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Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research

College of Engineering – University of Basra

Department of Chemical Engineering

Name of the experiment

Study the relationship between adsorption and concentration

Name : Abdullah Rahem Tjel

Number : A – 49

Groub : A3
The purpose of the experiment
Study of the phenomenon of adsorption of
acetic acid on animal charcoal and its
relationship to changing the concentration of
acid at room temperature

Experiment materials
Erlenmeyer flask 250 ml 3 pcs , Conical funnel,
filter paper, pipette, burette ,Acetic acid,
sodium hydroxide (0.1) N , Animal Charcoal,
Phenolphthalein Proof

The method of work

1. Weigh 0.1 g of charcoal (three weights) and
empty it into three conical flasks
2. We prepare dilute solutions of
concentrated acetic acid (0.1) N according to
the volumes (2 ml, 6 ml, 7 ml) of the acid and
dilute to 25 ml.
3. Pour the prepared dilute solutions into the
coals and shake the flasks from time to time
for 15 minutes.
4. Filter the contents of each beaker using
filter paper
5. Remove 5 ml of the filtrate, add 2 drops of
phenolphthalein indicator and wipe with 0.1
N NaoH.
6. We record the burette size when the pink
color appears

1.Explain the effect of temperature on the
equilibrium concentrations of the adsorbent
on the adsorption material?
The adsorption process is heat emitting and
this is in line with the thermodynamic require
ments of the adsorption process as
anincrease in temperature leads to an
increase in the energy of the particles adsorve
on the adsorption surface
2.The most important applications of
adsorption are in surface chemistry and
colloidal chemistry?
sorption is considered are of the most
important fileds in surface chemistry as
adsorption and the catalyst have now become
two extremely important scientific branches,
hardly any industry exiting in our time is
deviod of benefit from them and the
petroleum oils, dairy and dyes industries are
perfed example the Importance of adsorption
benfit from adsorption application is not
limited to the industrial side but extend to
other aspeds the most important of which are
enuiromrnty pollution medical fields and what
is related to the interms of treating poisoning
gases and prepaning druye
3. What is the effect of temperature and
pressure on gas adsorption on carbon?
The adsorption process increases gas pressure
forces and the rate of increase is quick at first
and then occure as gradual slow when
covering the surface by gas molecules
temperature the amount of gas is revresd in
contrast ti the head .increased goal
temperature of 350_1000c increases its
surface activity.
4. Can you explain something about the
adsorption-based crotographic gas
Adsorption Chromatography be interpreted a
gas or liquid that ised
surface of a solid stationary phases possessing
a variety of adsorption
sites these adsorption sites differ in
persistance with respect to the
molecules to which they are bound in their
relative abundance The
activity of The adsobent is determined by the
net effect Adsorption
chromatography Uses the mobile phase in the
liquial or gas state and
the stationary phase in the solid state. Each
solute has a balance
between adsorption on the surface of the
solid and the solubility of
the solvent.
5. Explain the relationship between
absorption and concentration, and is there a
broader theoretical relationship other than
the FRND relationship?
relationship between adsorption and
conversion to the gradual
Saturation of the is inverse, lue surface with
ions. An equation better
than frenllejs equation has Processes, which is
adsorption Process as
consisting of two opposite the solidarity of
the gaseous state on the
surface and the evaporation of particles from
the surface to the gas
state The lancemire equation is thus
a=k1c/1+k2c …..1
C/a =(k2 /k1)c+1/k1……2
6.explain the effect of impurities on the
surface of the adsorptionmaterial?
In the actual environment, impurity atoms
significantly affect the adsorption/dissociation
of gas molecules on the substrate surface and
in turn promote or impede the formation of
subsequent products ،
The pressure of other compounds in the
solution creates adsorption competition on
the steel surface.

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