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Speak about 15 minutes total; max. 75 points

Task 1 | contact

Situation: You would like to get to know your conversation partner better and ask him/her
so he had a few questions. Try to get as much information as possible. For example, talk about the following
• Surname

• where she/he comes from

• Where she/he lives
• How long she/he has been learning German
• where she/he learned German
• what profession she/he learned
• …

The examiner can also ask you further questions.

Task 2 | Conversation about a topic

Read the information on the supplement carefully. Then tell your conversation partner about it. She/he has other information on the same
topic and will tell you about it as well.

Then have a conversation on the topic “With or without a car into the city?” What is your opinion on this? For
example, tell us how you move around the city.

Task 3 | Solve a task together

Situation: In the last week of the summer holidays you have no childcare place for your child. Your conversation
partner is in the same situation. Think together about who can look after the children.

You have already made notes about everything that needs to be organized.


J When work/course/dates?
J What activities for the children?
J In which apartment?
J Food/snack?
J Overnight stay possible?
Y ...?

ÖSD certificate German Austria B1 m | Model set | Vers. 2.0 © 1

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Speak about 15 minutes total; max. 75 points

Task 2 A | Conversation about a topic

You have read three statements in a newspaper on the topic “With or without a car into the city?”

John (28):
Cars are a problem for the environment. The
exhaust gases pollute the air and the street
noise is annoying.
For this reason I don't have a car and use
public transport.

Maja (39): I
live in the country and have to drive 70 kilometers
to work every day. It's quicker by car. There are
simply too few train connections.

Erika (65): I
have an annual ticket for seniors. It's cheap
and I can use all means of transport in the
city. It is also environmentally friendly.

Your conversation partner reports on his/her information on this topic.

Then briefly report on the information you have.

Then talk together about the topic “With or without a car into the city?”, for example about how you get around the city.

ÖSD certificate German Austria B1 m | Model set | Vers. 2.0 © 2

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Speak about 15 minutes total; max. 75 points

Task 2 B | Conversation about a topic

You have read three statements in a newspaper on the topic “With or without a car into the city?”

Simon (20): I
almost always ride my bike in the city. When
it rains, I take public transport. A car in the
city is just stress!

Dragan (44): I
almost never use public transport! There are
always too many people and you wait so long!

I also need the car for work, I have a carpentry


Selma (32):
The public transport here is great! They drive
so often and are on time. I can get to school
and kindergarten safely with my two children.

Your conversation partner reports on his/her information on this topic.

Then briefly report on the information you have.

Then talk together about the topic “With or without a car into the city?”, for example about how you get around the city.

ÖSD certificate German Austria B1 m | Model set | Vers. 2.0 © 3

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