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Australian Dental Journal

The official journal of the Australian Dental Association

Australian Dental Journal 2014; 59:(1 Suppl): 1–12

doi: 10.1111/adj.12160

The dentition: the outcomes of morphogenesis leading to

variations of tooth number, size and shape
AH Brook,*† J Jernvall,‡ RN Smith,§ TE Hughes,* GC Townsend*
*School of Dentistry, The University of Adelaide, South Australia, Australia.
†Institute of Dentistry, Queen Mary University of London, United Kingdom.
‡Institute of Biotechnology, University of Helsinki, Finland.
§School of Dentistry, University of Liverpool, Liverpool, United Kingdom.

The clinical importance of variations of tooth number, size and shape is seen in many dental disciplines. Early diagnosis
allows optimal patient management and treatment planning, with intervention at an appropriate time to prevent compli-
cations in development and so reduce later treatment need. Understanding the process of dental morphogenesis and the
variations in outcomes is an important contribution to the multidisciplinary clinical team approach to treatment.
Tooth number, size and shape are determined during the initiation and morphogenetic stages of odontogenesis. The
molecular evidence of repetitive signalling throughout initiation and morphogenesis is reflected clinically in the associa-
tion of anomalies of number, size and shape. This association has been statistically modelled from epidemiological evi-
dence and confirmed by 2D and 3D measurement of human dental study casts. In individuals with hypodontia, the teeth
that are formed are smaller than the population mean and often show reduced and simplified shape. In contrast, in indi-
viduals with supernumerary teeth, the other teeth are larger than average and may show an enhanced shape.
Clinical observations in humans and studies of laboratory animals gave rise to the concept of morphogenetic fields
within the dentition. The findings, which can also be considered as reflecting gene expression territories, have been devel-
oped to incorporate field, clone and homeobox theories. The clinical distribution of developmental anomalies tends to
follow the pattern of these fields or territories.
Improved care for patients with these anomalies will come not only from utilizing a multidisciplinary clinical team but
also by expanding the approach to include other relevant scientific disciplines.
Keywords: Morphogenesis, supernumeraries, hypodontia, megadontia, microdontia.

phogenetic stages of dental development. The molecu-

lar evidence of repetitive signalling throughout
The clinical importance of variations of tooth number, initiation and morphogenesis is reflected clinically in
size and shape is seen in many dental disciplines, par- the association of anomalies of number, size and shape.
ticularly paediatric dentistry, orthodontics, restorative This association has been statistically modelled from
dentistry and oral surgery. Early diagnosis allows opti- clinical and epidemiological evidence and confirmed
mal patient management and treatment planning, with by 2D and 3D measurement of human dental study
intervention at an appropriate time to prevent compli- casts. In individuals with hypodontia, the teeth that are
cations in development and so reduce later treatment present are smaller than the population mean and often
need. An example is the removal of a supernumerary show reduced and simplified shape. In contrast, in indi-
tooth which would otherwise interfere with the erup- viduals with supernumerary teeth, the other teeth are
tion of an underlying permanent tooth. Understanding larger than average and may show an enhanced shape.
the process of morphogenesis and the variations in the In the sections that follow we set out key findings
outcomes is an important contribution to the multidis- concerning the early developmental stages of teeth,
ciplinary clinical team approach to treatment. including the concepts of morphogenetic fields and
Variation in outcome in a developmental process, gene expression territories. These are related to the
such as the formation of the dentition, enables adapta- prevalence, clinical features and associations of
tion to different environments. Tooth number, size and human clinical findings concerning the variations of
shape are determined during the initiation and mor- number, size and shape. These developmental and
© 2014 Australian Dental Association 1
AH Brook et al.

clinical aspects are then related and a unifying model field.6–9 In addition, the Bmp antagonist Sostdc1 and
incorporating these aspects is developed. The aetiol- the Wnt co-receptor Lrp 4 provide extracellular com-
ogy of these variations is also discussed. An overview munication between mesenchymal and epithelial cells
follows of further analytical and investigative based on the integration of Wnt and Bmp pathways
approaches that are advancing knowledge in the area during regulation of tooth number.10
and the conclusion relates all the new developments The action of transcription factors is necessary for
considered in this paper to the exciting future of clini- initiation and progression beyond the initiation
cal dentistry. This understanding is important to stage.11 Signals from the epithelium regulate expres-
enhance the diagnosis and treatment planning for sion of the transcription factors Msx1, Pax9 and
these conditions which in their more severe presenta- Runx2. Msx1 is induced by Bmp and Fgf, while Pax9
tions require extensive, long-term care from multidis- and Runx2 are induced by Fgf.11 Bmp4 and Msx1
ciplinary teams. regulate one another in a positive feedback loop in
the dental mesenchyme.12,13 If any one of these tran-
scription factors is absent in knockout mice, tooth
Developmental aspects – initiation and
development may be arrested at the bud stage14,15 but
different members of the same family, e.g. Msx1 and
In the previous section of this special issue the devel- Msx2, may compensate for each other when one is
opment of the dentition as a complex adaptive system inactivated. Msx 1 and Osr2 act antagonistically in
is considered1 and the molecular and cellular interac- the patterning of the tooth morphogenetic field by
tions that regulate tooth initiation, morphogenesis and controlling the expression and spatial distribution of
differentiation are detailed.2 Under this heading, we mesenchymal odontogenic signals along the buccolin-
consider briefly those aspects of initiation and mor- gual axis.15
phogenesis that are particularly relevant to exploring In early tooth morphogenesis the critical role of
variations in tooth number, size and shape. timing is evidenced in the interaction of Pax9, Msx1
The teeth are initiated from the dental lamina. They and Bmp4. For example, during initiation, Pax9 is not
form from the epithelium and underlying mesen- a transcriptional regulator of Msx1 at E12.5 days
chyme, regulated by inductive interactions between in utero in the mouse. However, at E13.5 days, Pax9
these tissues. The molecular interactions involve a ser- begins to induce Msx1 expression and then Pax9 and
ies of reiterative actions between specific signalling Msx1 proteins can induce Bmp4 expression.16 This
molecules, receptors and transcription factors,3 a emphasizes the importance of timing and critical peri-
number of which are summarized in Fig. 1. Figure 2 ods in the developmental process.
includes the distribution of these factors in the epithe- As tooth morphogenesis advances, the primary
lium and the mesenchyme, and incorporates addi- and secondary enamel knots control the develop-
tional factors. ment of crown dimensions and cusp formation.
In determining tooth regions within the dental lam- While the enamel knot expresses growth stimulatory
ina, Fgf and Bmp influence the location of mesenchy- signals, its cells remain non-proliferative.17 These
mal expression of Pax9, a paired box transcription non-dividing cells stimulate proliferation of both the
factor.4 Pax9 is stimulated by Fgf8 and inhibited by surrounding cells and the mesenchymal dental papil-
Bmp2 and Bmp4 influencing the site of tooth buds.5 lae.18 The repeated activation and inhibition of sig-
However, Pitx2 and Shh are also present at this stage nalling is related to differential growth and folding
and tooth germs still develop in the same locations in within the tooth germ and determines dimensions
Pax9 knockout mice.6 The Dlx homeobox genes are and cusp patterns. The shape of the tooth crown
also important in early patterning of the dental results during cap and bell stages when there is
rapid proliferation of cells related to folding of the
epithelium to form cusp shapes.6
In the enamel knots, apoptosis has been suggested
as a mechanism controlling the duration of signal-
ling17,19 and the expression of Bmp4 in the enamel
knot cells is associated with their apoptosis.6 Function
of the enamel knot as a signalling centre begins to be
affected by apoptosis in the late cap to early bell
stages.20,21 Cessation of activity in the enamel knot is
linked to the expression of the cyclin-dependent
kinase inhibitor p21 induced by Bmp4.
Fig. 1 Diagram of some of the signalling molecules, receptors and tran-
scription factors identified for the initiation and morphogenesis of tooth Having undergone apoptosis at the late cap stage,
germ development. Data derived from Galluccio et al.3 the primary enamel knot is no longer detected at the
2 © 2014 Australian Dental Association
The dentition: outcomes of morphogenesis

Fig. 2 Diagram of the progressive development of each tooth during initiation and morphogenesis stages, relating the macroscopic variations in number,
size and shape to the molecular and cellular/tissue stages at which they arose. Epithelium – yellow; Mesenchyme – blue. Cellular and molecular aspects
derived from

bell stage. Secondary enamel knots develop at the sites Table 1. Prevalence of six variations of tooth number,
of cusps in teeth with multiple cusps. They produce size and shape found in an epidemiological study of
signalling molecules stimulating proliferation of 741 three to five-year-old (primary) and 1115 eleven
nearby cells, leading to folding of the inner enamel to fourteen-year-old (permanent) schoolchildren in
epithelium and subsequent multiple cusp formation. Slough, UK23
Apoptosis in the enamel knot plays an important role
Primary (%) Permanent (%)
in regulating tooth size and shape,22 and different
dimensions are affected differently. The major role of Supernumeraries 0.8 2.1
the enamel knots in determining tooth size and shape Hypodontia 0.3 4.4
Invaginated teeth 0.1 4.1
is considered further in the section on further analyti- Double teeth 1.6 0.1
cal and investigative approaches. Megadontia 0.0 1.1
Microdontia 0.5 2.5

Clinical aspects: prevalence, appearance and

found.23 Similar findings have been reported by other
While supernumerary teeth are uncommon in the
The prevalence of these variations shows a range of primary dentition (0.2–0.8%) with no significant
values between the primary and permanent denti- gender distribution yet described, they occur more
tions, between the genders and between ethnic frequently in the permanent dentition (1.5–3.8%)
groups. The frequency in the primary dentition is with males affected approximately twice as frequently
lower for all variations except for double teeth as females.24–26
(geminated and fused teeth). In an epidemiological Hypodontia, the congenital absence of one or more
study in the UK, the prevalences in Table 1 were teeth, is unusual in the primary dentition (0.1–1.5%)
© 2014 Australian Dental Association 3
AH Brook et al.

with no significant gender difference, most often dentitions with double teeth is approximately 50%.
occurring in the maxillary lateral incisor region.23 In This is another important finding for clinicians.
the permanent dentition, excluding the third molars, a
prevalence between 3.5% and 7.0% has been found
Clinical features and associations
for most populations with a gender ratio of the order
of males to females 1:1.5.24,27,28 Findings for Supernumerary teeth exhibit a great variety of shapes
hypodontia of third molars range from 9% to 37%. including conical, tuberculate, supplemental and
The lower second premolars are congenitally absent odontome like. They are found in every region of the
in 3–4% of patients, the upper lateral incisors in permanent dentition, most frequently in the maxillary
1–2.5% and the upper second premolars in 1–2%.3,27,29 incisor region. Approximately 75% of permanent
Megadontia is rare in the primary dentition, but supernumeraries fail to erupt and are diagnosed
has been reported in 1.1% of children in the perma- radiographically, sometimes when they are impeding
nent dentition from an epidemiological study of 1115 the eruption of another tooth. Most commonly, only
school children aged 11–14 years23 (Table 1). The one supernumerary is present in a dentition; less
permanent upper central incisors and lower second frequently there are two supernumeraries, while three
premolars were the teeth particularly involved. or four supernumerary teeth are rare. Supernumeraries
The prevalence of microdontia in the primary denti- in the primary dentition are followed by an anomaly in
tion ranges from 0.2% to 0.5%,23 affecting both the permanent dentition in approximately 50% of
upper and lower incisors. In the permanent dentition, cases.
many studies have concentrated on the upper lateral When accurate measurements are made, supernu-
incisors, with findings of 0.5% to 3.1%. Females are merary teeth are associated with an increase in the
affected more often than males. In patients with tooth size of other teeth, with the differences greater
severe hypodontia, microdontia can affect all tooth in the mesiodistal than buccolingual crown dimen-
types. sions.35–37 Using 2D image analysis it was shown that
When considering traits related to shape, as with when a supernumerary tooth was present in the upper
those of number and size, they exhibit a quasi- anterior region, there was a gradient effect from the
continuous mode of variation or threshold dichot- site of the supernumerary, with upper and lower
omy.1 Such traits do not form below a phenotypic incisors showing the greatest difference in size from
realization threshold, but vary continuously along a controls. The teeth adjacent to supernumeraries may
range of expression once a threshold is exceeded.30 exhibit changes in shape37 with the upper central
Carabelli cusp on molars is a good example of this incisor being more affected than the upper lateral
and the prevalence found in a particular study will incisor, supporting a local field effect38 (Fig. 3;
depend on the level at which the ‘diagnosis’ is set Table 2). Supernumerary teeth are found associated
along the continuum. A male bias in Carabelli trait with megadontia, double teeth and invaginations
expression is expected given that sex differences are (Fig. 4).
greater in crown size than in intercuspal distances,31 Hypodontia of primary teeth is followed in 75% of
and it has been found that males are more likely to patients by agenesis of permanent teeth in the same
express Carabelli trait than females.32 region. In the permanent dentition, the congenitally
Similarly invaginations are a quasi-continuous trait.
They are classified according to specific degrees of
severity of the trait.33 The range of prevalences
reported is from 1% to 5% with a male to female
ratio of 2:1.23 The teeth most commonly involved are
the upper lateral incisors but cases are recorded in all
tooth types. Important for treatment planning is that
invaginations are often bilaterally symmetrical.
‘Double teeth’ have been described under a variety
of titles – fusion, gemination, dichotomy, synodontia,
schizodontia, connation. Many of these terms imply a
particular mode of origin that at present cannot be
reliably determined and, therefore, a neutral term
such as double teeth is preferred.34 The prevalence of
double teeth in the primary dentition ranges from
0.5% to 4.5% and in the permanent dentition from Fig. 3 Clinical photograph of a patient with an erupted midline supernu-
merary, showing the large size of the other teeth. The size and shape of
0.1% to 0.3%. The overall frequency of anomalies in the maxillary central and lateral incisors and the mandibular lateral inci-
the permanent dentitions that follow on from primary sors are particularly affected. This is shown in Table 2.
4 © 2014 Australian Dental Association
The dentition: outcomes of morphogenesis

Table 2. Average mesiodistal crown dimensions of Table 3. Data from an epidemiological study of the
permanent teeth (in mm) in patients with supernu- permanent dentition in 1115 schoolchildren showing
meraries compared with control group37 the highly statistically significant association between
hypodontia and microdontia in this population
Supernumerary Control
Upper central 9.05** 8.68
Upper lateral 7.10* 6.84 Hypodontia No hypodontia Total
Upper canine 8.01* 7.84
Upper 2nd molar 10.41 10.15 Microdontia 9 19 28
Lower central 5.70 5.51 No microdontia 40 1047 1087
Lower lateral 6.16* 5.97 Total 49 1066 1115
Lower canine 7.06 6.89
Chi-squared value (with Yates’ correction) = 46.1, df = 1, p <
Lower 2nd molar 10.55 10.40
*Significant differences in the mean values at p < 0.05.
**Significant differences in the mean values at p < 0.01.

Fig. 5 A patient with hypodontia of the upper left lateral incisor and
microdontia of the upper right lateral incisor. The upper central incisors
also show a reduction in shape from the average.

Fig. 4 A patient with a supernumerary upper left lateral incisor, a mega-

dont/double tooth upper right central incisor and generalized large tooth

absent teeth are most frequently those at the end of

the morphogenetic fields.39 The number of missing
teeth varies from one to the complete dentition,
referred to as anodontia. The frequency with which
these different degrees are found is compatible with a
tail of the distribution in a quasi-continuous model, Fig. 6 A patient with severe hypodontia and marked tapering of the
i.e. one or two teeth are missing commonly, while lower incisors and canines into a conical shape.
very severe hypodontia only occurs rarely.39 There is
substantial evidence that hypodontia is associated
Relating developmental and clinical aspects
with significantly smaller than average tooth size
throughout the dentition (Table 3).24,28,35,36,40 The The outcome of the developmental process is a denti-
more severe the hypodontia, the greater the reduction tion, seen as a phenotype. Valuable findings have
in tooth size.40 Associated with hypodontia and the emerged from animal as well as human studies in
small tooth size are changes in shape. Again, the relating phenotype to genotype. Therefore, where
greater the number of missing teeth and the smaller relevant, the findings from animal models are consid-
the formed teeth, the more evident is the different ered alongside those from human studies, while
shape with tapering crowns from the incisal/occlusal acknowledging the limitations of extrapolating from
surfaces towards the cemento-enamel junction, more experiments on animals.
rounded contours and reduction in cusp number in The human clinical phenotype reflects the progres-
posterior teeth (Figs. 5 and 6). These clinical findings sive nature of the developmental process, with differ-
have been confirmed by 2D and 3D analysis of dental ent teeth of a given tooth type forming and maturing
study models.35,40,41 at different times. The time gradient tends to follow
© 2014 Australian Dental Association 5
AH Brook et al.

the spatial gradient from mesial to distal in each tooth

region. Therefore, within a given tooth type, there
will be teeth at different developmental stages. Simi-
larly, between different tooth types, there will be
some overlap in development, but also different devel-
opmental stages at a given point of time. The com-
plexity of these time and space parameters of dental
development is reflected in the complexity of the
clinical phenotypes of dental anomalies of number,
size, form and structure.
These phenotypes need to be considered in the
order of the stage of the developmental process at Fig. 7 A unifying aetiological model which incorporates the clinical and
epidemiological findings for variations in tooth size, shape and number.
which they have occurred. In keeping with the multi-
layered nature of the process, the clinical outcome
relates to evidence of the tissue changes and to the and tapering teeth and at the other are supernumerar-
molecular genetic/epigenetic/environmental interac- ies and large teeth, with some variations in shape.
tions.1 In addition, the multidimensional outcomes for The shading between thresholds indicates that as teeth
each tooth reflect more than the influences of the are nearer to the extremes of size, their shape tends
molecular factors that would be considered if each also to change to a greater degree. This accords with
tooth developed in isolation. The interactions of the the findings from animal models of cusp development
developing tooth germs for nutrition and space and human studies of Carabelli trait and molar
reflected in their position in morphogenetic fields also cusps.30,31,43,44
affect the clinical phenotype.1,24,32 The reiterative nature of the molecular interactions
between factors in the epithelium and mesenchyme
throughout initiation and morphogenesis is also in
A unifying model for the developmental and clinical
agreement with the model. Many of the same genes
are active at different stages throughout initiation and
The molecular evidence of repetitive signalling morphogenesis (Fig. 7). Thus, for tooth number, size
throughout initiation and morphogenesis is reflected and shape, as well as in patients with a PAX9 muta-
in the association of anomalies of number, size and tion, there is hypodontia, microdontia and tapering,
shape seen together clinically in the same dentition rounded tooth shape.35
(Figs. 3–6). These associations have been validated by
laboratory measurement of human dental study mod-
The aetiology of variations in number, size and shape
A model has been previously published which incor- The aetiology of these variations within the popula-
porated the clinical and epidemiological findings for tion is multifactorial with evidence of chromosomal,
variation in tooth number and size.24 Here the model polygenic, single gene and major environmental influ-
is developed further to include tooth shape in the light ences in this complex aetiology; different factors may
of molecular evidence and further laboratory studies exert a major influence in different individuals.24
of clinical material (Fig. 7). This model is based on Mutations in MSX1, PAX9, AXIN2, EDA, EDAR
the underlying continuous distribution of tooth size and WNT10A have been identified in families with
and shape, and the quasi-continuous nature of the non-syndromic hypodontia.2,45–48 Msx1 and Pax9 are
variations in tooth number. The prevalence of the dif- co-expressed in dental mesenchyme at the bud and
ferent degrees of severity of supernumeraries and hyp- cap stages. Many human mutations of PAX9 have
odontia is compatible with a quasi-continuous been reported in hypodontia families, of which a
distribution, as are the variations in tooth size and number are missense mutations.3 The DNA binding
shape associated with these variations in number. It and transcriptional ability of Pax9 proteins are
incorporates the gender differences in tooth size, affected differently in each different mutation.49 Mis-
reviewed in the clinical aspects section above, by sense mutations of Pax9 affecting the paired domain
having separate curves for males and females. With do not disrupt the physical interaction with Msx1
the thresholds added on the curves it also accounts while, in the G51S mutation, synergistic cooperation
for the higher prevalences of hypodontia and micr- with Msx1 is decreased or abolished in Bmp4/Lucifer-
odontia in females and the higher prevalences of ase assays. Functional regulation of Pax9 by homeo-
megadontia and supernumeraries in males. The model box proteins is necessary for early tooth development.
also includes the associations between anomalies. At In the G51S mutation, the phenotype presents as
one end of the distribution are hypodontia and small moderate to severe hypodontia, yet there is intact
6 © 2014 Australian Dental Association
The dentition: outcomes of morphogenesis

DNA binding and increased transcriptional activation

but lack of responsiveness to modulation by Msx1. In
general, the more severe phenotypes, with more con-
genitally absent teeth, relate to haploinsufficiency of
Pax9 while those with mild or moderate hypodontia
are associated with hypomorphic alleles.49 Differences
in the patterns of hypodontia have been seen, with
those having mutations of MSX1 particularly showing
congenitally absent anterior teeth and those with
PAX9 mutations predominantly affecting posterior
teeth. Mutations in MSX1 are also associated with
orofacial clefting, with and without hypodontia, and
with Witkop syndrome.50–52
Mutations in WNT10A were found in 56% of
patients in a study of isolated hypodontia.53 This is in
accordance with the major role of Wnt in the initia-
tion of tooth formation shown in transgenic mice.54,55
Inhibition of Wnt signalling can cause hypodontia and
over-expression can give rise to supernumerary teeth.
Similarly, inhibition of the EDA pathway leads to
hypodontia while stimulation of EOA expression in
mice can induce the formation of extra teeth.56,57
The frequency of congenital absence of individual
teeth also relates to their position in the different mor-
phogenetic fields (Fig. 8).32 In the permanent denti-
tion, the third molars, second premolars, upper lateral
incisors and lower central incisors are the most fre-
quently absent teeth.39 These findings come from popu-
lation and multiple clinical case studies. They probably
reflect a general influence in hypodontia patients to
reduced tooth tissue formation that results in lesser size
and morphological changes in the earlier forming teeth
in a field, i.e. affecting morphogenesis, while the later Fig. 8 A diagram of the frequency of congenitally missing teeth at each
site in a group of patients.39 The arrows external to the dental arches
forming teeth at the end of the field have earlier effects indicate the direction of the morphogenetic fields. The later forming teeth
on development, i.e. affecting initiation, and so fail to in each field are more frequently missing than the first formed teeth.
progress beyond the bud stage. While this is the general
pattern in a population, in some individuals and fami- aetiology in an individual or family, a number of
lies with hypodontia the pattern is different. In some, factors may also be involved. The effect on tooth size
the congenitally absent teeth may be concentrated in in individuals having hypodontia is seen throughout
the anterior region, while in others it is principally the the dentition. All teeth that develop in hypodontia
molar region which is affected. subjects tend to be smaller than those in control
Regional influences within the dentition are shown groups when measured by classical manual techniques
in a study of the distribution of congenitally absent and by image analysis.36,40 This is also in accordance
teeth in 200 individuals with hypodontia. If one third with the aetiological model proposed (Fig. 7).24,42
molar is congenitally absent, the frequency of other An additional finding is that different dimensions of
third molars also being congenitally absent is much individual teeth, e.g. mesiodistal and buccolingual
greater than expected by chance.39 Regional effects on crown diameters, are influenced to different degrees in
tooth size were also seen in four ethnic groups; while hypodontia subjects compared to controls. Thus, in
Chinese had the largest teeth overall, this effect was the family with a mutation of PAX9, the mesiodistal
seen predominantly in the anterior regions, while dimensions of the formed teeth were smaller to a
European and North American white Caucasians had different degree than the buccolingual dimensions.35
larger molars than Chinese.58 A further finding in this PAX9 family was that
Sometimes a mutation in a major single gene, e.g. different teeth were affected to different extents. The
PAX9, shows different degrees of hypodontia, micr- reduction in size was greatest in permanent canines in
odontia and shape change in different members of the the hypodontia family members with PAX9 muta-
same family (Table 5).35 Thus, when considering the tion.35
© 2014 Australian Dental Association 7
AH Brook et al.

Table 4. The distribution of congenitally missing teeth in a family with a mutation of PAX9.35 The dark stars show
the teeth missing. This illustrates the variation of the number of missing teeth in family members having the same
mutation of PAX9. Affected family member II:3 is the third sibling in the second generation (II) while III:6 is the
sixth sibling in the third generation

right quadrants left quadrants

molars premolars can incisors incisors can premolars molars
Affected family 3 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 3
members 3 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 3







Table 5. The mean mesiodistal dental crown dimen- In patients with supernumerary teeth, different
sions (in mm) of patients with varying degrees of hyp- effects on the whole dentition are observed compared
odontia, severe (6+ teeth missing), moderate (3–5), with those seen in patients with hypodontia. A series
mild (1–2), and their unaffected relatives. These are of population studies show males more frequently
compared to a control group. The table shows have supernumerary teeth than females, as well as lar-
decreasing tooth size as there is increasing hypodon- ger teeth than females.24 In patients with supernumer-
tia. A finding of major importance is that the relatives ary teeth, the other teeth in the dentition tend to be
with a full complement of teeth had highly statisti- larger than those of controls.34,37 This difference is
cally significant smaller teeth than controls40 seen in the whole dentition, but there is a gradient
effect on the degree of difference. Thus, when the
Severe Moderate Mild Unaffected Control
relative supernumerary tooth is in the upper central incisor
region, the incisor teeth in the maxilla and mandible
Upper 7.80*** 8.24*** 8.43*** 8.30*** 9.26
are the teeth that show the greatest difference in size.
Upper 1st 6.43*** 6.44*** 6.72*** 6.81*** 7.37 Image analysis measurements of the maxillary central
premolar incisors adjacent to the supernumerary show an effect
Lower 1st 6.63** 6.72** 6.82** 7.11** 7.56
on shape, as well as size, with the teeth having a more
barrel-shaped outline from the labial view than con-
*** p < 0.001 ** p < 0.01. trols.
From studies of the mouse dentition it is suggested
that mutations affecting Fgf, Eda, Bmp, Runx2, Apc,
Supporting evidence for the influence of multiple Shh and b-catenin are related to the occurrence of
factors in hypodontia comes from studies of families supernumerary teeth.10,57,59–62 Activation of b-catenin
with severe hypodontia. In families with a member or ablation of Apc, an inhibitor of Wnt signalling, in
who had six or more missing permanent teeth, exclud- embryonic mouse oral epithelium results in supernu-
ing the third molars, those family members with com- merary teeth. The oral epithelium in adult mice
plete dentitions had teeth that were statistically remains responsive to b-catenin gain-of-function or
significantly smaller than controls (Table 4).36,40 APC loss-of-function and is still able to form new
8 © 2014 Australian Dental Association
The dentition: outcomes of morphogenesis

Table 6. The prevalence of hypodontia, microdontia

and supernumerary teeth in samples of Romano-
Britons and modern Britons of European ancestry.69
The differences are reflected in the separate curves
for each population in Fig. 9
Romano-British Modern British
(%) (%)

Hypodontia (3rd molars) 39.0 12.7

Hypodontia (except 3rd 13.0 4.4
Microdontia (except 3rd 6.4 2.5
molars) Fig. 9 The unifying aetiological model of Fig. 7 developed further to
Supernumeraries 1.2 2.1 incorporate data for Romano-Britons.69 The solid lines represent modern
Britons of European ancestry and the dotted lines Romano-Britons. It is
suggested that the curves are shifted to the left in the Romano-Britons
because of major environmental insults throughout the period of dental
teeth.59 In the mouse, supernumerary teeth may development.
develop from vestigial tooth buds that are present in
the incisor region and in the diastema between the inci- development is arrested at the bud stage, resulting in
sors and molars. These vestigial buds usually undergo hypodontia.4 Loss of Eda leads to a smaller primary
apoptosis, but if degeneration by apoptosis does not enamel knot and decreased expression of signalling
occur a supernumerary tooth or element is formed.63 molecules, with the phenotypic outcome of smaller
Supernumerary incisor and molar teeth, as well as teeth with reduced cusp morphology and altered out-
fused and large molar teeth, develop in Lrp4 and line shape.65 Mouse studies also suggest Sostdc1 plays
Sostdc1 deficient mice. Mice lacking the transcription a major role in determining tooth size and shape.
factor Osr2, develop supernumerary teeth lingual to Sostdc1, a Bmp and Wnt antagonist, integrates pro-
their normal molar teeth.15 Initiation of these supernu- apoptotic and pro-survival signals from the enamel
merary teeth is related to aberrant thickening of the knot and determines the area of the Bmp signal.64
oral epithelium lingual to the first molar tooth buds.15 Mice deficient in Sostdc1 show an increased area of
Bmp4 induces expression of Sostdc1 whose inactiva- Shh expression and large primary enamel knots, lead-
tion was associated with fused first and second molars ing to large molars with a mesiodistal crest connecting
as well as supernumerary teeth in mice.60,64 cusps and supernumerary teeth.60 Supernumerary
Disruption of the antagonistic balance between teeth and increased molar size and complexity are also
Msx1 and Osr2 may underlie the hypodontia noted in seen with expression of an Edar receptor promoted by
Msx1 null mice, the supernumerary teeth in Osr2 defi- K14.66 In EVC mutant mice the morphology of
cient mice, and the hypodontia observed in humans molars was markedly affected with changes in the
with Msx1 mutations.15 relative size and shape of first and second molars.67
Other important factors from mouse studies include The relationship between development and anoma-
the effects of up-regulation and down-regulation of lies of number, size and shape of teeth in human stud-
specific genes and the results at a histological and clin- ies reflects the reiterative patterns seen in mouse
ical level on tooth number, size and shape. Changes models of signalling of the ectodermal–mesenchymal
in the regulation of Shh are related to holoprosen- interactions during tooth germ initiation and morpho-
cephaly, hypodontia and supernumerary teeth.63 genesis. Epigenetic events relating to the spatial
In the absence of Pax9, the mesenchymal expression arrangement of cells and the timing of the interactive
of Msx1, Lef1 and Bmp4 is down-regulated and tooth signalling may explain differences in tooth number,

Fig. 10 A diagram of the major influences during the long development process from genotype to phenotype of the tooth. Changes in one or more of
these major factors leads to increased variation.
© 2014 Australian Dental Association 9
AH Brook et al.

size and shape, as well as dental asymmetry in mono- positions, distances and angles in 3D representation of
zygotic twins.68 objects. The morphometric component is the mathe-
Similar findings for tooth number, size and shape in matical quantification of the object.73–75 Shape is the
modern human populations were gained in studies of key concept of geometric morphometric analysis; it is
Romano-Britons. Females had smaller teeth than males defined as all the geometric information that remains
and had a higher frequency of hypodontia and micr- when location, scale and rotational effects are filtered
odontia; males had larger teeth and a higher frequency out from an object.76 Geometric morphometric analy-
of supernumerary teeth and megadontia (Table 6).69,70 sis attempts to measure subtle differences in shape,
The teeth of the Romano-Britons were smaller than e.g. in premolars and molars, and so examine differ-
modern Britons, possibly reflecting major environmen- ent contributions from aetiological factors.41,77–81 In
tal effects such as poor nutrition, ingestion of high examining objects, an important issue is landmark
levels of toxin (lead) and recurrent infections.69 These reliability.82 Geometric morphometric analysis has
findings are compatible with the multifactorial model been applied to early Pleistocene hominin teeth from
and provide an example of the interaction of genetic China compared with samples from Africa, Asia, Eur-
and environmental factors. The curves of the Romano- ope and with modern humans to investigate possible
Britons are incorporated in Fig. 9 as dotted lines. They evolutionary relationships.83
are similar curves to modern Britons of European An additional approach to identifying further
ancestry, but the distributions are moved to the left, genetic mutations involved in variations of number,
probably by these major environmental insults present size and shape is whole exome sequencing.84 The
throughout development. approach has been used in other craniofacial develop-
Figure 10 is a diagram incorporating the different mental conditions such as craniosynotosis.85
factors, genetic/epigenetic/environmental, that influence
the special and temporal development of the tooth and
result in the erupted tooth, the final phenotype. CONCLUSIONS
The variations considered in this paper are seen on a
Further analytical and investigative approaches daily basis in clinical practice. Early diagnosis allows
optimal patient management and treatment planning.
A gene network model has been formulated to reflect In many instances, this will be by a multidisciplinary
the development of mammalian teeth from the cap stage team. Intervention at appropriate times can sometimes
to the early bell stage.43 The resultant crown shapes reduce complications and the amount and complexity
approximate to the morphology found in the mammals of future treatment. Understanding the process of
studied and the intermediate stages correspond to the development and the aetiological factors is also
correct temporal spacing in the stages and known important clinically when discussing the condition,
expressions of the genes incorporated in the model. including aetiology, and the possible treatment with
This model predicts co-variation among such vari- patients and their family. Advancing care for patients
ables as tooth size, intercuspal distance and cusp size. with these anomalies will come from both multidisci-
A key factor in the model is the signalling activity of plinary team care and from research in a range of sci-
the enamel knots. In a study of Carabelli cusp expres- entific disciplines. Future clinical practice will involve
sion it was found that this model’s predictions were personalized, precision care, based on an individual’s
supported both across and within individuals. By com- genetic profile.
paring right-left pairs of upper first molars on dental
study casts of orthodontic patients, it was shown that
small variations in developmental timing or in the DISCLOSURE
spacing of enamel knots could affect cusp pattern.30
A computational model of tooth development sum- The authors have no conflicts of interest to declare.
marizes mathematically the basic genetic and cellular
interactions that regulate tooth shape development.71 REFERENCES
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