THE - DONUT - KING - Una Variante Solitario de CUPCAKE EMPIRE

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● Regular game components
● DONUT KING ​tile/card

You are trying to establish yourself in a new town where the ​DONUT KING ​chain of discount donuts
has recently opened expanded. You’ll be able to stay in business if you can generate $100 in
revenue before the ​DONUT KING ​claims too many potential customers.

Score 100 before the ​DONUT KING ​claims 10 customers.

All tiles and tokens above the ​CITY BOARD ​and near your ​PLAYER BOARD ​form the restricted supply
for the solo game. All other tiles and tokens should be returned to the box and are unavailable.

1. Place the ​CITY BOARD ​in the centre of the playing area.
Put one ​GREY DIE ​below each of the yellow and beige neighborhoods, set to values 1 to 5,
from left to right. These are only used to identify the neighborhoods.
2. Place the ​DONUT KING ​tile to the right of the ​CITY BOARD​.
3. Randomly place all the ​CUSTOMERS ​on the appropriate spots on the ​CITY BOARD​.
4. Place 1 ​MIXED CAKE BASE ​above each neighborhood.
5. Take 1 of each ​MIXED FROSTING​, then randomly place them above the ​CAKE BASES ​above
each neighborhood.
6. Do the same with 1 of each ​IMPROVEMENT​.
7. Place two ​SIMPLE CAKE BASES ​of each type below the grey neighborhood. Place one of
each kind of ​SIMPLE FROSTING ​above the grey neighborhood. Place one ​RED, BLUE, GREEN,
and​ BLUE DIE ​below the grey neighborhood.
8. Take a ​PLAYER BOARD​, all the ​BAKERIES, ​and ​RETAIL OUTLETS ​in one colour, and eight ​DICE
(three ​GREY​, and one each of ​PINK, RED, BLUE, GREEN, ​and​ BLUE ​). Place one ​BAKERY ​in the
grey neighbourhood (adjust production and sales levels). Place one ​BRIGHT IDEA ​on your
player board and two others nearby.
9. Select one ​SIMPLE CAKE BASE ​and one ​SIMPLE FROSTING ​from the restricted supply to form
your starting recipe (adjust production level).
10. Place the ​COLOURED DICE ​in their columns. Roll the ​GREY DICE ​and place them (re-roll 6s).

Your turns are played normally, with the exception that you may only use the tiles and tokens
placed above the city tiles and near your player board. All others are unavailable. If you cannot
take an action due to tile unavailability, the action is wasted.

After each of your turns, the ​DONUT KING​ will claim two items from the neighborhood
corresponding to the column you activated during your turn. He will take the topmost and
bottommost items in that neighborhood. There are initially seven items associated with each tile
(from bottom to top): four ​CUSTOMERS​, one ​MIXED CAKE BASE​, one ​MIXED FROSTING​, and one
IMPROVEMENT​. If there are fewer than two items left in the neighborhood from which the ​DONUT
KING ​is taking, he will claim an item from the grey neighborhood (starting from the bottom) until
he has taken a total of two items. If the grey neighborhood is empty, the ​DONUT KING​ will take
from the next column (left to right) in which one or more items remain (starting from the bottom).

The game ends as soon as the ​DONUT KING​ has claimed his 10​th​ customer. To win, you must
have a score of 100 or higher.

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