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Is it convenient to give homework to school children?

Homework rocks!

Are primary school children ready to do homework? Are they able to do exercises on their own? Is
it a good idea to give them homework? My answer is yes to all those questions and my reasons are

The most important benefits of doing homework is that it consolidates knowledge and it demands
revision. Children need to practise what they have learnt in order to affirm concepts, structures
and vocabulary. At the same time, while they go through this consolidation process, they make a
revision of what was given in class and, in that way, they go to lessons with more awareness of the
topic they are learning. Practising and revising what was taught is key for students.

Other positive aspects of homework is that it encourages critical reflection and it also builds up
confidence. Children need time on their own to practise so that they can critically reflect upon the
subject they are learning. In that way, they can evaluate what they have understood and what
they haven´t. Moreover, it is really important to show them that they can trust in what they know.
If children realize that they can work by themselves and that they can do it right, that will give
them confidence and they will probably be more successful students. Teachers play an important
role at this point because they need to show children that they believe in them.

In conclusion, students that have homework get many benefits that are crucial for their learning
process. They affirm, revise and reflect upon what they are learning. Besides, their confidence is

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