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20 Applications for the Elios 3

in underground mining
Discover how the Elios 3 drone can help you complete safer, faster,
and more comprehensive surveys in underground mines.
This guide looks at 20 example applications of the Elios 3 in underground mining
and outlines why this drone is ideally suited for these scenarios. You will also
see the benefits it provides, with special attention to improved safety, enhanced
access, and greater data coverage.

Mining as an industry faces many challenges, particularly in rather than people, mitigating risks to humans. There are
underground projects. The varied conditions can be dark, several factors that make this drone unique, including its
humid, and hot. With modern technology, these mines are design, payloads, and software. The drone has a specialized
extending deeper and deeper - with the deepest in the world collision-tolerant design as well as FlyAware software to
reaching 3 kilometers (1.8 miles) in depth. When operating at help it work in complex and rough environments. To ensure
these extremes, it is critical to have strict safety protocols quality data, it has the Surveying Payload, which includes
with the right equipment. the Ouster LiDAR OS0-128 Rev 7 sensor along with FARO
Connect processing software. These are just a few of the
The equipment in underground mining must be able to features that combine to make it capable of operating
withstand the darkness and unusual, rough environments. It comfortably in underground mining environments.
should also be flexible, meaning it can be used in a variety of
scenarios, from routine scans to ad-hoc projects that require With the Elios 3, it is possible to gain further access into new
a high level of detail or even hazardous situations like falls areas of the mine, moving beyond safe access and even
of ground. All of these factors can limit certain types of beyond the line of sight. This includes flying inside ore passes
tools. Some terrestrial equipment, such as total stations and or around bends in the tunnel to investigate blockages or
terrestrial laser scanners, can be affected by limited access, potential hazards. The data collected from these flights
the time it takes to gather data, and the data coverage being can be used for site awareness or safety surveys amongst
hindered by projected shadow. However confined-space other examples. Finally, the Elios 3 provides results that are
drones like the Elios 3 are capable of operating in these centimeter accurate, providing results that surveyors can
challenging locations. trust for planning and managing operations in a mine.

Why use the Elios 3 in underground mining?

The Elios 3 is specialized for work in confined spaces,

designed with safety in mind. The mission of Flyability as a
company is to operate drones into hazardous environments


Volume calculations

Volume calculations are critical - from assessing how much potential ore is in an area to quantifying the material left after a blast,
this information helps managers and engineers understand their mines in depth. Incorrect calculations can cause safety hazards,
unexpected downtimes, or even loss of revenue. With the Elios 3, volume calculations can be faster and more accurate than in
the past.

01 Stockpile volume tracking and


Unlike traditional methods, the Elios 3 can complete stockpile

scans in just minutes and does not need to schedule downtime
for the flight. This saves time and cuts unnecessary stops to
work. In addition, the centimeter accuracy of the Elios provides
accurate results while eliminating the need for someone to
climb over a stockpile. This means that you can accurately
calculate the revenue per tonne in a stockpile and thus the
overall ROI of an excavation or pile.

LiDAR scanning over a 4000 m² stockpile for inventory purposes. The

data was collected with the Elios 3 in less than 9 minutes.

02 Cut and fill volume


Empower optimal blast planning and assessments. Use the

Elios 3 to scan areas before and after a blast. Fly right after the
dust has settled, and overlay results from the two scans. This
data will help you see if the blast was successful according
to the design plan and if the explosive used was correctly
calculated. With the volume calculations based on the LiDAR
scan, you can define how much material is there post-blast, and
after muck-out, complete a final flight to calculate the volume
moved. These calculations will then inform backfill planning.
Through this workflow the Elios 3 conducts inspections with no
human risk, provides data for volume calculations, and informs
blast assessments.

Cross sectional view of a stope scanned with Elios 3.


03 Stope

When excavating material from a stope, use the Elios 3 to

routinely scan the area. The drone can operate in dusty
environments post blast or fresh excavations, relying on the
3D live map for the pilot to navigate with confidence. During
work, regular scans with the Elios 3 can be used to monitor
any convergence or movement in the walls. When the stope
excavations are complete, use the drone to scan and plan
for backfill and reclaiming processes. From start to finish, the
Elios 3 provides fast, safe data to inform decision making and
streamline planning.

Scan of a stope performed in one flight with the Elios 3. The red line
shows the drone path inside the asset.

04 Over, under breaks


Simplify complex inspections with LiDAR scans. Use the Elios

3 to assess an area after blast to check for excavation that
is past the theoretical contour (overbreak) and for areas that
are smaller than the theoretical contour (underbreak). The
volume of material or space that is over/under present can be
calculated based on the Elios 3’s scans to determine the blast
success rate. These surveys can help prevent tunnel breakage
and collapse as well as update official records to assess the
mine’s operations and adherence to regulations.

An Elios 3 scan used to reveal underbreaks after a blasting exercise.


05 Backfill

When a stope or gallery is ready to be backfilled, use the LiDAR

data from a flight with the Elios 3 to calculate the area needed
to fill in. As the backfill process begins, complete repeat scans
with the Elios 3 to monitor progress in terms of area filled and
area remaining. This data streamlines communication between
the processing plant and the mine so the entire backfill process
can be tracked and optimized with better data coverage as any
guesswork is eliminated.

A 3D model used to calculate backfill volume in a stope. With uniform

point density and no shadowing, Elios 3 point clouds allow for accurate
volume measurement beyond safe access.

Visual & LiDAR inspections

The benefit of using a drone is enhanced access. The Elios 3 can fly up orepasses, down narrow shafts, and round bends in the
mine that cannot be safely inspected. With greater data coverage through the Elios 3’s LiDAR and visual surveys comes greater
site awareness. The Elios 3 can also operate in dusty conditions thanks to the 3D live map displayed real time on the cockpit app,
giving pilots a view of their surroundings even when the camera view is disrupted. Between a dense point cloud, 4K video feed,
and 12 MP images, the Elios 3 allows for comprehensive visual inspections and mine surveys.


06 Mapping and surveying of
hazardous areas

There is no need to send people into hazardous environments

without a pre-survey. Use the Elios 3 for visual inspections,
where the 4K video feed and 12 MP images can be used for
detailed inspections. The LiDAR scan can similarly be used to
create a 3D model of the space, where areas of interest can be
identified and then examined in detail with the visual data. The
pre-scan with the Elios 3 can be used to plan the best means
of entering a space and the protective measures needed - or
alternatively, used to define if safe entry is possible. This can
be used in active excavation projects or to assess old workings
that have not been backfilled.

3D model and still image of an orepass. With its small form factor, the
Elios 3 can fit through openings as big as 50x50 cm ( 20x20 inches )
to collect data where no other technology can.

07 Hang-up

Hang-up localization with the Elios 3 is faster, safer, and provides

more data than traditional methods. The drone can fly up an
orepass or down a tunnel to locate the hangup, moving beyond
visual line of sight. The 3D scan from the LiDAR point cloud
gives an accurate recreation of the hangup, and empowers
safe planning. In one example, an orepass blockage stayed in
place for 2 months and all conventional methods had failed to
dislodge the hangup. Then an Elios 3 was deployed, and the
hangup was discovered and scanned within 10 minutes. The
data revealed that it was not multiple rocks in place, but one
large boulder. They drilled inside the rock based on the scans
from the Elios 3, and blasted it apart. Had the Elios 3 been
present from the start, the unplanned lack of access could
have been solved far earlier on. In addition, the drone can enter
spaces without a person having to be exposed to potential rock
falls or hazards.

This orepass hangup was identified using visual and LiDAR data
collected in just 10 minutes by the Elios 3.
See the related case study


08 Old workings

Old workings can be hazardous environments, with no up-

to-date records showing their conditions. This makes them
particularly dangerous in terms of the risk of unexplained
convergence or cracks. Send in the Elios 3 as a means of
gathering data that was previously unavailable. Get insights
into the status of the old mines, along with existing ground or
tunnel support and hazards. This eliminates unknown factors
while also keeping people safe. The visual inspection can
gather data on the quantity of rock mass present and pinpoint
areas of concern without anyone having to go in.

Exploration of a decommissioned area - prohibited for human access.

The high resolution video footage and the highly accurate LiDAR data
captured with Elios 3 provide a very clear layout of the area.

09 Drawpoint

When blasts send rock down to a drawpoint, it’s natural to keep

people away from the area. However, the Elios 3 can capture the
status of the drawpoint prior to machinery and people moving
in. This limits hazards and gives an insight into material volumes
and locations there. In addition, in the case of blockage, the
Elios 3 can scan the point of interest and inform plans to solve
the problem. As one of the more hazardous areas in a mine,
this safer method of collecting information helps people work
quickly without unnecessary risks, using data that was not
available with traditional scans.

Use Elios 3 to scan a draw point from a safe distance and collect
centimeter-accurate data from the inside.


10 Falls-of ground mapping and

When there is a significant fall of ground, there may be hazards

it is difficult to safely locate and analyze. Send in the Elios 3
to develop a rehabilitation plan to assess damage and create
a 3D model that measures distances between elements as
well as the volume of material. This survey will merge a visual
inspection with a LiDAR scan for the 3D model to check an area
is safe before authorizing entry. This pre-assessment of the
area makes the site significantly safer.

With its protective cage, the Elios 3 can safely navigate through the
most challenging environments scanning a 300 meter tunnel in 9
minutes (close loop).

11 Rock bolting support, design

visualization & reporting

Before drilling into the tunnel, get a detailed visualization of

the walls to best plan the bolting process. The survey from an
Elios 3 will show geologists and planners the exact layout of
the tunnel so they can select the best locations to reinforce
the tunnel. After the bolting is complete and the concrete
reinforcement is in place, a second scan can be used to inspect
the reinforcement as well as report back to planners and update
the mine’s overall records. The Elios 3 data can also be used for
Rockbolting design for high stress in-situ conditions.

3D model of rock bolts and cable bolts used to assess the support


Georeferencing and data alignment

The Elios 3 has a specialized Surveying Payload that is equipped with the Ouster LiDAR OS0-128 Rev 7. As it flies, a SLAM
algorithm is used for simultaneous localization and mapping. As a result, all the time the drone is in use it is gathering point and
georeferencing data. When in flight, the Elios 3’s LiDAR scanner can recognize retro reflective targets with a defined location.
Then, when post processing the data with FARO Connect, the point cloud can be georeferenced by using the target detection
algorithm. This detects the centroids of the retro-reflective targets automatically and applies the absolute positions of the targets
which in turn will apply the correct transformation to the point cloud.

The dense point cloud gathered with the Elios 3’s laser scan is highly accurate, with a drift factor of between 0.1 and 0.3% * . The
results can then be aligned with existing scans, to enable comparisons between as-designed and as-built structures, as well as
track changes, measure distances, and update records.

As a result, the Elios 3 presents an ideal solution not only as a tool for visual inspections but an accurate surveying package that
can quickly create georeferenced 3D models of anything from tunnels and stopes to equipment.

12 Change detection and

convergence monitoring over time

Get the most up-to-date and detailed insights into your mine.
Monitor areas with LiDAR scans and use overlays to check for
changes or signs of convergence. Any deformations can be
analyzed to check if there is a risk to the integrity of the tunnel,
catching potential problems early by relying on drone flights
that take just a few minutes to complete.

Scan of an ore pass before and after liner application. Data was
processed with change detection workflows to help the contractor
meet the design specs and to confirm field results.

*This is dependent on the geometry of the mapping environment


13 Infrastructure as-builts managing
and as-designed comparisons

Streamline communication and reporting with as-built records

generated with data from the Elios 3. Frequent flights and scans
can track the progress and status of as-builts, from new tunnel
excavations to monitoring equipment. Overlay the as-built scan
by the Elios with an as-designed to check everything matches
and see what has been accounted for. If there are differences,
identify them early and investigate the cause, preventing re-
work later.

As-built comparison used to analyze the discrepancies between the

holes design specifications and the actual excavation.

14 Flight and terrestrial

data merging

Take advantage of data that was previously unavailable. Use

scans from the Elios 3 to digitize inaccessible environments,
and merge that data with existing scans from laser scanners
- or low-level flights by the Elios. With more knowledge of the
status and details of a mine, empower better planning and
keep accurate records, naturally improving safety.

Multiple Elios 3 scans merged together to assess the Cloud to Cloud

precision and accuracy as well as the area coverage between each


15 Shotcrete thickness

Shotcrete is expensive yet critical to safe operations. After

blasting a new tunnel, securing the structure with shotcrete
protects crews working below. However it is expensive, so the
application has to be quick and cost-efficient. By scanning the
area with the Elios 3 beforehand, you can spot any areas that
need extra coverage and estimate the quantity of shotcrete
required, informing the application team. The Rev 7 sensor on
the Elios 3 has a standard deviation of +/- 1 cm, which makes
change detection and thickness monitoring much more precise.

After the first layer of shotcrete, you can fly the area again
with the Elios 3 to ensure total coverage as well as measure
the thickness to check for compliance with safety regulations.
This data is more comprehensive than terrestrial laser scanners
and has better access, improving safety and getting better data

Utilize precise point cloud data from Elios 3 to create scans before
and after shotcrete applications, recording the thickness conditions for
each spray. Within this 3D map, warmer colors indicate overspray, while
cooler colors signify underspray areas.

16 Blast

Get centimeter accurate surveys of blast areas before and after

detonation. Use the pre-scan with the Elios to strategize the
blast location and quantity of explosive, and then complete a
second scan after the explosion. Use the post-scan to check it is
safe to enter the space as well as assess the blast performance.
This data not only keeps the team safe but helps optimize blast
operations and cut costs.

The Elios 3 was used to take multiple scans in a riser to document

blast progress. The scans were georeferenced and merged to
produce an accurate model of the blast performance.


17 Conveyor system

Downtime for conveyor systems can paralyze a mine. With

regular inspections using the Elios 3, it’s possible to complete
an asset assessment without any unscheduled downtime.
Identify problems, such as a missing roller on a belt, or assess
how likely a break it is. By identifying problems early you can
save time - a snapped belt can cost 2 days of work, but if
you catch it early, you can be ready to repair it on your own
schedule, rather than unexpectedly.

Check the system from start to stockpile, looking at assets in

detail for complete analysis that helps plan maintenance work
and identify faults or problems early on.

With the Elios 3 you can inspect conveyor belts for signs of wear and
cracks, fraying, or tears. If any damage is noticed, take steps to address
it before it becomes a major problem.

18 Crusher systems

Keep work flowing smoothly with regular crusher inspections.

Identify potential problems with frequent scans by the Elios 3 -
such as rocks that are too big to go into the crusher. With these
checks as part of regular workflows, it is easy to streamline
work without having to halt operations due to blockages or
unexpected problems.

The Elios 3 can be deployed quickly to monitor the liners’ condition

inside a crusher or to identify and locate any blockages.


19 Ventilation systems

Simplify inspections associated with ventilation systems, from

construction to maintenance. When building ventilation shafts
and applying shotcrete, use the Elios 3 to track progress and
scan the area to visualize its condition. Once systems are
in place, routine inspections can be done with the Elios 3 to
ensure this critical part of the mine is working as expected.
The small size and maneuverability of the Elios 3 make it ideal
to enter narrow shafts as well as check for problems, such as
potential rockfall from freeze-thaw action.

In addition, having the 3D model of the mine makes air flow

calculation easier to predict. This can inform the placement
of Air Lock doors, and the design of airflow structures can be
planned with accurate geometric data. This in turn provides a
safe, well-ventilated working environment that is beneficial for
both safety and efficiency.

LiDAR and visual data collection inside a 300m ventilation raise where
Elios was hoisted by rope in handheld mode.

20 High-wear equipment

Inspect silos, hoppers, bins, and similar equipment faster

by using the Elios, limiting downtime by removing the need
for human access. Analyze the internal wear with a visual
inspection to plan for maintenance, and with the LiDAR data
you can calculate the thickness wear loss. These calculations
help you accurately determine when to replace wear plates and
streamline maintenance, rather than working with estimations.

Inspector view of a chute feeder inspection with Elios 3. Inspector is

the companion software for the Elios drone. It is included with any
drone package, allowing users to seamlessly visualize, localize, and
document their inspections.



This extensive list of applications highlights the range of uses for drones in underground mining. The Elios 3 presents the ideal tool
to add to underground mining workflows, able to provide high quality data in a safe manner. It is flexible, safe, and cost-effective.
Thanks to its modular design, mine engineers can benefit from the capabilities of its Surveying Payload that includes enhanced
range, a denser point cloud, and specialized software that can automatically georeference models and merge multiple point

The Elios 3 and its Surveying Payload can be used in mines around the world. The next step is to see it in a mine near you - just
contact a member of our team for a proof of concept flight.


Elios 3 and the Surveying Payload

Relying on the power of computer vision and LiDAR mapping, the Elios 3 is the first indoor drone pairing a rotating LiDAR sensor
with an advanced inspection payload allowing for quick and easy capture of both visual and LiDAR data - in hazardous, inaccessible,
GPS-denied areas.

• Aircraft dimensions: 48 x 38cm (18.9 x 13.8 in)

• LiDAR Payload: Ouster LiDAR OS0-128 Rev 7 sensor, capable of centimeter accuracy.
• Inspection payload: Built-in payload, delivering 4k videos in RGB with Thermal overlay and 12Mpx inspection photographs.
• Operating temperature: 0°C to 48°C (32° F to 118° F)

Surveying package
To get you started, the Surveying Payload comes as a comprehensive package, designed to maximize your field experience and
accelerate your operational proficiency.

The hardware The FARO Connect A set of reflective An in-depth training

software targets course
The Surveying Payload
comes as a package This software is meant Perfectly sized for Covering everything
with the Elios 3 drone to ease the processing FARO Connect to from best flight
or as a standalone and management of automatically detect in practices to processing
payload for existing Elios 3’s LiDAR data. the SLAM registration and registration.
Elios 3 users. workflow.


Technical specifications

LiDAR Payload Built-in inspection payload

Accuracy From 0.1% drift Up to 16’000 Lumens

lighting rig

1σ +/- 6mm
2σ +/- 12mm 4k Ultra HD: 3840 x 2160
Video recording
at 30 fps, FHD: 1920 x
1080 at 30 fps
Range Up to 100m

Camera field of view 180° FoV

Scanning rate 1,310,720 pts/sec

Ground sample distance Min. 0.18mm/pix at 30cm

Photon sensitivity 10x

Point clouds & 3D models

Ouster OS0 128 beams +
REV 7 sensor1 Data capture capability 4k video in RGB with Ther-
mal overlay + 12Mpx still
Inspection images
Handheld scanning time2 10 minutes

Specifications for the OSO 128 beams REV 7 sensor are provided by Ouster. Complete specifications of the sensor are available on Ouster’s website.

With 50°C ambient temperature and having the drone preconditioned beforehand at 20°C room temperature or with 40°C ambient temperature
without preconditioning

Aircraft with Surveying Payload mounted Post processing

2465g (+/-15g), 5,45lbs Data output .las, .laz, .ply, ,txt, .E57
(+/- 0.53oz)

Automated GCP (Ground

Collision resilient patented Georeferencing Control Point) target
Safety factors technology, protective detection

Flight time1 9 minutes

0°C to 48°C
Operating Temperature2
(32° F to 118° F)

Min: -3000m, Max:

3 +2700m AMSL, Min:
Operating Altitude
-9850ft, Max: +8850ft

6 minutes4 for a full time

Data Transfer Time
flight including LiDAR data

In ideal flight conditions, with a new battery
Valid for batteries pre-condition between 10°C and 40°C; 50 °F to 104 °F
Additional payloads will further degrade this performance
When using USB3.0 cable and USB3.0 port on the computer running Inspector
For more information on the Elios 3
capabilities in the mining industry, please
get in touch. We have a team of specialists
available to assist you regardless of where
you are in your drone adoption journey.


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