Letter To NLVA

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Royal Newfoundland Constabulary Safer Communties through Policing Excellence March 27th, 2024 All Newfoundland and Labrador Volleyball Association Members, NLVA, 1296 Kenmount Road, ‘Mount Pearl, NL, AIN SKS RE: Royal Newfoundland Constabulary, File # 2029-48904 Rvs. Hicks Dear Members of the NLVA, ‘The Royal Newfoundland Constabulary is writing to advise of a matter which is lunder active investigation. On August 23 2023, Police were made aware of inappropriate behavior from a coachireferee of the NLVA toward players, some of ‘Which, were under the age of 18. Through the course of the investigation, which i stil ‘ongoing, Markus Hicks was charged with several Criminal Code offences, many of Which include offences against young persons below the age of 18 years old The RNC wishes to provide all members of the NLVA with information to allow them to make an informed decision regarding any connection they may have to the investigation involving Markus Hicks. Through the investigative process, Police have leamed that Markus Hicks contacted individuals through social media, and other virtual messenger applications, ‘typically using a pseudonym, and concealing his true identity. This contact often resulted in individuals sending nude photos, engaging in sexual actives which may have been unknowingly recorded, or in certain instances, an in-person meeting where Markus Hicks would conceal his identity. Police believe that the following pseudonyms may have been used by Markus Hicks for this purpose: 1. b_powwi23 7. hotandcurious15 2. bradolt5 8. Isabella Ricci — bellaricci¢ 3. Brittany Campbell brittany.campbell 9. Krobets48 4. Chloe Stead ~ chloe stead2 10.kennyryan4 5. Corrine Smith — smitycorts 11.Krista Young ~ krista. youngS 6. curioustotry 12.3935 “Fort Townshend. St. Johns. NL. Canada A162, Tlaphone (708) 729-8298, Facsimie (700) 720-8214 18.live#Saabarry13 21.Wtfmarkus 14.Maria Winchester ~ mara-winchester 22.yeah.yeah44 15.nchops153 28.Zacktkeaz 16.Noah Smith ~ noah_smiht23 24.Corrinewhquhu 17. Shawna Matthews - S.matthews15 25, Alan junior41 18.Stephanie Burton - Steghanie.burton7 26, Twinkyscot 19. straightish 27.Paul_michaets @ hotmail.co.uk 20.Thisismynamet234yeah The RNG is asking anycne who may have been in contact with any of the accounts listed above, to contact us through one of the following methods. ‘+ Telephone ~ (709) 729-8000 + Email~ Trust@me.gov.nl.ca Please ensure that when contacting either of the above, that you provide ‘contact information for a member of the investigative team to follow up. Regards, cetLahmch 4907 st. Tara Lynch #827 Criminal tnvestigation Division Royal Newfoundland Constabulary ‘Fort Townshend, John's, NL, Canade AYC 262, Telephone (708) 728-8399, Facsimile (709) 729-6214

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