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Determination of Optimal Parting Directions in Plastic 1nji:ction Mold Design

Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering, National University of Singapore, Singapore,
Received on December 30,1996

Automatic recognition and extraction of undercut features is a bottleneck in computer-aided injection
mold design. The number of undercuts and their locations affect the parting directions and surfaces. side-
core mechanism, sliders and lifters design. and the overall structure of a mold. In this paper, a
methodology is proposed for the recognition and extraction of undercuts based on their geometricai
characteristics and topological relationships of the molded parts. With the developed software. undercuts
can be classified and recognized automatically from a 3-0 model of a molded part. In order to define the
undercut criteria clearly, a new classification method is presented. Since most of the injection molded parts
consist of curved surfaces and free-formed surfaces, recognition and extraction of these surfaces are also
introduced. After all the undercuts are extracted, the optimal parting direction is chosen based on the
proposed criterion of considering the number of possible undercuts and their corresponding undercut
volumes. From the case studies on several industrial parts, the methodology developed is found to be
efficient in determining the optimal parting direction of injection molded parts.
Kevwords: Injection. Molding,‘CAD.

1. Introduction number of visible directions. The visible direction

Although more plastic parts are used in engineering represents one of the infinite number of possible parting
and consumer products, plastic injection mold-making and directions. As a continuation of Chen’s work, Weinstein et
molding industries are fast expanding, their production al. [5]used the mutual visibility criterion to determine the
runs are typically of small lot-size and with great varieties. concave and convex regions of a molded part. The parting
There is a high demand for shorter design and direction is generated based on the allowable draw range
manufacturing lead time of injection molds as product life of the concave region which, in turn, is determined by the
cycles are becoming very short. It is imperative that: (a) intersection of every surface draw range. For curved
the design and manufacturing lead time be reduced: (b) surfaces, however, it is difficult to define the surface draw
dimensional accuracy and overall quality be increased: range in this manner as the concave regions can be
and (c) design changes can be easily accommodated [I]. composed of curved and free-formed surfaces. Shin and
To solve these problems, one way is to shorten the Lee (61 presented a procedure to recognize the undercuts
processing time by using automated manufacturing by checking the interference faces between the product
processes and equipments; another way is to reduce the and mold. This method can only be used to determine if
design lead time. Automating the design of injection molds side-cores or side-cavities are needed and to provide
using a CAD system is currently a preferred method to information for the design of sliders and lifters because the
solve the problem. In a computer-aided injection mold parting directions and surfaces are first chosen as a
design system (CAIMDS), the generation of parting known condition. Besides these approaches, Mochizuki et
directions and surfaces, slider and lifter, and side-core al. [7] and Ganter [8] also reported their work on this field.
mechanisms automatically is one of the important steps. Their methods are limited to planar surfaces and could not
Recognition and extraction of undercut features and the deal with internal undercuts, inside external undercuts and
automatic determination of the parting direction are the the undercut conditions of the parts with free-formed
first few issues to be resolved. surfaces. Although the geometry of the molded parts is
Although the determination of undercuts is important in limited to planar surfaces or simple curved surfaces in
CAIMDS, there are relatively few published works these approaches, their methodologies and algorithms are
because of the complexity of injection-molded parts. Chen general in nature and can be applied to complex surface
et al. [2,3] obtained the parting direction of a mold based features. All these approaches are good exploratory work
on the minimization of undercuts which require side-cores in automated design of injection mold.
or side-cavities for molding. They presented an algorithm 2. Types of undercuts and their classification
based on the visibility of a surface along a certain Undercuts can be defined as the convex and concave
direction. If the surface is not completely visible. an portions of the molding that cannot be removed from the
undercut may exist in that direction. Their approach, mold along the parting direction. If the possible undercuts
however, did not take into account of the internal cannot be molded in by cores and cavities, they will
undercuts. Rosen et al. [4] presented an algorithm from require the incorporation of a side-core or side cavity in
the viewpoint of geometric reasoning. Their principle is the mold structure. In determining the optimal parting
nearly the same as Chen’s. The shortcomings of these direction, all the possible undercuts should be recognized
methods are the difficulty in determining the nature and and extracted first.

Annals of the ClRP Vol. 46/1/1997 429

The undercuts can be classified into two types: Inside external undercuts consisting
external .and internal undercuts. The external undercut is edge-loop2
of internal adjacent surfaces
the restriction region which prevents the molding from i
being withdrawn from the cavity, and the internal undercut
Target surface Internal edge-loop3 1
is the one that prevents the molding from being ejected
from the core. The external undercuts can be further
classified into inside and outside external undercut. In
order to define the inside external undercuts shown in :
Fig.l(a), the target surface is investigated. It is found that
I , sui-face I
,/ ;Target surface I,
i ” ‘L/
the edges of the target surface form the different edge- I ’ _ ’ j
loops in which the edges are linked together. The largest
edge-loop is the outside boundary of the target surface
1 ?External edge-loop1
and is designated the external edge-loop like external
edge-loop1 as shown in Fig.l(b). The other edge-loops (a) (b)
lying inside the largest edge-loop are known as the Fig.1 Inside external undercuts and their edge-loops
internal edge-loop as internal edge-loop2 and edge-loop3.
On the other hand, from the viewpoint of surface features. AL,(Ray direction)
the adjacent surfaces (S,) of a target surface are
classified into external and internal adjacent surfaces. In
Fig.l(a), the target surface is the top surface of the block,
the external adjacent surfaces are four-sided surfaces. Its
internal adjacent surfaces compose two undercuts lying
inside the target surface. The internal adjacent surfaces
can be divided into different groups in which the adjacent
surfaces are linked together and form an undercut. Based
on these definitions, it is found that the internal and
external edge loops are the intersection boundaries of the
internal and external adjacent surfaces with the target
surfaces respectively. Therefore, the inside external
undercut is composed of the inside adjacent surfaces and
its intersection boundary with the target surface is the
internal edge-loop. The outside external undercut is a kind I
! V.., Vl
of boundary perturbation which is constituted by the whole ---* L,!
target surface and its adjacent surfaces. The undercuts \J,-l (Ray direction)
are classified in such a way that it is easy to set up their
determining criteria. Similarly, the internal undercuts can
Table 1 Criteria and U, of outside external undercuts
Types Three-S, I Four-SA More than
four-S, Fig.2 Cases of outside external undercuts
Cases Fig.2(b) Fig.2(c)
also be classified into inside and outside internal
Undercut ’
(1) Lk 0.XI, > (1) VJ.2, VI.1 undercuts. The definitions are similar to the above.
criteria xk (i=1.2.3)
and v, 3. External undercuts
and x,, < xk constitute a
OR L, < 0, x,, concave 3.1 Outside external undercuts
< xr (j=1,2.3) portion and Let x, and L, be the centre coordinates and the
and x,, >xk v1+!,v , . ~and directional cosine or centre normal vector of the target
surface F, respectively, and x,, be the centre coordinates
(2) P: Nil V,.3 form
of the adjacent surfaces. Let L,=MaxJL,J,where k is the
another one
coordinate axis in which the component of directional
( 2 )P: Nil cosine is maximal. There are three types of possible
outside external undercuts. The undercut criteria and
Undercut (1) L,, when L, (1) L,. when L, undercut directions (U,) of the specific cases shown in
direction L,, 2 0 and L, L,, 2. 0 Fig.2 are listed in Table 1. In order to determine if an
;,,2 0, (i=1,2.3), undercut is an outside external undercut, a ray in the
OR -
OR normal vector direction of the target surface F, is fired. If
the number of intersection points (P) of the ray with the
(2) (L, x Ll, + (2) (4 x L,, +

molding is zero excluding the point from which the ray is

Lz, x L,) I IL, x La, x LJ I L, x
cast, the undercut is an outside external undercut. For the
L,, + L, x L. I, L,, + L, 4 I* above three types of outside external undercuts, only one
when L, L,,< when L, L., < case is given. The other cases and their criteria can be
0 or L, L2,< 0 or L, L3,< 0. developed based on the geometrical characteristics and
0. topological relationships of the molding.
3.2 Inside external undercut
Fig.3(a) shows two types of inside external undercuts,
a boss on the target surface and a hole. The procedures
to recognize the undercuts are as follows:

which is retracted during the ejection phase. Fig.4 is an
illustration of internal undercuts. There are also two types
of internal undercuts, namely inside and outside internal
undercuts. The criteria of internal undercuts are similar to
external undercuts. If the undercut is an internal undercut,
the rays in U, and -U, will have more than one
intersection point with the molding besides the point in
which the rays are cast. In Fig.4. if Ray 1 is in U,, there
are two intersection points between the ray and the
molding excludinG the point from which the ray is cast.
(a) (b)
Fig.3 Inside external undercuts Similarly, Ray 2 has more than one intersection excluding
Internal undercut the casting point.
5. Curved-surface Undercuts
The main curved surfaces used in the moldings are as
5.1 Cylindrical surfaces(CY) and conical surfaces(C0)
Based on the number of vertices (V), edges (E),
adjacent surfaces (SA),and the intersection points (P) of
Fig.4 Internal undercuts rays in the directions along A, or opposite A, with
(a) Extract all edges of F, and divide them into different the molding excluding the casting point, there are five
groups. In each group, the edges should link together and types of C Y and CO as summarized in Table 2. U, can be
form an edge-loop. If the number of the loops is N. the determined according to the connecting surface (Sc) with
possible undercut number will be (N-I). the molding and the adjacent surfaces of S, (top adjacent
(b) Determine the external edge-loop, which constitutes surface). S, (bottom adjacent surface) and S, (middle
the outside boundary of the target surface, the other adjacent surface).
internal edge-loops and the centres of these edge-loops.
5.2 Spherical surface
Let xv, be the coordinates of each vertex of an edge-loop,
the edge-loop centre xv is: A spherical surface and its adjacent surface can form
X F ( xv, + xv, +....... xv,) / n (1) an undercut. Let h be the distance between the spherical
If there is no loop vertex, the loops will be the intersection centre and its adjacent surface and LA,be the directional
boundary of the revolutionary surfaces with the target cosine of S, (If the spherical centre is outside its adjacent
surface. The loop centre is at the centre of the surface. h>O, otherwise. h<O). The undercut direction
intersection boundary, as shown in Fig.3(b). determined based on the location of the sphere centre is
(c) Fire a ray in L, from xv. If P is equal to two including summarized in Table 3.
the point from which the ray is cast, there exist a boss or 5.3 Revolved surfaces and B-Surfaces
block on the surface which becomes the possible The vertices. edges, adjacent surfaces can be
undercuts as shown in Fig.3 and a side-cavity is needed recognized and extracted from the surface models of the
for molding. If there is no intersection point, there may revolved surfaces and B-Surfaces. For a given B-surface.
exist an undercut and a side-core is needed. it can be recognized by the parametric coordinates !u, v]
(d) Determine the undercut direction. The adjacent or absolute coordinates. Any point coordinates and
surfaces whose edges constitute the internal edge-loop normal vectors of the surface can also be extracted. After
form the inside undercuts and its U, can be determined the geometrical information and topological relationships
based on the centre normal vectors of these adjacent with other adjacent surfaces are determined, the undercut
surfaces or their axis directions. If they are all bounded can be identified based on these relationships using the
planar surfaces and B-surfaces, and L:;(j=1.2 ....n. n is the previously mentioned criteria.
surface number) are the directional cosines at surface 6.Criterion of oDtimal Dartina direction (0,)
centre, U, should be in the direction of 0, is selected by maximizing the number of undercuts
(L,, x L, + L, x L, +....... L,.,,, x L,,) I I L,, x L, which can be molded in by the main core and cavity or
+L,i x Ldi +....... L,-,,i x Lni1 (If n is an even number) minimizing the number of undercuts which can only be
OR molded in by side-cores or side-cavities. Our approach,
(L,, x L,i + L, x Ldi +....... L",, x L,,) / I L,, x L, however, considers not only the number of undercuts but
+L,, x Ldi +....... L,, x L,i I (If n is an odd number) their volumes as well. If the x direction is chosen as the
If they are revolved surfaces, U, should be in the axis parting direction, the possible undercuts with an undercut
direction A, or their resultant direction as shown in direction not parallel to the parting direction will be the
Fig.3(b). real undercuts. Let all the possible undercuts be divided
(e) Determine the undercut centre. Let xud be the centre of into different groups such that each group has the same
the inside external undercut and it can be determined undercut direction and Vq(x) be the volume of the jth
from xj and undercut in the ifh group, 0, will be selected based on
x Ud =(x,,+x*i+ ....... %I) 1 n (2) the following criterion:
4. Internal undercuts
The internal undercut can be molded in by a form pin v , ~itm
=.y[C ~ ,,(x)l (i=1.2 ,...n) (3)
' I=)

Optimal parting
Table 2: CY and CO and their undercuts 9 \3 \4 direction
Properties UD
V: Nil CY:
E: Two U,: Rayl or
P: Two Ray 2
Sn: ST and GO:
SB U,: Rayl If
Sc: ST or SB sc=sg
V: Nil CY:
E:Two UG: Rayl Optimal parting :.
P: One co: direction 'Y
S*: ST and U,: Rayl Fig.5 The case study
s3 undercuts. 0, is determined based on these undercuts. It
sc: Sr. ss is found that No. 1 and No. 10 undercuts need side-cores
and itself. for molding, but No.2-9 undercuts can be molded by the

V: Nil CY: core and cavity.
E: Two UG: Rayl or
8. Conclusions
yt P: Nil Ray 2
An efficient algorithm for automated recognition and
Sc: itself. co: extraction of possible undercuts and generation of an
Ray2 Uo: Ray2
optimal parting direction based on the geometrical
V: Four CY:U,: +A,
characteristics and topological relationships of injection

E: Four or -AD. if
molded parts is described in the paper. A new
S:, Sc=S, or
classification of undercuts and the criteria of all types of
Three(&. S,; i AD if
undercuts are presented. The optimal parting direction is
S8and S, ) sc=s,.
generated based on the proposed criterion of considering
C o : u ~ :+AD
Ray? the number of possible undercuts and their corresponding
or i A,
undercut volumes. A case study shows that the
methodology developed is able to provide solutions to
Table 3: Spherical surface undercuts complex molded parts.

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