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Lab fluid mechatronics

1- Hydrostatic pressure

1- What is the objective of the experiment ?

2- What is the function of ( adjustable counter balance – weight hanger –
spirit level – beam level indicator ) ?
3- Why does the adjustable counter balance is adjusted only once for the
experiment even if it was repeated many times with different water
4- Why there is no effect of buoyancy force in our experiment?
5- Explain : There is no moments causing the quadrant to flip except the one
affecting the front surface?
6- The scale on the quadrant starts only from 40 mm ?
7- Why do we have the pivot as centre of the quadrant ?
8- If we replaced the quadrant to heavier than the current one what should
we change before starting the experiment ?
9- Why theoretical line of action doesn’t equal practical one ?
10- How do we neglect the quadrant weight component from affecting the
experiment ?
2- Bernoulli’s theorem

1) What is the objective of the experiment ?

2) What is the function of ( venturi tube – control valve – manometers – air
bleed screw - pitot tube )
3) Is Bernoulli equation is valid and can be applied ?
4) Why do the water head in manometers isn’t equal ?
5) For constant diameter tube should the static head be the same ? why ?
6) How the static head is generated in the venturi tube ?
7) Why is there is a vent at the top of the manometers ?
8) How to make sure that their is no air in the experiment ?
9) Could the readings be taken while there is air bubbles ?
10) Is there is any potential head difference in the experiment ? why ?
11) What is the objective of the pitot tube ?
12) Why does the water goes up in the manometers?
13) Why do we calculate the flow rate in the experiment ?
14) What is the problem if we recorded the water level in the manometer
while :
a- The water level isn’t fixed yet.
b- using honey or oil instead of water as working fluid
c- having high flow rate in the experiment
d- there is air bubbles inside the venturi tube
e- flow rate isn’t constant .
15) Could the control valve be placed before the venturi tube ? explain .
3- Orifice and Free Jet Flow

1. What is objective of the experiment ?

2. What the function of ( adjustable over flow – baffle – needles – flexible
hose – paper ) in the experiment ?
3. What would happen if the baffle were removed ?
4. How do the actual velocity of the water is calculated ?
5. How to measure the flow rate of the water out of the orifice ?
6. Where does the water extracted from the adjustable overflow pipe should
be directed ?
7. What is the problem of removing the adjustable overflow pipe from the
experiment ?
8. Why should the over flow pipe be connected to long flexible tube ?
9. If the head in the tank increased 4times the velocity of the trajectory will
be compared to original velocity ……..
10.If the orfice diameter decrease to be 3 mm instead of 6 mm with the same
head in tank the flow rate out of orfice will ………….
( increase – decrease – remain the same – need more details )
11.If the losses in velocity increases the Cv will ……..
( increase – decrease – remain the same – need more details )
12.Orfice is device used to measure ……….
13.For orifice Bernoulli principle state that there is a relation between
pressure of fluid and ( head – velocity – flow rate ) of the fluid.
4- Impact of jet

1- What the objective of the experiment ?

2- What is the function of [ level gauge ( pointer)– spring – weight
pan – nozzle – air vent ]
3- For the same flow rate out of the nozzle , which shape will carry
the heaviest weight ?
4- For water turbine what is the best shape to be used ?
5- Why we don’t consider the weight of the shaft and plate carrying
the added weights ?
6- For the same weight and it is required to change the shapes to carry
that weight , which shape would require the highest flow rate ?
7- What is the best shape ? why ?
8- What would happen if :
a- The spring is removed from the experiment
b- There is no air vent
c- There is no level gauge ( pointer )
9- What is the effect of using smaller water nozzle with the same
volume flow rate ?
10- Arrange the plates from highest efficiency to the lowest ?
5.Pressure measurement and calibration

1) What is the objective of the experiment ?

2) What is the function of ( bourdon gauge – damping valve – priming valve
- piston – masses – drain valve )
3) How to fill the piston with water ??
4) What is the function of the connection between the cylinder and
primming vessel ?
5) How to ensure there is no sudden impact affecting the experiment ?
6) How to remove air from the system ?
7) What would happen if :
a) the damping valve is removed from the experiment.
b) The connection between the cylinder and priming tank didn’t exist.
6. Temperature measurement and calibration

Give reasons :
1- The PTD is considered the best sensor to be a reference.
2- We use PRT in labs and researches .
3- The thermistor is used in safety systems against high temperatures .
4- We prefer using thermocouple in industrial applications .
5- We don’t use thermocouple in research and labs .
6- There is a stirrer motor in the experiment .
7- The stack is slotted .
8- There is level water gauge in the experiment .
9- Whys RTDs are used intensively in laboratories?
10- Why RTDs are not used on a large scale in industrial applications despite
having optimum accuracy?
7.Plunger pump
1- What is the objective of the experiment ?
2- What is the function of ( level sensor – isolating valve – pulsation damper
– adjustable spring loading valve – displacement sensor –manual valve )
3- Why there is two tanks in the experiment unlike the other pumps
4- How the flow rate of the pump is measured in the experiment ?
5- Classify the plunger pump ?
6- Explain the performance of plunger pump with and without pulsation
7- What would happen if we closed the manual control valve and there was
no adjustable spring loading valve ( safety valve).
8- Pump produces flow rate not pressure . ( true or false ) and why ??
9- What is pressure sensor reading if a positive displacement pump has it
discharge line open for the atmosphere ??
10- What is pressure sensor reading if a positive displacement pump has it
discharge line closed for the atmosphere ?? and what would happen if there
is no relief valve (safety valve) .
11- What is the pulsation damper ? and how it works ?
12- What is the difference between plunger and piston pump ?
13- How to increase the pressure of water out of the pump the experiment.

Plunger pump give reason questions

1. Safety valve is a must with plunger pump
2. The level sensor is placed on the volumetric tank not resvoir tank
3. Volumetric efficiency isn’t 100% in plunger pump ( there is leakage ) .
4. The pulsation damper is used with plunger, piston and diaphragm pumps .
5. There is a spring loaded adjustable valve in the experiment .
6. The centrifugal pump will stop discharging if you blocked the outlet
unlike the plunger
7. There is two tanks in the experiment and not just one .
8. There is isolating valve between the volumetric and reservoir .
8- gear pump
Gear pump essay questions :
1. What are the overall characteristics of gear pumps ? give example
2. What is the difference between positive and non positive pumps ?
3. Compare between the clearance in both positive and non positive pumps .
4. What is the function of ( inline turbine sensor – temperature sensor –
pressure relief valve – outlet manual control valve ).
5. How do the volumetric flow rate is measured in the experiment ?
6. The clearance in the pump is what determines its ability to overcome
pressure or not . explain
7. Why is the gear pump is best used with high viscous fluids ?
8. Explain the cavitation phenomena .
9. What is meant by volumetric efficiency of the pump ?

Gear pump give reason questions

1. Non positive displacement pumps can’t be used for fluid power
2. Positive displacement pumps ( gear pump ) can be used for fluid power
3. Positive displacement pumps can’t be used for transporting fluids .
4. Safety valve is a must with gear pump .
5. There is no need for safety valve with centrifugal pump .
6. Volumetric efficiency isn’t 100% in gear pump ( there is leakage ) .
7. The pulsation damper isn’t used with gear pumps .
8. The centrifugal pump will stop discharging if you blocked the outlet
unlike the plunger
9. Temperature sensor at the gear pump inlet is used to protect the gear
10.There is no need for two tanks in this experiment unlike the plunger
pump experiment ?

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