RIICWD521E - Marking Checklist

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Marking Checklist

RIICWD521E - Prepare Detailed Design of Flexible Pavements – Marking Checklist | V 2.0 | 2023

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Qualification Details:
Training Package Code & Title: RII – Resources and Infrastructure Industry Training Package
Qualification National Code & RII50520 – Diploma of Civil Construction Design
Unit National Code & Title: RIICWD521E - Prepare Detailed Design of Flexible
Title: Marking Checklist

Student Details:

Full Name: Ahtasham shahid

Student ID: ACMi0196

Assessment Plan

The student must be assessed as satisfactory in the following tasks to demonstrate competence in various

Evidence number / Assessment method / Type of Detail/Task Instructions/Description

Task number evidence / Task name

Assessment Task 1 Knowledge Questions Written Questions – Individual Task

Assessment Task 2 Class Activity Written Questions – Individual Task

Assessment Task 3 Occasion 1 4 Activities

Assessment Task 4 Occasion 2 4 Activities

Assessment Submission Online submission via Learning Management System (LMS)


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Instructions to the Assessors

 Actively check and mark learners' assessments on the completion of the assessment task and the
fulfillment of specified skill requirements.
 Prior to checking, thoroughly understand the assessment criteria and associated learning outcomes.
 Provide constructive and detailed feedback to students, highlighting both their strengths and areas
needing improvement.
 Remain vigilant for signs of plagiarism or academic misconduct and promptly report suspected cases
according to institutional policies.
 Adhere strictly to assigned timelines for completing assessments and delivering feedback to
 Uphold the confidentiality of assessment records and student performance data with utmost respect
and care.

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Marking Checklist - Assessment Task 1: Knowledge Questions
Has the student's response to the following questions been deemed satisfactory or

Satisfactory Not Satisfactory

1. Discuss the legislation required to prepare detailed design of ☒ ☐
flexible pavements using 100-150 words.
2. 2.1 Discuss the Australian and other relevant Standards ☒ ☐
related detailed design of flexible pavements. Write
your answer using 50-100 words.
2.2 What is the importance of cultural and heritage ☒ ☐
management in designing flexible pavements? Write
your answer in 50-100 words
2.3 Explain the processes for design approvals and reviews ☒ ☐
of flexible pavements design using 100-150 words.
2.4 What are the responsibilities of a construction manager ☒ ☐
in the implementation of environmental management
plan EMP on a construction project? Write your answer
in 50-100 words.
2.5 What is environmental action plan? Write your answer in ☒ ☐
30-50 words.

2.6 What is the importance of hydrological and meteorological ☒ ☐

management during the construction of pavements? Write
your answer in 100-150 words.
2.7 Explain the purpose of performance reviews in the design of ☒ ☐
pavements in 50-100 words.
2.8 What is quality management? Write your answer in 50-100 ☒ ☐
☒ ☐
2.9 Discuss the construction reporting requirement using 50-
100 words.
2.10 What is the importance of surveying in the construction of ☒ ☐
pavements? Write your answer in 50-100 words.

2.11 What is the procedure for system close outs? Write your ☒ ☐
answer in 50-100 words.
2.12 Explain the workplace safety health and safety ☒ ☐
responsibilities of employee using 50-100 words.

2.13 Explain workplace recording and reporting procedures ☒ ☐

using 70-100 words.
2.14 What is the importance of geotechnical management in ☒ ☐
designing the pavements? Write your answer in 50-100
2.15 Explain the importance of risk assessment and ☒ ☐
management in the design of pavements using 70-100

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2.16 What is statutory compliance? Write your answer using ☒ ☐
70-100 words.
3 Write the characteristics, technical capabilities and limitations of ☒ ☐
types of materials, plant and equipment required for flexible
pavement design and construction listed in the below table.

Grader Characteristics Technical Limitations

Road roller

4 4.1. Explain the techniques for evaluating potential site hazards, ☒ ☐

constraints and conditions using 100-150 words.
4.2. Explain the techniques for identifying and evaluating design ☒ ☐
options. Write the answer in 60-90 words.
4.3. Explain the principles of assessing road user behaviour using ☒ ☐
50-70 words.
4.4. Discuss the following cost estimation techniques for the ☒ ☐
detailed design of the foundation.
Expert judgment method
Analogous Estimating Method
4.5. What are the requirements of a design plan for pavement ☒ ☐
design? Write the answer in 40-60 word.
4.6. Explain the design review and validation techniques using ☒ ☐
100-150 words
4.7. Explain three (3) performance review techniques that can ☒ ☐
be used to analyse the performance of self and team members.
Write the answer in 100-150 words.
4.8. Explain techniques for using software and technology to ☒ ☐
present designs? Write the answer in 100-150 words.
4.9. What are the techniques used for advising on design ☒ ☐
implementation? Write the answer in 50-70 words.

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☒ ☐
4.10. Explain the data analysis techniques listed in the table.
Terms Explanation
Areas and volume
Sizes of components for
flexible pavements
Capacity requirements for
flexible pavements
Geometric requirements for
flexible pavements
Surfacing Geometric
requirements for flexible

5 5.1. What techniques are commonly used on a worksite for ☒ ☐

coordinating and communicating job requirements? Identify any
four (4).
5.2. How do you coordinate with colleagues while coordinating ☒ ☐
and communicating job activities? Write your answer using 50-
70 words.
Feedback to Student:

Ahtasham has completed Assessment Task 1 for the course satisfactorily. He has provided
adequate responses to all the questions. He has met both the performance evidence as well as the
knowledge evidence by demonstrating the knowledge necessary to complete the tasks outlined in
the elements. Knowledge of Australian and other pertinent standards, laws necessary to draft
detailed designs of flexible pavements, data analysis methods, design approvals and reviews,
design plan requirements, environmental management, the significance of hydrological and
meteorological management, and statutory compliance are all included in this knowledge.
Furthermore, he has proven his understanding of statutory compliance, hydrological and
meteorological management, and environmental management.

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Marking Checklist - Assessment Task 2: Class Activity Book
Has the student's response to the following questions been deemed satisfactory or

Satisfactory Not
1. Discuss the steps to obtain and confirm work requirements. ☒ ☐
2. Discuss the different Australian standards used for flexible ☒ ☐
pavement work.
3. Discuss about pavement design. ☒ ☐
4. Explain the classification of road networks. ☒ ☐
5. Discuss the various sections of the design management plan. ☒ ☐
6. Explain the various reasons for deaths and injuries in ☒ ☐
construction zones.
7. Discuss the various steps for estimating the cost of flexible ☒ ☐
pavement design.
8. Explain the various elements to conduct an effective design ☒ ☐
9. Discuss the various elements used for completing the ☒ ☐
documentation for flexible pavement design work.
10. What are the different techniques used for leading and ☒ ☐
coordinating teams for design work?
11. Explain the elements of road work. ☒ ☐
12. Discuss the information used to confirm design records. ☒ ☐
13. Discuss the various cost factors that can be considered for the ☒ ☐
pricing of building roads.
14. Why is it important to perform reviews regularly throughout the ☒ ☐
design process?
15. Explain the strategies for reviewing client feedback. ☒ ☐
16. Explain the benefit of system closeout. ☒ ☐
17. Discuss the advantages of defining the scope of work. ☒ ☐
18. Discuss the purpose of the design validation process. ☒ ☐

Feedback to Student:

Ahtasham's ability to cover a wide array of topics with clarity and precision is commendable.
He has exhibited an exceptional understanding of various aspects related to the steps to obtain
and confirm work requirements, highlighted Australian standards for flexible pavement work,
explained pavement design principles, and delved into the classification of road networks.

Furthermore, Ahtasham discussed the sections of a design management plan, reasons for
construction zone fatalities and injuries, and steps for estimating flexible pavement design
costs. He also covered elements crucial for effective design reviews, documentation for flexible
pavement design work, techniques for leading and coordinating design teams, elements of road

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work, information used to confirm design records, and cost factors affecting road pricing,
advantages of defining the scope of work in a project and explained the purpose of the design
validation process succinctly.

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Activity 1: Plan Detailed Design of Flexible Pavements

Performance Criteria/Performance Checklist: Activity 1_ Task 3 & 4

S N/S Trainer/Assessor to complete
To be assessed as satisfactory (S) in this
assessment task, the participant needs to
(Comment and feedback to students)
demonstrate competency in the following
critical aspects of evidence

Step 1: Access, interpret and apply documentation ☒ Mart has satisfactorily met
required for detailed pavement designs and confirm performance criteria 1.2 of the unit
work activity is compliant. element by assessing plans,
drawings, specifications, design
 Access the following road design briefs, engineering surveys,
documentation: geotechnical information, etc.
o Plans In addition, he has interpreted and
analysed areas, volumes, densities,
o Drawings
mass, percentages, grades, etc.
Also, approached the supervisor
o Specifications
and team members to ensure
o Design briefs compliance with the job activity.

o Engineering surveys

o Geotechnical information

o Hydrological, meteorological,
cultural and heritage data

o Selection data for pavements


 Interpret and analyse the following data

and record using Template 1.

o areas

o volumes

o densities

o mass

o percentages

o grades

o sizes of components for flexible


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o capacity requirements for flexible

Consult with the Supervisor and team members and

ensure the work activity is compliant
Step 2: Obtain, read, interpret, clarify and confirm ☒ Yes, Mart has collected, interpreted,
work requirements. explained, and confirmed the task
requirements accurately. Consulted
 Consult your supervisor and obtain work supervisor, read the work
requirements for the design of pavements. specifications, consulted relevant
agencies, clarified and confirmed
 Read the work requirements. project task specifications
therefore, he has met the
 Consult relevant authorities and interpret performance criteria 1.1.
work requirements.

 Clarify and confirm project work

requirements and information with
relevant authorities.

Step 3: Prepare a design plan using Template 2, ☒ Mart has met the performance
which makes the best use of the available resources criteria 1.3 by preparing a design
and meets the design requirements. Include the plan and included HR requirements,
following information in the design plan: design hardware and software,
coordination requirements,
 Human resource requirements scheduling, review requirements,
design process communication and
 Design hardware and software reporting requirements.
 Coordination requirements

 Scheduling

 Review requirements

 Design process communication and

reporting requirements

☐ Not satisfactory

The student’s performance was: ☒ Satisfactory

Feedback to student:

Ahtasham has performed admirably and offered good responses to all queries. His skill is
evident in evaluating plans, drawings, specifications, design briefs, engineering surveys,
geotechnical data, etc. He has evaluated and examined areas, volumes, densities, mass,
percentages, and grades, among other measurements

Activity 2: Prepare Detailed Designs of Flexible Pavements

Performance Criteria/Performance Checklist: Activity 2_ Task 3 & 4

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S N/S Trainer/Assessor to complete
To be assessed as satisfactory (S) in this
assessment task, the participant needs to
(Comment and feedback to students)
demonstrate competency in the following
critical aspects of evidence

Step 1: Gather, interpret, and analyse required data ☒ Mart has accurately interpreted and
and identify pavement design options based on job evaluated the data, calculated areas,
requirements. volumes, densities, and mass,
among other things, and analysed it
 Calculate and analyse the following aspects by applying strength, analysing
of the design for pavements: foundations, and sizing components.
Therefore, he has met the
o areas performance criteria 2.1 of the unit
o volumes

o densities

o mass

o percentages

o grades

o sizes of components for flexible


o capacity requirements for flexible


 Analyse the design options for pavements

Further, based on the above-given analysis of data,

you are then required to prepare a report using
Template 3 to the management that includes the

 Two (2) viable options for the design of


 Provide a recommendation on the

preferred option and provide a reason for
the selection of the preferred option.

Step 2: Complete the detailed design of the ☒ The student has aptly accessed
pavements using computer-aided drafting design CADD, the data analysed was taken
(CADD) and drafting technology. into consideration and has presented
the design in its completed form. As a
 Access computer-aided drafting design result, he has met the performance
(CADD) technology such as AutoCAD to criteria 2.3.
complete the design of pavements.

 Take into consideration the data analysed

and recommendations provided in Step 1.

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Submit the finalised design to your

Step 3: Prepare a cost estimate for executing the ☒ In order to achieve the performance
designed pavements using Template 4. Include the criteria 2.4, he has satisfactorily
following information: designed a cost estimate which
included fixed cost, time related,
 Fixed costs: This includes the cost of quantity proportional, direct and
purchasing equipment, material and indirect costs.

 Time-related cost: This includes the cost of

wages, equipment, and building rents
spent on a particular activity in a given

 Quantity proportional cost: It includes the

cost of the quantity of material. It is of two
types such as:

o Direct costs of construction of

pavements: The costs and
expenses accrued on a facility,
capacity or item are known as
direct costs. The expenses caused
by workers, materials and
equipment, etcetera, are the
direct costs of construction

o Indirect costs of construction of

pavements: These are not directly
accounted for on a particular
facility, product or function.
These are either variable or fixed.

The construction cost of pavements.

Step 4: Participate in the review of the design of ☒ Mart has taken a part in the
pavements with the required stakeholders. examination of pavement’s designs
alongside the necessary stakeholders
meeting the performance criteria 2.5.

Step 5: Carry out a risk assessment of the following: ☒ Completed in a knowledgeable and
confident manner.
 the existing conditions

 the application of the design

 maintainability of the completed works

Determine three (3) risks, calculate their risk rating

and determine risk controls for each risk identified.

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Step 6: Complete a design report for the design of ☒ Mart has satisfactorily met
the pavements based on the outcomes of Step 1 – performance criteria 2.6 and included
Step 5 using Template 4. Include the following the cover page, table of contents,
information: body of report, cost estimates, design
plans etc.
 Cover page, including the following

o Project Name

o Design Report

o Report Status (Draft / Final)

o Local Authority Name (and


o Project Number and Contract

Number (if relevant)

o Date (Month / Year)

 Table of content

 Body of the report

o Outcomes of risk assessment,


 Risks identified.

 Risk likelihood,
consequence and rating

 Risk controls

o Evaluation of design options for


o Calculations for:

 areas

 volumes

 densities

 mass

 percentages

 grades

 sizes of components for

flexible pavements

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 capacity requirements
for flexible pavements

o Design plans for flexible


o Cost estimates

o Recommended sizing of

o Recommended concrete

o Recommended reinforcement
sizing and location

Step 7: Communicate and coordinate with personnel ☒ By meeting the performance criteria
involved in the design process according to 2.7, Mart has effectively coordinated
workplace requirements and within the scope of with people involved in the design
their role. process and organized meetings to
measure the progress.
 Conduct regular meetings to measure the
progress of each workgroup involved in the
design process.

 Submit the meeting minutes to the


Step 8: Gain design approval from a higher authority. ☐ Performance criteria 2.8 has been
effectively met by Mart.
 Submit the design approved to the
☐ Not satisfactory

The student’s performance was: ☒ Satisfactory

Feedback to student:
Ahtasham has put a lot of effort and delivered outstanding work for the purpose of this activity. He has done an excellent
job of fulfilling all the requirements for the assessment task. He has performed all the requirements including interpreting
and gathering data, create detailed design of pavements, prepared cost estimation, participated in review of designs,
carried out risks assessments, coordinated with the relevant personnel and obtained design approval from the authorities.

Activity 3: Finalise Design Processes for Pavements

Performance Criteria/Performance Checklist: Activity 3 _ Task 3 & 4

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S N/S Trainer/Assessor to complete
To be assessed as satisfactory (S) in this
assessment task, the participant needs to
(Comment and feedback to students)
demonstrate competency in the following
critical aspects of evidence

Step 1: Confirm design records are filed according to ☒ By properly submitting the design
workplace requirements. records, he has demonstrated that
he has satisfactorily met
Further: performance requirement 3.1.

 Submit the filed design records to the


Step 2: Complete and submit design cost and other ☒ Meeting the performance criteria 3.2
reporting. established by Mart has resulted in
the completion of both the design
 Submit cost and other reporting to the costs and other reporting activities.

Step 3: Participate in a performance review of the ☒ Mart has assisted supervisor in

design process according to workplace conducting a performance review of
requirements. the design process by determining its
effectiveness and recommending
 Determine the effectiveness of design changes, therefore he has met the
processes implemented and document performance criteria 3.3 of the unit
using Template 6. element.

 Recommend any changes required to the

Supervisor and gather feedback and
document using Template 6.

Step 4: Seek client feedback and contribute to ☒ The student has completed the
verifying the design. performance criteria for element 3.4
of the unit element in a satisfactory
 Consult clients and seek feedback on manner.

 Verify the design and make any

recommended changes.

 Submit the revised design if any changes

are made.

Step 5: Close out systems according to ☒ Performance criteria 3.5 has been
workplace requirements. met effectively.

☐ Not satisfactory

The student’s performance was: ☒ Satisfactory

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Feedback to student:

Ahtasham is a responsible and hard-working student who, no matter what he’s working on,
constantly puts out his best effort. He confirmed that design records are filed, design cost and
reporting requirements are met, performance review conducted, client feedback has been reviewed
and closed systems in accordance with the needs of the workplace.

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Activity 4: Support and Review Design Implementation of Pavements

Performance Criteria/Performance Checklist: Activity 4 _ Task 3 & 4

S N/S Trainer/Assessor to complete

To be assessed as satisfactory (S) in this
assessment task, the participant needs to
(Comment and feedback to students)
demonstrate competency in the following
critical aspects of evidence

Step 1: Provide clarification and advice to personnel ☒ Mart has adeptly provided clear guidance
implementing design as required to meet job and valuable advice, meeting the
requirements. specified performance criteria 4.1 of the
unit element.

 Provide clarification and advice on the

flowing to the personnel or authorities
applying the design. Discuss and clarify
the following with them:

o Design characteristics

o Key areas of consideration

o Outcomes of design reports

Step 2: Validate designs. ☒ Performance criteria 4.2 has been

satisfactorily met by Mart.
 Evaluate the design implementation and
recommend changes as required to meet
job requirements.

 Further, record the following based on

design validation using Template 7.

o Assessment of design

o Recommended changes

☐ Not satisfactory

The student’s performance was: ☒ Satisfactory

Feedback to student:

Ahtasham has diligently and proficiently completed task 4, demonstrating a thorough

understanding of all assignment components. responses by him not only addressed each part
effectively but also showcased his ability to offer clarification and valuable advice to personnel.
Moreover, Mart's active contribution to the design validation process highlights his commitment
to fulfilling performance criteria 4.1 and 4.2 of the unit element.

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Assessment Result:

Trainer/Assessor Name:
Junaid ahmad awan
Trainer/Assessor I hold:
 Vocational competencies at least to the level being delivered
 Current relevant industry skills
 Current knowledge and skills in VET, and undertake
 Ongoing professional development in VET

I declare that I have conducted a comprehensive and impartial evaluation

of this student’s submission. The assessment tasks were deemed current,
sufficient, valid, and reliable. The feedback has been provided to the

Assessment Decision:
Satisfactory ☒ Not Yet Satisfactory ☐

Trainer/Assessor Signature

Date 20th Februry,2024

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