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DPR1502-24-S1 ASSESSMENT 2 2024



Qualifications: Diploma in Public Relations

Name of module: Communication in the Organisation

Module Code: DPR1502

Assessment: Assessment 2

Marks: 60 Marks

Due Date: 25 APRIL 2024

Lecture(s): Ms P Mkontwana

Mr EM Motloutsi

Internal Moderator: Ms AP Sibiya

Open Rubric
DPR1502-24-S1 ASSESSMENT 2 2024


Kindly note the following:

➢ Answer ALL questions.

➢ Read the questions thoroughly before answering them.

➢ Your assessment must have a declaration of honesty, table of contents,

introduction, answers to ALL the questions under each activity, a
conclusion and sources consulted.
➢ Kindly consult CMNALLE 301 for the technical requirements.

➢ Please ensure that your details are included.

➢ Plagiarism in any form will NOT be tolerated.

➢ No late submissions will be accepted.

➢ Kindly proofread your assignment for grammatical errors and

punctuation before you submit.
➢ Answers should be in essay format unless stated otherwise.

➢ Kindly align and number your work.

➢ Convert your assignment into PDF format before submitting it.

➢ Only online submissions via Moodle will be accepted. E-mailed and posted
assignments will be ignored.
➢ Kindly contact us if you have queries or need clarification and/or assistance.
Our contact details are on Moodle.

➢ Use Arial 12pt, 1.5 spacing and justify all your work.

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DPR1502-24-S1 Assessment 2 2024

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Assignment Questions

1. You are a PR director at the UNISA. In your capacity as a PR director explain to the

management of your organisation why it is important to communicate its strategy to its

employees. [6 marks]

2. Communication networks are the pattern of directions in which information flows in the

organisation. Channels of communication (these are networks by which information

flows) are either formal networks or informal networks. Differentiate between formal

communication networks and informal communication networks [5 marks]

3. Communication in an organisation flows from different directions, in your own words

explain upward, downward and horizontal communication. [8 marks]

4. Explain the following types of message functions:

Change functions

Organising functions

Relationship functions [6 marks]

5. As a PRP in your organisation, describe to the management how the organisation can

manage its communication integration processes. [15 marks]

6. Identify and explain four network roles that a PRP play in an organisation. [10 marks]

Technical presentation

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DPR1502-24-S1 Assessment 2 2024

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The technical presentation marks will be awarded considering the following inclusions:
• Declaration of honesty (exactly as it is written in the tutorial letter) (2 marks)
• Table of contents (2 mark)
• Introduction (2 mark)
• Conclusion (2 mark)
• Sources consulted (2 mark)
[10 marks]

Total assignment marks 60



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