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From this day on it was then announced that it was discovered the asia was actually the first

continent and i dont really know naymore but many thing shad happened



By the traffic, a nurse walked past the pedestrian lane just by the middle. By then, they could
hear the sound of a high speed car approaching them. They swiftly turned their head to the
direction, only to see a car suddenly shift by the front of them to the side.

There, a fire had suddenly started as the car crashed into a building, the driver in it was stuck
and unconscious. Witnesses gasped out of terror, as one of them called the firetruck department
and the ambulance by quick movement.

“Firetruck department, a fire has started by Road In!”

Once the firetruck department had arrived, the hose held by the fire worker had spread its water
and began to cool down the water. Eventually then, the ambulance had arrived with the sound
of their emergency, making their way to the car and breaking the door.

“Patient is unconscious; heavily bleeding from the head. We don’t have any available doctors in
the E.R. Quick—” Panic had almost seethed through their throats, only to see a civilian making
their way across the situation to get themselves involved. “I— know how to stop the bleeding.
I’ve been in medical school, but I’m only a student.”

The workers turned their heads to one another, before nodding and allowing the civilian to
quickly take place and work, first moving the driver onto a gurney as they lay there. “Please, do
it quickly. We don’t have much time left!” The workers begged, and the student nodded before
adding on their help.



The moral of the story is to help when you get the chance to. In this tale with the victim of a car
crash incident, with the ambulance not having a possible doctor available in any nearby
hospital, a student decided to try their chance and help in any possible way. With a case so
similar, it has not likely happened before yet it remains a chance in any day.
By helping in this story, the driver was likely to have survived in the emergency room while the
medical student only stopped the bleeding / pressure from forming, there on, the soon available
doctors were able to help and take over the man who was possibly drunk or not.

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