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a documentary horror tale

by Paulo Salvetti


In the workplace, a woman begins to suffer harassment that turns her life into a horror story.
Based on documentary footage, the play tells the story of this long-standing harassment,
revealing patriarchal devices that put women at constant risk of physical and psychological
integrity. STALKING combines documents, dance, masks, animated objects and fairy tales
to turn the scene into an experience of indignation and denunciation.


(X plays and sings while Actress dances)

X - I'm traveling around this big city,

not today, to see if I can find it
my sunset flower princess.

I still didn't know her face

Just your way of getting around
But look what happened to me
Between bites of my lunchbox
I saw their little eyes

We were lucky enough to work together

It was a welfare NGO

I'm a great believer in fate
Me a teacher, her the same

I'm from the games, she's from the theater

I'm very shy but stubborn
Princesses like that need to be lassoed
And trapped in my heart

Actress - This is the story of a woman who had her head stolen.
It wasn't a sudden assault.
Not even a summary beheading.
A young man arrived from the forest of kidnapped souls
And he made her the lady of his nefarious board.
In his first move, he cut off his ears,
The taste of iron painting her lips
While they clogged their ears until they sealed.
The second time, he took her eyes,
They slipped away in astonishment at the ugliness of his face,
Then stored in a little box of treasures
that he collected.
The nose and mouth, lonely in the senses,
They were anaesthetized after hours of ether rubbing under disgusting hands.
She, who liked to walk around looking at the trees,
He started walking like this.
Until the day she decided to fit her head back on
And cut off his to watch the colors of the fire until it charred.
That woman is me.


Actor - Warnings to accompany this saga: The entire crew of this theater is trained not to let
the boy from the woods get close.
Actress - Even so, in the event of any suspicion, please be aware that there will be a quick
stop just to get him out of here.
Actor - In case you're him, and you don't want your head served at the end, here's 10
seconds for you to EMPTY.

Actress - And it's better to do it on the run.
Actress and Actor - 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.

Third sign


Scene 1

Actress - I've thought a lot about when I met him, and I don't remember. But I think I know
when it triggered in his mind. It was in a very noisy place, a cafeteria at lunchtime... so, he
was already annoying, an X guy who was picking on me. There was some strange talk that
he had come from the Matas. That was in 2015.

Put on a 2015 license plate.

Scene 2

X - Hi, what's up?

Actress - What about you?
X- Better now. Can I sit here?
(Pause) Excuse me, bye.
X - Bye.

Scene 3

X - Hi, you again.

Actress - Hi, Professor.
X - Is anyone sitting here?
Actress - No, make yourself at home.
X - Excuse me. Drama teacher, huh?
Actress - Yes. And you?
X - Games.

Actress - Ah...
X - Can I ask you a question?
Actress - Yes, you can.
X - Do you live around here?
Actress - Moro, why?
X - I wanted to live here so much, it's so much nicer, but I find everything so expensive.
Actress - You know it's not that expensive? It depends on where you look, I live in an
apartment complex, it's a tiny apartment, it's not much more expensive than renting one in
the center.
X - Really? Where do you live?
Actress - I'll write down the address, there are always apartments for rent there, you can
have a look.
X - You're very kind, teacher.
Actress - Great. I have to go, bye.
X - Bye, see you!

Scene 4

X - Hi, teacher, can I sit here?

Actress - Of course.
X - I was thinking that you must like movies, right? And not just those stupid movies people
watch around here, right?
Actress - Of course, I do. Aren't you from around here?
X - I'm from some woods out there.
Actress - Mysterious.
X - Do you like it?
Actress - Hi?
X - Bergman?
Actress - Bergman? How could you not? Professor, I'm sorry, but I have to go now.
X - Relax, good lessons. Ah, I saw the funding campaign for the play you publicized.
Actress - Did you see it? (to the audience) On my Instagram.
X - Yes, I hope I can assist you.
Actress - In this show I'm an assistant, I'm not on stage.
X - I understand, but I found it interesting, I'll contribute.
Actress - That's great. Any help is welcome. Bye.
X - Bye, (to the audience) my sunset flower princess.

Scene 5

X - Professor, good to see you.

Actress - Hi.
X - I brought it for you.
Actress - Wow, a DVD?
X - Look who it's from.
Actress - Bergman's "The Seventh Seal", wonderful, did you record it? (puts DVD in bag)
X - A little cheating on the rights just to make it more exciting.
(to the audience) I don't even have a DVD at home.
X - Wow, I wanted to be an actor so much, but I'm very shy.
Actress - Oh, really? Ah, but actors can be shy too, I'm shy myself, it's all right.

The actress makes a heart gesture with her hands.

X - You're great. Ah, I received the invitation to present the play to the campaign
Actress - Yes, it's the weekend, are you going?
X - I won't lose even if you try to stop me. Are you going?
Actress - Yes, I'm late.
X - See you in the play.
Actress - That's right.

Scene 6

X: I brought it for you.

Deliver heart candies.

Actress - Oh, candy, thank you. You needn't have bothered (puts candy in bag)
X - It would be a nuisance not to bring you something after watching that beautiful play.

Put the candy and the DVD on the 2015 plaque.

Scene 7

Actress - Until then he was just BORING. In the second semester, he kept sitting down to
lunch with me. So I went to talk to one of the classes, it was a group of girls, and I proposed
that we start class five minutes earlier, so that we could finish earlier and get off before the
queue for the cafeteria. I did this to avoid meeting him in the NGO cafeteria, sitting at the
same table, having to talk. That was in 2015, no, it was 2016.

Put on a 2016 license plate.

Actress - The first really strange thing was when he started watching this play we were
doing a lot. I think the play became a trigger too. It's crazy to think: how long does it take for
us to realize? For it to become insistent?

I put up a poster in my house
I took a very special photo
The little legs are showing
Hold and crawl


Scene 1

Sprecher - What about you, who are looking for a cool program for the start of 2017? If
you're alone, if you're a smart-cult prince, if you like head art and if you're looking for that
flower princess at sunset, have you ever thought that you could find all this in a theater near
you? That's right, the play Trigger is back on and, if you hurry, you can buy the whole
season in one go. And that's not all. In addition to the play, there will be a workshop in the
same theater. Have you ever thought about doing theater, being an actor? Putting your
monsters out there, screaming, having some cathartic moments, being terrified by some
crazy exercises, isn't that a good idea? Then write it down: trigger play with tickets for the
whole season + workshop all with no discount for you, obsessive on duty. The combo of
glory. Come on! Don't miss it, you madman.

Put on a 2017 license plate

Scene 2

Security - You know that strange guy who's doing the workshop and comes to see the piece
every day?
Actress - The one who sits next to me every day?
Security - That's right, he's there and says he needs to talk to you. Strange, isn't it? Just
yesterday I asked him if he could sit in the back row, as he sees the play every day, right, to
leave room at the front for those who hadn't seen it yet. He said no, that he had paid for the
ticket and could choose the seat he wanted, in this case on his side. Boy, what big eyes he
has. I'm not going to let you go into the forest alone at the end of the play, no, I'm going to
accompany you, see?

Actress - That fear wasn't mine. It was my irritation, I thought it was strange, I wanted to
protect myself, but it wasn't a fear, it didn't belong to me at first. I wanted to be able to simply
say: "Dude, stop coming after me, I don't want anything to do with you," and that would be

Scene 3

X - I want to tell you that I'm in love with you.

Actress- Look, professor, I'm flattered, but... I think you've got it wrong, you're my work
colleague, you come to watch my group's plays, but I'm married, I'm legal.
X - I'm in love and I made a poem for you.
Actress - I'm not in love with you! And I don't want to receive that poem.
X: But I made it for you.

Actress - How long does it take for us to realize? For it to become insistent? For it to get...
fucking boring?

Take the fold.

Actress - I took the poem.

Put the fold in the bag and place it on the 2017 plaque.

Scene 4

Narrator - It was a warm evening and the theater was packed with excited people. That day,
our princess was wearing shorts and sandals. She was there, sitting in the front row, asleep
at her duties as a smoke blower, to make the play mysterious. The teacher entered, he didn't
even have to choose, he just took aim at our princess and walked over to her. She had left
her bag on the only chair next to her, as if in a lapse of forgetfulness. He waited for her to
remove it and sat down, delighted by what was to come. She crossed her bare legs in an
attempt to hide one inside the other, but she couldn't. No fairy had granted her that. No fairy
had ever granted her that power. If her hair were even longer, she would have thrown the
braids over her legs to warm them from the cold disgust that the teacher's stare caused. He
was no longer watching the play on stage, he was watching her legs, seemingly immobile,
although inside they were invaded by the same disgust that was taking over her whole body.
Disgust, anger, irritation and dread, a mixture that, if it could escape, would blind those big

Scene 5

Actress - After that day I asked the production if there was a way of not letting him see the
play anymore. "We're out of tickets, sorry". But he always bought in advance through

Narrator - One fine day, our princess's husband, who was a brave woodcutter, went to the
theater with the intention of accompanying and protecting his wife.

Actress - The conversation between the woodcutter and the teacher went something like

Lumberjack - What's going on between you and my wife?

X - Your wife?
Woodcutter - Yes, she's my wife.
X - Nothing's happening.
Lumberjack - Yes, it's happening, but what about this falling in love thing? Are you making
fun of me?
X - No, it's just that she's a very special woman, she... but I'm sorry, okay?
Woodcutter - Look here, my boy, listen to me: she's my wife, okay? You don't come any
closer to her, otherwise...
X- Okay, okay, okay...

Actress - But the professor didn't leave forever. The next day, the last performance of the
season, at the end of the play Segurança came to talk to me saying that the teacher had
come to see me saying he wanted to put an end to this story.

Scene 7

X - I fell in love with you because you gave me signals.

He makes a heart with his hands.

Actress - Did I give you any signals? Look, I'm married, don't bother anymore, you're my
work colleague, I'm feeling uncomfortable, do me a favor? Don't talk to me anymore, I prefer
it this way. We'll run into each other at the NGO as if we didn't know each other, okay?
X - Can I give you a hug?
Actress - No.

Scene 8

Actress - I think it was the first time I was firm. This NGO had two offices. He only taught at
one, so I only met him one day a week. He'd pass me, stare at me, but I'd ignore it, he's not
talking to me, he's walking by on the other side, so fuck it, that's how I kept going:
everything's fine.


Scene 1

Actress - At the end of that year I was rehearsing a play with the students from the NGO
based on the fairy tale "Bluebeard". Do you know this story? Have you noticed it? I didn't
realize it until later.

Actress and actor manipulate objects.

Actress - Bluebeard was a manly, experienced man, with assets of all kinds and a lot of
influence, but he had one problem: in the middle of his white face hung a huge blue beard.
Actor - But gee, it's such a smelly beard, right, nowadays it would be a hit.
Actress - Yes, but in those days that was a huge problem because it made it difficult for him
to find wives. So one day he invited his closest neighbors to a party at his country house, all
with one clear objective: to win the couple's youngest daughter.
Sandrinha - That's me. Hello everyone, I'm Sandrinha, how are you?
Bluebeard - (singing) Between bites of my marmite, I saw your little eyes. (to her) Hello
Sandrinha, how are you? Are you enjoying the party?
Sandrinha - Hi, Mr. Barba. I'm enjoying it, I was just looking for a little canape, but never
Bluebeard - So you like canapés?
Sandrinha - You're kidding, I love canapés, I could spend my whole life with canapés and
bourdeaux wine. Seriously, I think it's delicious, hummm.
Bluebeard - Sandrinha, my darling, will you marry me?
Sandrinha - But, gee, that fast?
Bluebeard - I think we have everything in common. In my castle there's a fridge full of
canapés and lots of bottles of bourdeaux in the cellar.
Sandrinha - My goodness, what a delight.
Bluebeard - Everything for you. Just don't get fat, eh?
Sandrinha - Okay, let me think about it for a moment. I did. The case. We'll get married. I'm
married, what a thrill.
Bluebeard - Whew... My wife Sandrinha, I hope you don't mind, but I have to leave today for
a business trip that should last a week.
Sandrinha - Oh, Babs, I can go with you, my love.
Bluebeard - Going with me on a business trip, what year do you think it is?
Sandrinha - Oh, sorry. I'll be on my own then.
Bluebeard - There's a lot here for you to explore, my dear. As soon as I've finished, I'll come
running back to you. Here are the keys to the whole castle, you can look at everything.
Sandrinha - Wow, there's even a gold one here, how sweet.
Bluebeard - That's the only one you need to protect yourself from, because it opens the only
room you won't be able to approach, let alone open or enter. Can I have your word?
Sandrinha - Of course, my love, which door is it?
Bluebeard - The golden one over there. Careful, eh? Bye my beloved, I'll be back soon.
Sandrinha - Bye Babs. Ouch, ouch, I'm alone, there's no one to see, (to the audience) right?
I'll open the golden door. I wonder if it's a stock of canapés? (opens the door) Wow, it's dark.

Oh my God, a bat. Fuck, I've dropped the key, hmmm it's wet, what is it, is it burgundy? Hi
young lady, what's your name?
Actress - Livia.
Sandrinha - Hi, I'm Sandrinha. Can you help me light up here?
Actress - Of course, Sandrinha.
Sandrinha - Miss, what's that on the wall?
Actress - Wow, Sandrinha, it looks like a body.
Sandrinha - Ahhhh, fuck me, it's a dead woman in a frame.
Actress - Sandrinha, there's more.
Sandrinha - Another one, three, four, five, six. Fuck, it must be all of Babs' ex-wives, fuck, I
must be next.
Bluebeard - Sandrinha, my love, I'm back.
Sandrinha - Wow, already, I thought you'd take longer, I couldn't stand it.
Bluebeard - Now give me back the keys.
Sandrinha - Hello?
Bluebeard - The keys to the palace.
Sandrinha - Chaves?
Bluebeard - Yes, my love, give me back the keys immediately.
Sandrinha - Wow, I think I left it at my mother's house.
Bluebeard - Sandrinha, don't joke about something serious, I demand the keys now.
Sandrinha - Let me look through my things.
Bluebeard - I said it now.
Sandrinha - This one?
Bluebeard - What are those spots, Sandrinha?
Sandrinha - I don't know...
Bluebeard - You women destroy everything. You betrayed me.
Sandrinha - I swear I didn't stay with anyone.
Bluebeard - You make me kill you.
Sandrinha - No, my love, for God's sake, I love you, let's be together, love.
Bluebeard - Sandrinhaaaaa.
Sandrinha - Help, please help me. Won't someone put the spoon in? He's going to kill me,

Actress - Sandrinha ran out, terrified. (to the audience) Would I? One day I was in the unit
where I never met him and, from a distance, I saw him coming up. As he got closer, I
quickened my pace, bumped into a colleague coming down and heard the teacher calling
me. I ignored it and picked up my cell phone to disguise my nervousness. I continued

downstairs, and soon I felt him running towards me, and that's when he touched my
shoulder. Ahhh. I screamed and turned around. Then I bumped into this colleague who knew
me. I asked to go with her to the cafeteria and told her I was being harassed. She was
surprised, she thought the teacher was too nice for that. Finally, she understood and also
found the whole behavior strange, not least because X wasn't even supposed to be there
that day. I could only think of one thing: finally someone had seen.

Scene 2

Sprecher - You can't hold your ass down without being disturbed by your madness.
Congratulations, you idiot, who can't even respect the workplace. You're so stupid that you
probably didn't even notice the gravity, but you were seen. Now she has a witness. Hooray,
you gave yourself up, your colleague saw it and now you're fucked. He's fucked up, ihul, he's
fucked up, he's going to fuck up more. You have to fuck off a lot. That's why I came into this
world, to be part of this fight to defend women. Someone has to do it. And you, escrotão-cult,
let's see if you wake up now, put your ass between your legs and get out of here, because
you know what's going to happen? She's going to tell on you. Denounce, denounce,

Scene 3

Actress - Hi Director, thanks for having me.

NGO Director - Hi, teacher.
Actress - What big hands you have.
NGO Director - Problems with students?
Actress - Look, it's a strange situation, but it's inevitable, that's why I'm here...
NGO Director - Problems with chalk?
Actress - No, actually ...
NGO Director - Problems with the overhead projector?
Actress - Actually, you know that ...
NGO director - Lack of material?
Actress - No, that teacher ...
Director of the NGO - But then everything is fine.
Actress - That games teacher is harassing me.
NGO Director - Uh-huh.
Actress - I was wondering if we could talk about this because the other day he ran after me
here at the NGO.

NGO director - Ahem.
Actress - Actually, I just wanted to ask him not to work on the same day as me anymore. Is
that all right?
NGO Director - Teacher, as a proposal I suggest that he no longer works on the same day
as you. Is that all right?
Actress - That's what I said.
NGO Director - This teacher has been behaving very strangely here at our NGO.
Unacceptable things like tardiness, absences and delays, so much so that a student's father
called us to complain.
Actress - Yes, and look, that's not all, because he also harassed me...
Director of the NGO - Teacher, on second thought, I like to nip problems in the bud. That's
why he'll be fired.
Actress - What is it?
Director of the NGO - Fired.
Actress - DEMI
Director of the NGO - TIDO.

Scene 5

The actress starts cooking at home to celebrate her dismissal. The phone starts ringing and
she has to stop chopping to answer it. She answers the phone three times and only hears
his breathing. The fourth time he sings.

Actress - Hello.
X - Hello, Teacher?

Repeat three times.

Actress - He called a few more times, so I blocked it. That week I had a total of 127 calls.
He was bothering me. He was bothering me a lot. He was harassing me. But I'd never felt...
afraid of dying. In 2018, how long does it take for us to notice? For it to become insistent?
For it to get fucking boring? For it to get really dangerous? As I blocked his number, I
started receiving emails, more precisely on March 22 I received the first one, another on
April 2, April 14, April 29, one more on May 4 and May 7. In a month or so the emails came

Put the 2018 license plate together with the cell phone in the bag.

E- mail 1:
Teacher, I need you. I no longer have the cafeteria, you don't answer my calls. I can still
smell you, you've bewitched me, my Iracema, virgin with lips of honey. Will you let me enter
you once and for all and spend the rest of my existence there?

Actress - And they went on, in a rapid escalation, to:

E-mail 2:
If you don't answer me, if you don't respect me, if you think you can play with my feelings like
this, how can I stay here and watch the ships go by? I want you for myself. If you don't make
it easy, I'll have to look for ways. I'd rather it didn't hurt you, but I'm willing to do anything in
the name of love.

Actress - I replied to one of the emails, on May 23 at 9:30 p.m. saying: I'm copying my
lawyer, in fact it was a friend who told me: just copying a lawyer sometimes scares you, put
in my professional email, which was "fulanodetal@mcmentone. At 0:59, the reply showed
the fear the professor felt. Release the audio, please.

You hear the audio of real funk.

Hello Hello, community

Mc Ment One in the area
This one is for a special girl, ces so connected
Send the beat DJ
is one, two, three
ohhhh, go on, hold on

Livia Vilela, what a beautiful flower

I'll show you how
How do you ask
Come kitten, come with your tiger
That I want to give you,
It gives you a lot of pressure,

It's not a pretty face on television

She's also a thief

who stole my heart
Come, my rose,
give me your hand
Let's get out there
To get to know this world

Go, come, ohh

I'll show you how,
as the union does,
That the hunger to love is dimensionless

Actress - That's enough.

Scene 6

Narrator - Our princess was finally scared. Her way of walking through the streets had
changed, she no longer went anywhere without looking around. She learned that, the
weekend after receiving the funk, he had been at the NGO for a June party, which increased
her tension. Once again, she had to seek direction. So she printed out the emails, of which
there were almost ten, and went to find the Director of the NGO.

Actress - Hi Director, things are getting more serious and I think it's good that you know
what's going on...
NGO director - Ahem.
Actress - I've brought here the e-mails I've been receiving from...
NGO director - Ahem.
Actress - I think the situation he's creating puts everyone here in danger.
NGO Director - What?
Actress - He's been coming to the NGO, I think it's very risky for someone who writes such
NGO Director - You said: do you put the students in danger?
Actress - And the staff and I, in danger.
NGO Director - Professor, are you serious? Please be clear.
Actress - I'm going to show you just a little piece of one of the many emails he sent me. In
this one, for example, he describes a dream about a conversation with a wise man
(audience breaks). I'll read you an excerpt from the actual email. The wise man says: The
strategic plan is this: you're going to seduce her, win her over, little by little. Then, little by

little, you will abandon her. Conquer her and abandon her, hold on and let go, love and
unlove. Understand? You'll create a dependency, an addiction. When she's completely into
you, to the point where she can no longer conceive of life without you. That's the moment.
You'll write letters, pretending to feel something. Do you know how to fake feelings? And
when the time comes, you'll know what to do. I know! Then I'm going to murder you and
butcher you. In small pieces to fit in several jars. Good idea, you psychopath! That surprised
NGO director - You can't come to the NGO anymore, teacher. Stay at home. Stay at home,
for God's sake.
Actress - I don't want to stay at home, I want to work. I want to live. It's not fair that I'm
hurting myself because of him.
NGO Director - You won't be harmed. It will be paid leave. Professor, in the name of the
NGO and my zeal for general integrity, I am even prepared to call the police.
Actress - Do you think he's going to kill me in the street?


NGO Director - Yes.

Director of the NGO - Professor...

Actress - I can't believe he's there...
NGO Director - He's playing the guitar out front.

Put the email in a bag and stick it on the 2018 sign.

Actress - My husband had started taking me to and picking me up from every appointment
outside the home. I asked him to come early and that was the first time I called the police.
Before, I'd only made police reports. The class ends, the students are sent away, I'm trapped
inside the classroom, they turn off the lights in the whole NGO, the police arrive at the front,
they frame him, my husband goes in the back, I sneak out. That day, I was taken off work.


Scene 1

X sings and plays for the audience.

X - Every breath you take

And every move you make
Every bond you break
Every step you take
I'll be watching you
Every single day
And every word you say
Every game you play
Every night you stay
I'll be watching you
Oh, can't you see
Do you belong to me?
How my poor heart aches
With every step you take?
(Let down your hair
Let down your hair)

Repeat the song with simultaneous translation

Actress - Every breath you take

And every move you make
Every tie you break
Every step you take
I'll be watching you
Every day
Every word you say
Every game you play
Every night you stay
I'll be watching you
Oh, don't you see
That you belong to me?
How my poor heart aches
With every step you take?
Throw me your braids

Throw me your braids

Audio from the doormen

1 - The concierge staff, good afternoon. Today, at around 1:27, a guy came here after Livia,
the owner of X. The owner doesn't live here, her apartment is rented out, but her mother and
sister live here at X and X do X. And it's a guy who seems to be a normal guy, you know, but
this guy is stalking her and she's even been ordered not to go near him. In short, if anyone
comes here after Livia, he said his name is X, but if anyone happens to be after Livia, don't
let anyone in without Ms. X's permission. This guy, he's dangerous, he's been chasing her
for a long time. All right?

2 - Then he identified himself as Investigator Gomes. Then he asked about Lívia, right, if she
was there. I said that there was no one with that name, that I already knew that the element
had passed, right, that it had already come there. Then I asked, please, your functionary.
Then he said, it's not because I'm in love with her, she's not answering me, so I said there's
nothing I can do about it, there's no one here with that name. Then I told him that I was
going to call the police, and he said, no, I'm sorry, it was a mistake. He was carrying a guitar,
a vase of flowers, he kept singing in the street and then he left.

3 - Good afternoon guys, the guy who had a problem yesterday with Lívia's business just
came by again, I told him she doesn't live anymore and there's no one to take care of him.
He's just gone. Good afternoon, everyone.

Scene 2

The sound of a telephone ringing in a crescendo.

Actress - Hello.
X - Teacher?

Actress screams.

Scene 3

Audio Lawyer - Hi Livia, how are you? I'm sorry he's calling again. What I was thinking here
is that in order for us to get the protective order, we could try to take advantage of this in
some way. What do you think about downloading an app for recording phone calls and trying

to wind him up while he's recording? It would be in the sense of trying to get something out
of him for us to use in the process, you know? What do you think?

Scene 5

Actress - Hello.
X - Teacher?
Actress - Speak.
X - My God, your voice.
Actress - What about it?
X - It got me hard.
Actress - I didn't say anything.
X - It's not the subject that makes my cock hard, it's you. It's knowing you're there on the
other side, it's hearing your breath. I can almost feel it on my neck. Let me lift your hair to
smell you? May I, teacher? Can I lick your neck? Huh? Aren't you going to tell me?
Actress - Hi.
X - You answer my phone and won't talk to me.
Actress - Am I talking to you?
X - You're more of a listener. Is that how you like it, do you like listening more than talking?
Actress - Could be.
X - Oh yeah, my little teacher likes to listen to dirty talk, what a treat. Look, my cock is hard
here, starting to drool. Put the head in your mouth so you can feel how hot it is. Yes, teacher,
swallow that cock, let me fuck your mouth like this, holding it by the hair. Is that how you like
it? Do you want me to suck you too? Do you want to feel my tongue inside you? Come and
give me your nectar here, my princess. Come and sit on my face. Hey, teacher, I'm jerking
off, are you? Tell me if you're wet. Huh? Tell me, fuck, you're just going to breathe there.
Actress - I'll hang up.
X - Oh, you naughty girl, I want to fuck you, fuck you all over, I want to stick my cock in all
your orifices, you know? I want to come in your mouth, in your pussy, I want your ass,
teacher. I've written down all the times I cum just imagining your ass. That fucking hot ass.
You look like you like it, don't you? Tell me.
Actress - I don't want anything to do with you.
X - Yes, you do, I can feel your panting from here. I don't know if you know this, but it's
called a hard-on.
Actress - No.

X - You don't have to pretend to be modest, teacher. I like you naughty, coming to my house
without panties, ready for me.
Actress - I'm hanging up.
X: Wait just a little longer, come on, teacher, wait for me to come. Just say something dirty to
me. I called today to spend June 12th with you, so we could fuck together like this and mark
the date...
Actress - Is that what fucking is to you? Talking shit like that on my phone. Grow up, boy,
learn to fuck and don't come filling my bag with your stupid fantasies. Why don't you go back
to the woods you came out of, huh? (He hangs up) Why don't you go back there and bury
yourself so the world never sees your face again. You scumbag, you bastard, you bastard,
you go back to the shit you came from, you shit, you shit, you shit, you shit.

Scene 4

Narrator - Although I tried to get something out of him that was relevant to the proceedings,
he didn't say anything that could be useful for this case. So, our princess...

Actress - Our princess is a fucking baghead. The call came to nothing because saying that
he wanted to fuck all my orifices, in court, means almost nothing against him. In order for me
to use it in the case and make it relevant, he would have had to say that he wanted to kill
me, rape me, behead me, cut me, mutilate me, dismember me. Since then, I've had post-
traumatic stress disorder. I had stomach pains, started having nightmares and waking up
choking on the image of him in front of me. I started shaking, crying spells, stopped working,
stopped going out, had a kidney infection and finally Burnout.
Narrator - Breathe Livia.
(pause) Despite this, with everything we had gathered so far, in October 2018 I obtained a
protective order. Because of this, he could no longer make contact and had to keep a
distance of at least three hundred meters. After finding out everything, the family took him
back to Matas so that I could be more at ease. (Pause) At least for a few months.

Episode 5 - This is not harassment

Scene 1

Actress - It's January 2019 and I'm finally called to the police station to give my statement.

Put on a 2019 license plate.

Clerk - Hello, how can I help you?

Actress - You called me for a statement.
Clerk - Yes, are you?
Actress - Livia Vilela.
Clerk - Author of the complaint?
Actress - Yes.

An alarm goes off.

Clerk - If you'll excuse me, please, but I need to move my knees every five minutes so that
they don't lock up completely, okay? Instructions from my physiotherapist that I've been
following to the letter.

He circles the scene at a slow walk. She watches with suspicion.

Clerk - Very well, Mrs. Vilela. Here's your file. I see you already have a Protective Order.
Let's see what else you want. We can start with the original facts, can you summarize them
for me, please?
Actress - I've been harassed by a former colleague.
Clerk - Harassment, huh?
Actress - Yes sir, he's been harassing me and things have gotten worse recently.
Clerk - Is he, or was he, your superior in the work hierarchy?
Actress - No, he's not, he's Professor X, just as much a professor as I am.
Clerk - So that doesn't qualify as harassment, Mrs. Vilela.
Actress - But if it's not harassment, then what is it?
Clerk - Tell me in more detail what he's been doing to you.
Actress - He stalks me, calls me insistently, sends me emails, sends me presents, the
situation got so complicated that I had to take paid leave from work to try to...
Clerk - Reports receiving calls, emails and gifts. Complains that he has received paid leave
from work.
Actress - That's not what I'm complaining about, I'm complaining that he's taking away my
peace, that I can't stand this man chasing me anymore.
Clerk - She can't stand any more men chasing her.

Actress - You don't understand, I'm talking about a specific man who has been stalking me
for over three years, who has made my life a living hell and has made me fear for my life.
Clerk - Mrs. Vilela, I completely understand your state of nerves. But I'm going to tell you
something very important: it's essential for this investigation to go smoothly, you
understand? At a time like this, it doesn't help to let our feelings speak for us. That's why I
need you to be able to make your testimony more rational than emotional, to avoid
interpretative ambiguities. This is for your own good. Is that all right?
Actress - But it's not... (pause) Okay.
Clerk - What's it like?
Actress - Okay, Doctor.
Clerk - That's much better. How about we start again in a more intimate way then?
Actress - Hello, doctor, I'm Livia Vilela.
Clerk - (laughs wryly) You don't need so much...

An alarm goes off. He circles the scene at a slow walk.

Clerk - Hello, how can I help you?

Actress - (laughs awkwardly) I've come to give a statement...
Clerk - (laughs) Just to relax.
Actress - That teacher X has been harassing me.
Escrivão - (to the audience) Every day I have to teach people at the police station what
harassment is, so as not to trivialize it, you know? Nowadays people think everything is
harassment. (to her) Have you ever filed any other police reports?
Actress - Yes, there have been a total of eight.
Clerk - Well, was the word harassment written on any of them?
Actress - No, sir.
Clerk - And how was the complaint assigned?
Actress - Importunation, doctor.
Clerk - You see, that's the name of it. Importunação. It's always good to call a spade a
spade, have you ever heard that saying?
Actress - Yes, I did.
Clerk - Go ahead.
Actress - What big ears you have.
Clerk - Go ahead, I said.
Actress - This man, he started by sitting down to lunch with me every day, and then he went
on to attend all the performances of the plays I did.
Clerk - So you're an actress?

Actress - Yes.
Clerk - Is he a fan of your work?
Actress - Fan?
Clerk - Go ahead.
Actress - One day he ran after me at work, then he ended up being fired.
Clerk - Was the boy fired?
Actress - Yes.
Clerk - Go ahead.
Actress - Then he started calling me insistently, even saying obscene things, and then he
started serenading me in front of my house.
Clerk - Serenades?
Actress - Yes.
Clerk - How did he get your address?
Actress - I told him one day, in a conversation when I hadn't yet realized the risk.
Clerk - You gave me the address. Go ahead.
Actress - Then he started sending me emails. There were several threatening ones, as you
can see in the file.
Clerk - That's it?
Actress - But doctor...
Clerk - Are these the facts?
Actress - Yes, I can go into more detail if you like.
Clerk - As I said, we need objectivity and rationality here.
Actress - It's just that I got the impression that...

An alarm goes off. He circles the scene at a slow walk.

Clerk - Go ahead.
Actress - Do you really think that what I've told you is nothing?
Clerk - Will you please stick to answering my questions?
Actress - But doctor, he's already made death threats to me, he's said he wants to chop me
up into little pieces, he's said he wants to fuck all my orifices...
Clerk - Calm down, ma'am. Be very calm at this time. A foul mouth can easily be interpreted
as contempt. Would you like some water?
Actress - No, thank you very much.
Clerk - From what I can see here, you still have all your body parts, am I right?
Actress - What do you mean?
Clerk - I mean, legs, arms, head, everything is still in place, right?

Actress - Yes, it is, doctor.
Clerk - But look, that's wonderful, that's a privilege. I mean, maybe chopping it up into little
pieces was just another way of saying it, you know? Those damn ambiguous sentences. As
for me, look at my knees... and I'm not complaining, am I?
Actress - That's right, doctor. It's just that in the serenade, for example, do you know if there
wasn't a gun inside that guitar?
Clerk - That's already an assumption on your part, let's stick to the facts here. Unfounded
accusations could end up hurting you even more.
(pause) Doctor, I'm really scared. Afraid to walk down the street, afraid to leave the house,
afraid to answer the phone, I'm afraid of everything, it's not fair to me. I really, really need
your help for this process to continue until this situation is resolved, I don't want to spend the
rest of my life like this.
Scribe - What would you say is your most obvious fear?
Actress - He threatened to kill me, I'm afraid of dying.
Clerk - But think positively, he didn't kill, everything will be fine, I hope so.
Actress - Right.
Clerk - I can see here that you're a very polite woman. You were nice to him, weren't you?
Actress (to the audience) - I started crying that day, but that's not going to happen here.
Actress - Why wouldn't I be nice to my coworker?
Clerk - Let's consider the evidence that nothing happened to you, in fact, you look fine.
Actress - Would you rather wait for him to kill me?
Clerk: What I want to make clear is that we're talking about a guy with no previous record
and that this process could harm him in the future.
Actress - (to the audience) Harm the boy.
Clerk - I notice that the boy is in love with you. Passion bewilders a man. I speak for myself.
Would you have time for a brief, very brief story?

An alarm goes off. He circles the scene at a slow walk.

Actress - The least I can hope for is that this young man has many, many problems in the
very near future.
Clerk - In this case, in order to proceed with the case, we will need witnesses, you know
how it works, right?
Actress - I have many witnesses.
Clerk - That's good. What would they be?
Actress - I have the doormen.
Clerk - Doormen, okay...

Actress - My work colleague.
Clerk - Colleague, okay...
Actress - My husband.
Clerk - Your husband, okay...
Actress - My mother.
Clerk - Your mother, okay... it only gets better.
Actress - Hi?
Clerk - Go ahead.
Actress - I have the theater's security guard and all the play's crew.
Clerk - Doormen, colleagues, your husband, your mother and the theater staff...
Actress - And I have the Director of the NGO.
Clerk - Director?
Actress - Yes.
Clerk - Director of where?
Actress - NGO Director
Clerk - Director of the NGO. Sounds good.
Actress - Do you think so?
Clerk - We'll call you to testify. Until then, you can rest easy. Breathe, stay calm.
Actress - I'll try, doctor, thank you.
Clerk - Do you believe in God?
Actress - In God?
Clerk - Look, I'm going to give you a prayer that helps a lot of people, it's from the Saint of
the Cause of the Desperate. Pray it every night, my child, and little by little your life will
Actress - Thank you, sir. Can I count on you to help me continue the process?
Clerk - I'm just a small part of it, my child, but I'll do my best.

Actress - (to the audience) Shortly afterwards, my husband and my work colleague were
heard, and the two testimonies lasted a total of 20 minutes. The NGO director's testimony
lasted almost an hour.

Scene 2

X - There will be an eclipse on Saturday night. It would be a waste not to take advantage of
it. An eclipse can change a couple's history. Did you know that the moon represents the
past? When there's an eclipse, you can make the past disappear, annul itself, reset. It's a

great chance to revisit and restart a story. I'll be in a beautiful place, in the middle of nature,
drinking ayahuasca, and it can only get better if I'm in your company. Will you come with
me? Below is the address and directions to get there. It's near your home.

Scene 3

Actress - I spent more than a semester thinking that everything was fine. He'd been taken
away since October, the case was moving along, the witnesses had already been heard.
Then I got this stupid e-mail. I immediately tried to contact the fucking family and all I found
out was that he had been back in São Paulo for months. My lawyer then went to investigate
and discovered that the judge in charge had scheduled a hearing with just the defendant.
During the conversation, he proposed a deal in which the teacher would do 30 hours of
community service and that was that. The teacher agreed. And everyone would live happily
ever after. He did the hours and was already living in São Paulo again, and before long I
wouldn't even have the Protective Order anymore. All without me knowing anything
beforehand. I was exhausted. How long does it take to get to the end? How long will I have
to tell people about this persecution?

The actress lies down exhausted.

Episode 6 - The deaths of X

Scene 1

Sprecher - We're interrupting the regular program for an announcement that could change
your life.

The actress stands up in reaction.

Actress - Cut his microphone. I'm telling the story now.

The announcer leaves the scene muted and angry.

Scene 2

Actress - I need to take control. While a story like this isn't over, and mine still isn't, I don't
know, we need to look for ways to move on, right? Appreciate the moments of tranquillity so
that things start to make sense again. Even if there's still a haunting around every time you
leave the house, every strange call on your cell phone, every suspicious face on the street.
And in 2020 we were able to go to Recife to do a play. It was such an important trip. After so
long in São Paulo, in the tension, I was finally in another place, another energy. I thought it
was crazy because it had been a long time since I'd relaxed walking down the street, since
I'd been able to pay attention to everything, to all the people, you know? I hadn't even
realized that before. And in Recife I relaxed. The beach, the heat, the wind in my face, things
I'd stopped paying attention to. There I realized that it was possible, that I could take charge
again. That life was more than...

The service lights come on.

Actress - Is everything all right? Production?

Actor - Wait a minute, I'll see what's going on?

The actor goes out and comes back with a cangaceiro hat and a knife.

Scene 3

Actress - I can't believe you've come this far. 300 meters! You haven't seen me in person
for two years! You stay here... you're crazy! Go away!
X - Tell your army to stop chasing me...
Actress - Fuck off, go away.
X - Fuck you!
Actress - Go away!
X - Fuck you!
Actress - Go away! Can you please get him out of here?
X: What was that phone call then, you bitch? What was that call about? What was it for?
What did you tell me? Was it a lie? What about all the statements you made to me?
Actress - Go away! Go away! Go away!
X - Then free my heart!
Actress - Go away!
X - Then let me go!
Actress - Go away!

X - Let me go, I'm going free!
Actress - You're free, go away! You're free!
X - I came here... I crossed... seven states for this... what sadness, fear, shame.

The actress takes the chair to go against him.

Actress - Go away! Go away!

Actor and actress stop the action and look at the audience.

Actress - It sounds like fiction, doesn't it? But the worst thing is that it happened exactly like
that. We were putting on a play at the Sesc Santo Amaro in Recife, and I was running the
sound. We put everything together. I was calm, feeling safe, and suddenly, during the dress
rehearsal, the door to the theater opens and it's him, dressed as a cangaceiro.

Take the hat and put it in the bag as evidence.

Actress - Elisa, co-director of this play, was also there and made a recording of the scene,
I'll show you the audio here.

Listen to the audio.

Actress - That moment is important to me because it was because of that day that a judge,
after interpreting the fact that he said he was my husband and that I had cheated on him,
brought me under the Maria da Penha Law. It was one of the first times in Brazil that the
protection of the Maria da Penha Law was applied in a case of stalking. Today, if he comes
near me, he can be arrested immediately. This gave me the courage, for example, to do this
play. This play is also a path of reworking and healing. That's why things don't end there.
Because in my life, this story doesn't end here. I need to be ahead of the game, you see. I'm
a strategist now. You know Death playing chess in The Seventh Seal? That's me.

The actress begins to iron the plastic to close the crime scene, during which she wraps X's
neck, almost without realizing it.

Scene 4

Actress - One day my father came to me and said he could sort everything out and give this
story the ending it deserves. I said: my father, but how? He said: I know people, my
daughter, people who can put an end to this story once and for all. Once and for all?

X dies by hanging. Actress puts up death sign 1.

Actress - I thought, people, there's no way I want to let this take over me, you know,
revenge, this need to repay all the evil he did to me, no way. I would never take that blame.
Imagine if there was a reckoning afterwards, a final judgment and all that? And I wouldn't
expose him to that, I would never say, for example, that his instagram is @xdasmatas, that
his cpf is 277.716.498-78, or that his current address is Rua Manoel Pereira da Silva,
number 801, in Matas Ciliares.

Actress puts a watermelon on stage.

Actress - Have you ever wondered if someone shows up there, goes to his house, throws
him on the floor and then picks up the same chair I used to defend myself in Recife e....

The actress hits the watermelon until it shatters. Then she starts dancing. X then gets up,
puts on death sign 2 and the actress shoots him with a blood gun. She puts on death sign 3
and continues her dance. When he gets up again, she does the Mortal Kombat move. X falls
dead, then puts on death sign 4.

Atriz - Finish him, flawless victory, Livia wins.

When X starts to get up, she stones him, then hangs him, kicks him and pulls out his guts.
With his body dead and his innards gone, she pours gasoline on everything and lights a

The lights go out.


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