Modernization Theory

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Modernization Theory:

Basis in the working of Marx Webber

Formed by Talcott Parsons
What is a modernized state:
 A modernized state is one which has high technological
advancement and high economic growth.
How a state can become Modernized:
 Modernization is a theory which believes that there is a
set of patterns according to which a state become
 It says that the states which are behind in the process of
modernization are at the same place where once the now
modernized states stand.
 Hence, every state will evolve into a modernized state.
 The set of patterns could also be facilitated by external
Impact of Modernization: Trickle-down effect:
 It was based on the belief that industrialization would
improve the standards of living of the developing
 It assumed that modernization positive economic effects
would affect everyone equally. It means the benefit of
the economic development would trickle down to
families through male breadwinner.
Modernization Theory and Gender Equality:
1. Increase in wages- Due to shift from agriculture to
2. Increase in female labor demand- No more labor
depends on physical strengths only- Labor also come
from cognitive skills
3. Lower mobility constraints- construction of roads to
greater access to markets
4. Greater participation in global distribution of
production and labor- due shift from agriculture to
5. Better treatment of female workers due to
international pressure- growing media exposure +
treaties against discrimination by countries.
6. Impact of inclusion of women in workforce on fertility:
Women participation in workforce will lower fertility
rate by 10% of the global total fertility rate.
7. Impact on Gender Roles: Once become income earner-
there will be no slave master relations- high say in
decision making.
When Gender Inequality Persists despite Modernization:
 If a country despite undertaking the path of
modernization and global trade fails to achieve mass
emancipation and empowerment of women.
 Then modernization theorists suggest that there is a
problem in the internal structures and also socio-
economic culture norms are responsible for this failure.
How Modernization Leads to Inequality:
1. Esther Bosrup critique on the view that technology
liberate Women:
Book: Women’s Role in Economic Development 1970
Case Study:
In Africa two farming system
a. Female Farming System: Old Method:
 Slash and burn technique
 Communal farming
 Polygyny- Allowed women to share work
 Bride price: Men must pay for compensation of loss
 Women were often traders and had considerable
geographical mobility.
b. Male Farming System: Modernized Method:
 Plow on private
 Fixed plots
 Hired employees
 Monogamous- Burden on women
 Dowry- Bride family to pay to groom’s family.
 confined to home and under strict surveillance.
Thus, by comparing these systems it can be concluded that
modernization led to suppression of women.
2. Ester Boserup Criticism on Urban Economy in
She argues that
 Urbanization cutoff women from their blood relations
 Few jobs in modern sectors but some that are available
are closed due to sex stereotyping.
 Urban women participate in informal sector mainly. e.g.
3. Impact of Cash Economy in Modernization:
 Agriculture shifted from subsistence to cash cropping
 Cash cropping mostly dominated by male
 Thus, cutoff women from traditional economic role.
 In modern sector they are exploited and discriminated
which led them to earn below the subsistence level.
4. Women serves the needs of capitalists in Modernization:
 They produce and nourish the labor force for the
capitalism without being paid.
 They are considered weak and less intellectual and are
paid by less wages.
 They are considered as the reserve army of the labor.
 They also do free emotional labor.
WID as a Solution to Problems Caused by Modernization:
 It is an approach which demanded for integration of
women in the development process.
 It demands for equal participation opportunities for
If Nigerian Women had the same opportunity as men, they
could drive up the GDP by $13.9 billion.
N. Harry (President and CEO of Youth for Tech)
 It asked for legal changes to integrate women in
development process.

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