Healing & Integrating Villain Personality Program Description

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Wednesday, 18.10.– 8.11.



4 live learning & clearing 75 min calls + BONUS

Free Yourself From Self-Sabotage & Negative Experiences in Daily Life

Victim consciousness is a subconscious programming that sabotage our sovereignty and

freedom and keep us locked in a fear-based, scarcity, ego mind 3D reality. There are 3 victim
roles the majority of humans play: victim, savior, and villain. In our world, it is ok to be a
victim or a saviour. However, not many people are ready to recognize that they also have a
villain part inside themselves. Perhaps you are in touch with self-sabotage and can't figure
out why you keep defeating yourself, or you are often meeting people who are angry at you.
The one who defeats you and apper in the form of angry people in your life is a part of you
who is deeply suppressed, a villain part of you.

Here is how you develop villain personality – you are very good child, God's child. Inside you,
a very good child, because of paying the price of loss of SElf, the rebelious, hurtful child
begins to develop. This is an underlaying anger which begins to seethe inside, but is usually
repressed by the part of you that is helpful child. This side often defeats you. This is the
villain personality.

The aim of this program is to help us recognize that we all have a dark, villain part of our
consciousness. If you negate it, it pops up everywhere and everytime in your reality. When
we recognize it, we can let it go by clearing it.

BONUS „Don't worry“ – 5 energy clearing recordings with Tena and Gulara

Module 1: Mother & Father Villain Roles Clearing & Integrating

Wednesday,18th of October
4pm CET
In this module we will learn:
- how our mother and father entered villain role
- the difference between healthy release of anger and abuse or violence
- about two ways anger can go
- what is the cause of depression (pg. 117)
- types of covertly expressing anger
- what trully means to be powerful
In this module we will clear:
- all mother and father villain roles they played in relationship with us
- victim family, victim programing, dysfunctional family
- alchocolic, depressive, drug addict, dramatic, mentaly retarded, sex deviant, mentally
ill, sick, psychotic, narcisistic, murderous, suidicidal, evil mother/father
- fears related to traumatic experience with mother and father playing villain role
- self blame, shame, denial, guilt
- pain is love pattern in all its forms

After this module you'll open yourself more to the truth that you are 100% accountable
for what you attract into your life and that your power comes within. You will activate
memory of You as a Source.You will remember how sovereignty and freedom feel,
express in invisible and visible forms in your life. You will learn to observe and use your
daily life as a mirror to your deeply hidden subconscious villain role programing.
Module 2: Daughter/Son and Sister/Brother Villain Roles Clearing &
Wednesday, 25rd of October
4pm CET
In this module we will learn:
- about the root cause of feeling abandoned
- about the secret pleasure in suffering and why it is important to let it go
- where feeling of suffocation originates
- the truth about your responsibility for others (pg 151)
- what is the key to break free from the circle of feeling suffocated
- how child becomes little bully and little professor
In this module we will clear:
- emotional, mind, spiritual patterns of conditional love(141 pg)
- addiction to a victim game
- evil child, daughter, son, psychopat, sociopat, pure evil, no remorse, fully
disconected, cold, metatronic reversal patterns in family roles – son/daughter and

After this module you will embody more knowing about the truth of who you are in
the form of Krystal Energy Light Field. You will remember that you are All That Is and
that villain is just another aspect of you in the play you choosed to experience – a
victim game. You will consciously start choosing choices that are in alignment with
your Higher Self and Krystal Spiral Abundance Field. Your choices will be attuned to
Thrive and be Alive, Love and Be Together, Move Upwards as One frequency Kryst
Module 3: Dark Roles Clearing & Integrating
Wednesday, 1st of November
4pm CET
In this module we will learn:
- how we switch into a dark role
- what is the main reason why people turn into villains
- how fear frequency thought forms affect your energy field
- why is it important to use your free will and choose your thoughts carefully
- what is the key to manifesting desired outcomes
In this module we will clear:
- all known and unknown dark roles from A to Z ; from Abusers to Zombie that affect
our field
- deep roots of: damned souls, dark fantasy villains, defilers, deities, delusional,
demons, destroyer of innocence, destroyers, dimwit, disciplinarians, dissociative,
organizations, doctors and scientists dragons, drug dealers…
- Egotists, Elderly, Elementals, Elitist, Embezzlers Energy Beings, Enforcers, Enigmatic,
Ensemble, Envious, Evil Creation, Evil Creators, Evil Vs. Evil, Evil from the Past, Exploitation
Villains, Extortionists, Extravagants, Extremists
- vibrational patterns, effects, timelines, cellular memories of genocide, mass murder
(including child murder), abuse, assault, corruption, terrorism, hate, crimes, attempted
rape, slavery war crimes, crimes against Humanity
- thought forms and emotional responses of abusive and sadistic side of dark villain
role personality
Module 4: Clearing Metatronioc Code & Integrating Krystal Spiral Template
Wednesday, 8th of November
4pm CET
In this module we will learn:
- the importance of being a living examples of behaviours we want to experience
- what are timelines and how can we tune into desirable one
- how our choices and actions now activate potential version of our future reality
- about connection of personal and collective timelines
In this module we will clear:
- metatronic code and all its effects that still afect us, our loved ones, our families, our
friends and collective society
- anything that stops us from tuning our choices to Krystal Spiral timeline
- non functional beleif program coded on fear and all its manifested forms
- unconscious programming and metatronic code patterns that pull us back and hold
us stuck and connected with Metatronic Field

BONUS 5 Day Energy Clearing Recorded Program „Don't Worry“ with Gulara
and Tena
The aim of 5 Day Clearing Program „Don't Worry“ is to explore vibrational patterns of worry
energy in 5 days.
Clearings topics:
Day 1: Lack of support creates and fuels your worries
Day 2: Staying in survival mode generates constant worry
Day 3: Helplessness and a lack of control
Day 4: Worrying about your health, pushing yourself so hard, unbalanced body
Day 5:

In this module we will practice:

In every area of our life, when we generate belief systems, thoughts, behaviors, emotions and
actions, this accumulates into energetic content that combines with the vibrationally matched
consciousness fields that are in the environment. Moving forward, the energetic content that we
send out will return back to us with increasing immediacy, and even instantaneously.

This is why it’s crucial to be able to find our inner stillness in meditation, and broadcast as much
unconditional love, Forgiveness, peace and gratitude to the Universe, as possible.[3]

The Separation of Worlds delineates the morphogenetic blueprint barrier between first density
creations in the third dimension, and second density creations in the fifth dimension and above.
There is a bifurcation in the planetary field between creations or bodies formed in the third
dimensional frequencies in telluric matter, and those creations and bodies formed above those
frequencies. Essentially, there is a frequency split occurring at the subatomic level of the blueprint
of consciousness that is inherently connected to everything in creation. There are groups of
humans that are connected to a third dimensional morphogenetic blueprint, and there are groups
of humans connected to a fifth dimensional morphogenetic blueprint.

Module 3

Module 4
What are TIMELINES? (How to JUMP timelines) - YouTube
- desires, karmic imprints, collective consciousness, beliefs, trauma, socio economic
status (3:44)
- using a free will or determinism
- fate & Free will
- stop feeding negative narative and take conscious action
- ste into a spiritual sovereignty
- living experience of synchronicity
- alignment with True order
- aligning with the timeline where that what you want to manifest already exists
- 4 years transform
use FREE WILL to make True order choices – higher order express itself with synchronicieies
so it looks like a magic

Vandals who stain, vandalize and/or destroy sites or areas considered "sacred" in religious,
political, cultural or Symbolic ways. This type of villain acts to desecrate targets and make it
unworthy of any meaning, attacking a very symbol or value through its representation and is
in some ways similar to sacrilege.
Defilers attack values they consider heretical, sinful, insulting, vituperative or responsible for
their woes with the intent of taking it down thus relating to Fanatics, Anarchists or
protesters and rioters, but their actions are always exceedingly disrespectful and
sacrilegious, otherwise downright destructive and cruel.
Examples include people such as Revolutionaries who paint in graveyards or on buildings,
ruin places of worship, destroy flags and so on and so forth.
Graverobbers, Necromancers and Death Gods relate to this in that they defile the right
to "rest in peace" after passing on; in most cases this may even disturb the slumber of Souls
or Spirits.
these villains are often seen as dumb and ignorant, and are very likely to foil their own plans
or other villains' plans and can even cause them to ruin themselves; this is usually due to
poor planning, stupidity, ineptitude, impulsiveness, bumbling, or even slowness.
Furthermore, some of these villains (such as Beavis and Butt-Head) can be viewed as
being Chaotic Neutral, as they may not always be aware of their actions due to their
stupidity. Many of these villains are also Incompetent because of their stupidity. However,
there are exceptions in villains who are dangerous because their stupidity causes them to
make reckless decisions, an example being Iok Kujan.
Not to be mistaken with characters who are Mentally Ill (such as Jason Voorhees), or those
with genuine learning difficulties (such as the Great Child and Leatherface), as there is a
major difference between the two categories. They are also the polar opposite
of Masterminds, who are exceptionally intelligent and resourceful characters.
It is needed to note that demons or eldritch abominations that are completely mindless or
have zero moral agency can also end up qualifying for this category as those types of villains
are known to not use their heads in most cases, and are mindless or cannot comprehend
what they do (Azathoth and No-Face who are prime examples of this).
Embezzlement is the act of dishonestly withholding assets for the purpose of
conversion (theft) of such assets by one or more individuals to whom such
assets have been entrusted, to be held and/or used for other purposes.
Many embezzlers tend to be either Businesspeople, but this is not always the
case. They can also be Crime Lords or Master Manipulators.

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