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(QMS, EMS, OH&SMS) PTW001)-JHA-002

Job Hazard Analysis Form Date: DD/MM/YYYY

 Task Description:
 Job Site Location:
 Job Methodology Statement *
*(Ensure site specific issues are addressed in JHA e.g.:
□ Vehicle Movement (Traffic) □ Dropped Object □ Electrical Hazard □ Snake Bite
□ Blind Spot □ Low Illumination □ Water Accumulation □ Other: _______________________)

Sr/No Task Activity Hazards Description Consequence Control Measure/s Remarks

Hydro 1.Waterfilling 1.Pipe bursting due to high 1.Body injury. *Follow the permit and SOP.
testing 2.Pressurising pressure *Toolbox Talk with the working crew.
3.De-Watering 2.Testing assembly bursting. 2.Property Damage. *Use of PPE’s i.e.; safety shoes, hand gloves etc.
1. 3.Improper use of tool and *Cordon of the radiation area.
tackles. 3.Fatality. *High pressure symbols & sign board to be displayed
4.Slip/Trip/Fall *Provide First Aid box with working group.
5.Uncontrolled pressurized 4.Injury to body parts. *NO other activity in vicinity of Testing area.
water. *Pipeline is pressurized to a recommended design pressure.
*Ensure all the accessories of pump and the temporary connection compatible
to 1.41 times of operating pressure.
*DE-Watering must be done dispose at safe area.
Trail-Pit, Underground Electrical Fatal, body injury, •Toolbox talk meeting to be conduct on daily basis.
Excavation & Cable waste of resource. •Helper & Swing alarm should be available for excavator.
Backfilling Utility damage, •Before starting the excavation be aware of underground utilities.
Collapse of trench, •Safe distance should be maintained from the trench to excavator at least 1mt.
Traffic hazard/vehicular distance away from edge.
movement, •Excavated soil to be stacked 300mm away from the trench.
fall of person in trench. •Only valid and experienced license holder can operate the excavator.
•Avoid stacking of material close to the excavated pit.
•Avoid operating vehicles or equipment’s close to the pit.
•Provision of escape ladder.
Snake/Insect bite Fatality •Proper housekeeping should be done and Snake B Gon & Boric Powder use at
•Availability of Naza200.
•Whip check selling use.
•Wear long sleeved pants & shirts.
•Emergency vehicle available at site.
•In case of emergency call Police-112 & fire-101.
Covid-19 Fatality •Conducted COVID-19 Awareness to all workers.
•Clean your hands often, Use soap and water, or an alcohol-based hand rub.
•Maintain social distance & Thermal Screening.
•Don’t touch your eyes, nose or mouth & Use of nose mask.
•Emergency vehicle available at site.
•In case of emergency call Police-112 & fire-101.
Prepared by: Reviewed by: Approved by

Name & Sign Name & Sign Name & Sign

Format No/Rev No: LIII-EHSF-(EHSP002-PTW001)-JHA-003/00 Prepared By Reviewed By Approved By

IMS Core Team
Designation Cluster MR/HOD Steering Committee

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