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On Certain Aspects of the Evolutionary Process from the Standpoint of Modern

Author(s): S. S. Chetverikov, Malina Barker and I. Michael Lerner
Source: Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society , Apr. 21, 1961, Vol. 105, No.
2 (Apr. 21, 1961), pp. 167-195
Published by: American Philosophical Society

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Institute of Experimental Biology, Moscow, U.S.S.R.

Translated by


Edited by


University of California, Berkeley

INTRODUCTORY NOTE the Soviet revolution, this institution was ab-

A TRANSLATION into English of the classical sorbed by the University, Chetverikov contin-
paper by S. S. Chetverikov is long overdue. This ued as a University lecturer in entomology and
work has been much cited as one of the corner- in systematics. Principles of both genetics and
stones of experimental population genetics, but, biometry were covered by him in the latter course.
even in the original Russian version, it is a biblio- In 1924 the two subjects acquired independent
graphic rarity difficult of access. Recently Th. status as courses in General Heredity and Intro-
Dobzhansky published translated excerpts as ductory Biometry, for which he remained re-
an appendix to his 1959 address at the Cold Spring sponsible until 1929. It was in this period that on
Harbor Symposium on Quantitative Biology. the invitation of N. K. Koltzov, Chetverikov or-
Now, Malina Barker's translation of the full text ganized and headed the Department of Genetics
of the article makes it possible for biologists un- in the former's Institute of Experimental Biology.
familiar with Russian to obtain first-hand ac- After having spent three years in the city of
quaintance with the work which had exercised Vladimir, Chetverikov in 1935 accepted the call
such a profound influence on, among others, Th. to the chair of genetics at the University in
Dobzhansky, N. V. Timofeeff-Ressovsky, and Gorkiy. Shortly thereafter he became Dean of the
N. P. Dubinin. Faculty of Biology and Director of the Saturnid
For a man who has been instrumental in initiat- Silkworm Experimental Station.
ing a whole trend of thought and experiment, which He virtually retired from active work in 1948,
has now in the main withstood a test of a third of a though as late as 1956 he described a new butter-
century, Chetverikov remained until his death last fly species from the southern Ural foothills. He
year an unknown personality outside of the im- spent the remaining years of his life as an invalid,
mediate circle of friends and students. For most having suffered a series of heart attacks and
of the following material I am indebted to Dr. nearly complete loss of sight. The only surviving
Raisa L. Berg of the Department of Darwinism, relative, his brother Nicholas (who himself be-
Leningrad State University. She, in turn, drew for longed to the Moscow Society of Naturalists, of
her information on Chetverikov's autobiographical which Chetverikov was a prominent member),
note prepared about a year before he died. t cared for him. S. S. Chetverikov died on July
Sergei Sergeevich Chetverikov was born on 2, 1959.
May 6, 1880. He graduated from the University His published work is not extensive. Many of
of Moscow in 1906. From 1909 to 1919 he his early writings were notes on various species
lectured on general entomology at the Higher of Lepidoptera. He was an avid and expert col-
School for Women in Moscow. When, after lector, and in the course of a lifetime acquired
a tremendous collection of butterflies, which even
* Originally published in Russian in Zhurnal Eksperi-
before his death was transferred to the Zoological
mental'noi Biologii A2: 3-54, 1926.
Museum of the U.S.S.R. Academy of Sciences in
t Since this was written the German text of this note
together with a photograph appeared in the Nova Acta Leningrad. A number of Chetverikov's publica-
Leopoldina, n.s., no. 143: 308-310, 1960. tions, including his very first one in 1902, were


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guides for collectors and museum preparators. It must have been a source of great satisfaction to
Others (of a total of twenty-six titles) included Chetverikov to have both Timofeeff-Ressovskys
articles on butterflies and on biometry' in the visit him shortly before his death. A number of
Great Soviet Encyclopedia, an anatomical study long-overdue signs of recognition reached him
of the crustacean, Asellus aquaticus, and an ac- also at that time. They included honorary mem-
count of selection in the silkworm for monovoltin- bership in the Russian Entomological Society, a
ism. One of his papers, dealing with the signifi- plaque and diploma of the German Academy of
cance of the exoskeleton in insect evolution, was Naturalists, and, perhaps, most meaningful to
singled out for translation into English and pub- himself, a dedication to "My dear teacher and
lished in the 1918 Annual Report of the Smith- friend, Sergei Sergeevich Chetverikov" of an ex-
sonian Institution, where it rubs shoulders with tensive review of the current status of microevolu-
contributions by E. W. Berry, Prince Kropotkin tion published by N. V. Timofeeff-Ressovsky in
and Sir Ray Lankester. A somewhat earlier one the 1957 Botanichesky Zhurnal.
(1905), entitled "The Waves of Life," first drew His best monument, of course, will be the vast
attention to the evolutionary importance of fluctu- field of population genetics developed from the
ations in population size (population waves). point of departure of his 1926 essay. Many of
But the two publications for which Chetverikov the views expressed in it obviously are no longer
will be longest remembered are an abstract pre- tenable. For example, Chetverikov's arguments
sented to the Fifth International Congress of regarding the failure of artificial production of
Genetics in Berlin in 1927, and the essay to which mutations were being rendered obsolete by
this note is intended as an introduction. The Muller's work probably at the very time that
former dealt with an attempt at experimental veri- they were made. Similarly, he was unaware of
fication of the deductive conclusions reached in Castle's change of opinion on the effects of selec-
the latter, regarding the extent of cryptic genetic tion expressed in the 1919 paper in the American
variability in natural populations. Naturalist (vol. 53). But these and other lapses
His experimental technique is, of course, today were, needless to say, trivial, compared with the
a commonplace one, but in 1926 it was a trail- general clarity of his insight into the evolutionary
blazing undertaking. Having concluded that the process.
apparent phenotypic uniformity of many popula- Stylistically, the essay is not well written. It
tions must conceal behind it a great amount of is repetitive in many places, abounds in some-
genetic variability, Chetverikov trapped 239 wild what inexact metaphors, and many of the tortuous
Drosophila melanogaster females and proceeded paragraph-long periods would be the despair of
to examine the offspring of their immediate the most competent translator. But through the
progeny, mated brother x sister. As many as work, there shines a comprehension and vision
32 different segregating loci were found in this of the synthetic theory of evolution, which most
small population, giving rise to future work of certainly antedated other ventures into the new
this kind on many species by a great number of systematics, and which make it of first-rate his-
investigators. One need only to refer to Dob- torical importance.
zhansky's Genetics and the Origin of Species, or In editing the attached translation, a big share
to the Symposia of the Cold Spring Harbor Bio- of the work consisted of trying to bring the bibliog-
logical Laboratory dedicated to evolutionary raphy and text citations into conformity with
topics (1955, 1959) to appreciate the far-reaching current standards of stylistic uniformity and ac-
growth of experimental population genetics since curacy. A number of uncorrected errors, es-
the modest beginning of Chetverikov's experi- pecially in citations of nineteenth-century lit-
ment. erature, may have escaped detection. Russian sur-
Perhaps Chetverikov's most wide-reaching in- names and journal titles have been rendered in an
fluence has been as a teacher. He conducted a English transliteration.
seminar on evolutionary problems which met un- Some inconsistencies may be found by purists
der his guidance hundreds of times. He initiated in the present English version. Most of them
into research such luminaries as N. V. Timofeeff- represent calculated risks in order to improve
Ressovsky, B. L. Astaurov, N. P. Dubinin and readability, or to up-date discarded terms. Thus,
D. D. Romashov. P. V. Terentjev, now Profes- following Dobzhansky's lead, mutation is em-
sor of Vertebrate Zoology at Leningrad, and ployed throughout instead of genovariation. In
H. A. Timofeeff-Ressovsky were also his students. current usage mutation in its broad sense covers

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all of the types of genetic changes that Chetveri- positive, triumphant branch of biology," must
kov's genovariation subsumed (see his first foot- penetrate the depths of the various departments
note). Confusion with Waagen's definition of of our science. And genetics, which is constantly
mutation, as a phylogenetic displacement of one developing theoretically and perfecting its method-
form by another, is avoided by using Waagen's ology, is encompassing more and more new fields,
mutation to describe this process. Similarly, of organisms as well as of the phenomena of
I have accepted Dobzhansky's suggestion that free heredity. It is not necessary to be a great fanatic
crossing represents the phenomenon discussed about it to foresee the day when all aspects of
better than the translator's random mating, heredity for the whole organic world will con-
though this term conveys Chetverikov's meaning verge into one channel under the direction of a
in a majority of cases. Finally, I have added single and universal law of genetics. Nevertheless,
some editorial footnotes giving modern names of one is often obliged to encounter points of view
several varieties and species discussed in the text.and opinions, which, if not directly hostile to
I. MICHAEL LERNER genetics, then, at any rate, are characteristic of
University of California, an extremely reserved and distrustful attitude
Berkeley toward it on the part of scientists expressing such
an opinion. What is the cause of this distrust?
HARDLY any other field of biological knowledge It seems to me that one should look for the
can look back on the course traversed in the last cause in the fact that genetics in its conclusions
twenty-five year period with such satisfaction touches too sharply and definitely upon certain
as one of its youngest branches-genetics. One long-established general theoretical views; that it
feels in the significant words concerning genetics demolishes too harshly conventional, deeply-rooted
by the greatest American paleontologist, Profes- notions, while our theoretical outlook changes un-
sor Henry Osborn (1912), written already at the willingly from the well-marked ruts of conven-
beginning of 1912: "Genetics is the most positive, tional, logical generalizations to the uneven road
permanent and triumphant branch of modern of new constructs, though they might correspond
biology. Its contributions to heredity are epoch- more closely to our modern understanding.
making," not only acknowledgment of those enor- Genetics is in a similar contradiction with con-
mous attainments of genetics in the beginning of ventional views of general evolutionary concepts,
the present century, but also the prescience of and in this, undoubtedly, lies the reason that
that colossal development which it achieved in theMendelism was greeted with such hostility on the
decade that followed, owing particularly to the part of many outstanding evolutionists, both here
work of the American geneticists, at the head of and abroad. The present article sets itself the
which, without doubt, we must place the name of goal of clarifying certain questions on evolution
Professor T. H. Morgan. in connection with our current genetic concepts.
And if but ten or fifteen years ago it seemed
to the great majority of biologists that the Mende- How can one link evolution with genetics, and
lian laws of heredity, which lie at the basis of bring our current genetic notions and concepts
modern genetics, were only particular, special, within the range of those ideas which encompass
cases of the transmission of heritable properties, this basic biological problem? Would it be pos-
then nowadays one can hardly find even a few sible to approach the questions of variability, the
individuals who do not recognize the validity of struggle for existence, selection, in other words,
the words of East and Jones, who stated in 1919: Darwinism, starting not from these completely
"Mendelian heredity has proved to be the heredity amorphous, indistinct, indefinite opinions on
of sexual reproduction: the heredity of sexual re- heredity, which existed at the time of Darwin
production is Mendelian" (East and Jones, 1919: and his immediate followers, but from the firm
50). laws of genetics?
But then, sexual reproduction, in one or an- As yet we do not have an orderly elaborated
other form, is a basic type of multiplication in thesystem of evolutionary knowledge based on a
plant as well as in the animal kingdom, and, contemporary genetic foundation, while the still-
therefore, it becomes at once evident what enor- remembered, recent, extremely unsuccessful at-
mous significance Mendelism acquires in a whole tempt of Lotsy (1916) to provide a new scheme
series of general biological phenomena, and how of evolution, supposedly based on purely genetic
deeply the basic aspects of genetics, of this "most notions, rather promoted the reinforcement of the

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distrust of skeptics than served to bring actually sophila), and in a whole series of other labora-
sound ideas into the general consciousness. tory and domestic animals and plants are a result
Naturally, in my undertaking, it is not possible of the influence of man, is often encountered. It
to inspect the question at hand from all possible seems to many, consciously or sometimes sub-
angles. I propose to dwell only upon certain consciously, that the origin of all these numerous
aspects, which, in my opinion, are especially im- hereditary changes is an effect of the artificial
portant for a correct appraisal of the role of our environment of domestication or of laboratory con-
genetic ideas in the general structure of the ditions. And it is, therefore, precisely as a result
theory of evolution. I will enumerate three such of such influences, that the majority of newly
aspects: (1) the origin of mutations (or, as I arisen variations are more or less definitely ex-
shall call them, henceforth, "genovariations" in pressed monstrosities, not encountered in nature
nature, (2) the role of free crossing in Mendelian and not capable of having any significance in the
heredity, (3) the significance of selection under process of evolution.
these conditions. Such a view is absolutely false, although to
refute it by experimental means is rather difficult
I. THE ORIGIN OF MUTATIONS IN NATURE 1 because of the vicious circle into which the ques-
tion falls. For to prove that a given variation
The opinion that the numerous mutations stud- encountered in nature is inheritable, that is, is
ied in chickens and mice, in maize and peas, and, genotypic, it must be submitted to genetic analy-
finally, in various species of fruit flies (Dro- sis, and for this it is necessary to keep it at least
two generations under laboratory environment,
1 I prefer to use the term "genovariation" in place of
the customary word "mutation," since this latter term that is, to expose it again to the action of artificial
began to be used in paleontology (Waagen, 1869) much conditions.
earlier than in genetics (de Vries, 1901, 1903) for the But even granting that it is possible to prove
designation of a concept also pertaining to the phenomenon
convincingly that there is a certain number of
of variability, but essentially different. To wit, "muta-
tion," in paleontology, refers to the alteration of the or- mutations in a wild population in its natural
ganism in time, in passing from one stratum to another. surroundings, still it is never possible to deter-
Moreover, the term "mutation" has several different mine whether they are actually new structures,
meanings even in genetics, the "mutation" of de Vries i.e., mutations, or whether they appeared only as
by no means corresponding to the "mutation" of Morgan.
a result of recombination of structures already ex-
Therefore, I prefer to use the term "genovariation,"
meaning under it every newly developed inheritable isting (from the beginning, according to Lotsy)
change, each new form of "genotypic variant"; that in the population of genes; that is, it is not pos-
is, in the sense similar to the "mutation" of Morgan. sible to demonstrate the very fact of origin of new
The concept of genovariation includes both the heredi-
genes in nature.
tary changes of genotype dependent on changes in the
chromosome complex itself (tetraploidy, trisomics, non- There is, nevertheless, a whole series of indirect
disj unction, etc.) or changes of whole sections of the considerations which logically leads us to ac-
chromosome (deficiency, translocation), and the very knowledge the existence of the process of origin
much more frequent changes within individual chromo-
of mutations in nature of precisely the same order
somes, existence of which is manifested only by the
that is found under our artificial conditions.
changes of external characters conditioned by the corre-
sponding genes. These are the changes which have First of all, the generally sad fact must be
lately been designated "gene mutation" by American recognized, that up to the present we are not only
authors (Sturtevant, 1925). But from the point of view completely unable to produce desirable mutations
of their general biological significance, in particular, in
the question of the interrelationships between genetics
artificially, but are even unable to influence the
and evolution, in so far as we may judge at the present frequency of their occurrence. Not only ordinary
time, there is no basic difference between these kinds of conditions of the laboratory environment, but even
genotypic changes, so that it is possible to unite them all the application of factors, so strongly acting on
under one general term, "genovariation."
the organism, as unusual temperatures, radium,
But from these genovariations all changes of genotype
that are the result of the recombination of genes in X-rays, alcohol, ether, abnormal barometric pres-
crosses are naturally excluded, since no new structures sure, and, finally, hybridization, and a whole series
arise in this way. of still other more or less strong influences, have
Editor's note: The term mutation has now ac- not so far led to the positive result desired. If
quired the broad meaning given by Chetverikov to
the origin of new mutations depended on the con-
genovariation. It is, therefore, used throughout the
text. The footnote is retained in the translation merely ditions of a laboratory experiment, then, by
for the record. changing them in one or another way, we could

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have an opportunity to control their origin. Since plicity of the stimuli producing these genotypic
this is not so, then evidently no influence of lab- changes-injury to the vegetative parts of plants
oratory environment exists. -which gives us a full right to admit similar
The old experiments of Standfuss (1906), changes under natural conditions. The existence
Fischer (1901, 1902), Tower (1906), and Kam- of polyploid forms in the wild state, further
merer (1907, 1908, 1913), which the defenders strengthens our conviction that the origin of this
of the influence of external conditions on geno- type of mutation is not solely dependent on ex-
typic variability love to cite, lose more and more clusively laboratory conditions.2
of their charm daily. Some of these have already But still the question remains, why, in such a
received a more appropriate genetic interpreta- case, in the presence of thousands of mutations
tion, and in particular, the work of Kammerer among laboratory and domestic animals and
with spotted salamanders, which resounded so among cultivated plants, we know so little about
much, has received a genetically very clear, their existence in nature; why, in the fruit fly
though unexpected, explanation in the studies of (Drosophila) where we now number more than
Herbst (1919, 1924). Another part of the litera- four hundred mutations in our culture jars, we
ture, in particular, the data of Tower, has now know almost nothing about the same process un-
lost general confidence in his native country, der natural conditions of existence.
America, and insistently calls for review and veri- Undoubtedly, their often observed lowered via-
fication by means of more perfected genetic meth- bility is one of the important reasons for the
ods. rare occurrence of mutations in nature. In this
The situation is not better with the more re- connection, the abundant material collected on
cent studies in that direction, of which the work Drosophila yields such a quantity of exactly veri-
of Guyer and Smith (1920, 1924) on heritable fied and analyzed facts that no other material is
changes in the eye, produced by injection of cer- comparable to it.
tain antibodies into the blood, and the article of We have here all the most imperceptible transi-
Academician I. P. Pavlov concerning the inheri- tions from such mutations which have completely
tance of acquired conditioned reflexes, have at- normal viability (for example, in D. ampelophila,3
tracted most attention. They not only did not black, vermilion, a series of changes in wing vena-
strengthen the point of view defended, but, on the tion, etc.; here also belongs radius incompletus
contrary, called for extremely thorough and harsh of D. funebrtis Meig, described by Timofeeff-Res-
criticism (Koltzov, 1924; Morgan, 1924) showing sovsky, 1925), through those having decreased
the complete lack of genetic foundation for such viability to a greater or lesser degree (for ex-
kind of conclusions. ample, yellow, rudimentary), to mutations which
I repeat, that by means of laboratory treatments have exceedingly low viability, such as branched
we cannot produce mutations, and, consequently, legs (reduplicated), wingless (apterous), and
their appearance is not dependent on artificial con- such like, which are directly contiguous with the
ditions of investigation. so-called lethal mutations.
I consciously omitted for the present the cases It is obvious that in the severe struggle for
of artificial changes in the number of chromosomes survival, which reigns in nature, the majority
(resulting in tetraploidy and other forms of of these less viable mutations, originating among
polyploidy) indicated in the works of Winkler normal individuals, must perish very quickly, usu-
(1916), the Marchal brothers (1906), von Wett- ally not leaving any descendants.
stein (1924), and others. Here we are dealing It stands to reason, that it is extremely difficult
with an exceptional type of genotypic variability, to find by chance such a mutation in nature, and,
not with changes in single genes, but merely with in general, it may be said that the number of
the increase in the number of their groups. In mutations with decreased viability is significantly
several specific instances of such kind, we are in greater than that of those the viability of which
a position to produce mutations artificially but the does not suffer.
very exceptional nature of this form of genotypic Here we have arrived directly at the other side
variability places the cited instances apart from
the general and principal mass of mutations, con- 2 Perhaps the observations made by Kosminsky (1924)
on polyploidy in the spermatogenesis of the silkworm
ditioned by changes in single genes. From the
under the influence of raised temperature belong to the
point of view of the origin of mutations in nature, same category.
all these cases are interesting because of the sim- 3 D. melanogaster in current usage. Ed.

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of the question of the origin of mutations in ("crossveinless") serves as a characteristic dis-

nature and their role in the process of evolution. tinguishing feature of the family closely related
Often the opinion is encountered that the whole to Drosophila, Asteidae; the curving downwards
process of the origin of mutations is, essentially, of the wings, encountered in a series of mutations
a teratological one, that all the changes occurring ("depressed," "curved"), appears at the same time
in genes are really only more or less clearly ap- as a diagnostic trait of the genus Stegana (fam.
parent "freaks," because of which they cannot Drosophilidae), etc. I myself had the opportunity
have any significance in the process of directional to see H. G. Shaposhnikov's photographs of a
evolution. whole brood of Saturnia pyri Schiff., which had on
Such an opinion could be merely the result of the outer margin of the front wings a halfmoon-
an insufficiently profound study of the phe- shaped scallop, a trait which in this form is char-
nomenon of mutation. It is true that the number acteristic of a series of genera of Lepidoptera (for
of "freakish" mutations harmful to the organism instance, Drepana, Macaria, and others).
is incomparably greater than that of the harmless It will hardly occur to anyone to see deformities
ones (not to mention beneficial ones), but such in these characteristically "normal" features of the
a ratio is entirely to be expected because of the genera and species noted, and consequently there
nature of the currently perfect adaptation of the is no basis for considering them as freaks when
organisms to their environment. they appear unexpectedly as mutations in species
The living organism in its normal habitat rep- not normally having them. On the contrary, facts
resents an extremely fine, complex and perfect of this kind can only strengthen the conviction
mechanism, adjusted to all the varied require- that features, such as those specified above, could
ments which are demanded from it by this habi- have originated in the corresponding families,
tat. To "injure" such a mechanism is very much genera and species in exactly the way in which
easier than to "improve" it. they occur at the present time before our very
If someone should set himself the goal of in- eyes in the species under investigation-that is,
venting chance variations of the organism, and mutationally.
would thereupon go on to classify these variations Nevertheless, it would be completely erroneous
under the categories of "harmful," "neutral," and to think that the viability of mutations depends on
"beneficial," then it certainly can be said that the the intensity of the morphological change of a
first group would be many times larger than both character. We see very often that genes, at first
the others taken together, and the last group of glance affecting completely "neutral" characters,
"beneficial" changes would seem completely in fact exert a marked influence on viability.
negligible. These three groups occur with re- Thus, while the darkening of the body under the
spect to mutational variability in approximately action of the gene "black" does not affect the
the same ratio, and this fact merely serves as an viability of the fly D. ampelophila, its lightening
extra confirmation of the randomness of the under the action of the gene "yellow" proves to
changes that arise. be coupled with some weakening of the organism.
But, along with "harmful" freakish mutations, Moreover, it should not be forgotten that we
there is also a series of "neutral" ones, not having now know a whole series of physiological genes,
any biological significances and therefore not sub- not expressing themselves in any morphological
ject to selection (see below), that can be ascer- way, but undoubtedly playing a tremendous role
tained by anyone who had worked in genetics. in the life processes of the organisms. As ex-
Examples of such mutations in Drosophila were amples of the action of genes of such a kind one
mentioned above. may point to the early-ripening varieties of culti-
It is also particularly interesting and important vated plants, to frost-resistant or frost-susceptible
to note the fact that some of these "biologically varieties of cereal grasses, to the natural immunity
neutral" mutations occurring randomly in the of various plant as well as animal organisms, to
normal populations of some species or other some- the univoltine and bivoltine varieties of the silk-
times correspond to the "normal" features of worm, to the unequal egg production of various
neighboring species or even genera and families. breeds of chickens, and to many others. It is
Thus the darkening of the coloration of the body evident that, among these physiological genes, not
characteristic for the "black" mutation in D. a few will be found which would either affect the
ampelophila, is a normal feature of the species D. organism very harmfully, or would, on the con-
funebris; the lack of the crossvein in the wing trary, under specific environmental conditions,

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prove to be very beneficial (for instance, frost- comes about exactly because mutational variabil-
resistant varieties in the North), although, ex- ity cannot transform one organism into another
ternally, that is, morphologically, these mutations suddenly in one leap, but only gradually by means
would not be distinguishable. Thus, no direct of accumulation of individual mutations.
correlation between the intensity of morphologi- On the contrary, it would be fatal to our con-
cal change produced by a mutation and its viabil- ception of the role of mutations in the course of
ity exists. the evolutionary process if we actually had cases
We have already seen in several examples men- of such sudden transformation of some organisms
tioned above that mutational variability touches into others. For we know that the course of
upon various characters greatly differing in sig- evolution was slow and gradual, and that such
nificance. Alongside of the least salient traits, sudden transformations would only attest that
such as the color of the body, such important mutations are apart from the evolutionary path,
characters of Drosophila are changed as venation, that between them and evolution there is an im-
wing structure, etc., which are fundamental in the passable gulf. Fortunately we know that such
modern systematics of insects for distinguishing a gulf does not exist in reality.
the higher systematic categories. Consequently, In the discussion of the question of the origin
it is necessary to acknowledge as completely of mutation in nature, it is necessary to have in
erroneous the idea which some express, that mu- view at all times the tremendous role of free
tations deal in only a superficial way with species crossing, the engulfing influence of which must
traits, being characteristic of differences between strongly affect the frequency of detection of muta-
varieties, while, apart from these small aberra- tions under natural conditions. The next section
tions, there is a "basic substance" of organisms will be dedicated to an analysis of the role of
which is not subject to mutational changes. Be- free crossing, while here it is relevant to mention
cause of this, it is argued, the process of evolution, only the fact that owing to the effect of such
the process of the transformation of whole organ- crossing, each newly originating recessive muta-
isms into others, could not be achieved by means tion, through crossing with the normal forms,
of mutations. Speaking figuratively, it is claimed would be dissolved, so to say, in the latter, and
that with all mutations, a fly always remains a disappear (practically, within the limits of our
fly, and a rat a rat, and never does the latter investigation, forever) from morphological de-
produce deviations in the direction of a rabbit or tection.
a dog. Thus, it would be possible to observe the origin
But here two concepts are confused: the di- of a new mutation in the majority of cases only
versity of characters subject to genotypic variabil- at the very moment of its origin, when it either
ity, and the scope of variability, i.e., the amplitude is not yet destroyed by natural selection, in the
of deviation. Actually, we see that absolutely all case of decreased viability, or while its morpho-
parts of the organism are subject to genotypic logical expression has still not been dissolved in
variation. But, although genotypic variability is the surrounding normal forms, or swallowed up
discontinuous, its leaps, naturally, cannot be in- by the effects of free crossing.
finitely large, so that the amplitude of aberration In the laboratory environment, where the con-
is limited, and the limit is determined by the ditions of existence and direction of crossing are
structure of the genes themselves. Abrupt and controlled and regulated by the conscious will of
profound changes of the organism are possible man, both of the preceding powerful factors, ef-
only by means of a prolonged accumulation of fecting the decrease in the number of observed
mutational changes, of long-termed stratification mutations in nature, are removed, and therefore
of one deviation upon another. frequency of detection of new mutations is im-
But in mutational variability we did not recog- measurably increased.
nize anything new that was not there before; Finally, in the discussion of the question of
it is not a new means of producing variation, but the origin of mutations in nature it is necessary
rather the most fundamental, timeless means of to take into consideration also the following
evolution by which the organic world has gone thought: as the data of Morgan and his school
on and developed from its very appearance on on D. ampelophila (melanogaster) have shown,
earth to our own days. And if we only see one mutation occurs in approximately 10,000 flies
sequential changes on this way, only see the slow observed. If, lacking data for other animals or
transformation of some forms into others, this plants, we accept this ratio as the usual one be-

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tween changed and original organisms, then (1921a and b), Philipchenko (1919, 1924), Tietze
granting the same intensity of the process of ap- (1923), and Romashov (1926)-subjected to
pearance of mutations in nature, one can expect mathematical analysis the results of the inheritance
to come across one case of the origin of a mutation of Mendelizing factors under all imaginable com-
in 10,000 normal specimens. But it is doubtful binations of matings. But from this long list of
that there exist many collections where one may works only those which investigated the results of
carry out a survey of 10,000. specimens of one mating and the fate of individual features under
species in order to detect one mutation. conditions of free crossing have significance for
However, as we will immediately see, this dis- an accurate understanding of the role of genotypic
cussion has only conditional importance, and, as variation in the process of evolution, since the
I shall try to show in the following sections, natural state of a species pre-supposes precisely a
there are in nature at all times two opposing state of a "freely crossing community"-"Paar-
processes: one, the accumulation of mutations; the ungsgemeinschaft" of the German authors.
other, their elimination. The presence of a The definition of species, as an aggregate of in-
greater or smaller number of mutations in nature dividuals constituting a single freely intercrossing
depends on the balance between them. complex, corresponds most closely to our genetic
Thus, we ought to expect a priori that muta- and systematic ideas. Naturally, the freedom of
tions in nature will come to our attention im- crossing in a whole series of cases depends on many
measurably less frequently than in the laboratory internal as well as external causes, sometimes rein-
environment or in cultivated plants or domestic forcing, sometimes diminishing its significance.
animals. The correspondence of the actual state But potentially, all the individuals of a single
of affairs with theoretical expectations is the best species are able to cross freely, without encounter-
proof of the validity of the premises stated. ing any hindrance either in the process of fertili-
And thus, we do not as yet have any basis for zation itself or in the viability or fertility of their
seeing in the process of origin of mutations the offspring.
result of the artificial influence of man. On the Naturally, in so far as there are not and can-
contrary, the whole presently available stock of not be boundaries between the definitively formed
facts indicates that this process goes on just as "good" species and sharply expressed, strongly
regularly under natural conditions as in the differentiated varieties, the above criterion for a
labora-tory conditions of an experiment, but that species cannot always be unconditionally applica-
there is a whole series of weighty reasons re- ble. But in any case, if two generally acknowl-
moving a, vast number of cases of such origin of edged species are known to be freely crossing
mutations in nature from our observation. with one another, both as pure "species" them-
selves and as hybrids, and crossing is, indeed,
free, without any direct or indirect influence of
man, then from the genetical point of view such
"species"p actually belong to one species. And, on
I have already briefly pointed out in the pre- the contrary, if two varieties of one species begin
ceding section the enormous significance which to show some reproductive isolation, expressed
free crossing has on the fate of newly arising either in the area of instincts, or in the physiology
mutations in nature. In the present section I of fertilization, or, finally, in the viability or fer-
shall attempt to analyze this significance in greater tility of their offspring, then even if we cannot in
detail. this case speak of two distinct "good" species,
The mechanisms operating in the inheritance of all the same, we undoubtedly are dealing with the
various mutations in different forms of mating, beginning of an as yet incomplete process of
the most simple of which were already established speciation, with a new species in statu nascendi.
by Mendel in 1865, served many times as the Naturally, such a definition of species should
theme for mathematical studies by a series of in- not be understood in the sense that one or another
vestigators. Beginning with the remarkable work form of reproductive isolation is the initial step
of Pearson (1904) dating as early as 1904, a of the process of speciation. Undoubtedly, an
whole series of individuals-Hardy (1908), Jen- accumulation of a greater or lesser number of
nings (1912, 1914, 1916, 1917), Pearl (1913, morphological or physiological differences always
1914a, 1914b), Fish (1914), Robbins (1917- precedes the appearance of reproductive isolation,
1918), Wentworth and Remick (1916), Wright but the very fact of existence of these differences,

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in whatever form they should appear, is not a in several places in his book Darwinism the idea
sufficient basis for the formation of a new species. that individual, accidental changes of organisms
And from our genetic experiments on the most (in our sense, mutations) are in no case a source
diverse animal and plant organisms, we now know of the evolutionary process, which rather lies in
that it is possible to create two groups of such or- insignificant but mass variability, which is char-
ganisms, which will differ from each other by a acteristic of the whole organic world (see particu-
perfectly concrete complex (theoretically speak- larly the section: "The swamping affects of in-
ing, as large as one wishes) of morphological tercrossing," p. 210, 1898 edition).
characteristics, which are not connected by In precisely this manner all the following evolu-
intermediate forms; that is, having a so-called tionary theoreticians, among whom Wagner
morphological hiatus, but at the same time belong- (1868, 1889), Weismann (1872, 1904), Romanes
ing genetically to the same species. (1926), Petersen (1903), Pearson (1900), and
Thus, free crossing is a characteristic condi- Plate (1913), must be mentioned, attributed an
tion of the enormous majority of natural species extremely important, sometimes directly decisive,
of animals as well as plants, and the significance role to free crossing in the process of evolution.
of this factor in the process of evolution must not But, at the present time, now that genetics im-
be underestimated. peratively dominates the whole field of sexual
Actually, the extent of significance which the reproduction, and with it, naturally, the process
greatest theoreticians of evolution attributed to of free crossing, a pressing need is felt for a re-
this factor is seen, if in nothing else than in the view of the conclusions at which the previous in-
fact that, until the very end of his life, Darwin vestigators arrived, to bring them into conformity
considered the most substantial objection to his with our current genetic concepts.
theory not the critical remarks of even the great- Of all the numerous works cited at the begin-
est biologists, but that which was given in 1867 ning of the present section, the investigations of
by a certain engineer, Professor Jenkin, who dem- K. Pearson and G. H. Hardy have the greatest
onstrated by a simple arithmetical calculation that interest and significance for us. The latter, in a
as a result of free crossing every accidentally short work of only two pages, established the ex-
originating deviation, be it even beneficial, must tremely important law, characterizing the con-
be very quickly dissolved among the normal in- dition of equilibrium existing under Mendelian
dividuals. Thus, crossing exerts a dissolving laws of heredity and free crossing. One may
("swamping"-Darwin) influence on every term this the law of equilibrium under free cross-
newly arising single deviation, even if it -is a very ing or Hardy's law. This law may be briefly
marked one. formulated as follows: the relative frequencies of
These considerations pressed Darwin in sub- homozygous (dominant as well as recessive) and
sequent revisions of his theory further and fur- heterozygous individuals, under conditions of free
ther away from current genetic views of the role crossing and in the absence of any kind of selec-
and significance of single deviations, mutations tion, remain constant, provided that the product
(in Darwin's terminology, "sports"), in the proc- of the frequencies of homozygous individuals
ess of evolutionary development of the organic (dominant and recessive) is equal to the square
world, and caused him to attribute a greater and of half of the frequency of heterozygous forms.
greater role in this process to the small but mass Expressing this law as a genetic formula and
individual deviations, now included under the representing the composition of the population
term "fluctuations." analyzed by the expression pAA + 2qaA + raa,
As we shall see further, the considerations where p, 2q and r denote the frequencies of the
which so strongly disturbed Darwin are not in respective groups of homozygous and heterozy-
conformity with our current concepts of the role gous individuals, we may define the condition of
of crossing, but still it is important to note the equilibrium of such a freely crossing population
fact that this nonconformity deflected the theo- by the condition:
retical thought of Darwin from his earlier and
pr= q2.
more accurate concepts in the direction of accept-
ance of views closer to current Neo-Lamarckism. From this law the extremely important con-
And the other founder of current evolutionary clusion follows: since for any value of p and r a
theory, that is, A. R. Wallace, occupies exactly value of 2q may be found to satisfy the equation
the same position on this question, emphasizing pr = q2, a freely crossing population may be in a

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state of equilibrium with any proportions of ho- then as a result of the first stabilizing crossing,
mozygous dominant and recessive forms. the respective frequencies of homozygous and
Thus, in a freely crossing population, there can heterozygous forms are expressed by the formula
be preserved from generation to generation not
x12AA + 2xlzlAa + z12aa, (F1)
only the classical Mendelian ratio 1: 2: 1 (pheno-
typically, 3: 1 ) but the numbers of one of the so that
homozygous forms (regardless of whether it is
X,2Z 2 =(xlzl)2
dominant or recessive) may exceed the numbers
of the other by 1, 2, 3 . . . times, and the popu- and our population will be in a state of stable
lation will still remain in a state of equilibrium, equilibrium (according to Hardy's law).
so long as the fund1amental condition, pr = q2, is Thus, the apparatus which stabilizes the fre-
satisfied. quencies of the components of a given population
Directly related to the law just established, is lies in the very mechanism of free crossing. Any
another very important law, which is also con- change of the ratio of these frequencies is possible
cerned with the state of equilibrium within a freely only by action from without and is possible only so
crossing population, and may be termed the law long as the external force which disturbs the equi-
of stabilizing crossing. First established by K. librium is acting.
Pearson, as early as 1904, it remained completely In the present study we shall concern ourselves
unnoticed for a long time, owing to the extremely with only two of these external forces: selection,
abstract formulation, inaccessible to the great ma- in the broadest sense of the term, and the origin
jority of biologists, which was initially given it. of new genotypic changes-mutations. We shall
This law was proven anew by Hardy (1908) now turn to the investigation of the role of these
in the above-mentioned article, and was subse- under conditions of free crossing.
quently established again several times in various In the preceding section I tried to show that we
formulations and on the basis of various mathe- have no basis whatsoever for denying the existence
matical and biological considerations by a series under natural conditions of a continuous process
of investigators (Jennings, 1916; Wentworth and of origin of new mutations. As all the data on
Remick, 1916; Tietze, 1923). Drosophila, which was most thoroughly investi-
Briefly, this second law of free crossing, or as gated, show, the number of newly originating mu-
we shall call it, the law of stabilizing crossing tations appears to be increasing without limit.
(Pearson's law) may be formulated thus: under At the same time some of the mutations in cer-
conditions of free crossing with any initial ratio tain of cases tend to arise repeatedly and more
frequencies of homozygous and heterozygous pa- or less frequently (for example, "white" and
rental forms, a state of equilibrium will be estab- "Notch"). In other cases, the same gene changes
lished in the population as a consequence of the in a different fashion, giving a series of numerous
very first generation of free crossing. alleles such as are characteristic of the same
Thus, should a state of equilibrium in a freely "swhite" or, for instance, of "Truncate" and
crossing population be disturbed from without, as "dumpy," etc. The greatest majority of muta-
a result of the very first subsequent crossing, which tions, however, arose but once, and, for the pres-
we will call stabilizing crossing, a new state of ent, no limits to the torrent of these singly occur-
equilibrium is established within the population, ring changes and to the variety of their expres-
at which the given population will remain until sion can be seen.
some new external force removes it from this What is the fate of these individual mutations,
state. these "sports," in Darwin's terminology? Are
they actually condemned to disappearance with-
Proceeding again to a genetic notation, we may
out a trace, to be dissolved in the sea of normal
formulate the specified law thus: if we have a cer-
individuals, in no way influencing the subsequent
tain freely crossing population,
fate of the species, the process of its evolution?
Let us begin the analysis with a case of the not
xAA + 2yAa +zaa, (P)
infrequent appearance in nature of a recessive
homozygous mutation (aa). What shall be the
displaced from the state of equilibrium, that is,
fate of such a new gene? The appearance of such
mutation disrupts the state of equilibrium of the
XZ y2, freely crossing species at that moment. If this

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mutation is not immediately destroyed by natural speaking, this probability is entirely negligible,
selection because of its lesser viability or lack of and, in fact, our albino mutation will be absorbed,
adaptability, then it will cross with a normal form "swallowed up" by free crossing.
(AA). Here we know, on the basis of the law of But its fate will be completely different from
stabilizing crossing, that in the immediately fol- what former evolutionists imagined. The muta-
lowing generation the equilibrium will be restored, tion will not be destroyed, will not be dissolved
while our recessive gene will become the heterozy- in the mass of normal individuals. It will exist
gous (Aa). in the heterozygous state remaining hidden from
Assuming that the pair of parent individuals, the eye, but in the form of a specific inheritable
aa x AA., with a constant population size of a genotype generation after generation.
species, must leave one pair of offspring, we must These considerations make it possible for us to
conclude that two individuals which are pheno- examine more deeply and more clearly the genetic
typically normal, but genotypically heterozygous structure of a freely crossing aggregate, a species.
(Aca), will enter into the composition of the popu- To what extent is a species-population homo-
lation. After this, because of the state of equilib- geneous in its hereditary properties? And if we
rium, this composition of the population (species) still admit a share of it to be heterogeneous, then
will continue from generation to generation. how can we explain in that case that great uni-
A short and simple calculation shows that the formity, the "monotypism" of natural wild species,
probability of two such heterozygous individuals which so characteristically distinguishes them from
meeting, as a result of which a homozygous re- domestic breeds ?
cessive form (aa) could appear anew (that is, that We have just seen that each newly arising nat-
the initial homozygous form of the mutation will ural mutation is swallowed up by the basic mass
be again manifested) is equal to one over the num- of the species, though it is not destroyed but pre-
ber of individuals in the whole population (spe- served in the heterozygous condition in the
cies) minus one. "depths" of the species. In the first section I
Translating this into symbolic language, and tried to show that the process of origin of new
taking the number of individuals in a population mutations must be viewed not as an accidental oc-
as N + 1, we can express the probability (p) of currence, but as entirely normal, systematic one.
two such heterozygous individuals meeting by the Thus, in instances of repeated origin of natural
equation mutations, they will again and again be swallowed
p = 1/N. up by the original species. A new phenomenon
now arises, providing us once more with an op-
This equation means that in N consecutive gen- portunity to examine several interesting ques-
erations one such meeting of heterozygous indi- tions.
viduals can occur. Assume that a certain freely crossing popula-
Let us imagine some concrete example as an il- tion (an aggregate) consists of N + 1 individuals.
lustration. Assume that there are now in the The probability of reappearance among them of
whole of Northern Eurasia 1,000,000 plus 1 gray the earlier appearing mutation a (as a result of
crows. Suppose that among these a recessive mu- the meeting of heterozygous individuals) will be,
tation, an albino, appears suddenly. If it is not as we have seen, 1/N, which for a large value of
destroyed and crosses with a normal individual, N is a negligibly small quantity.
then in the generation following, the state of equi- But let us imagine that in that very same ag-
librium of the species will be restored, so that gregate there should arise another independent
in the general mass of gray crows there will be individual variation (bb), which would also pass
preserved from generation to generation a pair of into the heterozygous state. The probability of
individuals which are externally normal, but are its second appearance as a result of recombina-
heterozygous for color. tion will also be 1/N; for a third mutation (cc)
The probability that these two heterozygous the probability will be the same, as it will be for
individuals will meet and produce offspring (in the fourth (dd), for the fifth (ee), etc., etc.
the ideal conditions of free crossing) is equal to All these mutations, originating within a "nor-
1/N = 1/1,000,000, that is, the renewed appear- mal" species, pass, as a result of crossing, into the
ance of a white (homozygous) individual owing heterozygous state, and are thus swallowed up,
to the recombination of genes may be expected absorbed by the species, remaining in it in the
once in 1,000,000 consecutive matings. Practically form of isolated individuals. As a result, we ar-

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rive at the conclusion that a species, like a sponge, leading to the external manifestation by the spe-
soaks up heterozygous mutations, while remaining cies of a greater and greater genotypic variability.5
from first to last externally (phenotypically) ho- Thus, we form a concept that is exactly the
mogeneous. That such a conclusion about the contrary of the accepted opinion about the corre-
genotypic structure of a species corresponds to lation between the age of a species and its vari-
reality is confirmed by the results of an as yet un- ability. Ordinarily, it is claimed that a young
finished analysis of the constitution of the wild species has not yet been stabilized, that its char-
species of the genus Drosophila, undertaken by acteristics are just formed, and consequently are
the genetical laboratory of the Institute of Ex- strongly fluctuating, and the whole species posses-
perimental Biology last summer (1925) .4 ses a large degree of variability of instability. It
The probability (1/N) of a meeting of two like is only gradually, as the species "ages," that its
heterozygotes, in a least bit numerous species characteristics are fixed more and more, "are
(N), is so small that it can practically be disre- fixed hereditarily," and the species becomes stable,
garded. But under consecutive appearances of monomorphic.
new mutations (independent of each other), the In reality, as we have seen, the situation is ex-
probability of appearance of some one of them will actly opposite. The older the species, the more
obviously become greater and greater, being de- mutations are accumulated within it, the more
termined by the law of the summation of inde- frequently is one or another of them disclosed
pendent, equal and compatible probabilities. in the homozygous state, and the more the spe-
Thus, with two concealed mutations the prob- cies becomes externally genetically variable.
ability of a second appearance of either one will Generally speaking, all other conditions being
already be almost twice as great: equal, genotypic variability of a species increases
proportionally to its age.
p = 2/N-1/N2. In the foregoing analysis of the genotypic struc-
ture of a freely crossing population (species) we
For three mutations, it will be equal to 3/N -
touched upon another very important question,
(3/N2 - 1/N3), and, in general, for m muta-
namely, upon the importance of population size
tions absorbed by the population, the probability
in the manifestation of its genotypic variability.
(p) of appearance of some one of them as a re-
Here we are dealing with two opposing tenden-
sult of the recombination under free crossing is ex-
cies: on the one hand, the more numerous the
pressed by the formula:
population, the greater are the chances for origin
p =1 - (N-_)m/N of new mutations in it. Thus, the frequency of
origin of variability is directly proportional to the
in which the exponent m, equal to the number of size of the freely crossing population.
independent probabilities, that is, to the number On the other hand, the less numerous the popu-
of mutations that have arisen and been swallowed lation (that is, the smaller the value of N), the
up by the species, can obviously increase indefi- greater is the probability of manifestation in it in
nitely. homozygous form of mutations absorbed by it
It is evident that with the increase in this num- earlier. In other words, the frequency of the
ber, that is, with the increase of the exponent m, manifestation of mutations is inversely propor-
this probability can prove to be very high, and a tional to population size.
given species will then disclose now one, and now These conditions ordinarily counterbalance each
another, of the mutations contained within it. other, and what is lost by the less numerous spe-
Here we approach an important and interesting cies through the infrequency of the appearance
question. We have just seen that a species, like of mutations, is gained by them through the fre-
a sponge, soaks up more and more mutations, re- quency of manifestation of the mutations absorbed,
maining all the time externally monotypic. But and zice versa. But in some cases this equilib-
as the accumulation within the species of a greater
5 It is necessary to point out here that this statement
and greater number of such concealed mutations
refers only to genotypic, inheritable variation. Fluctuat-
proceeds, one or another of them will appear with ing phenotypic variation, as a reaction of the organism to
increasing frequency in the homozygous state, the influence of various external conditions, complies with
its own laws. This variability is only a manifestation
4An abstract dealing with these results appears in the of some "reactive irritability" of the organism, and is
Proceedings of the 5th International Congress of Genet- not related to inheritable variability or to the problem
ics, 2: 1499-1500, Berlin, 1927. Ed. of evolution and speciation in general.

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rium is disturbed, that is, when, because of some traspecific differentiation. Although they occur
cause or other, the freedom of crossing within the incomparably rarer, other forms of isolation lead-
limits of the species is disturbed. If we imagine ing to the same results, that is, to the formation
that the total number of individuals of a given of separate non-interbreeding colonies, are also
species, N, is subdivided into a series of isolated encountered. Thus, undoubtedly, there exists
colonies, then the frequency of origin of new mu- isolation in time, that is, the subdivision of a spe-
tations within the limits of the entire species will cies into a series of colonies living sympatrically
not suffer, but the probability of reappearance of but isolated from each other owing to the non-
each such mutation will be once more considerably concurrence of reproductive periods within each.
increased, depending on the reduced size (n) of In this connection, the best studied example is
the colony, within which it originally arose. our common herring (Clupea harengus L.) which
Thus, we approach a more profound under- is subdivided into several colonies living in one
standing of the enormous role which the factor of place but separated from each other by difference
isolation plays in the origin of species variability. in time of their egg-laying (fall and spring-
At first glance, it may appear that the very fact spawning herrings). As the classical investiga-
of isolation, taken by itself cannot play any role tions of Heincke (1898) have shown, these sepa-
in the process of evolution (Jordan, 1905). As rate colonies, isolated in time, vary among them-
much as identical groups are isolated from each selves in mean values of a whole series of charac-
other, they remain identical to each other. But ters, and making use of the method of "combined
this is exactly the point: a species, as we tried to deviations," developed by the same author, it is
show above, represents limitless diversity of geno- possible to assign each separately caught speci-
typic combinations, and each isolation creates in men, entirely by its morphological characters, to
it at once the exceptionally favorable conditions one or another of these "seasonal" races with a
for the manifestation of heritable variations, eitherhigh degree of probability.
already existing within the species prior to iso- There is a perfectly analogous example in the
lation (given an initially unequal distribution of vegetable world, namely, the Linnaean species
them), or originating after the separation of the Euphrasia officianalis L., which at the present
isolated colonies which do not cross with each time is split by botanists into a whole series of
other. "elementary species," differing from one another
Thus, isolation entirely automatically leads to not only in their time of flowering, but also in
a differentiation within a species, to the fact the several small and not entirely stable morphological
colonies of one species, isolated from each other, characters.
begin, with time, to manifest differences in indi- Finally, the possibility is not excluded of having
vidual characters, which may be detected either ecological isolation, when a species is subdivided
by direct morphological study, or by biometric into separate colonies, existing in one and the same
evaluation of their means and variabilities. And geographical area, reproducing at one and the
so, isolation, under the conditions of a process of same time, but isolated from one another by the
continuous accumulation of mutations becomes, conditions of their habitat. Theoretically, it is
by itself, a cause of intraspecific (and consequently,
very easy to imagine such a possibility, but the
eventually, also of interspecific) differentiation. actual existence of such ecological colonies, dif-
Of all the factors contributing to the break-up fering from one another in hereditary, genotypic
of a species into separate non-interbreeding col- properties, requires still further investigation and
onies, it is necessary, naturally, to put spatial, verification. But ecological types of certain ants,
geographical isolation in the first place as the ecological types (for instance, the marsh forms)
most powerful and common factor of intraspecific of certain insects, hint at the existence of such
differentiation. The colossal number of geograph- kind of isolation. Yet, until now the nature of
ical races already reported and the many times such ecological types remains entirely unexplained,
greater number still to be reported (sub-species and, in particular, it is not at all known what pro-
and "nations" in the sense of A. P. Semenov- portion of these "ecological traits" is actually
Tyanshansky, 1910) is the best illustration and inheritable (if, in general, some is), and what is
proof of the power of this isolating and differ- simply a phenotypic reaction of the organism to
entiating factor. changed external conditions in which they develop
But in no case is it to be imagined that geo- and exist.
graphical isolation is the exclusive factor in in- Instances of different biotypes constituting the

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population of the species reacting in varying de- a species is directly proportional to the degree of
grees to the unfavorable conditions of existence isolation of its separate parts.
encountered by the species on the margins of its This law in its purest form should be expressed,
range, must be considered also under the subject for instance, in insular faunas, where often colo-
of isolation. In this marginal zone (providing it nies isolated on neighboring islands display a
is not a simple mechanical barrier impeding the varying degree of differentiation of heritable char-
further spread of the species), a more intense acters and where this differentiation could most
struggle for existence must obviously take place, probably be attributed precisely to isolation.
a struggle both against environmental inorganic But exactly the same results are obtained when
nature, and against individual organisms hinder- we proceed to the detailed study of variability
ing the further spread of the species (biological in organisms which possess only a very low abil-
barriers). There is no doubt whatsoever that ity for self-dissemination, and the well-known
individual biotypes of the species may resist the work of Coutagne (1895) on the variability of
unfavorable conditions encountered in different different colonies of terrestrial mollusks of
ways, and, because of this, a part of them will France provides a brilliant example of this.
spread further, whereas the remaining bulk of But this regularity appears most clearly when
biotypes will stop earlier without passing across the external factors of isolation are combined in
the barrier encountered. the most complete manner with lack of mobility
Because of this, the fraction of the biotypes of the forms studied. The classical studies of
which proved to be more resistant and has pene- Gulick (1872, 1888) on the variability of the
trated further beyond the barrier encountered will family Achatinellidae on the Sandwich Islands
be isolated in this marginal area of the range of and the analogous work of Garrett (1884), Mayer
the species from the remaining mass and will give (1902), and 'Crampton (1916) on the spread and
rise to a separate colony, where, by virtue of variability of the genus Partula on the Society
the causes indicated above, the remaining bio- Islands, yield the most brilliant illustrations of
types will not penetrate. the above law, and at the same time indicate
The more frost-resistant biotypes of various with extreme clarity the degree of differentiation
animals and plants in the northern margin of that species may attain, if there is at the same
their ranges, or, for instance, the drought-re- time subdivision and low mobility, which deter-
sistant biotypes on the borders of steppes and mine the simultaneous existence of a large num-
deserts, and, finally, cases of natural immunity ber of small non-interbreeding colonies.
to specific diseases and parasites, etc., may serve The factual side of the above law is formulated
as examples of such ecological isolation. in sharp relief by Crampton (1925) in the fol-
Be this as it may, all the factors indicated seem lowing words, referring to a species of the genus
to be external in relation to the organism and are Partula on the islands of the Pacific Ocean:
important only in so far as they do not meet any
In general, each group of islands bears species which
resistance from the structure of the organism occur in no other group; there is one known excep-
itself. The influence of spatial isolation is para- tion which serves to emphasize the observed rule
lyzed by all possible means of active or passive Within the confines of a given group the several
islands bear their own distinctive forms, again with
movement; isolation in time is prevented by
rare exceptions. Finally, the several valleys of one
lengthening of periods of reproduction, and finally and the same island constitute the homes of colonies
ecological isolation conflicts with possession of which, in correlation with their nearer situations, are
wide adaptability by organisms. more alike than are any two associations living in
As a result of the interaction of all these ex- separated islands (p. 6).

ternal and internal factors, a definite state of Examples, in which the noted regularity of dif-
equilibrium is created, which determines the de- ferentiation in connection with isolation would be
gree of freedom of crossing, characteristic of exhibited more distinctly, could hardly be found.
each species. The stronger act the isolating, dis- All of the above analysis of the significance of
sociative factors, and the stronger is intraspecific free crossing was constructed on the hypothesis
variability expressed, the more often must be of the origin of homozygous and recessive muta-
manifested in separate colonies the genotypic tions in nature. But dominant mutations can
differentiation concealed within the species. Thus arise in exactly the same way, and furthermore,
a law may be established: all other conditions it is highly probable that mutations originate as
being equal, the degree of differentiation within heterozygotes.

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The analysis of all these situations remains it is basic "wild-type" or the newly arisen muta-
essentially the same. The only difference is in tion), its action, directed toward the preservation
the fact that the probability of repeated mani- of one form to the detriment of the other, will,
festation of a mutation subsequent to the meeting without fail, disrupt the basic regularity under-
of two heterozygous individuals in the third of lying free crossing and thereby will all the time
these cases is greatly lowered, and in the last keep moving the population out of the equilibrium
analysis, depends on the frequency of repeated state. In this way, two opposing forces will
occurrences of identical mutations and on some constantly struggle against each other with re-
variability of our statistical means. spect to the frequencies of the different pairs of
In the case of a dominant mutation, it will, alleles: one, the force of selection, which disrupts
naturally, not disappear as a result of the first the existing state of equilibrium to the advantage
stabilizing crossing, but will exist in the popula- of the selected gene; the other, the stabilizing
tion in its expressed form, representing in cer- action of free crossing, striving in the very first
tain instances a more or less noticeable morpho- generation to re-establish order and equilibrium.
logical change or physiological deviation from which will again and again be disturbed by the
type, scarcely perceptible, because of its rarity, action of selection. As a result, the population
among the millions of normal individuals. The will continuously pass from one equilibrium state
main difference here will be in that such a mani- to another, and this process will last until the
fested, dominant form in a stabilized population operation of selection ceases.
will be subjected continuously generation by gen- It is evident that the rate of this process is
eration to the action of natural selection, which directly proportional to the intensity, or force,
in many cases will lead either to its final extinction of selection, and here it is necessary to clarify a
or, on the contrary, to its greater and greater concept which plays a very great role in the action
diffusion. In this lies the essential difference and significance of selection, and to which, none-
between dominant and recessive mutations, since theless, too little attention had been paid in ques-
the latter, as a result of the very first stabilizing tions on the course of evolution.
crossing, passes into a cryptic, unexpressed con- The basic, fundamental differences between
dition, and thereby at once escapes the powers artificial selection and all kinds of natural selec-
of selection, regardless of whether its qualities tion is that the first is personal and purposeful,
might be favorable or harmful to the organism. whereas the second is automatic. This difference
In this manner, we now, naturally, approach is apparent first of all in those factors which
the question of the role of selection under con- determine degree of intensity of selection itself.
ditions of free crossing with genotypical variabil- If in artificial selection the person controlling se-
ity. lection is the foremost of these factors, and the
intensity of selection is determined by the goal
which this person sets for his activity, then in
In the foregoing analysis of free crossing, we natural selection its force or intensity is deter-
tried to establish its role as a factor stabilizing mined, in the final analysis, by the importance of
a given population. In its very essence it is a the selected traits in the struggle for existence
conservative factor, preserving the genotypic and survival of the most adapted types. While
composition of the species in the condition in in the first case, the intensity of selection may
which it is found at a given moment. easily be, and, actually often is, brought to 100
Natural selection (and, in general, selection in per cent, that is, only the individuals having the
any form) is, in this connection, its direct an- trait selected are permitted to reproduce, under
tagonist. If free crossing stabilizes the popula- natural conditions one may say with full confi-
tion, then selection, on the contrary, all the time dence that the force of selection does not even
displaces the equilibrium state, and, if in this remotely approach this limit. Even when the
sense we may call free crossing a conservative selected trait has very great importance in the
principle, then selection, undoubtedly, is the dy- struggle for existence, under natural selection
namic principle, leading ceaselessly to modifica- in the course of a series of generations there will
tion of the species. exist and propagate side by side individuals both
It is perfectly obvious that if selection will having and lacking this trait. In the final analy-
favor one of the alleles (it is completely irrelevant sis, survival of an individual in the struggle for
whether it is dominant or recessive, or whether existence depends on such a complex interrela-

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Number of generations taken to pass from one position to another as indicated

in the percentages of different individuals in left-hand column

Percentage of total Percentage of total Percentage of total

population formed population formed population formed A. Where the new variety is dominant B. Where the new variety is recessive
by old variety by the hybrids by the new variety .

100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100

50 75 90 99 50 75 90 99

99.9 .09 .000

98.0 1.96 .008 4 10 28 300 1920 5740 17,200 189,092
90.7 9.0 .03 2 5 15 165 85 250 744 8,160
69.0 27.7 2.8 2 4 14 153 18 51 149 1,615
44.4 44.4 11.1 2 4 12 121 5 13 36 389
25 50 25 2 4 12 119 2 6 16 169
11.1 44.4 44.4 4 8 18 171 2 4 11 118
2.8 27.7 69.0 10 17 40 393 2 4 11 120
.03 9.0 90.7 36 68 166 1,632 2 6 14 152
.008 1.96 98.0 170 333 827 8,243 2 6 16 165
.000 .09 99.9 3840 7653 19,111 191,002 4 10 28 299

tion of causes and effects, that the importance of dominance as well as recessivity of the selected
one or another single beneficial trait is, generally trait.
speaking, a matter of chance. In the three columns on the left are, in ac-
We shall call the intensity of selection in a cordance with Hardy's formula, the percentages
given trait as being 10 per cent, 20 per cent, of frequencies in the population of individuals
etc., when the probability of survival in the strug- in various equilibrium states satisfying the con-
gle for existence of individuals not having a dition that the product of the frequency of homo-
favorable trait is 10 per cent, 20 per cent, etc., zygotes be equal to the square of half of the
lower than individuals having it. Thus, with frequency of heterozygotes, pr = q2.
an intensity of selection of 10 per cent, of 100 In the right part of the table, in the vertical
surviving individuals having the selected trait, 10 columns, the number of generations, which must
individuals survive precisely because they have elapse for a given population under a particular
it, that is, they had the opportunity to utilize the intensity of selection to pass from one equilibrium
advantage conferred by it in the struggle for life. state to another, is shown. Under A the figures
Naturally, the actual computation of selection are given for the case in which the trait posi-
intensity is at present an unapproachable prob- tively selected is dominant, while under B the
lem. But in this case it is the principle that is figures stand for that case when it is recessive.
more important; it is important to establish the This table merits more careful inspection. First
concept of intensity of selection itself and its of all, attention is attracted to the fact that in
quantitative measurement. both cases-when the selected trait is dominant
Basing himself on the above concept of selec- as well as when it is recessive-the process of
tion intensity, the mathematician, H. T. J. Nor- the transformation of the species, that is, of the
ton, calculated the table (table 1) which was complete replacement of a former unadapted form
published by Punnett (1915) in his book, Mim- by the more adapted one, proceeds, practically
icry in Butterflies. speaking, to an end. This process of complete
It shows a tabulation of the number of genera- replacement of one form by another goes on even
tions 6 in the course of which a population ex- under the very weakest intensity of selection of
isting under conditions of free crossing passes 1 per cent, the only contrast being in different
from one equilibrium state to another under vari- rates of the process.
ous intensities of positive selection, both with Considering the transformation process as a
whole, its duration under a low intensity of se-
6 For the sake of simplicity it is assumed here that
we are dealing with organisms which reproduce them- lection (as probably happens most often in na-
selves once in their lifetime (insects, annual plants, etc.). ture) proceeds in both cases at approximately

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the same rate. Only with the increase of the 18,000 generations, more than 90.7 per cent of
intensity of selection (to 25 per cent) does the the population will still consist of forms not dis-
difference in the rate of the transformation of the playing the favorable variation; that is, once
species between the cases of dominance and again, in practical terms, the population will not
recessivity of the selected trait become notice- manifest noticeable evidences of transformation.
able. And with an intensity of selection of 50 Naturally, with even weaker degrees of selection,
per cent, the transformation of the species pro- this process must be protracted to hundreds of
ceeds twice as fast in the case of the positive thousands of generations. And it is so even in
selection of a recessive mutation than of a domi- the case where the initial point of our calculation
nant one. is taken to be that 0.09 per cent of the popula-
It is also characteristic that the process of tion already represents the heterozygous form;
transformation proceeds at the most rapid rate that is, the probability of the meeting of two such
under an intermediate equilibrium, that is to say, heterozygous forms is almost 1/1000. And we
when the numbers of dominant and recessive have seen above that with single isolated muta-
homozygotes are nearly equal to each other (the tions, the probability of a meeting of two hetero-
classical Mendelian ratio 1:2: 1). Here we see zygous individuals depends on the size of the total
that for an intensity of selection of 10 per cent, freely crossing population, and must ordinarily
16 + 11 = 27 generations in all are sufficient be less than the one just indicated.
(should the selected mutation be recessive) in On the other hand, the picture changes ab-
order to pass from a state of equilibrium in which ruptly if we turn to the end of the process, which
the number of recessive homozygotes was four concludes the complete transformation of the
times less than the number of dominant homo- species. Should the selected character be reces-
zygotes (44.4 AA and 11.1 aa) to a condition with sive, this process of the complete and final ex-
the reverse ratio of frequencies (11.1 AA and termination of the less favorable character pro-
44.4 aa). This transformation proceeds almost ceeds and is completed extremely rapidly, in a
as rapidly when the selected trait is dominant few dozen generations, whereas, in the case of
(12 + 18 = 30 generations). dominance of the selected character, the process
The differences in the course of the transforma- of the final purification of the population from
tion of the species between the cases of selection the recessive gene is protracted almost to infinity.
of recessive or dominant mutations manifests Thus, with an intensity of selection of even 10
itself only when we come to the examination per cent almost 20,000 generations are required,
of the extreme phases (beginning and end) of just to increase the number of homozygous domi-
the process. Thus, should the favorably selected nant forms from 90.7 to 99.9 per cent. The final
trait be dominant, the process of replacement of eradication of all heterozygotes, that is, the com-
the less adapted form by the more adapted one plete disappearance of the recessive gene, is pos-
proceeds very rapidly from the very beginning. sible only after hundreds of thousands of genera-
For instance, with an intensity of selection of tions.
10 per cent, 305 generations are sufficient for a To what conclusion does our examination of
freely crossing population to pass from a con- Norton's table lead? Many of these conclusions
dition in which 99.9 per cent lack the selected have a very great importance for a correct un-
character to a condition in which, on the con- derstanding of the evolutionary process.
trary, 90.7 per cent will possess this character; First of all, we see that because of the effects
that is, in practical terms, the whole population of free crossing and selection, under the conditions
is completely altered in the direction of better of Mendelian heredity, every, even the slightest,
adaptation in the struggle for life. Even with improvement of the organism has a definite chance
a negligible intensity of selection of 1 per cent, of spreading throughout the whole mass of indi-
this process for an almost complete transforma- viduals comprising the freely crossing popula-
tion is realized in the relatively brief time of tion (species). Here Darwinism, in so far as
approximately 3,000 generations. natural selection and the struggle for existence
On the contrary, should the newly appearing are its characteristic features, received a com-
favorably selected form be recessive, the begin- pletely unexpected and powerful ally in Mendel-
ning of the process of transformation of the popu- ism.
lation proceeds extremely slowly. At this same One of the most substantial difficulties of
intensity of selection of 10 per cent, after almost Darwinism has always been the difficulty in

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imagining the process by which minute improve- does the species give rise to a new species, never
ments of the organism, the importance of which will there be a subdivision of the species into two,
for survival appeared, generally speaking, com- never will speciation occur.
pletely negligible. The living organism, in the The species as a whole, in its total mass, will
course of its individual life, from the egg until change, will evolve, will become more and more
its death, is exposed to such infinitely diverse in- perfect in its adaptation to the external environ-
fluences of the surrounding environment, is faced ment. In the process of the historical develop-
with danger from the most varied causes so many ment of a species we shall observe that a form,
times that it seems that the small advantage which the less perfect one, will be completely replaced
a slight improvement of the organism can offer by another more perfect one; we shall observe
would be completely submerged in the thousands the process of adaptive evolution, the process of
of deaths threatening it from all sides. Let this the formation of true Waagen mutations, when
advance help it to escape a concrete danger A; one form is completely replaced by another in
it will all the same be destroyed by danger B, or the phylogenetic evolutionary process.
C, or D, etc., and, thus, it would take an extremely Fortunately, this process of complete trans-
advantageous concurrence of circumstances for formation is known to us not only in paleontologi-
the organism to survive and to pass on by in- cal material, not only from the classic examples
heritance its small advantage. And in later gen- of the ammonites, which served Waagen (1869)
erations, the same struggle and accidental basis to establish the concept of mutation itself, or
of survival will threaten its descendants. from the paludine fresh-water deposits of the
Now, because of Mendelism, our understand- Danube Basin, which gave Neumayr and Paul
ing of this process has changed. By virtue of (1875) the material for their famous study. This
the properties of free crossing nothing is lost of process occurs before our very eyes, in the mod-
that which is acquired by the species. No matter ern epoch. From the data in the systematics of
how small the newly arisen improvement be, Lepidoptera, best known to me, I can cite two
hundreds of thousands of generations, perhaps, examples which indubitably certify to the con-
will pass, but finally, sooner or later, it will tinuation of the process of transmutational evolu-
emerge and gradually become a property of all tion at the present time, and systematists of vari-
the individuals of the species. ous other groups of animals and plants could
Another important conclusion from the inspec- surely cite analogous instances in their fields.
tion of Norton's table is that transformational The first of the examples concerns the peppered
change of a freely crossing population-species, moth, Amphidasis betularia L., and its melanic
the replacement of the less adapted form by the variety, doubledayarica Mill.7
more adapted one, in a word, the process of In 1866 Milliere, in his famous Iconographie et
adaptive evolution of the species, always proceeds Descriptions de Chenilles et Lepidopteres Inedits
to the end. It is a matter of indifference whether described a remarkable form of Amphidasis
the better adapted form is dominant or recessive, betularia L. obtained by him from northern Eng-
whether the intensity of selection is 50 per cent land as a single specimen and later designated
or one per cent. Once the transformation has by him doubleddayaria Mill. While the typical
started, once the species has moved from a dead form of the species is white with characteristic
stop, the process automatically proceeds farther, scattered black streaks (as in the markings of a
until the whole species changes in toto, or until birch), the new form in well-expressed specimens
selection ceases. appears coal-black in color. As experiments in
This conclusion is very important for an ac- crossing these forms have shown, this variation
curate understanding of the role of various fea- is dependent on the presence of a single gene
tures in the evolutionary process. Under condi- and is dominant to the normal white.
tions of free crossing, that is, until there is isola- There are data indicating that the melanic form
tion (in one of the forms indicated above), the originated about 1850 in the Manchester area and
struggle for existence and natural selection can at first was an extraordinary rarity. But gradu-
continuously alter the physiognomy of the species, ally notices are increasing about its greater and
,can disseminate more and more new adaptive greater spread towards the north and the south
characters through the whole mass of individuals
7Chetverikov refers in this discussion to the peppered
of the species, can perfect any features of its moth, now known as Biston betularia, and to its carbon-
-organization, but never under these conditions aria variety. Ed.

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of England, and everywhere the new variety intensity of selection must have been not less
crowds out and displaces the basic white form, than 50 per cent. But later, the process of fixa-
so that at the present in the greater part of Eng- tion of the English race will have to slow down
land, the predominant (and in some places the very much, and for many centuries typical white
exclusive) form is the black doubledayaria Mill. betularia L. will still appear among the English
A completely analogous case was described re- doubledayaria Mill. from time to time through
cently in northwestern Germany, where in the the meeting of two heterozygous forms (especially
vicinity of Hamburg, in 1904, a melanistic form often in the presence of inbreeding).
of another moth Cymatophora or F.,8 named f. The case of evolution described is, however,
albigensis Hsbr. also suddenly appeared. And still not completed. In some accidental way,
here an extremely rapid replacement of the initial most probably by the agency of man (possibly
form by a new (melanistic and dominant) one is through the efforts of amateur entomologists),
being observed, this process proceeding so ener- a form of doubledayaria Mill. seems to have
getically that after only eight years in some Ham- been brought into the European continent about
burg suburbs up to 90 per cent of the population 1888. Originally, it appeared in the corner of
of this species belong to the variant form. Germany nearest to England, and in Holland,
In both cases presented, a living page of the but subsequently began, just as in England, to
actual adaptive evolutionary process passes in spread victoriously, farther and farther into the
front of us. Before our eyes, within a natural depths of the country. In Germany the very
species population a dominant mutation suddenly same picture was repeated as in England.
appears. The conditions of free crossing do not Gradually, news of the appearance of the black
stabilize its frequency: on the contrary, it quickly doubleddayaria Mill. arrives from more and more
propagates itself, and becomes more and more remote places, and the nearer to the Rhine, the
numerous each year. Already within several more numerous the form becomes. In many
decades a whole series of localities appears to be places it has already become predominant,
taken over by it, and in many of them it is be- gradually crowding out and replacing the typical
coming the predominant, prevalent form. In the A. betularia L. At the present time it has been
case of A. betularia doubledayaria Mill., in many reported throughout almost the whole of Ger-
places in England the new form "completely" many, up to its eastern borders.
replaces the earlier basic form, which then be- We do not yet have information on its ap-
comes an uncommon, occasional phenomenon. pearance in Poland, but there is no doubt that it
We see how an occasional, single deviation, an will appear there too in the near future, if it has
individual mutation, gradually takes on the char- not already appeared there by now, and one may
acter of the proles, in the sense of Korzhinsky say with complete assurance that within several
(1892), that is, we have an example of a form decades it will reach us.
with a certain area of habitation, which becomes We can even make an attempt to describe the
an insular race, gradually supplanting the initial further development of this process. It will pro-
original form in the area of its diffusion. Before ceed along the same way farther and farther
our very eyes the process of mutation in the sense through the whole enormous territory occupied
of Waagen and the paleontologists unfolds. by the species up to the maritime region in the
Evidently, such replacement of one form by Far East. Throughout this extensive area, the
another could occur only by virtue of the dark basic form of A. betularia L. will be replaced by
form's being, in some unknown way, better its more viable black rival, thus visibly demon-
adapted to the conditions of its existence than strating the proposition that a species is actually
the original, basic form, and we can even at- a single freely-crossing population, "Paarungs-
tempt, using Norton's table, to determine the gemeinschaft." And the time will come when
intensity of selection. Taking the case of A. the finding of the former basic white form will
betularia L., and assuming that in the neighbor- be considered a rare occurrence, just as until
hood of Manchester, where this form was first recently the black English form was considered
observed seventy-five years ago, the whole aggre- to be a rarity. Only on the isolated islands of
gate of the species (99.9 per cent) took on the Japan, where A. betularia L. also exists, will the
black exterior of doubledayaria Mill., then the original white race survive (unless the newcomer
8 The name currently used for this moth, the poplar is carried there accidentally), and then it will be
lutestring, is Tetlea or. Schiff. Ed. considered in systematics an island subspecies, a

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final relict of the once widely abundant basic process of transformation, if it is imagined that
form. in the course of selection, for instance, the enemy,
Analogous cases are known to us from system- in the struggle with which the adaptation was
atics. Thus, for example, the ghost moth, specially selected, disappears? On the basis of
Hepialus humuli L., in the Shetland Isles (north- the second (stabilizing) law of free crossing,
ern Britain) has survived in the form having we know that in the generation following, a con-
the name subsp. thuleus Crotch., which shows, in dition of equilibrium is established and in all
comparison with the continental form, undoubt- generations following thereafter, the relative fre-
edly, more primitive features (absence of sexual quencies of individuals carrying the trait and not
dimorphism). carrying it will remain unchanged. The species
The same Norton's table shows that not only will become subdivided, but not into two inde-
centuries, but thousands of years, will elapse pendent species or varieties, but into two forms:
before the dominant doubledayaria Mill. will com- it will become polymorphic. As before, all the
pletely pass into the homozygous condition. A individuals of this species will compose one
certain percentage of heterozygous individuals, "Paarungsgemeinschaft," indiscriminately cross-
similar in appearance to the homozygotes, will ing among themselves, and whether the young are
always be conserved, and crosses between them born monotypic, or whether individuals belong-
will give rise to a number of the basic white A. ing to both forms will be encountered among them
betularia L. For future systematists there will in various ratios, will depend on the genetic
be instances of atavism or (if they do not know structure of the parents. It is entirely possible
the history of this moth) cases of sudden appear- that in at least several of the cases of polymorphic
ance of a recessive mutation. If on the islands species presently observed we are dealing with
of Japan the basic white race escapes destruction, precisely this kind of cessation of the action of
then such cases of the sudden appearance some- selection, although it is also possible that in other
where in Europe of a specimen identical with the cases the observed polymorphism of the species
Japanese race will present examples of individual is just a transient condition of transformation of
recurrences of characteristics distinctive of a some- the species under a relatively weak intensity of
times extremely remote geographical race. Mod- selection. As Norton's table demonstrates, under
ern systematics knows of hundreds of analogous such conditions thousands of generations may
examples. Thus, making use of the already cited be necessary in order to erradicate the recessive
example of the ghost moth, H. humuli L., and its form completely, and the period of our observa-
island subspecies, thuleus Crotch., it may be noted tions is much too brief to detect a noticeable
that specimens, similar to the Scottish ones, are, change in the relative frequencies of the two
as instances of individual variability, occasionally forms.
captured in Holland. Evidently heterozygous in- Finally, the third important conclusion which
dividuals are still to be found in Holland, and as may be made on the basis of an analysis of Nor-
a result of crosses between them, the more primi- ton's table consists of the fact that natural selec-
tive, basic race reappears. It is likely that the tion, like free crossing, promotes the accumula-
diffusion of the contemporary strongly dimorphic tion of recessive genes in the population.
form of H. humuli L. proceeded from the East, In the analysis of the example of positive se-
and therefore in the West the replacement of the lection of the dominant trait of A. betularia
original form is still less complete than in the doubledayaria Mill., we saw that an almost com-
East, so that a pair of heterozygous individuals plete replacement of the recessive form by the
is more likely to meet for crossing there. dominant may occur relatively fast. But the
The example cited reveals to us the whole examination of the appropriate part of Norton's
picture of the evolutionary process as it proceeds table (A) shows that this process is completed
under the influence of natural selection and the very slowly, and that, even with relatively in-
struggle for existence. Its most characteristic tensive selection, hundreds of thousands of gen-
feature under ordinary conditions is its complete- erations are required in order to bring all the
ness, the total replacement of the former form dominant forms into a homozygous condition.
by the new, more adapted one, i.e., the mutation Until then, as a result of the action of selection
process of Waagen. on the population, a certain number of hetero-
But what would happen in a case when selec- zygous forms will still remain, which under a
tion is interrupted before the completion of the favorable concatenation of circumstances may

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cross with each other and give origin to what of recessive genes, of which a very significant pro-
may appear as newly arising atavistic recessive portion can be connected with characters dis-
mutations. advantageous to the organism.
If we measure the intensity of positive selection This analysis leads us to an understanding of
in per cent, then precisely in the same way can a fact which is extremely strange at first glance,
we measure the intensity of negative selection. namely, that the number of known recessive mu-
All disadvantageous changes of the organism are tations is many times that of dominant ones.
by no means inevitably ruinous for it. Only in This is especially clearly evident in precisely
the case of extremely harmful deviations from the those organisms, the material for a genetic analy-
norm will the intensity of negative selection sis of which is obtained in the wild, that is,
reach 100 per cent; in a very great majority of from a population which, in our concept, is
cases the intensity of negative selection will be saturated with recessive heterozygotes. Thus, in
less, and not uncommon will be the cases of 10 the latest summary of Morgan, Bridges, and
per cent or even one per cent intensity of negative Sturtevant (1925) devoted to the genetics of
selection. This means that the organisms posses- the genus Drosophila, the number of recessive
sing the disadvantageous trait will not be quickly genes exceeds the number of dominant genes
removed from the arena of the battle of life, and by more than six times. There is no doubt that
tens and, sometimes, hundreds of generations the enormous majority of these recessive genes
will be necessary for selection to eliminate these was accumulated by the species in the course
forms. of its long specific life, and only became manifest
And here again the difference between domi- subsequently in the laboratory with the aid of
nant and recessive characters becomes markedly more or less prolonged inbreeding. At the same
telling, and once more in the direction of ac- time, because of random assortment of pairs for
cumulation of the latter. As we saw above, in mating the initial appearance of the cryptic char-
the case of recessivity of the selected characters, acters could extend through a whole series of
in other words, in the case of dominance of the generations, and then to distinguish a case of a
trait subjected to negative selection, selection fi- new mutation from a case of simple manifesta-
nally eliminates the less adapted form, and this tion of one already existing in the heterozygous
proceeds comparatively rapidly. On the con- condition becomes actually impossible.
trary, in the case of recessivity of the disad- We noted above that the role of free crossing
vantageous character in the first (stabilizing) in the process of evolution is a conservative one,
cross after its origin, this trait will pass into the striving to maintain the status quo, whereas
heterozygous, concealed state, will escape from natural selection acts as an opposing, dynamic
the controlling action of natural selection, and, in factor. But if we bring within the scope of our
this way, the whole population will arrive at an analysis the process of continuous origin of new
equilibrium, conserving in its depths the reces- mutations as well, then this concept needs to be
sive gene for the less adapted trait in the hetero- both changed and supplemented. While free
zygous condition. As we see, also in this case, crossing, storing and preserving within the
selection involves a relatively rapid removal of species all the newly arising mutations, gradually
unfavorable dominant characters, and, on the unfixes the characteristics of the species, makes
contrary, an accumulation of recessive genes. it less stable, and produces intraspecific differ-
Finally, even in the case of appearance of ad- entiation, natural selection, on the contrary, pre-
vantageous recessive mutations, they pass into the serves the stability of the species, its mono-
concealed heterozygous condition immediately af- morphism. Removing and gradually eliminating
ter the first cross with the normal form, and in this all mutations, which in the last analysis appear to
way also escape the action of selection; it is be harmful, natural selection purifies the species
necessary to wait 1/N generations 9 (see above) of contamination by accumulated variations, and,
for selection to be able again to act to bring about in the case of favorable changes, spreads them
fixation of the favorable trait. to all the individuals of the species, thereby
Thus, free crossing like natural selection, leads reimposing on it homogeneity.
to the same final result, namely, to the accumula- In this way, within each species the struggle
tion in the population in the heterozygous state of two processes goes on: the process of ac-
9 Chetverikov's clear intent here is "N generations." cumulation of mutations and the process of their
Ed. elimination, and, the genotypic composition of the

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species is in the long run determined by the dominant role belongs not to selection, but to
interactions between them. isolation, which finds its material in the enormous
heterogeneity of natural populations, the existence
We have analyzed a case of adaptive evolution of which I tried to prove above.
on the example of A. betularia L. But are, in Naturally, it should not be thought that the
general, non-adaptive evolutionary processes pos- factors named exhaust the full essence of the
sible in nature? This is the question which up phenomenon of differentiation in the realization
to the present has remained open and debatable. of which. a series of still other processes not here
Systematics knows thousands of examples considered also participates. But it is absolutely
where the species are distinguished not by necessary to appreciate clearly the fact that never
adaptive but rather by neutral (in the biological can an adaptive change, related to the action of
sense) characters, and to try to ascribe adaptive selection in the struggle for existence but not
significance to all of them is work which is as related to isolation, initiate speciation. Not selec-
little productive as it is unrewarding, and in tion, but isolation is the actual source, the real
which one does not know at times whether to be cause of the origin of species.
more surprised by the boundless ingenuity of Finally, even in those cases in which we are
the authors themselves or by their faith in the in a position to establish the presence of truly
limitless naivete of their readers. adaptive differences between species, genera, etc.,
Thus, for the defenders of exclusively adaptive it is necessary to be very cautious in accepting the
evolution, there remains the last refuge, correla- idea that these differences are of a primary char-
tive variability, and to this they have to resort acter, i.e., in recognizing that precisely they have
every time that an attempt to construct the whole given rise to a splitting up of the initial single
process of evolution and speciation exclusively form into two, thus leading to the process of
on the basis of struggle for existence and natural speciation. It should not be forgotten that, as
selection is made. That correlative variability we just saw, every species in the course of its
exists there can be no doubt, and, furthermore, existence obligately undergoes as a whole
modern genetics gives us an entirely new point Waagen's adaptive mutation, should a favor-
of view for its understanding in the concept of able mutation, in our sense, arise, and thereby
"pleiotropic action" of genes (see the last sec- acquires an adaptive trait absent in its kin. A
tion). Yet, to explain all the innumerable in- new species-distinguishing adaptive trait is estab-
stances of neutral, non-adaptive specific differ- lished, but it is not the cause of the splitting-up
ences of such a kind by this type of variability of close forms, but on the contrary, its species-
still means to explain nothing, but to be satisfied characteristic nature is a result of still earlier
in every case with a simply unprovable hypothesis. inter-specific differentiation.
I tried to show above that the process of intra- Actually, this process must occur fairly often,
specific differentiation need not necessarily be for it is difficult to imagine that not one favor-
accompanied by an invariably adaptive change able mutation should originate in the course of
of the forms differentiating. That such adaptive even a slight duration of a species. Such muta-
change is possible in some cases is sufficiently tion would thus give rise to an adaptive specific
easy to imagine, but we do not have any basis for trait; it is precisely in this way that probably an
attributing the whole process of intra-specific and enormous majority of adaptive differences be-
inter-specific differentiation to adaptive evolution. tween closely related species are established.
Such occurrences will be merely special cases of The longer the course of evolution which has
the more general process of speciation and split- been run by the forms after the differentiation
ting. has already begun, the more adaptive differences
The strict parallelism between the intensity of involving many different organs must have been
intra-specific (and, in the last analysis, inter- accumulated in them, and, actually, we see that
specific) differentiation and the splitting up of in the establishment of differences between the
the whole population of the species into separate higher systematic categories (families, orders,
colonies isolated from each other, which we saw etc.), the differences in adaptive traits come more
at least in the example of island forms of land and more to the fore.
mollusks, definitely and clearly indicates that in And thus, in the evolutionary development of
the process of splitting up of the species the pre- the organic world, two processes proceed side by

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side, their paths sometimes crossing, of but they are

Johannsen (1913) showing failure of selection
still strictly separate in their causes as well as to be effective in pure lines, and a whole series
in the consequences resulting from them: one is of analogous experiments with animals and
the process of differentiation, of splitting-up, lead-
plants, demonstrating the impossibility of chang-
ing in the end to speciation-isolation is its basis; ing a character by selection from a genetically
the other leads to adaptation, to the progressive homogeneous population, remain in full force at
evolution of organic life, and its cause lies in the the present time.
struggle for existence and the resulting natural Nevertheless, in the concept so thoroughly es-
selection. tablished, a weakness is beginning to show up,
which Morgan himself brought up in his extra-
IV. GENOTYPIC MILIEU ordinarily important, and extremely rich with
consequences, notion of the plurality of action or
It is impossible to end an essay on the role
manifestation of genes, which subsequently re-
of natural selection in the evolutionary process
ceived the designation "pleiotropy."
without touching upon one important question,
An extremely clear and convincing picture of
which has seriously preoccupied biologists in re-
pleiotropic action of genes is to be found pub-
cent times and which is not completely clear even
lished in the article of Timofeeff-Ressovsky
to many specialists in genetics. What is the role
(1925), appearing in the preceding issue of this
of selection in the progressive process of evolu-
journal.'0 It is therefore possible to touch upon
tion? Is it only a passive factor, eliminating,
this question here only lightly, and mainly in so
eradicating the less fit genes, and protecting, on
far as it is related to selection.
the contrary, those which have an advantage in
The concept of pleiotropic action of genes con-
the struggle for existence? Or does it create
sists of the idea that every gene may influence
its own material, actively entering into the evo-
not only the specific character corresponding to
lutionary process, directing variability into defi-
nite channels?
it, but a whole series of others; generally speak-
ing, the entire soma. In so far as we now accept
Lately an animated and occasionally bitter dis-
the proven localization of genes in the chromo-
pute concerning these questions has been carried
somes, and in so far as all cells of the body re-
on, particularly among American geneticists. The
ceive the full set of chromosomes, so in the ulti-
first point of view, presented most clearly by
mate differentiation of the cells determining some
Johannsen and a whole series of geneticists (in-
specific trait all genes can be influential, affecting
cluding Morgan and his students) bases itself
by their action one or another form of mani-
on the grounds of the constancy of the gene and
festation of genes specifically corresponding to
its independence of all environmental conditions,
a trait.
including selection. The opposite opinion, in
favor of an active participation of selection in In this way, the former notion of the mosaic
structure of the organism consisting of various,
creation of the material for its application, was
independent characters, conditioned by various, in-
defended by a small group of geneticists, headed
dependent genes, is discarded. The genes re-
by Castle (1912, 1914). At the basis of their
views was the concept of the variability of the main pure and qualitatively independent of each
other, but their manifestations, that is, the traits
gene, of the fluctuation of its hereditary powers,
of the mutual effects of alleles one on the other. they condition, are now a complex result of the
At present the dispute seems to be over and manifold interaction of all the genes comprising
decided in favor of the first view, that is, for thethe genotype of the organism. And each indi-
perfect constancy of the gene. The arguments vidual is in the literal sense an "in-dividuum"-
and facts advanced by the second group of in- not divisible. It is not divisible not only in its
vestigators in favor of the views held by them soma, not only in the physiological functioning of
were found to be explainable by means of a com- its various parts, but indivisible in the manifesta-
pletely different interpretation, in agreement with tion of its genotype, its hereditary structure.
the concept of the purity and constancy of genes. Each inherited trait, the hereditary structure of
In the enormous majority of cases the whole each cell of its body, is determined by not just
matter comes down to genetic heterogeneity, to some one gene, but by their whole aggregate, their
impurity of the material with which the work complex. True, every gene has a specific mani-
was carried out. And the classical experiments 10 LI.e. Zhurnal Eksperimental'noi Biologii. Ed.

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festation, its "trait." But in its expression this on trait B, conditioned by its gene B, and this ac-
trait depends on the action of the whole genotype. tion may express itself either as an enhancement of
Each gene does not act isolatedly from the whole the trait B, or its weakening, or, finally, as a
genotype, is not independent of it, but acts, mani- change-modification.
fests itself, within it, in relation to it. The very Beyond this, the concept of the genotypic milieu
same gene will manifest itself diff erently, depend- allows us to understand still another complex and
ing on the complex of the other genes in which it involved phenomenon, which perplexes thoughtful
finds itself. For it, this complex, this genotype, geneticists not a little. At the same time that
will be the genotypic milieu, within the surround- we see that qualitative characters are commonly
ings of which it will be externally manifested. determined by one gene, relatively seldom de-
And as phenotypically every character depends pending on several equivalent polymeric genes, for
for its expression on the surrounding external quantitative (metric or meristic) characters, poly-
environment, and is the reaction of the organism merism is the common rule, and manifests itself
to the given external influences, so genotypically in that the quantitative characters always show a
each character depends for its expression on the significant amplitude of oscillation in their ex-
structure of the whole genotype, and is a reaction pression, and these oscillations are heritable,
to definite internal influences. genotypic.
This is a point of view that is necessary to Some unintelligible difference between quanti-
master clearly in order to appreciate fully the totaltative and qualitative characters is thus created,
significance of natural selection in the evolutionaryleading some investigators to the assumption of
process. As we saw in preceding sections, because the existence of difference in principle between the
of the continuous process of origin of new muta- two kinds of variation. Under the point of view
tions and because of their accumulation due to the developed here, there is no such a difference, nor
action of free crossing, we must visualize the can there be, in principle between qualitative and
genetical structure of the species as consisting of quantitative variation. The heritable variability
an enormous number of genotypes more or less of quantitative traits (which, naturally, must be
distinct from each other. The very same gene, distinguished sharply from non-heritable, pheno-
entering into various genotypical combinations, typic variability) is determined by the action of
will, each time, enter into a different "genotypical this very genotypic milieu on the character stud-
milieu," and consequently each time its external ied, as has been said above. And here we, usually,
manifestation will be hereditarily modified, its deal with a whole series of "enhancers" and" weak-
appearance will vary hereditarily, will fluctuate eners," influencing the expression of the basic
hereditarily. gene. Inasmuch as there is little probability for
In combination with one genotype a given the expectation that in one genotype all the "en-
trait conditioned by a definite gene will manifest hancers," or, on the contrary, all the "weakeners"
itself more strongly; in combination with another, would be concentrated, the extreme deviations
more weakly; and this variability will be heredi- from the norm will actually seldom be found,
tary. This interpretation of the significance of whereas average values will be encountered more
the genotypic milieu for the hereditary variabilityoften, and the whole series of forms will then fol-
of traits opens completely new perspectives for low the law of random errors, that is, a binomial
the understanding of a whole series of phenomena distribution, as is, indeed, commonly observed.
in the field of genetics and evolution. Any of these forms, in so far as it is conditioned
The concept of pleiotropic action of genes at by the genotypic milieu, that is, by the particular
once releases genetics from the extremely heavy heritable complex, may be genetically isolated,
ballast accumulated recently in the shape of all and in this way the impression that a whole series
kinds of special genes, "enhancers," "weakeners," of heritable forms determined by many polymeric
or "modifiers" of other genes, the number of genes, in agreement with the well-known hypothe-
which has now grown to absolutely threatening sis of Lang (1910) concerning rabbit ears, ob-
proportions. In the light of the notion of the tains. And here, the cross between the extreme
genotypic milieu, the existence of such "supple- plus and minus variants will produce a certain
mentary" genes becomes completely understand- average combination of enhancers and weaken-
able and even unavoidable. Gene A, specific for ers, which will subsequently stay more or less on
the corresponding trait A, at the same time actsan average level (permanently intermediate he-

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redity) distributed anew according to the law of of which a given gene will manifest itself in vari-
random deviations. ous ways. In selecting one trait, one gene, selec-
On the background of the concept of genotypic tion indirectly also selects a definite genotypic
milieu, a completely new field for the activity of milieu, a genotype, most favorable for the mani-
natural selection is also opened up. According festation of the given character.
to the view now prevalent, selection in a popula- By removing thus unfavorable combinations of
tion acts until all individuals become homozygous genes, selection aids the realization of more advan-
for the selected character (a pure or pure-bred tageous genotypes, of a more advantageous geno-
line), after which the action of selection auto- typic milieu. Selection results in the enhancement
matically ceases, and no selection of extreme plus of the trait, and in this sense it actively partici-
or minus fluctuations is powerful enough to dis- pates in the evolutionary process.
place the character from its average value. Finally, the notion of pleiotropic action of genes
Yet, already in Johannsen's (1913) own ex- in the genotypic milieu makes comprehensible an
periments on the selection for percentage of area dealing with correlative variability and the
aborted grains in the D pure line of barley, and genotypic correlation between characters, which
subsequently in those of a whole series of other is still a mystery. If two characters are condi-
investigators, instances have been encountered tioned pleiotropically, by one gene, they will al-
where after a whole series of generations in which ways be coexistent: such an extreme, complete
selection has remained completely powerless, it bond between the two traits is correlative vari-
suddenly begins to be active again, sharply in- ability. But when selection, selecting a definite
creasing the intensity of expression of the selected character, afterwards reinforces it, indirectly se-
trait. lecting a corresponding genotype, then among the
The usual interpretation of these facts is that different traits included in such simultaneous se-
a new mutational change took place in the experi- lection, definite, although less durable bonds,
mental cultures exactly in the direction of selec- characteristic of the idea of genotypic correlation,
tion, and that this heritable change was immedi- may establish themselves.
ately utilized by selection and thereupon extended The brief suggestions cited are sufficient to
in subsequent generations. show what an enormous significance the elabora-
However, such an explanation must appear un- tion of the proper concept of pleiotropic action
convincing to any unbiased person. In view of of genes has for our theoretical thought, and to
the extraordinary rarity, in general, of new mu- what important results the application of this
tations, the probability that in a given culture a principle in the genetic analysis of the evolutionary
new mutation will appear precisely in the neces- process may lead us.
sary direction borders on almost complete im-
probability. The explanation cited appears far-
fetched, though the difficulty disappears as soon RESULTS

as the concept of the genotypical milieu is adopted.

Let us summarize:
Any newly arising mutation may appear in con-
1. In nature the process of mutation proceeds in
nection with the selected feature either as an "en-
precisely the same way as it does in the laboratory,
hancer" or a "weakener." In the case of an "en-
or among domestic animals and cultivated plants.
hancer," selection will pick it up and spread this
Only a series of special conditions hampers its
gene in subsequent generations through the whole
observation in the natural state.
population, enhancing the selected trait. In this
2. Among mutations arising, a very great num-
way selection does not cease with the passage of
ber is less viable than the normal forms, but this
the selected character into the homozygous con-
in no case may be considered as the general rule,
dition, but is extended further for an indefinitely
since there undoubtedly exist some whose viabil-
long time, acting on the whole genotype.
ity is not at all reduced.
Exactly this process occurs also in nature un-
3. A species population, in the conditions of free
der the influence of natural selection. It no longer
crossing, is a stable aggregate, within which the
merely selects a given mutation, nor only selects
apparatus which stabilizes the frequencies of the
genes favored by it; its influence extends a great component allelic pairs (the laws of Hardy and
deal further over the total complex of genes, over Pearson) is an intrinsic feature of the very con-
the whole "genotypic milieu," on the background ditions of free crossing.

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4. Each newly arising mutation is absorbed by 12. Adaptive evolution, without isolation, al-
the species in the heterozygous state and remains ways leads to the complete transformation of the
in it in this state (in the absence of selection) for species (Waagen's mutations) but never can lead
an indefinite time, without changing its frequency. to the subdivision of the species into two parts,
5. From year to year, from generation to gen- speciation.
eration, more and more new mutations arise, 13. The cessation of the action of selection leads
either similar to the preceding ones, or completely to the formation of polymorphic species.
new. They are constantly absorbed into the basic 14. Selection, like free crossing, promotes the
species, which continually preserves its external accumulation of recessive (and less viable) genes
homogeneity. This heterozygosity saturates the in the heterozygous condition in the population.
species in all directions, recombining and spread- 15. The strong prevalence in number among
ing in accordance with the laws of chance (in so some of the investigated forms of recessive muta-
far as the various genes are not linked with one tions over dominant ones, demonstrates the con-
another), and gradually "contaminates" the ma- tinuous accumulation within the species under
jority of the individuals of the species. natural conditions of precisely recessive genes, the
6. With a sufficiently great number of newly process being conditioned by the specific action of
arising mutations (and this is connected with free crossing as well as selection.
the "age" of the species), almost all its indi- 16. The significance of selection and free cross-
viduals prove to be contaminated by various mem- ing in relation to the newly originating mutations
bers of heterozygous and recessive mutations. is markedly different from the above: free cross-
7. Because of the law of combining probabilities, ing, in accumulating mutations, leads to the dif-
even though the probability of appearance of a ferentiation of forms, while selection, in elimi-
particular mutation in a population will ordinarily nating harmful mutations, purifies the species of
be extremely small, the probability of appearance inordinate variability and in general leads to mon-
of any one of them in the homozygous condition omorphism of the species.
increases proportionally to the number of muta- 17. We have no basis for denying the possibility
tions absorbed by the species, and in this way of nonadaptive evolution. On the contrary, in
with a sufficient accumulation of them, the species many cases one must assume that the existing
begins to manifest more and more often heritable adaptive differences between closely related forms
deviations, begins to show instability in its char- were not the cause of their divergence, but, on the
acters, i.e., it begins "to age." contrary, that the particular nature of these adap-
8. The most favorable conditions for the ap- tive characters was a consequence of a still ear-
pearance of genotypic variability are provided lier individualization of these forms. The more
when a numerous species breaks up into a series ancient such separation, the more adaptive char-
of small isolated colonies (island forms of land acters will distinguish each form from others.
mollusks). 18. The concept of the multiple action of genes
9. Isolation, together with continuously arising (pleiotropy) advanced by Morgan is extremely
genotypic variability, is a basic factor in intra- important for an understanding of the action of
specific (and hence, inter-specific) differentiation. selection. This leads us to the concept of the
Most commonly, this isolation is spatial but some- genotypic milieu, as a complex of genes, internally
and hereditarily influencing the manifestation of
times it may be temporal, and, perhaps, environ-
every gene in its character. Every individual is
mental (ecological isolation).
indivisible not only in so far as its soma is con-
10. Natural selection is in essence an antagonist
cerned, but also in the manifestation of every one
of free crossing. It is a dynamic principle.
of its genes.
11. Norton's table shows that every evolutionary
19. The concept of pleiotropic action of genes
process evoked by selection, regardless of whether clarifies a series of difficult and involved questions
the genes are dominant or recessive, always pro- of genetics: enhancers, weakeners, modifiers, con-
ceeds to the end, to the complete replacement of stant polymerism of quantitative characters.
the less adapted form by the more adapted one. 20. Selection, in selecting not only the gene
It also demonstrates that selection takes up and determining the selected character, but the whole
eventually fixes every, even the most insignificant, genotype (the genotypic milieu) leads to the rein-
improvement in the organism. forcement of the selected character and in this

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sense actively participates in the evolutionary laws of segregration. Actually, we know that in
process. nature these processes are far from being even
21. The concept of pleiotropic action of genes and regular, as was represented above. But
yields a new theoretical basis for the phenomenon nevertheless it is precisely these regularities that
of correlated variability and for the genotypical underlie all of the irregularities which we in fact
correlation of characters. encounter in nature. Many of these irregularities
have become comprehensible to us now, and we
CONCLUSION are thoroughly convinced that in the not far dis-
tant future the enormously greater part which
I shall end with this my analysis of certain as-
remains as yet incomprehensible will reveal its
pects of the evolutionary process from the stand-
secrets to us. But only after we have unravelled
point of modern genetics. This analysis, natu-
the basic principles, those of speciation as well as
rally, must provoke objections from some biologists.
of the whole evolutionary process, shall we be
Have we the right to oversimplify the problem so
able to take stock of all of these deviations and
much? Is it not a gross error to isolate separate
seeming irregularities. And I am convinced that
evolutionary aspects, to make an analysis of sepa-
many facts presented to us now as insoluble enig-
rate components of the infinitely complex and uni-
mas will themselves provide the answers.
tary evolutionary process? After all, nature is
And there is nothing that is, in principle, inad-
not an urn containing marbles with which we
missible in that we place the random appearances
carry out our experiments in probability theory,
of mutations at the basis of the systematic process
nor does life flow along a bed of mathematical
of evolution, for the theory of probability shows
formulas. And do we have a logical right to base
that chance is subject to the same kind of laws
a systematic process of evolution on the chance
as everything on earth. And to construct a sys-
appearance of mutations?
tematic process of evolution on the chance play of
Undoubtedly in this essay we deal with a very
various separately arising mutations is in no way
primitive, crudest attempt at approaching an un-
less legitimate and logical, than to construct a
derstanding of some evolutionary aspects in ac-
systematic theory of the expansion of gases on
cordance with our modern genetic views. But
the play of random collisions of the molecules of
we cannot approach such a complex phenomenon
the gas against the walls of the container. And
as the evolutionary process otherwise than by a
it should not be forgotten that in our considera-
preliminary breakdown into its component ele-
tions we always have to deal with mass phenom-
ments, viewing different aspects separately, ana-
ena, with large numbers. But here the law of
lyzing it into parts and carrying the analysis to
large numbers, first formulated already at the be-
the logical end possible. We do not yet have the
ginning of the seventeenth century by Jacob
perspective, we are not yet able to give a rela-
Bernouilli, is involved. It is the same law that
tive estimate of the potency of each of the sepa-
provides the basis of the constancy of the annual
rate factors having a share in this complex process.
number of suicides, which holds stable at a given
Therefore, it is still too early to speak of a syn-
historical moment one or another level of the
thetic formulation of the evolutionary process.
number of annual births of twins and triplets, etc.
Only after we have disentangled the basic prin-
And here again statistics will say: no, these re-
ciples and regularities underlying the evolution
sults exist not only on paper, but they are as real
of organisms in the widest sense of the word, as
and valid as many of our physical theories based
well as the phenomena of speciation, only then
on just such statistical regularities.
will we finally be able to attempt a reconstruction
of the definitive structure of evolution and a con-
sideration of its separate parts and finer details. REFERENCES
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