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*To call off: Cancelar, Suspender To clean up: Limpiar

*To get away with: Salirte con la tuya To drop off: Para entregar
*To call up: Para Llamar To get back: Volver
*To have on: Tener / llevar puesto algo To go out with: Salir con
*To hear from: Saber de alguien To go over: Repasar
*To look after: Cuidar To go trough with: Ir a través de
*To make fun of: Reírse / Burlarse de To look back on: Para mirar hacia atrás
*To pick up: Recoger, levantar To look down on: Despreciar
*To put off: Aplazar, Posponer To look for: Buscar, Esperar
*To put up with: Soportar, Aguantar To get over: Para superar, olvidarse
*To run into: Encontrarse con To look trough: Mirar a través
To bring back: Traer de vuelta, devolver To not care for: No cuidar, No dar
To pick on: Molestar, Fastidiar
To count on: Contar con
To pick out: Escoger, Elegir
To get along with: Llevarse bien con
To hang around: Pasar el rato
To check up on: Para verificar en
To put away: Ponlo fuera
To wait up for: Esperar hasta
To shut up: Callar/ callarse
To talk back to: Para responder a
To put on: Para poner en
To take care of: Para cuidar de
To stand up to: Para hacer frente a
To take off: Despegar, Quitarse
To take back: Regresar
To take out: Sacar, Extraer
To back down: Retroceder
To think over: Pensar sobre
To stand up for: Para defender
To throw away / throw out: Tirar
To cut it out: Para cortarlo
To try on: Para Probarse, Intentar
To bother: Molestar
To turn down: Rechazar
To call on: Invitar a alguien a participar
To turn off: Apagar
To care for: Cuidar de
To turn on: Encender
To look for: Buscar
To turn up: Aparecer, Llegar
To take after: Parecerse físicamente a
To look up to: Admirar a alguien
To go over: Revisar
To name after: A nombrar después

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