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Assessment Task Report

Dat e Assessment : 01/27/24

Enrico Sinaga
Task: Visual Episodic Memory Test
Dat e of birt h: 01/24/93
Age: 31
Gender: Male
Device: MOBILE

Visual Episodic Memory

This task measures non-verbal memory and 53
visual short-term memory

Your performance is expected average


Enrico Sinaga, belonging t o t he 25-44 age group, achieved a score of 53 for t he cognit ive
t ask Visual Episodic Memory Test , reflect ing a performance in t he t ask in comparison wit h
t he user's demographic group t hat is expect ed average performance.

Task description
In t he Visual Episodic Memory Test , part icipant s are present ed wit h 50 images t aken from a pool of
25 unique ones. The part icipant must t ap t he screen or press t he spacebar key as soon as possible
if t hey recognize t he image as having been previously present ed during earlier t rials of t he t est .
Ot herwise, t hey must wait 3 seconds unt il t he next image is shown.The concept of t his t ask is
based on t he MemTrax Memory Test (Ashford, 2005; Van Der Hoek et al., 2019), which is an
implement at ion of a cont inuous recognit ion t ask.

This report present s t he cognit ive assessment result s for Enrico Sinaga in t he cognit ive t ask
named Visual Episodic Memory Test . The user's performance is compared against a group of
10387 users, wit h a gender dist ribut ion of 54.7% females.
The values of each variable have been also adjust ed as a funct ion of t he t ype of response device
used for t ask complet ion.
Age distribution of the reference group of 10387 users

Age dist ribut ion range Number of users

<25 3024

25- 44 3837

45- 64 2603

>65 923

Task performance
This variable measures t he percent age of correct responses (pressing t he spacebar when
appropriat e, and not pressing t he spacebar when not appropriat e) in all t he t rials. It ranges from 0
t o 100, and higher values indicat e bet t er performance.
User's Value: 94
Percentile Rank: 43
This variable measures t he percent age of correct responses in t rials where t he spacebar should
be pressed, t hat is, when it was a repeat ed image. It ranges from 0 t o 100, and higher values
indicat e bet t er performance.
User's Value: 92
Percentile Rank: 34
This variable measures t he percent age of correct responses in t rials where t he spacebar should
not have been pressed, t hat is, when t he image was not a repeat ed one. It ranges from 0 t o 100,
and higher values indicat e bet t er performance.
User's Value: 96
Percentile Rank: 57
This variable measures t he average response t ime in correct ly complet ed t rials in which a
response had t o be given (namely, correct GO t rials). It ranges from 0 t o 3000 milliseconds, and
lower values indicat e bet t er performance.
User's Value: 713.46
Percentile Rank: 64

Task score
The user achieved a t ask score of 53 out of 100 for t he cognit ive t ask Visual Episodic Memory
Test .

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