MH Selfreflection8

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Self-Reflection Number 1

Think about your experience with mental health concerns, biases, and stereotypes. Being
able to identify our personal biases towards mental illness or people who suffer with mental
health problems is important. Self-awareness and being in touch with your level of comfort
with this topic will help you know what your strengths and weaknesses are and where you
need to dig deeper on the topic.

When it come to mental health, I think that its something that the older generations look
over, especially when it comes to young adults. Mental health is something that is very
serious, and being a 5th grade teacher, I can already see how this is a vital age for them to
realize what they are feeling.

Self-Reflection Number 2

After watching the Kevin Hines story video, reflect on his thoughts he shared while on the
bus to the Golden Gate bridge. He said he felt like nobody cared. What is the significance of
relationships and your role as the teacher and leader of young people in your classroom?
How can you ensure no one leaves your space feeling like Kevin?

It’s important that people know that its not okay to make fun of anyone. He was looking for
someone to tell him it would be okay, and for someone to care. Instead he has people
trying to get him off the bus, and laughing at him because he was crying. Its very important
that each and every kid knows that they are cared for, and that they need validation.
Self-Reflection Number 3

Reflect on the topics of mental health, suicide prevention and substance abuse. How can
school personnel make a difference in the lives of their students? What can you do as a new
teacher to support students with any type of challenge or struggle?

It need to be talked about more, and have self-affirmation. Having the kids know that they
have someone to rely on, and always talk to. Its important to talk about, and show them
that its okay to have feelings, and they are not alone.

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