แบบฝึกหัดภาษาอังกฤษ ม. 6 Coordinating Conjunction ภาษาต่างประเทศ ม.6 - คลังข้อสอบ ทรูปลูกปัญญา

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รหัสข้อสอบ : LAMB613585 วิชา : ภาษาต่างประเทศ ระดับชั้น : ม.

6 จำนวน : 11 ข้อ
ชื่อข้อสอบ : แบบฝึกหัดภาษาอังกฤษ ม. 6 Coordinating Conjunction

1. He did not study for his examination, ________ he passed it with good grades.

1. and

2. nor

3. or

4. so

5. yet

2. Deserts are harsh and dry, ________ many plants grow there.

1. and

2. nor

3. or

4. so

5. yet

3. Lora couldn’t go, _______ she was tired.

1. and

2. or

3. for

4. so

5. yet

4. You must hurry up, _______ you’ll definitely miss your flight.

1. and

2. or

3. for

4. so

5. yet

5. Andy plays the violin well, _______ the trumpet is his favorite instrument.
1. and

2. or

3. for

4. so

5. but

6. Eric got an A on the spelling test, ________ he had studied hard.

1. and

2. or

3. for

4. so

5. yet

7. It’s raining very hard, _________ you need to take an umbrella.

1. and

2. or

3. for

4. so

5. yet

8. It isn’t cold now, _________ I recommend you take a sweater anyway.

1. and

2. or

3. for

4. so

5. but

9. Scott likes to dance, __________ he can’t at the moment because his leg is broken.

1. and

2. or

3. for

4. so

5. but
10. Mrs. Karn wanted to make cake for tea time, but there was no more milk in the refrigerator, _______ left.

1. and was there not any sugar

2. or there was not any sugar

3. nor there was not any sugar

4. nor was there any sugar

5. not there was any sugar

11. The survey found that students in general were pleased with the college, _________.

1. even the classrooms need to be repainted

2. or they would like to have more qualified professors

3. but they would like to have better food in the cafeteria

4. so they would like to have better classroom facilities

5. for they would like to have better learning materials

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