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Unit 1 Brands

Language work. Vocabulary.

A. Use the clues to complete the crossword puzzle.
1.When products are used in TV programmes, films, etc, we speak of product placement.(9)
7.A set of products of a particular type range. (5)
8.The knowledge people have of a brand is called brand awareness(9)
9. The ideas and beliefs people have about a brand. image (5)
11. Using an established name on another sort of product is called brand stretching (10)
2.If you keep buying a particular brand, you show loyalty(7)
3. The gathering of information about what buyers need or want research (8)
4. It starts with the product design, and ends when it is discontinued. Lifecycle (9)
5. Giving a name to a product so that people can recognise it easily by its name or design. branding (8)
6. When a company has a new product, it gives it a catchy name (4)
10. A good product is one that can meet most, or all, of the customer’s expectations. (4)

B. Choose the correct words from the box to complete the definitions.
1. A company’s market share Is the percentage of sales it has in a particular market.
2. Market research involves obtaining information about what consumers want or need.
3. A market segment Is a group of customers of similar age, income level and social class.
4. The market is the leader best-selling product or brand in a market.
5. The market follower is the second best-selling product or brand.

A.Complete the sentences with the verbe from the box. Use each verb twice. Put each verb into the correct
from and the correct tense-present simple or present continuous.
1. Dell and HP sell computers around the world.
2.It only takes our laboratory half an hour to test all the ingredients.
3. Which market segment do They usually target ?
4. Oh no! My printer is not working properly. I’ll ask Mark to run off a copy.
5. Are you investing more money in this year?
6. Their advertising agency never works at weekends.
7. Do you think we are A big risk if we taking postpone the launch of our new model?
8. Unfortunately, our range of soft drinks is not selling well at the moment.
9. This time, we are targeting our advertising campaign on the young.
10. Our company does not invest a lot in R&D. That’s why we develop fewer new products than our

B. Complete this text with the correct tense, present simple or present continuous, of the verbs given. Then
check your answers.
Dan Peters works in the R&D department of the Antwerp-based company Mercator Foods Ltd , where he
manages 2 a team of five responsible for all products under the brand name Souperbly.
Together, they develop 3 about three new products each year.
This week, however, Dan is not in his office. He is working 4 in the laboratory. He is supervising 5 the
testing of an innovative range of soups and sauces, and writing 6 a report.
He enjoys 7 his job and is proud of his company . Indeed, Mercator Foods is expanding 8 rapidly. It has 9
subsidiaries in France and Germany and owns10 Kilkenny Dairies (Ireland). Sales and earnings for the
company are increasing11 far beyond expectations.
The Souperbly brand in particular is becoming 12 highiy popular throughout Europe.

C. Study the information in exercise B. Then write questions for these answers.
1. Where does Dan Peters work?
In the R&D department at Mercator Foods Ltd.
2.How many new products do they develop each year?
About three each year.
3. Where is Dan working this week?
In the laboratory.
4. What is he doing (in the laboratory)?
He’s supervising the testing of some new products.
5. Is he writing a letter?
No, he isn’t. He’s writing a report.
6. In which countries does Mercator Foods have subsidiaries?
In France and Germany.
7. Are sales and earnings for the company increasing ?
Yes, indeed. Far beyond expectations!

D. Tick the ten verbs which are not normally found in continuous forms.
11. seem

E. Choose verbs from exercise D to complete the sentences. Put them into the correct form of the present
1. It seems that our new range of equipment is becoming more and more popular.
2. Does he agree to our proposal ?
3. Dreher has developed a new brand of beer that does not contain any alcohol.
4. We may or we may not expand into China. It depends on the success of our products there.
5.Our new range of toiletries consists essentially of environment friendly deodorant sprays.
6.Do all the respondents belong to the same market segment?

A.Read the passage below about brands.

1.In most of the lines 1-17 there is one extra word which does not fit. Some lines, however, are correct.
2.If a line is correct, put a tick on the appropriate line.
3.If there is an extra word in the line, write that word in the space provided.

3.the,, 5. So, 6.the, 7.(bifa) 8. Much 9. 10. 11.will 12. 13. 14. And, 15. Pair, 16.the


Following your e-mail of 10 May, I have investigated why our Souperbly range o products seems to be
facing certain difficulties in Germany.
The main reason is probably due to the fact that the largest chain of supermarkets promote thei own
brands of soups, which they sell at much lower prices. They also usually display thei own products on the
top shelves, where customers cand easily see them.
I also note with interest that Vita, the current market leader in preserves in Germany, has an almost
identical sort of packaging to ours.
Therefore, I would like to make the following recommendations:
a)consider offering supermarket managers incentives for displaying our products properly;
b)redesign our packaging, so that it helps get across our message Our foods are health foods.
c) offer frequent discounts, especially before public holidays.
Finally, I think we should visit supermarkets and all other retail outlets much more frequently.
Jan is doing a fantastic job over there, but covering the whole of the country on his own is a impossible
task. A second rep for Germany is a necessity if we do not want to lose our market share there.

With best wishes, Steve.

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