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Int. J. Mgmt Res. & Bus. Strat.

2017 N Venkateswaran, 2017

ISSN 2319-345X

Vol. 6, No. 1, January 2017
© 2017 IJMRBS. All Rights Reserved


N Venkateswaran1*

*Corresponding Author: N Venkateswaran, 

The study is about the effectiveness of Total Protective Maintenance practices adopted at Cement
industry. Total Protective Maintenance is a strategic tool used to reduce waste and improve the
efficiency and competitiveness of an organization. Total Protective Maintenance focuses on
creating more value for customers by eliminating activities that are considered waste.
Organizations that can meet or exceed customer’s expectation have a higher chance of survival
in the highly competitive market. The focal point of the study was to find a balance between the
machines that the operator uses, the operator himself and the human resource strategy used to
facilitate this balance. The question to be addressed is how a human resource strategy can be
used together with Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) towards TQM improvement. This study
also sought to determine the extent how Total Protective Maintenance (TPM) practices adopted
in the firm which helps to analyze the reasons high amount of quality rejections, frequent
fluctuations of fuel and oil prices, the various drivers and barriers also to find out the reasons for
the reduction of Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE). The research methodology adopted
was Experimental Research Design. The study make use of secondary data collected from the
firm corporate data base which is related to TPM implementation issues. The collected data
was analyzed and interrupted with statistical tools such as Pareto analysis, Scatter plot, Cause
and Effect diagram, Pie chart and Why-Why analysis. The research findings from this study
revealed that the firm has systems and structures of Total Protective Maintenance practices
well in place.

Keywords: OEE, Preventive maintenance, Why-why, Pareto

INTRODUCTION market. The organization should be able to meet

Total Protective Maintenance focuses on creating new challenges posed by the technology and any
more value for customers by eliminating activities other external and internal factors. Total
that are considered waste. Organizations that can Productive Maintenance (TPM) can be
meet or exceed customer’s expectation have a considered as the medical science of machines.
higher chance of survival in the highly competitive It is a maintenance program, which involves a
Professor, Department of Management Studies, Panimalar Engineering College, Chennai 600123.

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Int. J. Mgmt Res. & Bus. Strat. 2017 N Venkateswaran, 2017

newly defined concept for maintaining plants and systems. The also explained that the major barrier
equipment. The goal of the TPM program is to to Total Protective Maintenance implementation
markedly increase production while, at the same is providing evidence of its potential benefit to end
time, increasing employee morale and job users. All these are consistent with the findings
satisfaction. of this research.
According to Tourki (2010) explained that many
organizations have realized the essential need
The present study deals with the concept,
to adopt Total Protective Maintenance in order to
introduction and implementation approach of Total
survive in the global rivalry situation. It also strives
Productive Maintenance (TPM) in detail. To
to maintain a good relationship with the customers
achieve quality in all facets of manufacturing
by producing high quality products at the right
operations, implementation of Total Productive
time and place. He explained that the
misconception of Total Protective Maintenance Maintenance (TPM) is required. This study will
is a major hindrance to its effective define TPM as a maintenance philosophy, its
implementation. implementation approach, difficulties in its
implementation and cost of implementing TPM.
According to Kumar (2012) explained that
organizations that can meet or exceed The study analyzed the effectiveness of TPM
customers’ expectations have a higher chance in supporting TQM which helps in achieving
of survival. Reduction of costs was cited by the efficiency by eliminating losses resulting from
informants as among the key drivers of adoption equipment failure, set up and adjustment, minor
of Total Protective Maintenance. The study stoppages, process scrap and defects, and
summarized the benefits of Total Protective reduced yield.
Maintenance as follows: reduced cost, waste
reduction, improved productivity, multi skilled
workers and better utilization of the equipment. According to Sarang Kattakumar (2013)
implementation of Total productive Maintenance
According to Johannsen (2013) TPM also helps the team to uncover the problems which
captures the need to produce the technical and existing in the organisation. The aim of the paper
skill training needed to meet the sophistication of is to suggest and implementation of TPM
operation and maintenance arising from program in spinning mill industry. They used JH
equipment automation, and to foster worker check sheets, PM (Preventive Maintenance)
proficiency in the plant.
check sheet, OPLS (Optimized Potential for
Ondiek and Kisombe (2012) explained that Liquid Simulations) to implement TPM in the
lean manufacturing consists of a system of organisation. According to him a very large
strategies which produce high quality products number of small improvements are more
at the pace of customer with little or no waste. effective in an organizational environment a few
Khalil et al. (2012) highlighted that Total Protective improvements of large value. The aim of the JH
Maintenance implementation generates superior pillar is to develop operators to be able to take
operational and financial improvements within all care of small or daily maintenance tasks. TPM

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Int. J. Mgmt Res. & Bus. Strat. 2017 N Venkateswaran, 2017

successfully provides the improvement in OEE economy an increasing search is on for methods
of the equipment and he 30% reduction in and processes that drive improvements in quality,
manufacturing cost. costs and productivity. TPM has been identified
as a best in class manufacturing improvement
According to Suresh (2012), the importance
process, along with the “LEAN” phenomenon that
of the upkeep of equipment has its own
has allowed manufacturing industries to greatly
importance since the condition and performance
increase their levels of profitability and productivity.
of the equipment have large role in the quality and
Apparently, successful TPM implementation can
availability of the products. So the concept of Total
achieve better and lasting result as compared to
Productive Maintenance (TPM) has very much
other isolated program because there is an
relevance today. TPM focus on improvement in
ultimate change in people (knowledge, skills, and
equipment availability, performance and quality
behavior) during the progress.
with assuring health and safety of employees and
protection of environment. The implementation
factors and performance are compared with that
The entire above researcher addressed the
in TPM awarded industry and the correlation is
machine related issues with the help of Total
found significant. This study will help the
Protective Maintenance (TPM). Some of the
management team to focus on the areas for
researchers addressed the issues with related
improvement to improve the system level. The
to top management involvement in implementing
employee attitude change or the organizations
the TPM in shop floor. This study deals the TPM
cultural change is the hurdles in TPM
in a different way such that, it will be a way of
implementation and it need a time period. The
doing work in the routine life of an employee. In
implementation of these PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-
other words, instead of following TPM as a
Act) approach will make results definitely and the
separate work, it has to be adopted along with
time period for getting results will depends upon
routine work in shop floor.
how fast the organization is adopting the changes
as well as the effectiveness of this LIMITATIONS OF THE
implementation. STUDY
According to Wasim Hangad, the goal of the The study was largely constrained by the short
TPM program is to increase production while, at time available. The informants also had tight
the same time, increasing employee morale and schedules and could only manage limited time to
job satisfaction. The results of implementing TPM provide the required data. In addition there were
program in terms of increased plant efficiency a lot of interferences during the interview due to
and productivity are outstanding. The Critical the nature of their work. The concept of Total
Success Factors (CSF) of TPM implementation Protective Maintenance was also not well
in the manufacturing industry is the role and understood and this posed challenges in getting
commitment of top management in supporting feedback and gathering information on its
the TPM initiative. He discussed the implementation. The Indian manufacturing
implementation of the 7-stage autonomous environment and sector is highly competitive and
maintenance in industry. In today’s global players have a tendency not to disclose

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Int. J. Mgmt Res. & Bus. Strat. 2017 N Venkateswaran, 2017

information touching on their manufacturing DATA ANALYSIS AND

practices or challenges as they suspiciously INTERPRETATION
consider this as a platform for industrial
Calculation of OEE
espionage or it may expose their weakness or
strengths to their business rivals. This
phenomenon has resulted to limited scholarly Availability (%) = 94.38%
articles on the Kenyan case touching on lean
manufacturing thus hampering benchmarking or
cross referencing.
Quality Rate (%) = 97.18%
Research Design: Experimental Research
Data Collected for the study: Secondary Data Performance (Speed) = 100%
collected from firm’s corporate database
Overall Equipment Efficiency = Availability (%)
Period of Data: Production and machine x Performance (%) x Quality Rate (%)
breakdown data collected from Feb - 2016 to May
OEE = 91.72%
– 2016.
Tools for data analysis: From the above trend analysis Figure 1 the
inference as follows
• Pareto analysis
• The OEE of the Packer machine trend
• Cause and effect analysis
keeps increasing. It is a good sign for the
• Scatter diagram company.
• Why-why analysis
• The trend state the current standing point as
• Charts an average of 69.01%.

Table 1: Showing Production Output Specification Time and Quality Defect

Batch Size No. of Specification Specification Actual Time No. of

Date Product Qty
(MT) Batches Time/Batch Time Taken Defects
General Purpose
19/02/2016 75 1.5 50 3 150 150 0
19/02/2016 GPP II 15 1.5 10 3 30 30 0
19/02/2016 4.5 1.5 3 3 9 9 2
19/02/2016 64.5 1.5 43 3 129 129 2
Ramco tile fix T2
19/02/2016 54 2 27 5 135 135 2
Total 213 133 453 453 6
Source: Company’s database

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Table 2: Showing Day Wise Overall Figure 1: The OEE Trend Analysis
Equipment Efficiency

OEE Target OEE Target

Date Date
(%) (%) (%) (%)
2/2/2016 53.54 90 1/3/2016 36.3 90
3/2/2016 67.5 90 2/3/2016 51.7 90
4/2/2016 48.83 90 3/3/2016 58.5 90
5/2/2016 55.8 90 4/3/2016 56.4 90
6/2/2016 43.74 90 5/3/2016 84.4 90
8/2/2016 60.05 90 7/3/2016 40.4 90
9/2/2016 74.01 90 8/3/2016 71.4 90
10/2/2016 67.13 90 9/3/2016 55.8 90
Table 3: Showing the Overall Break Down
11/2/2016 60.05 90 9/3/2016 61 90 Types and its Cumulative Time
12/2/2016 80.77 90 11/3/2016 70.3 90
13/02/2016 84.72 90 12/3/2016 53.2 90 Break Down Split Up Minutes
15/02/2016 55.81 90 14/03/2016 90.3 90 Start-up loss 3760 30
16/02/2016 49.45 90 15/03/2016 77 90 Sand Jam in Pipe 1335 40.6
17/02/2016 72.74 90 15/03/2016 80.8 90 Sand not available at Hopper 1305 51
18/02/2016 69.17 90 17/03/2016 53.5 90 Medium sand Full 1185 60.5
19/02/2016 91.72 90 18/03/2016 73.3 90 Wet sand at Sieving mesh 840 67.2
20/02/2016 76.04 90 19/03/2016 83.3 90 Buren clay (inner line)
700 72.7
21/02/2015 81.25 90 20/03/2016 60.4 90 replacement

22/02/2016 87.49 90 21/03/2016 77.2 90 Sieving machine cleaning work 595 77.5

23/02/2016 79.02 90 22/03/2016 76.8 90 Mesh setup change 455 81.1

24/02/2016 80.85 90 23/03/2016 78.6 90 elevator Trip 390 84.2

25/02/2016 67.58 90 24/03/2016 70 90 Communication error 385 87.3

26/02/2016 49.96 90 25/03/2016 59 90 Belt not run 365 90.2

27/02/2016 64.32 90 26/03/2016 96.9 90
Temperature display not working 330 92.8
29/02/2016 77.38 90 28/03/2016 91.2 90
Source: Company’s database Contamination Vibrating Dryer 310 95.3
Burner cutoff valve
305 97.7
• The Gap difference between a world Class malfunctioning
Manufacturing an our Manufacturing plant is Firing process not adequate 170 99.1
about 20%. JCB tyre Puncture 115 100
• The OEE of the packer machine is highly Total Time Loss 12545
flexuated. Source: Company’s database

From the above pareto Figure 2 the inference • Start Up loss contributing the maximum
as follows: percentage all among.

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Figure 2: Pareto Analysis-Breakdown

• 8 types of breakdowns which contributes 80% • The Startup loss, Pipe Jam and Sand not
of the total breakdown. available in hopper, these break downs
• The remaining 8 types of breakdown which cont ributes 50% of the tot al
contributes only 20% of the total breakdown. breakdown time.

Figure 3: Cause and Effect Diagram for Start-Up Loss

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Int. J. Mgmt Res. & Bus. Strat. 2017 N Venkateswaran, 2017

Figure 4: Why-Why Analysis for Sand Jam in Pipe

Sand Jammed at Sand plant


Sand accumulation over a period of time


No uniform flow of Sand Particles


Friction between the Pipe and Sand Particles


No coating in the inside of the Pipe

From the above WHY-WHY Figure 4 the • Counter measures to be taken for all the Why
inference as follows – Why analysis.

• No coating available inside of the sand pipe is • Preventive maintenance can be taken after the
a root cause for the breakdown of sand jam in running time of the plant so that breakdown
Pipe. maintenance can be reduced.
• Operator check lists can be introduced to avoid
minor stoppages.
• Standard Operating Procedure can be repared.
• The OEE trend pattern needs to be sustained
and to be improved. • Change over procedure and sequences to be
• Kaizen to be identified to eliminate minor
breakdowns in work area • Training man days of employees can be
• Product Quality rate to be improved so that
the OEE can be achieved in World Class FUTURE DIRECTIONS OF
Manufacturing level. THE STUDY
• The best feed rate to be identified for the best The implementation of TPM alone as single
output which will increase total output and maintenance related project is not adequate
reduces the manufacturing cost. enough to sustain the stability of the maintenance

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Int. J. Mgmt Res. & Bus. Strat. 2017 N Venkateswaran, 2017

management system for the coming decade. 2. Khalil R A, Stockton D J and Tourki T (2012),
Every year, the demand from the production as “Implementation of Lean in Continuous
well as the future requirements will push the Process-Based Industries”, International
maintenance system up to the limit. Adoption of Journal of Mechanical Engineering, Vol. 1,
Total Protective Maintenance is a key survival No. 2, pp. 2319-2240.
technique for cement companies. A lot of
3. Kumar P, Varambally V M and Rodrigues L
continuous effort should be thinking of in order to
ensure the level of manpower efficiency and R (December 2012), “A Methodology for
effectiveness of the task will advance directly Implementing Total Productive Maintenance
proportional with the demand from the production. in Manufacturing Industries—A Case Study”,
Hence it is important that more research is done International Journal of Engineering
on Total Protective Maintenance implementation Research and Development, Vol. 5, No. 2,
in cement industry. pp. 32-39.

CONCLUSION 4. Ondiek G O and Kisombe S M (2012), “Lean

Manufacturing Tools and Techniques in
Based on the investigation conducted on the firm
Industrial Operations”, Retrieved from the
and by analyzing the different results the study
University of Nairobi Website.
can come to conclusion that due to the lagging in
implementation of TPM the firm leads to heavy 5. Sarang G Katkamwar, Sadashiv K Wadatkar
losses. It is recommended from the study effort and Ravikant V Paropate (2013), “Study of
should be there to minimize the losses in the Total Productive Maintenance & Its
following order. Implementing Approach in Spinning
• Increase availability by reducing downtime Industries”, International Journal of
losses. Engineering Trends & Technology, Vol. 5,
• Increase performance rate by reducing speed
losses. 6. Suresh P K (2012), “TPM Implementation in
a Food Industry—AQ PDCA Approach”,
It is also concluded that TPM have direct
influence on OEE and as TPM level increases International Journal of Scientific and
OEE value will also get increase. Finally, Research Publication, Vol. 2, November.
productivity is directly depends on value of OEE 7. Tourki T (2010), “Implementation of Lean
and varies accordingly. within the Cement Industry”, Doctoral
Dissertation, University of De Montfort.
1. Johannsen G (2013), “Analyses, Design, and 8. Wasim S Hangad and Sanjaykumar (2013),
Evaluation of Man-Machine Systems”, “A Key Strategy for Productivity Improvement
Proceedings of IFAC/IFIP/IFORS/IEA in Medium Scale Industry”, International
Conference Baden-Baden, Federal Republic Journal of Scientific & Engineering
of Germany. Research, Vol. 4, November.

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