. They do not make mistakes and they do not get sick. Human beings cannot complete
with machines because people are essentially imperfect. They cannot do their job with perfection
all the time and they cannot avoid not feeling well once in a while. The direct consequence of this
cruel comparison is unemployment. The number of jobless people is constantly increasing because
they are replaced by machines which do the job in a better way.

Other advancements that have affected humanity are cars, road constructions and factories.
Vehicle and factories are steadily growing. This growth causes devastating damages on the
environment. They release carbon dioxide emissions that greatly pollute the Earth. As a
consequence of this pollution, global warming is imminent. Furthermore, due to the great number
of cars, more and more cars need to be built which leads to deforestation. The destruction of
natural habitats not only affect people but also the flora and fauna of the world.

There is no immediate solution to the problems caused by scientific inventions. In fact, it is not the
use what causes negatives effects; it is the wrong and excessive use of them that destroys the
planet and leaves people without jobs. In order to solve the problems people need to think about
the consequences of what they are doing. They need to think about long-term solutions and start
applying them now before it is too late.

328 words

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