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Dambi Dollo University

College of Social Sciences and Humanities

Department of History and Heritage Management
Course outline

Program BA in History and Heritage Management(Regular)

Course code: HiHM 3112

Course Title Ethiopia and the Horn, 1896-1941

Academic Year 2015 EC

Target group 3rd year History and Heritage Management students

Year/Semester Year III, semester II

Prerequisites HiHM 3111


This Course briefly deals with the History of Ethiopia and the Horn, 1896-1941. The first unit deals with
the Battle of Adwa and its historical significance. The second unit discusses about the decade of
consolidation (1896-1906), the delimitation of Ethiopia's boundaries with the neighboring colonies and
the Tripartite Agreement of 1906.The Third unit deals about Power struggle (1908-1930) and the problem
of succession. The fourth unit briefly discusses about the Reign of Lij Iyasu, major challenge to Iyasu's
succession and some of notable Iyasu’s reforms. The fifth unit deals with the period of Diarchy 1916-
1930, the conflict between traditionalist and progressivist approach and the coming of Teferi Mekonnen
to power as Emperor Haile Sellasie I of Ethiopia. The sixth unit deals with the emergence of absolutism
(1930-1935), the consolidation and transformation of institutions of government and the emergence of the
intelligentsia. The last unit discusses about the Italo-Ethiopian war from 1935-1941, the Italian rule and

Course Learning Objectives
Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:-
 Recognize the range of historic, geographic, and cultural diversities of Ethiopia and the
Horn of Africa
 Read critically, distinguishing between accepted truths and an author‘s opinions
 Have an overview of the shared histories among the diverse peoples of Ethiopia
 Be familiar with broad trends and developments in the history of modern Ethiopia and the
Horn of Africa
 Critically assess key historical themes and narratives in the relationship between Ethiopia
and the outside world during the period under study.
 Be equipped to participate critically and proactively in current debates, inside and outside
Contents Sub-Contents Methodology Students Reading Materials
Unit One -Significance of Adwa Lecture Students will
The Battle of be given lecture Bahru Zewude. A
Adwa Reflection notes and they History of Modern
Independent will also refer Ethiopia 1855-1991
learning references so
that they will
be ready to
share them in
the class
Unit Two -Boundary delimitation Seminar Students will
The decade of - Tripartite Agreement of presentation be given lecture Teshale Tibebu. The
Consolidation 1906 notes and they Making of Modern
1896-1906 Group will also bring Ethiopia (1896-1974)
discussion their own
findings so that
Lecture they will be
ready to share
them in the

Unit Three Listen to the Bahru Zewude. A
Power struggle, -The problem of succession Gaped lecture lecture and History of Modern
1908-1930 -The Ministerial set up and Demonstration participate in Ethiopia 1855-1991
their functions Seminar answering and
reflection asking

Unit Four -Major challenges to Demonstration Listen lectures Teshale Tibebu. The
The Reign of Iyasu’s succession to power Group Discuss in Making of Modern
Lij Iyasu - Reforms of Lij Iyasu discussion group Ethiopia (1896-1974)

Unit Five - The conflict between Gaped lecture Students will Bahru Zewude. A
The period of traditionalist and Demonstration be given lecture History of Modern
Diarchy,1916- progressivist approach. Seminar notes and they Ethiopia 1855-1991
1930 -The coming of Teferi reflection will also refer
Mekonnen to power as references so
Emperor Haile Sellasie I of that they will
Ethiopia. be ready to
share them in
the class
Unit Six - The consolidation and Lecture Listen lectures Pankhurst, Richard. A
The Emergence transformation of Discuss in Social History of
of Absolutism institutions of government. Reflection group Ethiopia.
Education and the Independent
emergence of the learning

Unit Seven -The Italian rule Lecture Listen to the Sbacchi.Alberto,
Italio- Ethiopian - The patriotic resistance lecture and Ethiopia under
War of 1935- Reflection participate in Mussolini
1941 Independent answering and
learning asking
Assessment Test 1 Test 2 Assignment Mid Exam Final Total
&Evaluation Exam
Techniques 10% 10% 10% 20% 50% 100

Bahru Zewude. A History of Modern Ethiopia 1855-1991. Second edition. Addis Ababa
University: Addis Ababa, 2001
____________. A Short History of Ethiopia and the Horn. Addis Ababa: Addis Ababa
University Press, 1998
Del Boca Angelo .The Ethiopian War 1935-1941.University of Chicago: Chicago, 1969.
Erlich Haggai. Ethiopia and the Middle East. Lynne Rienner: USA, 1994
Pankhurst, Richard. A Social History of Ethiopia. Addis Ababa University, Institute of Ethiopian
Studies, 1990
Sbacchi Alberto. Ethiopia under Mussolini: Fascism and the Colonial Experience. USA,
Levine, D. N. Wax and Gold: Traditions and Innovations in Ethiopian Culture. Chicago: The
University of Chicago Press, 1965.
Teshale Tibebu. The Making of Modern Ethiopia (1896-1974). Lawrenceville: The Red Sea
Press, Inc., 1995.

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