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“ Information technology is an important emerging sector of the Indian economy.

The size of this sector has

increased at a tremendous rate of 35% per year during the last 10 years. Its contribution to the national gross
domestic product is expected to be around 8.5% by the year 2010-11, quite similar to that in the United States today.
This paper examines the question: Can information technology contribute to India's economic development in a
holistic and broader way? If yes, what kind of policy measures would facilitate and promote the same? ”

Information Technology in India:

Present Status and Future Prospects for
Economic Development
By Sanjay K Singh

Introduction more than 250 million people still live below

the official poverty line. While some have

T here is an impression that India is world

class in information technology (IT). This is
benefited from tremendous economic
growth over the last decade, however, for
India's poorest, there has been very little to
mainly due to the success of India's software celebrate. There is no doubt that inequality in
industry and contribution of people of Indian income and inequality in various
origin in IT revolution in the United States. infrastructure facilities such as access to clean
The fact that IT sector in the country has drinking water, decent housing, proper
increased at an incredible rate of 35% per year healthcare, good education, etc., is rising in
for the last 10 years reinforces the view that the country.
India is world class in IT. At the same time, This paper tries to examine whether IT can
India remains a poor country both in terms of contribute to India's economic development 5
the per capita income (PCI) and the human in a broader way. It also examines the role of
development index (HDI). As per 2004 public policy, arguing that government 1
Human Development Report, India is among should promote IT use and make it accessible
the countries with the worst disparities to every section of the society besides
between their gender related development removing the infrastructure constraints,
index (GDI) and HDI values. Although the per strengthening the training and education
capita income in the country during the last 10 system, and introducing the flexible labor
years has increased at the rate of 4.1% per year, laws.
Table 1: India’s GDP and IT Sector
Year GDP at current IT sector IT sector rev. to IT sector
prices revenue GDP ratio revenue
(in Rs. billion) (in Rs. billion) (in %age) (in US $ billion)
1994-95 10128 63 0.62 2.0
1995-96 11880 99 0.83 2.9
1996-97 13682 137 1.00 3.8
1997-98 15224 186 1.22 5.0
1998-99 17409 253 1.45 6.0
1999-00 19296 362 1.88 8.2
2000-01 21043 566 2.69 12.1
2001-02 22929 658 2.87 13.4
2002-03 24661 780 3.16 16.1
2003-04 26954 978 3.63 21.5
2004-05 29380 1276 4.34 28.2
Source: and
Note: GDP figures are at market prices.

The IT Sector in India Hardware segments. Although IT services and
software continues to remain the key
In IT, India has built up valuable brand equity contributor to the IT sector's revenues, ITES-
over the years. In IT enabled services (ITES), BPO is emerging as the fastest growing
India is emerging as one of the most preferred segment of the sector (Figure 1). Between the
destinations for business process outsourcing year 2000-01 and 2004-05, contribution of
(BPO). The importance of IT industry in the ITES-BPO to the IT sector's total revenue
Indian economy can be gauged from the fact increased from 7.4% to 20.2% whereas the
that its contribution to the national gross corresponding figure for IT services and
domestic product (GDP) has increased by software fell from 64.5% to 58.5%. Presently,
seven fold in a span of just one decade from ITES-BPO segment of the industry is almost
0.6% in 1994-95 to 4.3% in 2004-05 (Table 1 on as big as the hardware segment.
page 5). Although industry figures are not
directly comparable with GDP as they are Services and Software vs. Hardware
based on revenues rather than value added,
they provide an indicator of growing The services and software segment of IT
importance of the IT sector in the country. industry in India is more robust than its
Assuming that the Indian economy and IT hardware counterpart. India has become one
sector will replicate the past six years of the most favored destinations for sourcing
performance during the next six years and software and ITES. The revenue of IT services
value added in IT sector is two third of its sales & software and ITES-BPO taken together
revenue, the contribution of IT sector to reached US $ 22.2 billion during 2004-05 out of
national GDP will be around 8.5% during the which US $ 17.3 billion was earned through
6 year 2010-11, quite similar to that in the United export. India ranks high in comparison to its
States (US) today. The IT sector revenue is competitors such as China, Philippines,
expected to increase from Rs. 1276 billion in Ireland, Australia, Canada, etc., in various
2004-05 to Rs. 6435 billion in 2010-11. parameters such as quality of the labor pool,

IT services &
ITES-BPO Hardware
2000-01 64.5% 7.4% 28.1%
2002-03 61.5% 16.1% 22.4%
2004-05 58.5% 20.2% 21.3%

Figure 1: Composition of Indian IT industry

The Indian IT industry is broadly categorized cost advantage, linguistic capabilities, project
into IT services and software, ITES-BPO, and management skills, and overall quality control.
In addition, India is able to offer a 24x7 service to producer of hardware through learning by
and reduction in turnaround times by doing. The design of hardware typically involves
leveraging time zone differences. India's the development and use of appropriate
unique geographic positioning makes this software codes, therefore, hardware design
possible. could be a promising area for the Indian IT
Emerging as one of the key investment sector. It is imperative that India should focus
markets in the country, the ITES-BPO on the areas where software expertise matters
segment of the industry is on a rapid growth more than the manufacturing infrastructure.
path. This segment generated revenue of US $ Obviously, it will still require significant
5.7 billion in 2004-05, representing a growth of improvement in infrastructure, broader labor
46% over the previous year. Although 90% of law reform, and careful assessment of market
the revenue is generated through export, there demand. As Desai (2000) pointed out, there is a
has been tremendous growth in domestic need for flexible labor laws not only to boost
market as well. The size of domestic market in hardware segment of the industry but also to
the ITES-BPO segment increased from US $ realize full benefits of growth in India's IT
300 million in 2003-04 to US $ 600 million in sector. In fact, a flexible and transparent regime
2004-05. of labor laws would contribute to increased
Hardware segment of the IT industry in India employment and productivity and, therefore,
has not shown the same level of progress as appropriate legislation would be in the interest
experienced by ITES and software (It is also of both workers and manufacturers (Rigidity in
true that hardware segment of the IT industry labor laws is one of the main reasons of
has not received the kind of government sluggish growth in employment in India. It is
support received by its other counterparts. amazing to know that India's employment
Complications in the local indirect tax elasticity of output growth is declining
structure and high rates of excise and sales dramatically, e.g., from 0.52 during 1983-1994
taxes have only added to the industry's woes. It to 0.16 during 1993-2000.Therefore, the 7
is also evident from the fact that while growth rate of employment declined from 1
pharmaceutical and automobile companies are 2.7% per annum during 1983-94 to 1.1%
encouraged to do R&D through a 150% write- during 1993-2000 when the growth of output,
off on expenditure, no such facility has ever i.e., GDP, accelerated from 5.2% to 6.7% per
been extended to hardware. Again, while labor annum).
laws have been amended for IT services & .
software and ITES-BPO segment, no such Export vs. Domestic Market
initiative has been taken for the hardware
s e g m e n t ) . P r o f i t a b l y m a nu f a c t u r i n g Currently, export accounts for around 64% of
semiconductors and other sophisticated the total IT sector revenue. The IT sector
hardware components typically requires export revenue touched the mark of US $ 18
infrastructure, large scale investments in billion during 2004-05, a jump of around 35%
capacity, and accumulated experience that from the previous year (Table 2 on page 8). IT
India does not possess, and is not in a position services & software accounts for 68% of the
to acquire easily (Singh, 2002). However, India total export revenue whereas ITES-BPO
does perform numerous hardware assembly contributes 28% of the same. The share of
tasks internally, almost entirely for the hardware in IT sector export revenue is just
domestic market. Hardware components are 4%.
typically imported from the Southeast or East India's IT services and software export went
Asian countries. As was the case with several from a few million dollars in the 1980s to over
East Asian countries, it is also possible for India US $ 12 billion in 2004-05. The financial
to transform its capability from assemblers of service sector (banking, financial service, and
sophisticated components produced elsewhere insurance) accounts for the largest share of
Indian software and services export at around CMM level 5 certificates indicating the strength
40% followed by the manufacturing with of India's software export capabilities.
around 12%. Telecom equipment (9%), ITES-BPO segment of the IT industry is
healthcare (5%), retail (5%), and telecom rapidly emerging as an important contributor
services (4%) are emerging areas of export. to export revenue. According to NASSCOM,
The key service lines for Indian services and the Indian ITES-BPO segment has witnessed a
software exporters continued to be custom significant increase over the last few years. The
application development and maintenance, number of seats has increased from 140,000 in
applications outsourcing, ITES, and R&D March 2003 to 210,000 in March, 2004. Players
services. Few Indian companies have made in ITES-BPO segment can broadly be
modest progress in segments like packaged categorized into captive units (of both MNCs
software support and installation, product and Indian companies) and independent third-
development and design services, and party service providers. Currently, there are
embedded software solutions. In terms of more than 400 companies operating in this
software service delivery, off-shore project segment of IT industry. Captive units continue
revenue is increasing at a far higher rate than to dominate the ITES-BPO segment,
on-site revenues during recent years. In terms accounting for over 65% of the value of work
of geographies, although, Indian IT companies off-shored to the country. In terms of export,
began tapping regions outside the US market, the US continued to be the main consumer of
the US remained the largest user of software India's ITES-BPO services with around 66%
solutions from India. T he revenue of the market, followed by Europe particularly
contribution from the US continued to UK which accounted for 20% of export
increase on account of the large number of revenue. The global financial services are the
8 ITES-BPO projects getting outsourced to largest user of ITES-BPO services, followed
India. Although only the top five firms (TCS, by telecom, healthcare, and airlines. Customer
Infosys, Wipro, Satyam, and HCL) which care and support services are the main revenue
contributes more than one third of software generating activities within ITES-BPO export

Table 2 : Export and Domestic IT market in India

(in US $ billion) 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05

IT services & software 9.9 12.8 16.5

-Export 7.1 9.2 12.2
-Domestic 2.8 3.6 4.3
ITES-BPO 2.6 3.9 5.7
-Export 2.4 3.6 5.1
-Domestic 0.2 0.3 0.6
Hardware 3.6 4.8 6.0
-Export 0.3 0.5 0.7
-Domestic 3.3 4.3 5.3
Total IT industry 16.1 21.5 28.2
-Export 9.8 13.3 18.0
-Domestic 6.3 8.2 10.2
export revenue have some sort of global brand market accounting for 38% of the segment's
status, more than 3000 firms are involved in employee base and 33% of its revenue. Other
software export in India. At the end of the year leading service lines are finance with revenue
2003, India has at least 65 companies with SEI contribution of 23%, administration and
c o n t e n t d e ve l o p m e n t w i t h r e ve nu e verticals like BFSI, manufacturing and
contribution of 15% each. Customer analytics engineering firms, automobile and retail sector,
and customer relationship management and greater focus on maintenance and security
(CRM), legal transcription support, knowledge infrastructure by vendor firms.
process outsourcing, and financial process Hardware is the only segment of IT sector in
outsourcing are emerging as new high- India in which the size of the domestic market
potential service lines for ITES-BPO exceeds that of export. MNCs dominate the
companies. In comparison to competing hardware segment occupying the top positions
countries such as Ireland, Philippines, and in key categories such as desktop PCs and
China, India is able to attract the bulk of the notebooks, servers, and peripherals. The BFSI,
global ITES-BPO business due to its government, and telecom service providers
comparative advantage in terms of price, continued to be the key contributors. BFSI
performance, and quality. alone accounts for one fourth of the total
Despite higher growth of export, the domestic hardware spending in the domestic market.
market still represents around 36% of industry Although the size of the hardware domestic
receipts. The domestic IT market touched the market still remains small, there is a huge
revenue of US $ 10.2 billion during 2004-05, of potential for its growth. Currently, India is one
which hardware contributed US $ 5.3 billion of the fastest growing hardware markets in the
whereas services and software accounted for world.
US $ 4.3 billion. The domestic market size of
ITES-BPO segment is negligible in Human Capital and Infrastructure
comparison to the export. Nevertheless,
domestic sector of ITES-BPO segment Availability and adequate supply of skilled and
recorded a healthy growth with revenue knowledgeable work force and the quality of
increasing from US $ 300 million in 2003-04 to infrastructure is critical for the growth of IT
US $ 600 million in 2004-05 mainly due to 9
industry in India. An important reason for the
demand from banking, financial services and success of Indian IT industry has been the 1
insurance (BFSI) sector and telecom large supply of IT skilled workforce. India's
companies. With competition increasing in stock of IT professionals is estimated to be
BFSI and telecom sector, companies are more than 1 million during 2004-05, so that the
emphasizing more on customer fulfillment and IT industry revenue per IT professional is
CRM activities. Presently, all the major telecom about US $ 27,000 (Figure 2 on page 10). A
service providers offer 24 hour customer self- reasonable projection implies that IT industry
support and also involve in a high degree of revenue will increase by a factor of 5 from
telemarketing. The scenario in BFSI sector is 2004-05 to 2010-11. Assuming 5 to 7% growth
similar to that of telecom. in revenue per employee per year, the number
The domestic IT services and software of professionals required will increase at the
segment continued to lag behind the export rate of around 25% per year from 2004-05 to
segment on account of issues such as higher 2010-11 to meet the demand (In fact, there has
piracy levels, pressure on software prices, and not been significant change in revenue per
lower level of IT spending by domestic employee in the IT sector particularly during
companies. However, it experienced around recent years. For example, revenue per
20% growth rate during the last year mainly due employee decreased marginally from US $
to demand from verticals such as banking, 28,000 in 2000-01 to US $ 27,000 in 2004-05.
telecom, and BPO vendors. Domestic IT Increasing revenue per IT professional beyond
spending is expected to increase further in 5-7% per year requires significant
coming years due to increase in telecom and improvement in managerial and marketing
internet penetration, higher IT budget skills, and investment in higher education
allocations by the governments, IT spending by sector. In the short-run, assumption about 5-
Figure 2 : Growth of IT professionals in India

No. of IT professionals (in thousand)


800 670

600 522



1990-91 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05

7% growth in revenue per employee appears to higher education in the country. It is essential to
be plausible). Additional IT professionals improve the quality of higher education in
required for the sector is likely to increase from general and in line with the IT industry's
260,000 in 2005-06 to nearly 800,000 in 2010- requirements in particular to avoid non
11. Given the poor state of India's higher availability of human capital becoming a
education, meeting the demand for IT bottleneck for the growth of the sector.
professionals would be an uphill task. India Prevalent price distor tions, lack of
produced 284,000 engineering graduates infrastructure of both physical and human
during 2004-05, out of which 165,000 can be capital, obsolete curriculum, government
categorized as IT professionals (computer interventions, ineffective regulatory body, and
science, electronics, and telecommunication). lack of encouragement for public-private
Although, there is large number of non- partnership are some of the reasons for poor
engineering graduates produced every year in state of higher education in the country. Even
the country, the quality of large fraction of at the elite educational institutions, faculty is
these graduates is very much questionable. poorly paid in relation to their counterparts in
Even the quality of engineering graduates industries, and physical infrastructure has
produced by large number of private deteriorated due to lack of investment. Many
engineering colleges is not up to the mark. universities, particularly the state-funded ones,
Although, the current demand for workforce is still follow the course curriculum designed
primarily for lower end of the market (ITES, during 1960s and 1970s. The Indian
BPO, coding and testing, etc.), which can be universities are controlled by the government
supplied by non-engineering graduates along and their state is somewhat similar to that of
with engineering graduates, sustained success the Indian industry before economic reforms
in the global market will require the use of of 1991. Government interventions right from
highly skilled and knowledgeable workforce. fee fixations to the appointment of faculties
Sustained supply of high quality graduates and head of institutions have led to the gradual
would be difficult with the current state of decline of even the formerly reputed
universities. Not that the public funding for 10.24% in September 2005. Similarly, PC
higher education does not work at all but that ownership and internet connectivity has
the experience of many countries shows us that started to grow at a rapid rate (PC penetration
it does work only in the presence of in India is estimated to be around 11 million in
autonomous and effective regulatory body. March 2004 whereas current internet
The University Grants Commission (UGC) connectivity is touching the mark of 6 million.
and All India Council for Technical Education During the year 2004, around 3.6 million PCs
(AICTE), the two most powerful regulators were sold in the country. This is expected to
and disbursers of the government grants for increase to 4.5 million in 2005 and 6.0 million in
higher education in the country, are left with 2006. With PC prices dropping to as low as Rs.
little credibility in the market to enforce a 10,000/- per unit, PC penetration in the
structure where the good can be separated country is expected to increase rapidly.
from the bad. It is high time to restructure the According to the Broadband Policy 2004
functioning of regulatory bodies in higher document published by the Ministry of
education sector of the country. Given the Communication and Information Technology,
fiscal status of the central as well the state Government of India, New Delhi, internet
governments and resource requirements to connectivity in the country is expected to
enhance both quantity as well as quality of increase from 6 million in 2005 to 40 million in
higher education, there is a need to encourage 2010). A denser telephone and internet
private initiatives in the sector. In the present network along with increased PC ownership
situation where benefits of certain kinds of will provide the opportunities for increasing
education are clear and immediate, it would be the rate of training people for the IT industry.
easy to attract private investment in the sector
provided the government does not intervene in IT and Economic Development
day to day functioning. Thus, there is a need to
have substantial private involvement and 11
The IT has potential to raise the long-term
adequate legislative cooperation to strengthen g rowth prospects through increased
higher education in the country. productivity in almost every sector of the
Infrastructure (including good governance) is economy. The resurgence of the American
the basic building block for development.
economy since 1995 is a classic example of the
Among various infrastructural facilities,
same. According to Greenspan (2000), the IT
electric power, transport, and law and order are
has produced a fundamental change in the US
the most fundamental, and probably the most
economy, leading to a permanent improvement
difficult ones to tackle. Although, it is beyond
in growth prospects. Similarly, Jorgenson
the scope of this paper to address
infrastructural issues, the government needs to (2001) argues that the development and
focus on improving law and order, transport deployment of the IT is the foundation of the
infrastructure, and power supply in the country American growth resurgence. The relentless
for the continuous development of IT decline in the prices of semiconductors and
industry. From the last five years or so, the thus IT equipments has steadily enhanced the
telecom infrastructure in the country has role of IT investment as a source of American
improved significantly. The telecom sector, economic growth. Furthermore, IT can play an
which was growing in the range of 22-25% per important role in economic development in a
year till 2002-03, has shifted to a higher growth broader sense, beyond just economic growth.
path in the range of 35-40% per year. Today, Obviously, this depends on comparative
India's more than 100 million telephone advantage in providing IT products and
networks is one of the largest in the world and services, global demand for these products and
the second largest among the emerging services, development of a robust domestic
economies. The tele-density in India has market, positive spillovers to rest of the
increased from 6.63% in December 2003 to domestic economy, and impact on governance.
IT, in some sense, is a general-purpose the global IT spending which is not expected to
technology (The idea of general purpose change significantly will help India to increase
technology was introduced by Bresnahan and its market share in forthcoming years (The US
Trajtenberg (1995)). It can influence the is the key export market for India whereas
national economy in a number of ways. It can ITES-BPO is the fastest growing segment of
create employment opportunities, reduce the Indian IT industry. The US continued to be
illiteracy, provide universal health service, and the main customer of India's ITES-BPO
deliver good governance (through e- services with a share of 66%). Although the
governance). IT can not only help the emerging domestic IT market is just marginally more
sector such as ITES, biotechnolog y, than half of the export, it has started growing
pharmaceutical research, nanotechnology, etc., at a rate of 20% per year or so during the recent
but also it is crucial for the development of years. Improvement in telecom infrastructure,
strategically important sectors such as defense increase in PC and internet connectivity, and
and intelligence, space research and decrease in prices of hardware and internet
development, weather forecasting, and connection have provided great opportunities
transportation. for firms to strengthen domestic IT market.
The information technology can play a major The use of PC, an important access device for
role in overall economic development of the IT, and internet needs to be encouraged further
country. India has a comparative advantage in for larger economic benefits. This can easily be
the global IT sector at least in terms of cost. used to provide distance education,
With large pool of workers having software telemedicine, and variety of other information.
and language skills, it is in a position to move This can also enhance access and delivery of
toward producing higher value-added goods government services to various stakeholders
12 and services. In fact, it has just started to move and citizens. Internal record keeping, flow of
towards higher value added goods and services. information, and tracking decision and
IT service companies have included new performance can be improved with the use of
service lines such as package software IT. The use of IT in governance can directly
implementation, system integration, R&D benefit the people, particularly the poor ones
engineering, and remote network management (since economically well off people in any case
whereas ITES-BPO companies have started can get the information). Above all, IT has the
offering more complex services such as potential to improve transparency and
financial research and analytics, actuarial accountability and thus the efficiency of
modeling, and corporate and business government delivery system. In India, many
research. The availability of large number of government organizations have started to
workers with a combination of engineering adopt IT based systems and solutions to
and managerial skills will definitely be helpful manage payrolls, stock market, rail reservation,
to move towards higher value-added goods and tax collection, etc. Various initiatives have been
services. taken by the government to provide e-
Despite having comparative advantage at least governance interface to citizens. The central
in certain segment of the IT sector, India's government has recommended that each
share in the global market is just 2%. This ministry should allocate 2-3% of its budget for
should be viewed as a great opportunity for the promotion of IT and move towards electronic
Indian IT industry. The global IT spending, governance. It is clear that IT can be used not
which was more than US $ 1400 billion in 2004- only for improvement in competitiveness in
05, is expected to increase at the rate of 7.9% the global market but also for overall economic
per year over 2004-08 (NASSCOM). The fact development.
that ITES-BPO segment is expected to grow at There are strong complementarities between
the rate of more than 11% per year over the IT and rest of the economy. IT can enhance the
same period and the US accounts for 47% of productivity and efficiency in other industries.
It can improve efficiency in areas such as areas if not for some altruistic reasoning, at
accounting, procurement, inventor y least because of a desire to enter a domestic
management, and production and operations emerging market that has been virtually
management. Although labor unions usually untapped so far. The industry along with the
raise concern with IT adoption due to fear of central and the state governments should now
job loss, evidence suggests that increases in look at taking IT services to villages. One
other kinds of job as a result of IT use more should remember that without access to the IT,
than make up for job loss (Singh, 2002). the rural people can be caught in a poverty trap
Moreover, IT implementation may increase the caused by the digital divide between the haves
productivity and/or quality more than that is and the have nots. Efforts should be made to
feasible otherwise. The use of IT in rural promote the development and availability of
banking and micro-finance may enhance low cost PCs and other communication access
efficiency in informal sector and can impact devices with internet connectivity at the most
broader cross-section of population. reasonable prices. There is a need to resolve
Information access to farmers could benefit regulatory issues in communication, and
agriculture sector as well. Farmers can receive reduction and rationalization of tariff
weather forecasts, market price quotes, advice structure on hardware and software to provide
on farming practice, offers to buy and sell seamless communication connectivity to rural
livestock, and specific trainings. Even basic areas and promote value-added services and
education could be enhanced in rural areas by micro enterprises to enhance economic well-
the use of IT. being of rural community.
The IT sector is one of the largest employers
of women, and therefore, can play a crucial role
in women empowerment and the reduction of
Concluding Remarks
gender inequalities. The sector provides
flexibility to its employee of operating from The main aim of this paper has been to assess 1
home and in working time, which enables the possible role of IT in broad-based
women to carry on with jobs with family life. It economic development of India. From the
is estimated that during the year 2004-05, male analysis, it is clear that the IT has potential of
to female ratio in IT services and software not only accelerating the growth in the Indian
segment of the industry was 76:24. The ITES- economy but also promoting the broad-based
BPO segment provides more opportunity for economic development. To realize the same,
women. The ratio of male to female is reverse besides standard policy initiatives such as
i.e., 31:69 in this segment (Annual Report improving infrastructure, strengthening
(2004-05), Ministry of Communication and training and education system, and introducing
Information Technology, GOI, New Delhi, pp. flexible labor laws that affect every sector of
46). It is clear that the promotion of IT will the economy including the IT sector, the
help to address the gender issues in the country. government needs to take specific measures to
Encouragement and promotion of computer promote IT use and to make it accessible to
education and IT use among socially and every section of the society. The IT should be
economically weaker section of the society has promoted to be used as a tool for raising the
potential to reduce inequality. The government living standards of the common people and
has to play a key role in this regard. enriching their lives. IT literacy needs to be
To uplift the status of socially and enhanced manifold among the population at
economically weaker section of the society, the large through conventional and non-
government needs to make IT accessible to conventional means, so that ordinary people
them. Special efforts should be made to can begin to use it to derive benefits, both
promote IT use in rural areas. There is a need to economically and socially. India will not reap
make significant capital investments in rural the full benefits of its success in IT unless its
broader institutional and incentive regime and villages to realize the benefits from the
creates opportunities for local communities same.

 Annual Report (2004 -05), “Electronics and Information Technology”,
Ministry of Communication and Information Technology, Government
of India, New Delhi.
 Bresnahan T. and M. Trajtenberg (1995), “General Purpose
Technologies: Engines of Growth”, Journal of Econometrics 65: 83-108.
 Desai Ashok V. (2000), “The Perils and the Promise: Broader
Implications of the Indian Presence in Information Technologies”,
Working Paper No. 70, CREDPR, Stanford University. This is available
 Greenspan Alan (2000), “Challenges for Monetary Policy Makers”,
Speech, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, Oct. 19,
2000. This is available at
14  Jorgenson D. W. (2001), “Information Technology and the U.S.
Economy”, American Economic Review 91(1): 1-32.
 Singh Nirvikar (2002), “Information Technology and India’s Economic
Development”, Working Paper available at

About the author : Dr. Sanjay K. Singh is an Assistant Professor of

Economics in the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences at IIT
Kanpur, India. He holds a Ph.D. degree in Development Studies from
Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research, Mumbai, India. He
is the recipient of the Manas Chatterji Award for Excellence in Research
in Regional Science, given by the Regional Science Association - Indian
Section. His research interests are in the areas of applied economics,
industrial economics, and transportation.

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