Craft Messages

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University of Southern New Hampshire

Craft messages for the project

Ranim Raed

Craft messages for the project

Communications Strategy is a document that reflects the objectives and methods of awareness activities carried
out by a company or organization, including what that company wishes to share with the public and those it
tries to reach. ("How to Write a Communications Strategy," 2011)

I chose Acadia Park Equipment to create a communications strategy.

If we want our company to be successful and reach the largest number of audiences, we must create a great ad
and image about this company, so we must pursue a successful strategy to reach our target audience and make
them see the best of our work and respond to targeting the audience that cares about our products and cares
about everything we offer and keep our audience informed of everything new in our work.
 Stakeholders: There are two types of stakeholders:
Internal stakeholders: Are the employees and owners of the company who invest some money by purchasing
the company's shares or contributing to the company's initial capital. At Acadia Park Equipment, internal
stakeholders are a brother and sister inspired by their love of the outdoors
("Who are the internal stakeholders?" 2020)
The internal stakeholder’s needs:
The most important need for the employees is the meaningful work, then the reward: which is
satisfying the employees when they judge it the fair compensation for their work, regard: which is a
function of personal values such as beliefs and principles. And there is nothing satisfy the employees
such as the admired words from the boss such as “ we are appreciating your efforts” “ good job” and
this will make the leader is growing as a role model in the employees’ eyes. (Ebrary, n.d.)
External stakeholders:They are external parties that influence or are affected by business activities, and who are
in our company the goal is adventure - search for adults aged 18-40.
("The difference between internal and external stakeholders," 2017)
Unfortunately most companies do not make an effort to look for the needs of external stakeholders, one of the least
of these needs is to communicate with customers as necessary and it is important in companies to direct their
products to meet the needs of customers and their land, for example, Acadia company can do a survey and send it to
customers by email to see how satisfied they are with our tools and the company should not exceed customers and
work to improve the community and look for customer happiness and emotional satisfaction. (Ebrary, n.d.)
The communication needs of the internal and external stakeholders:
In addition to the communication skills that employees must have, they must have valuable information
about the company in which they work so that they can answer customer questions, and to obtain this
information, the company must work training workshops permanently to inform employees of sufficient
information, and these should be frequent workshops, at least at the beginning of each season to
clarify updates and development in the work. This information is given in writing to each employee so
that he or she can refer to it when needed. Some of the basic information the employee should know
about Acadia Park ( Acadia was started in response to all the overpriced outdoor camping, hiking, and other
recreational products in the big-box retail stores and sought to create high-quality products at a price anyone can
afford. The company’s mission is to spread the love and appreciation of the outdoors to all its customers and
Employees should always know the information about the park to help the customers all the time,
including: working times in the park and changing those times according to the change of seasons, for
example, in autumn time 8:30 - 4:30. - To get to shopping, shop in the park and toilets you must talk to
guards – starting in November working hours 8-4 and there is a guard or employee ready to help you
plan your trip in the park. - All areas of the park need an entry permit. ("What to expect in Acadia
National Park in October and November," 2021)
There are also some recommendations that should be noted and adhered to, such as wearing muzzles
and not bringing firewood to the park, may be carrying insect pests, and threatening the safety of the
forest, and the car must be impounded to drive on Cadillac Smith Road and not need in other areas.
Wildlife must be respected from herbs, birds, and turtles and not approached or disturbed. ("Acadia
National Park staff offer tips for enjoying the Park this summer," n.d.)
When I want to reach out to the public and make a special announcement about our complaint products, I will
choose one of the most popular social media sites such as face book or Instagram, which are simple and easy for
everyone to use it ,where I will design a special ad that starts with the company's name in bold and clear line,
then put distinctive pictures of great places to camp, and then address the audience with some exciting
phrases, (Have you tried camping using our distinctive tool? (Would you like to have fun with your friends
without worrying about the quality and quality of your tools? ) Then we put pictures of our tools talking about
their quality and advantages such as they are solid, strong, guaranteed and equipped to meet the needs and
comfort of the public. Then I put the ad on the specified platforms and the company's phone number and email
to receive communications and secure requests as soon as possible to ensure the comfort and confidence of the
public, I will also devote part of the ad to people over 40 where I will talk about the health and
psychological benefits of camping and spent time in nature, and about our distinctive medicines that
have been prepared to facilitate their movement and find their comfort and allocate some discounts to
people over 40 in order to encourage them to camp and use our products. ("How to Send the Message -
Good Nursing Writers," 2021)

Why the target audience is likely to choose Acadia Park?

An important thing that helps attract customers and their desire to get our products is to delve into our
history, where we can talk during our messages to the public about the history of Acadia where the
main goal since this company's tais is to meet all camping, walking and entertainment equipment with
the finest features as well as prices over those years were suitable for anyone and this encourages
customers to choose Acadia Park and prefer it more than other companies. Where we can say that
Acadia is a great place, when its owners decided to start Acadia outdoor equipment for all exaggerated
outdoor camping, hiking, and other recreational products, it all makes Acadia Park the best place to
visit. In addition to the company's mission to spread love and appreciation for the outdoors to
customers and beyond.
So, when the public reads about Acadia's history, the quality of the gloss it offers and its thoughtful
prices to suit everyone, all of this will encourage them to choose our products and deal with our

The main goal of my announcement is to meet the requirements of the public by providing them
with the best tools at appropriate prices and the other main goal is to gain the confidence of customers
and bring good profits to the company and the good reputation to get permanent customers of the
company, for me not only profit to get the money big but also congratulates the brand and the fame of
the company distinguished between customers and other companies. We'll be strong competitors
when our work is fully legal and moral and target people over 40 to increase the sale of our products.

In the end I have chosen Facebook to reach the public because social media has become very heavily
used right now, and more than 90% of people use them, I personally know people who follow most of
the pages that specialize in advertising and most people prefer to buy delivery . More importantly,
when people see a special ad with pictures, videos, and discounts, they rush to deal with this company,
especially if the forums after the purchase are of a good quality and the company has a moral
reputation and honesty in dealing with customers whether it is quality, quantity, and prices, especially
delivery at the right time.
And we can know the percentage of customer response to our ads and follow up our products we can
do a survey on the social platform where we put Some questions related to the satisfaction of
customers with our products and our wide spread in the markets and we can give you the space for
customers to write their comments and follow up and respond to them even negative ones and the
number of followers of our pages and ads can give us a close percentage of the success of this
announcement and find out the extent of our products
How to write a communication strategy. (2011, June 12). Wiki Howe. Recovered on March 12, 2022, from communications strategy

The difference between internal and external stakeholders. (2017, April 28). The main differences.

Who are the internal stakeholders? (2020, October 5). Penpoin.
How to send a message - quality nursing book. (2021, August 16). Homework book in the United States.
(n.d.). Ebrary.
What to expect in Acadia National Park in October and November. (2021, October 20). (U.S. National Park

Acadia National Park staff offer tips for enjoying the Park this summer. (n.d.). National Parks Traveler | The Latest Articles
from the National Parks Traveler.

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