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Research Paper in English 10

Dealing with



In partial Fulfillment of the Subject Requirement

in English 10

Submitted by:
Ralph Vincent G. Veruen
John Loyd Padasas
Elmer Guillermo
Kzer Logarta
Gian Rex Riza
Myla Tingtingan

Submitted to:
Consuelo M. De Lima

A. Background of the Study

The study itself tackles about The Effect of Financial Stability In Relation to the

Academic Performance of Selected Grade Ten Students of Kasarinlan High School,

School Year 2022-2023. An economy is considered financially stable, with a constant

flow of funds banks,financial institutions operate smoothly,economic stability leads to

sustainable economic growth, price stability.

Financial stability is an important on people that we need money to pay

tuition,allowance,and for eat every day. Most of the time,people need the financial

assistance that help to pay and buy item for academic project to passed the eight

subjects so that the money spent on the bill can be used. Also the people who’s need

money can she/he being working student to gains money to pay bills and for other

appliances that they need.

This financial has a lot of effects to the behaviour of a student that being

working student,it rather destroy your mental health,physical health or academic

performance. Many student on Kasarinlan High School is experiencing this situation.

B. Statement of the Problem

The researchers aim to determine The Effect of Financial Stability In Relation to

the Academic Performance of Selected Grade Ten Students of Kasarinlan High

School... School Year 2022-2023. Specifically, it seeks to answer the following


1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents in term of:

1.1 Age;

1.2 Gender?

2. What are the effects of financial stability of selected grade ten student of kasarinlan

high school?

3. What are the causes of financial stability of selected grade ten students of kasarinlan

high school?

4. Is there any relation between the financial stability and academic performance?

5. What are the problems encountered in financial stability?

6. What are the suggested solution or recommendation to solve?

C. Hypothesis

There's a negative effect on financial stability. It can affect the student's

academic performance, and they may also not be able to focus on their studies due to

financial stability.
D. Significance of the study

The study is conducted to benefit the following:

For the Students, to know what is the effect of financial stability to their behaviour.

For the Parents, to be knowledge about the effects of financial problem to their son

and daughter and for them to be able to guide their child properly.

For the Teachers, it will give knowledge about the slowly change of behaviour

because of financial stability.

For the Next Researchers, to know what factor of their life maybe affected by financial

stability to their academic performance.

E. Scope and Delimitation

This research paper focuses on the effects of financial stability. The 20 selected

students who are experiencing financial stability will be the respondents of the

F. Definition of terms


Academic Performance he outcome of students' effort and measurement of

student achievement.

Behaviour The way a person or animal acts or behaves

Financial Relating to finance or money.

Financial Stability The financial system is not unstable.

Performance The act or process of performing a task.

Stability The state of being stable.

Financially stable The absence of incidents (crises) where the

financial system fails on a systemic level.

Price stability Occurs when there are no significant fluctuations in

the general level of pricing throughout the


Mental health Our emotional, psychological, and social well-being

are all parts of our mental health.

Physical health The body's typical operation.

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