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The available facilities in a town can have a huge impact on the standard of living for its

inhabitants. There is a lot of debate on the most appropriate facilities to receive investment from
the local government. This essay will discuss two possible options.

First of all, sports centres are usually popular in most towns and cities. They are seen as an
investment in the health of citizens. If a town has a high level of gyms, football pitches, tennis
courts etc., more and more people will have the opportunity to get involved in sport and exercise
more. This will lead to improved health, not only physically but also mentally as it would give an
outlet for the relief of stress for many people.

Secondly, museums are seen as culturally important in a lot of cities around the world. Museums
help preserve local traditions and enable people to understand more about where they come
from. However, it could be argued that not every town or city has a particularly interesting history
and museums tend to be utilised more often by tourists or people from outside the area. This
could result in investment potentially being seen as wasted as it might not bene t the majority of
the local community.

In conclusion, I rmly believe that local government spending should be focused more on sports
centres due to the fact that the bene ts would not only be seen in the short term, but also in
future generations.

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