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English for Specific Purposes - Exercise

Disciplina: INGLÊS INSTRUMENTAL Semestre: 2024.1

Professor (a): ANA PAULA FERREIRA DANIN Período 4º
Data: Turma: Turno:


Rabies in Dogs
Written by Small Door's medical experts

Rabies is one of the deadliest diseases affecting animals, and

dogs are no exception. As there is no cure for rabies, keeping
up with regular vaccinations is essential. Once a dog is
infected, the virus progresses rapidly. It usually takes less
than 10 days to develop, but can take up to one year. When
the signs begin to present themselves, it is often too late,
and sadly, death is unpreventable.
English for Specific Purposes - Exercise

What is rabies?
Rabies is a viral infection, caused by a virus secreted in saliva. It
affects a dog's nervous system, including the spinal cord and brain,
and is fatal once symptoms present themselves.

Signs & symptoms of rabies in dogs

Once a dog is bitten by a rabid animal, the rabies disease progresses
in stages.

Prodromal stage: Dogs will exhibit a change in personality and

behavior by becoming agitated, anxious, and fearful. Friendly dogs
may become aggressive and vice versa. Signs present themselves
with the first 2-3 days. Other indicators include:

• Anxiety
• Withdrawal from people and other animals
• Licking the site of the bite wound
• Hypersensitivity to light, sound, and touch
• Fever
• Change in tone or bark

Furious stage: Dogs in the furious stage begin to show signs of

restlessness and irritability and show a sensitivity to light and sound.
They will start wandering around, attacking inanimate objects,
animals, and people. Signs in this stage can last 1-7 days.
Disorientation and seizures will follow.
Paralytic stage: This stage can develop after the prodromal or
furious stage and usually develops 2-4 days after the first
symptoms. Paralysis of the throat and jaw muscles can follow
resulting in foaming of the mouth. Other symptoms are labored
breathing, choking, weakness, respiratory failure, and ultimately,
English for Specific Purposes - Exercise

The virus usually incubates from 2-8 weeks before signs are noticed,
although transmission of the virus can happen as early as 10 days
before any signs or symptoms appear. The infected saliva travels
through the nerves and spinal cord toward the brain; once the brain
is infected, the virus multiplies and spreads to the salivary glands,
which is when the symptoms appear.

If your dog is bitten or scratched by another animal, they must see

a vet immediately. Do not wait for signs or symptoms to present
themselves as it will be too late to save your dog.

How do dogs get rabies?

Contrary to what people may believe, there is more than one way a
dog can become infected with the rabies virus. The most common
is through a bite from a rabid animal, as animals infected with rabies
secrete large amounts of the virus in their saliva. However, rabies
can also be transmitted if an infected animal’s saliva comes into
contact with a scratch, an open wound, or areas like the mouth,
eyes, or nose.
The highest risk comes from wild animals; any unvaccinated dog
allowed to roam alone without supervision has a greater chance of
being bitten by another animal. The most common carriers of the
rabies virus are raccoons, bats, skunks, and foxes.
English for Specific Purposes - Exercise

How long is the incubation period

for rabies in dogs?
The incubation period for rabies, or the time it takes for signs to
appear, can vary from ten days to one year. However, the average
incubation period for infected dogs is between 2-8 weeks.

The time it takes for the symptoms to appear can vary depending
on the severity of the bite, the amount of the virus injected, and the
location of the infection. The closer the infection is to the spinal cord
or the brain, the quicker it will reach the nervous system and begin
to present severe effects.

Diagnosing rabies in dogs

The only way to definitively diagnose rabies is through a direct
fluorescence antibody (dFA) test, in which samples of brain tissue
are removed and tested. The test is performed by a state-approved
laboratory and can only be done on dogs after they have died or
been humanely euthanized.

A rabies diagnosis in living animals is based upon the clinical signs

exhibited along with patient history. It can be difficult to confirm
rabies in areas where the virus is not common. Early stages of the
virus can also be confused with other medical conditions.
English for Specific Purposes - Exercise

Treatment for rabies in dogs

There is no cure for the rabies virus, and for any unvaccinated dog,
the result is fatal. Because rabies presents a severe health risk, to
prevent further transmission of the disease to other animals and
humans, the dog is most often euthanized.

In dogs that have been vaccinated against rabies, a booster vaccine

is administered if there is a possibility they have been infected. This
helps to strengthen the dog’s immunity to rabies and reduces the
chances of the virus developing. Even if a dog has been vaccinated,
if rabies is suspected, he may still be required to undergo
observation for up to 7-10 days.

If your dog is bitten by another person’s pet, try to obtain as much

information on that animal as possible, particularly vaccine history
and a rabies tag number or dog license number (if available).

A rabies diagnosis is required by law to be reported to the local

health department. Unvaccinated dogs bitten or exposed to a rabid
animal must be quarantined for up to six months, according to local
and state regulations. A vaccinated dog that has attacked another
animal, or human, will also be quarantined in an approved facility,
and can still face euthanization.

Is there a cure for rabies in dogs?

There is no cure for rabies and sadly, dogs who contract the virus or
are suspected of having rabies and haven’t been properly
vaccinated, are almost always euthanized.
English for Specific Purposes - Exercise

Is rabies in dogs contagious for

humans or other pets?
The rabies virus is contagious for humans and other pets. It is spread
to both humans and animals in the same way, through the saliva
from a bite wound. If you or your dog is bitten by a wild animal or a
bat, they should be considered rabid (unless proven otherwise
through a laboratory diagnosis) and medical attention must be
sought immediately.

If you or your dog is bitten by a domestic animal, almost all states

require that the animal that bit you must be placed under
observation and confined for 10 days. A 10-day quarantine is
necessary because a rabies-infected animal can only transmit the
disease after clinical signs have developed. If no signs have
developed after the 10-day confinement, this means the dog could
not have transmitted rabies to you at the time of the bite.

If an unvaccinated dog is bitten by another animal, they may be

required to be quarantined for up to six months, depending on the
state you live in, and usually in an approved animal control facility
at the owner’s expense. The incubation period for rabies is usually
less than six months, and so this quarantine period confirms that
the unvaccinated dog did not contract rabies before it’s allowed to
have contact with people and other animals again.

Tens of thousands of people (especially children) still die of rabies

every year, so regular rabies vaccinations for dogs are vitally
important for public health.
English for Specific Purposes - Exercise

What is the cost of treating rabies in

The cost to treat rabies varies depending on whether you are
vaccinating only, or if further diagnosis and prevention are needed.
The rabies shot itself isn’t usually too expensive, but the office visit
is an additional cost that should be factored into the total.

Shelters and clinics may also administer rabies vaccinations at low

or no cost. The rabies vaccine is given every 1-3 years, depending
on local law and your vet’s recommendation, so the cost is not a
one-time commitment.

For cases that require additional attention, the costs will be higher.
Placing a dog in quarantine for 10 days can run to several hundred
dollars, while a longer confinement may cost a few thousand. The
amount may vary depending on factors such as location.

Recovery and management of rabies

in dogs
Rabies is a fatal virus, and unless your dog is vaccinated against it,
there is no chance of recovery.

Once the dog is out of the house, disinfect any areas the dog might
have infected (particularly with saliva). Use a 1:32 dilution (4 ounces
to a gallon) of household bleach solution to quickly inactivate the
English for Specific Purposes - Exercise

virus. Because the virus is contagious to humans as well, do not

allow yourself to come into contact with the dog’s saliva.

Preventing rabies in dogs

When it comes to rabies, prevention is key. The first step is routine
rabies vaccinations. Not only do they keep dogs safe, it’s also the
law. Talk to your veterinarian about your options and what the law
in your area requires.
Along with vaccinating, minimizing exposure is another way to
prevent rabies. Do not allow your dog to roam off the leash,
especially in wooded areas where wild animals are found, and try to
avoid interactions with unknown animals.

Ways to reduce the risk of your dog getting rabies from wildlife:

• Do not keep wild pets as animals

• Avoid direct contact with wild animals (alive or not)
• Avoid animals displaying unruly behavior
• Do not encourage contact between your pet and wildlife
• Feed your pet indoors
• Animal proof your outside garbage
• Report all stray animals to animal control
Avoid wild animals that seem unusually friendly, tame, or unafraid of humans.
This especially applies to raccoons, skunks, foxes, and coyotes. And NEVER pick
up or touch a bat, even if it appears to be dead.

Is there a vaccine for rabies in dogs?

Yes, there is a vaccine for rabies, which is required by law in most
(but not all) states. The vaccine promotes the production of
English for Specific Purposes - Exercise

antibodies but is only effective if administered before the virus has

entered the nervous system. If a dog is not properly vaccinated, the
disease is fatal.

When should my dog be vaccinated

for rabies?
Dogs should be vaccinated for rabies between the ages of twelve
weeks and sixteen weeks. Rabies boosters are also usually required
but the frequency depends on state laws. Reach out to your vet for
advice on appropriate revaccination intervals as well as any other
questions you might have regarding rabies in dogs.

Is it possible to survive a bite from a

rabid animal?
Although extremely uncommon, there have been some poorly
documented and isolated cases where dogs have survived rabies.
This may be due to the rabid animal having very little rabies virus in
the saliva at the time of the bite.
English for Specific Purposes - Exercise

What if I come across a rabid dog or

another rabid animal?
If you notice an animal that is acting strange and think it may be
caused by rabies, try to keep a safe distance between you and the
potentially rabid animal. If you have your dog with you, get away
from the rabid animal as fast as you can to ensure your pet’s safety.
Contact your local health department and animal control
immediately. Do not under any circumstances attempt to trap the
animal yourself. While waiting for authorities to arrive, try to warn
anyone passing by to stay a safe distance away from the rabid

What if my dog has contact with a

potentially rabid animal?
Contact your vet immediately so they can examine and clean the
wound and give your dog a rabies booster. Do not attempt to clean
the wound yourself unless you have rubber gloves and know what
you are doing. Rabies is contagious to people so if you come in
contact with the wound you can also become infected.

You should also contact your local health department and file a
report so they are able to find and remove the rabid animal from
the area before it harms any other people or animals.

Summary of rabies in dogs

English for Specific Purposes - Exercise

Rabies is a deadly virus with no cure, and vaccination is both

essential for prevention, and legally required in the majority of US
states. Staying on top of your dog’s booster shots and keeping them
protected from situations that might endanger their health will
significantly minimize the risk of rabies.


EXERCISE (Answer according to the text)

1) O que é a raiva e como ela afeta os cães?

2) Quais são as etapas da progressão da raiva em cães após serem
mordidos por um animal raivoso?
3) Como o vírus se espalha pelo corpo de um cão uma vez que ele está
infectado com raiva?
4) Por que é importante vacinar os cães contra a raiva?
5) Como a raiva se espalha de um animal para outro?
6) Quais animais são os portadores mais comuns do vírus da raiva?
7) Qual é o período de incubação da raiva em cães?
8) Como a raiva é diagnosticada em cães e por que isso é desafiador?
9) Existe uma cura para a raiva em cães?
10) A raiva pode ser transmitida de cães para humanos ou outros
animais de estimação?
11) O que deve ser feito se um cão for mordido por outro animal
suspeito de ter raiva?
12) Quais são os requisitos de quarentena para cães não vacinados
expostos à raiva?
13) Como a raiva afeta o custo dos cuidados veterinários para cães?
14) Como você pode desinfetar áreas onde um cão potencialmente
raivoso esteve?
15) Quais são as etapas para prevenir a raiva em cães?
16) Quando um cão deve ser vacinado contra a raiva e qual é o
intervalo recomendado para as doses de reforço?
17) Existe alguma chance de sobrevivência se um cão for mordido por
um animal raivoso?
18) O que você deve fazer se encontrar um animal potencialmente
19) Quais são os passos a serem tomados se o seu cão tiver contato
com um animal potencialmente raivoso?
20) Por que é crucial manter as vacinações do seu cão atualizadas
para minimizar o risco de raiva?

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